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NIM : I1031181002/REGULER A


The Body : Limbs And Joints


1. 1.) Arm
2.) Hand
3.) Finger
4.) Foot
5.) Thumb
6.) Leg
7.) Heel
8.) Toe



6. 1.) Knee bends

2.) Ankle pumps
3.) Ankle rotations
4.) Leg lifts
5.) Standing knee bends
7. 1.) Ankle rotations
2.) 20 to 30 minutes, two or three times a day
3.) Ortopaedic surgean and physical therapist

The Body : Torso And Head


1. 1 = face 6 = head
2 = shoulder 7 = neck
3 = back 8 = chest
4 = stomach 9 = waist
5 = buttocks 10 = hip


2. 1 = in front of
2 = up
3 = above
4 = down
5 = down


3. 1.) a little tired

2.) old exercises is rather easy
3.) she started on the right leg
4.) not so bad. it’s tough at first, especially the left leg, but she could feel she getting


5. 1 (tighten) = e (relax)
2 (bend) = c (straighten)
3 (push) = d (pull)
4 (sit down) = a (stand up)
5 (lift) = b (lower)
6. 1.) When you rotate your shoulder,it helps the muscles in your neck
2.) When you bend your waist, it helps your hips
3.) When you do your exercise, it helps you recover from surgery faster
4.) When you hold a chair in front of you, it clause you balance

Setting goals and giving encouragement


6. 1.) Do the muscles in your arm feel stronger after the exercise sessions?
2.) Thanks, i feel much better today.
3.) Excellent, Mr. Elliot! That’s higher than yesterday.
4.) Can we stop, please? The paint is getting worse.
5.) I find the room exercise easier now then three weeks ago.
6.) It’s more difficult to lift my left leg than my right leg. There’s still a lot of pain.
7.) I see you better today; that’s great.
8.) I think Tilly’s movements are slower this afternoon after the medication.


7. 1.) Good
2.) Easy
3.) Stronge
4.) Bad
5.) Difficult
6.) Easy

Documenting ROM Exercise


1. A. Can you Flexion your leg

B. After that Extension your leg
C. Next, Please Abduction your leg
D. and then Adduction your leg
E. next Circumduction your arm
F. and last please Rotation your arm

2. C = Abduction
D = Adduction
E = Circumduction
B = Extention
A = Flextion
F = Rotation

3. 1.) Prior to
2.) Unwilling
3.) Immobillised
4.) Active rom
5.) Mobile
6.) Discomfort
7.) Limited to
8.) Passive rom

4. I think the patient Joe Felicie

5. 1.) Nauseous
2.) Pain
3.) Only
4.) Swollen
5.) Left
6.) Medication
7.) Normally
8.) Before
9.) Doesn't want

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