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All my reflections so far and in the future

My understanding about self-awareness was a bit narrow five years back. I used to define and
help others to understand self-awareness from emotional intelligence point of view. That is, to
recognize what we think, feel and act at certain moment. Now, I have found that the concept
goes beyond aware of emotions and behaviors. It directly relates to be aware of who we are, and
what self is all about. From the self, which is the infinite intelligence, or consciousness or
universe, self-awareness is something similar to consciousness. It is consciousness that knows
itself. Consciousness is given and present all the time. There is no dimension in consciousness.
However, awareness is to recognize consciousness and become itself.
What are we aware of? We are aware of ourselves. If we end at just aware of only the body or
state of being then that is small part of ourselves. When we act as observer of our body, thoughts,
feelings and behaviors we are directly merging to our true self. That is the highest level of
I made a here and now exercise with one of my office colleague for a long period of time in 2003
and 2004E.C. I expanded such activity and applied to coach other women and few men. It
enabled me to expand their openness and breaking embarrassments from their mind. During this
time, I had a glimpse of self-awareness. Most of my coaching practice focused on their suffering,
especially the residuals of negative emotions that affected their behavior.
However, it is more than twenty years since I started to practice self-awareness exercise on
myself. The starting point was here and now exercise that I learned during my second-degree
study at University of Manchester. Then expanded the practice to myself as well as to others
through meditations and mindful exercises. It was accompanied with emotions. I went further on
the practice after I read Echkart Telle’s book called the Power of Now, the New Earth and
Stillness Speaks. The in depth practice was done through yoga and meditation exercises and
other similar practices.
After all these practices, I feel like I have not still achieve self-awareness even if I have got many
insights about it and found that it is true. The question is what is the reason? Is it lack of
commitment or lack of focus? Is it because of lack of strong monitoring mechanism? Is it
because of the approach I applied or difficulty of changing habits? The answer for these
questions will lead me to find out effective tools for change management. Further exploration
should be made about the impact of collective minds in change management process.
The root cause for not changing myself fully to the required level may be accounted to my
original formation. That original formation again emanates from my families and ancestors.
Someone has to die to find his true self. In this regard, I may learn the practice from enlightened
persons. I have also read most of their books and practices. The effectiveness has still limitation.
Now I have started a new type of mediation that I hope can help me to realize what I am looking
Rupert defines awareness as knowing+ being or consciousness+ being. He also said that
awareness is the presence of that which is aware. In fact he used awareness, consciousness and
knowing synonymously and applied the three terms I context to apply for changing others.
Thinking is mental process or as Rupert said the activity of mind that comes and go. It is the
function of conscious mind. Thinking is below consciousness or it arises from consciousness and
disappears to it. Thinking takes data from memory, sensory perception and sometimes from
awareness. Therefore, thinking once sharpened can enable human beings to do what is required
from him/her in the context of the limited environment. Thinking is the mental process or an
image in mind. When thinking is repetitively performed it becomes a habit in various ways.
These are like paradigm, mental model, mindset, beliefs, values and attitudes.
Thinking can be grouped in various ways. The two continuums include like:
 Convergent vs Divergent
 Concrete vs Abstract
 Reactive vs Proactive
 Sequential/linear vs System/holistic
 Analytical vs Creative
 Negative vs Positive
Positive thinking is our default natural mode of thinking. It is nature’s gift for human being. If
we are naturally gifted with positive thinking then why do we think negatively? How do we level
the positive and negative thoughts? What is negative for someone could be positive for another
This morning a negative thought came to my mind. I just deeply looked into it and that thought
was not created today. It happened sometimes in the past. The moment I faced the same incident
I downloaded the same thought. From this I can say that our subconscious mind can process
anything, whether it is true or false. I think it is our conscious mind which makes the distinctions.
During a dream wild thoughts or anything that we can’t imagine during our awakened state come
and these are taking place in our mind.
