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Design of Undersluice

Head over undersluice = U/S TEL – undersluice crest level = 2.18 m

Discharge through Undersluice, Qu =1.7 (L- k * n* H) H3/2

= 15.223 cumecs

Discharge intensity, q = 15.223 / 4 =3.806 cumecs/m

1 /3
Scour Depth, R = 1.35 ( )
= 3.29 m

Velocity of approach, V = q/R = 1.157 m/s

Velocity head, Vh = V2/2g = 0.07 m

High Flow Condition

Without concentration and retrogression

U/S TEL = 2087.18 m

D/S TEL =2085.68 M

Head Loss = 1 m

Discharge intensity between piers = C.H3/2 =1.7 * 2.18 3/2 = 5.472 cumecs/m

With 20% concentration and 0.5 m retrogression

New discharge intensity = 1.2 * 5.472 = 6.567 cumecs/m

New head over crest = (6.567/1.7)2/3 = 2.484 m

U/S TEL = 2085 + 2.484 m = 2087.484 m

D/S TEL = 2085.6 +0.08 = 2085.68 m

Head Loss = 2.814 m

Pond Level Flow

Without concentration and retrogression

Pond level = 2086.5 m
Head over crest of undersluice = 2086.5- 2085 = 1.5 m

Head over crest of weir = 0.5 m

U/S Water Level = 2086.5 m

Head over Undersluice = 2086.5 – 2085 = 1.5 m

Head over crest of weir = 0.5 m

Total Discharge in this condition, Q

Q = Q1 + Q2

= 1.7 (3-0.1 *1 * 1.5 ) *1.5 3/2 + 1.84 (8 – 0.1 * 2 * 0.5 )* 0.5 3/2

= 14.04 cumecs

Average discharge intensity, q = 14.04 / 15 = 0.936 cumecs/ m

1 /3
Normal Scour depth, R =1.35 ( )
=1.29 m

Velocity of approach, V = q/R = 0.715 m/s

Velocity head, Vh = V2/2g = 0.03 m

U/S TEL = 2086.5 + 0.03 = 2086.53 m

D/S Water Level = 2085.65 m ( From Stage Discharge Curve )

D/S TEL = 2085.65 + 0.03 = 2085.68 m

Head Loss = 0.85 m

Discharge intensity = 1.7 * H3/2 = 0.656 cumecs / m

With 20% concentration an 0.5 m retrogression

New discharge intensity = 1.2 * 0.656 = 0.787 cumecs/m

New head required over crest = (0.787/1.7)2/3 = 0.598 m

U/S TEL = 2086 + 0.598 = 2086.598 m

D/S TEL = 2085.15 +0.07 = 2085.18 m

Head loss = 1.418 m

High Flood Flow Pond Level Flow
S.N Item without conc with conc and without conc with conc and
and retro retro and retro retro
1 Discharge intensity, q 5.472 6.567 0.656 0.787
2 U/S Water Level 2087.1 2087.1 2086.5 2086.5
3 D/S Water Level 2086.1 2085.6 2085.65 2085.15
4 U/S TEL 2087.18 2087.484 2086.53 2086.598
5 D/S TEL 2086.18 2085.68 2085.68 2085.18
6 Head Loss 1 1.804 0.85 1.418
7 Ef2 ( From Plate 10.1 ) 2.8 3.1 0.6 0.8
Level of jump formation
2083.38 2082.58 2085.08 2084.38
8 (D/S TEL - Ef2)
9 Ef1 = Ef2 + Head Loss 3.8 4.904 1.45 2.218
10 y1 ( corresponding to Ef1 0.85 0.86 0.4 0.3
11 y2 (corresponding to Ef2 2.6 3.2 0.6 0.6
Length of concrete floor
12 required i.e 5 (y2-y1) 8.75 11.7 1 1.5
13 Froude Number, Fr 2.229375358 2.6289651904 0.827902795 1.529179075

Provide 14 m D/S concrete floor.

Lowest level of jump formation = 2082.58

Provide D/S floor at 2082.4 m level.

Glacis is provided of 3:1 slope of horizontal length = 3( 2085-2082.4) =7.8 m

Depth of Sheet Piles

Overall Waterway of undersluice= 4 m

Avg discharge intensity = 15.223/ 4 = 3.806 cumecs/m

1 /3
R = 1.35 ( )
= 3.29 m ( Say 4 m )

Provide D/S cutoff of 1.5 R below D/S water level

Bottom level of cutoff = 2085.6 – 1.5 *4 = 2079.6 m

Provide U/S cutoff of 1,25 R below U/S water level.

