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of Printed Pages : 7 MEC-009

MASTER OF ARTS (Economics)

Term-End Examination
June, 2011

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt questions from each section as per instructions
given. Word limits will not apply in case of numerical

Attempt any two questions from this section in about
700 words each. 2x20=40
1. What do you understand by the term 'scientific 20
revolution' ? Explain the radical implications of
Kuhn's position in this regard.

2. What is logical empiricism ? State the contribution 20

made by T. Hutchison in this regard.

3. What is systematic sampling ? Explain the 20

procedure for drawing sample by systematic
sampling. How will you estimate the population
mean of the sample drawn by systematic
sampling ?

4. What type of data will you need to assess the 20

performance of Indian economy ? Explain the
various sources of such data.

MEC-009 1 P.T.O.

Aitclnyt amtfive qacq(vir Jul 1111. so Hell

400 (cord.,: rad?. )

5. St.-ite the various steps involved in pla n in ~ and 12

organising survey.

6. What is the difference between disturbance term 12

and intercept ? Explain the assumptions of
classical regression model.

7. What is lIetero-scedasticity ? What are its 12

consequences ? How will von tackle it.

8. What is gini ratio ? How can you compute it ? 12

9. Explain the various types of price index numbers. 1. 2

What are their uses ?

10. What do you understand by the term Focus group 12

discussion ? Under what situation it is used as a
tool for conducting qualitative research

MEC-009 2
11. Distinguish between any three of the following,, :

(a) Methodological Monism and Methodological


(b) Research Methodology and Research


(c) Sampling and non-sampling errors.

(d) Sample size and Sampling frame.

(e) Time series data and Cross section data

12. Given the following regression results : 12

In Yt = 0.7774 — 0.2530 in Xt

se = (0.0152) (0.0494)

RSS = .0226 r2 = 0.7448

Y= Consumption of milk perday

X = real retail price of milk.

(a) Interpret the results

(I)) Whether the slope coefficient is statistically

significant at 1 percent and 5 percent level ?

MEC-009 3 P.T.O.
[ -•009
410T -Mild
7T-4-t-d iltrarr
r, 2011
711/41.--009 3T471-Mf 3170,117 faf4qt
: 3 VT-7.: „3"ifk/WiT17 :

-/ : 7,71ft ZYTTe r(.; Tit Wr4

V7-41: 3 U 731 #i771- (-77 -t7 u77 77/

fTrZ7f ?3i W.77 ri'‹'

700 W-7. 2x20=40

1. 4.4. 17k4 20
-1d 3TT "T-1-1T1l-, (radical) 1--ii.:6(.1P-i"t
,41-1',71 3:-1 I

2. dIF,
Trr-- `4q-qi-q (empiricism) Wit ? T-TT-q;q 20
IT I T 41J1qii -A717441

3. --TfT-2,1" Tql ? 7-41R-471. 74-ft-q-Ti f4f-T 7517 20

Fii F-11-,1(14 3-1T*1 fi -1:f4 I '&1741.ff
ir“.-1,-.1 -r-Fqf7-T7-17T fiT17. TM 'ARff179-4):z7IT T.475-7q
ch ?

4. 1-117Azi 31.91171T-2.TT .4; fiuTgi r ¶'-1tfrfTT4 20

f*-7 4chR ?
fafqN -,q77-51-

MEC-009 5 P.T.O.
4_gU -

f-4-1.-- 9M-ft§rd if .4 f --T,7ritR--sr.T.4-r ij; ohl)

T;frriTIT 400 :?1'i t 5x12=60

F71:741. TOP,11-71 7:4 Tif4Tifff . f-df9-M 12

""A 4M7.0.1 I

AfaT: (disturbance term) #9-47,1'T (intercept) 12

A;717 t? -1L1411--1 418c.1

7. ffer75-11d1qcil (Hetero-scedasticity) 4,-11 ? 7Tit qzrr 12

fv--7=1" Y*It <-*);) ?

8. fiTt3-T-Itig 'TETT ir 1c ujI 12

9. f-4545r ActR =b.) "1c1TP4I 12

qz11- -qczrr

10. '31filWaTTPFfd-17f4l'it (Focus group discussion) 12

.4 3-114 7:fr RR-1,7r t ? f rRfT2fd-4ff quIR-Hoh
dLichoi tc\Li 1;173 t*-7{T AR-11 t ?

MEC-009 6
11, f;42-if. )T.9-{ -q711T1 :

-77-4 wirr4t‘

1%-:119 -171. t 1 rjr I .-34711171 t?T1f876

)T.4f Q,4 2117 Nf.1--;47-T9 RI

(d ) -I -H. I*1-1, TT c171q9

(e) Ffilr;f ;;1‘ 4-1 4+4-, 10 ii17:11-1. (Time series

and cross section data)

12. 7fit"--. tR4 TT4 TTtrITTT-T9 11#1711I-If 3-TINP; 12

(a) 1Tft-lii+-4 T f9t 9

TIT Till* 1 1;f77Ti 1 5Nt7M.

7.fiit?-icf-Ckf 4 1-17—ff9,11-1 ?

In Yt = 0.7774 — 0.2530 In X t

se— (0.0152) (0.0494)

RSS = .0226 rl — 0.7448

Y ( *LI 14) 1 3T-1141

X= ci-Ct t-rm

MEC-009 7

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