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(Task 1 – 25pts)
In a Table format, accomplish the ff:
1. Cite as many Hazards found in ONE of the following laboratory rooms
(CAS 303 / CAS 207 / CAS 202)
2. Classify these hazards
3. For each hazard mentioned, give one possible control measure for each
of the following (Engineering/Administrative/PPE)

CAS 303


1. Chemicals and 1. Chemical 1. PPE & good
reagents such as hazards laboratory
HCL. practices.
2. Lights and sockets 2. Electrical 2. Engineering
hazards Controls.
3. Toxic smells and 3. Airborne 3. PPE &
vapors from reagent hazardous Engineering
such as benzene materials & Controls (proper
Chemical ventilation)
4. Repetitive/Sustained 4. Ergonomic 4. Engineering
Awkward Postures in factors control and
experiments or task. administrative

(HASpod. (2018, April 23). 5 Best Risk Assessment Control Measures With
Examples. Retrieved from

II. (Task 2 – 25 pts)

Give the proper disposal method for the following. Enumerate their disposal as in
a step-by-step procedure:
a. Blood-contaminated glassware
a. Broken or not first put it in a puncture proof container such as a
bottle or the likes and then put it in the Sharps Disposal Container/
RED trash bin it will then be collected and buried or be turned into
b. Stool specimens
a. Discard it in the yellow trash bin, properly label the trash bin or bag
then it will then be collected and turned into landfill.
c. Concentrated Picric Acid
a. Discard it in the yellow trash bin with black band, it will then be
collected, neutralized with non-burn technology and will be put in
safe burial.
d. Pathologic Urine Specimen
a. Discard it in the yellow trash bin it will then be collected then
disinfected or treated and then buried.
e. Non-pathologic Urine Specimen
a. Discard it in the yellow trash bin it will then be collected then
disinfected or treated and then buried.
III. (Task 3 – 15pts)
Discuss the principle of an AUTOCLAVE. Give its use(s). Answer in a paragraph

Autoclaves provide a physical method for disinfection and sterilization. They

work with a combination of steam, pressure and time. Autoclaves operate at
high temperature and pressure in order to kill microorganisms and spores.

Autoclave is basically like a pressure cooker but instead of cooking It is used to

sterilized thing that is commonly used inside the laboratory. First it creates a
vacuum in order to remove all the air present inside the autoclave and
replacing it with steam. And then with proper timing and heat for approximately
121 or 132 degree Celsius it kills all the biohazards on the glass wares so it can be
reused again or disposed off properly.

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