Bottom of U/S cutoff = 2087.1 – 1.25 *4 = 2082.1 m

Safe Exit Gradient
GE = 1/7

Max static head = 2086.5 – 2082.58 = 3.92 m

Depth of D/S cutoff = 2.98 m

Ge = d

Therefore, = 0.108

From Plate 11.2, for = 0.108, α= b/d = 11

 b = 32.78
 U/S floor length = 32.78 - 14 - 7.8 = 10.98 m

Provide U/S concrete floor of length 11 m

Uplift Pressures

Upstream Pile

b = 32.8 m

d = 2.9 m

α = b/d = 11.31

1+ √ 1+ α 2
ℷ= = 6.177

1 ℷ−2
ΦE = cos−1( ) = 26.36 %
π ℷ

1 ℷ−1
ΦD = cos−1( ) = 18.37%
π ℷ

⸫ ΦC1 = 100 – ΦE = 73.64 %

⸫ ΦD1 = 100 – ΦD = 81.64 %

Correction for ΦC1

1) Due to mutual interference
C = 19 √ b'
∗d+ D
where, D= 2084 – 2079.6 = 4.4

= +ve 1.55% b’ = 32.8 – 0.5 = 32.3 m

b = 32.8 m

d = 2.9 m

2) Due to floor thickness

C= ∗1 = 2.76 % (+ve )

⸫ Corrected ΦC1 = 73.64 + 2.76 + 1.55 = 77.95 %

⸫ ΦD1 = 81.64 %

⸫ ΦE1 = 100 %

Downstream Pile

b = 32.8 m

d = 2.98 m

α = b/d = 11.01

1+ √ 1+ α 2
ℷ= = 6.028

1 ℷ−2
ΦE2 = cos−1( ) = 26.7 %
π ℷ

1 ℷ−1
ΦD2 = cos−1( ) = 18.6 %
π ℷ

Correction for ΦE2

1) Due to mutual interference

C = 19 √ b'
∗d+ D
where, D = 0.1

= 0.1 % (- ve ) d = 2.98 m
b ‘ = 32.6m
b= 32.8 m
2) Due to floor thickness
C= ∗1.5 = 4.08 % (- ve )

⸫ Corrected ΦE2 = 26.7 – 0.1 – 4.08 = 22.52 %

⸫ ΦD2 = 18.6 %

⸫ ΦC2 = 0 %

The level of HG lines at key points for different flow conditions are :

Upstream Pile Downstream Pile

Condition U/S D/S
S.N Head ΦE1 ΦD1 ΦC1 ΦE2 ΦD2 ΦC2
of flow Water Water
Level Level 100 81.64 77.95 22.52 18.6 0
2086.5 2082.4 4.1 4.1 3.34724 3.19595 0.9233 0.7626 0
1 No Flow 2086.5 2085.75 2085.596 2083.3 2083.16 2082.4

High 2087.1 2085.6 1.5 1.5 1.2246 1.16925 0.3378 0.279 0

2 Flood 2087.1 2086.82 2086.769 2085.9 2085.88 2085.6
2086.5 2085.15 1.35 1.35 1.10214 1.052325 0.304 0.2511 0
Pond level
3 2086.5 2086.25 2086.202 2085.5 2085.4 2085.15

Pre-Jump Profile Calculation

concentration and concentration and
retrogression) retrogression
Distance from
Glacis Ef1= U/S Ef1= U/S
the start of d/s TEL - y1 (from plate TEL -
level in m y1 (from plate 10.2)
glacis glacis 10.2) glacis
level level
0 2085 2.484 1.598
3 2084 3.484 1.2 2.598 0.5
5.46 (Jump
formation at
pond flow) 2083.18 4.304 1.12 3.418 0.43
6 2083 4.484 1.1 3.598 0.4
7.257 ( Jump
formation at high
flood flow ) 2082.58 4.904 1

Post-Jump Profile Calculation

If (x,y) are the ordinates of any point with respect to the point of jump, P as origin.
The profile can be worked out as:

High Flood Flow y2-y1 = 2.34 Pond Level Flow y2-y1 =0.3
Values of x
y/(y2-y1) from y/(y2-y1) from
x/(y2-y1) y x/(y2-y1) y
plate 10.3 b plate 10.3 b
2 0.854701 0.37 0.8658 6.666667
4 1.709402 0.59 1.3806 13.33333
6 2.564103 0.71 1.6614 20
8 3.418803 0.91 2.1294 26.66667
10 4.273504 0.92 2.1528 33.33333
14 5.982906 0.94 2.1996 46.66667

Calculation of Floor Thickness

At jump location, t = = 1.40 m ( Provide 1.5 m )

At 4 m beyond toe , t = = 1.29m ( Provide 1.3 m)

At 10m beyond toe, t = = 0.95 m (Provide 1 m)

At 14m beyond toe, t= = 0.725 m ( Provide 0.75 m )
Protection Works

Downstream Protection
Normal Scour Depth, R = 3.29 m

D = 2R – y

=2*4.169 – (2085.6 -2082.4 ) =3.38 m

Provide a launching apron of length 1.5D say 6 m in length and 1.5 m in thickness.

Upstream Protection
D =1.5 R- y

= 1.5 * 3.29 – (2087.1 – 2085) = 2.835 m

Launching apron of thickness 1.5 m whose length = 2.25 * 2.835/ 1.5 = 4.25 m

Provide a Launching apron of length 5 m with thickness of 1.5 m.

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