Rupert said that thinking is the activity of mind and mind is the activity of consciousness. This
statement in fact needs further exploration.
Body-mind- spirit alignment
A body is a condensed entity of consciousness made as image in mind. Mind is a limited part of
consciousness modified to realize objectified forms of consciousness. In this regards I am
focusing on conscious mind. Spirit is consciousness in its full awareness. In other words, it is the
invisible and infinite part of ourselves that gives energy for the existence of mind and body. The
sequence of visibility is body (more visible), mind (less visible) and spirit (invisible). With a
water analogy, the solid, that is the ice is the body, the liquid, that is the water is the mind and
the gaseous that disappears in the sky is the spirit.
On body-mind and spirit alignment I exercised continuously all the day for a specific period set
for the same purpose. At the same time, I did the same exploration with one of my friend by
establishing our own club. We used to meet at least once in a week and carried out discussion on
the topic. Then we took individual assignments and share lessons learned.
Our sense organs have learned to pick physical data and we are limited to them. That is all about
sensations. Since they are trained in that regard, we have been limited to them and it seems that
the reality is only that one. I have realized that I have been living based on the pictures I have
taken in the past and most of these pictures are about the physical world. How can a camera take
a picture that is not visible? The camera makes the invisible part of the universe as a background
to the picture. The camera makes the invisible as a visible picture with a color similar to the
Earth. That is what we have been driving our life in the past.
So how can I train my camera to take a picture of the invisible world?
This morning when I was driving from home to office, there were many pictures taken
unconsciously. Most of the time on my travel, I was not realizing what I thought or how I
behaved. This leads me to conclude that I am beyond what I think I know. The unknown is vast
and limitless space that does not have color, boundary, and the finite mind does not have the
capacity to capture and explain it. Whether it is finite or infinite mind, it is I. I can be finite or
infinite. The finite part is objective and the infinite part is subjective. The finite part of me runs
the program designed and the infinite part of me is the natural part of me that is always there.
How much do we give attention to consciousness as we do for our body? We dress well, wash
our body, eat and drink what we like, make exercise, etc. These are visible actions we do for the
body or objective world. Rupert mentions this as habit of attending to objects. In this regard does
it mean that we are our body? The consciousness is like the total software we have for large
computers and the body is the hardware of the computer. We can make the hardware beautiful
and attractive but without the software it is meaningless. However, it is easy to say that the
computer is what we observe. The same is true as far as consciousness, mind and body are
concerned. We tend to give attention to the observed object rather than the very essence for the
existence of the object world.
Do we need body to know consciousness? According to Rupert consciousness or awareness does
not need mind and body to know itself. Consciousness exists irrespective of body and mind. It
has been existing and will exist forever without them. When my body and mind disappear,
consciousness is realized by other minds and bodies. What would happen to consciousness, if all
human beings disappear from the universe? It exists.
Rupert discusses that body is mind when we take the image of it or its matter element and only
consider as sensation. Then the sensation is mind. Again the sensation is known by the
consciousness or awareness and finally in this case mind becomes consciousness or awareness.
He states that all experiences appear in awareness, known by awareness and made of awareness.
In this case the three are the same and their difference emerges from the perspective we state
I am consciousness localized through my mind and body. That is the meaning I used to define
who I am. I have noticed that thoughts come and go. When awareness takes place thoughts
disappear. Since thoughts come and go there are gaps between the thoughts. That gap is spacious
or silence (still). That is consciousness. Consciousness is free of objects or thoughts. When
consciousness knows itself that is awareness. On the gap between thoughts all humans are the
On the literature, I have noticed that different writers define consciousness differently. For
instance, Deepack Chopra defines consciousness as all knowers, all modes of knowing and all
things known. He further stated that consciousness is infinite and the ground of existence.
Is the body in consciousness or the consciousness in the body? The materialists view is that
consciousness is in body. Consciousness is the product of organized brain. Idealists, modern
human behaviorists or neurologists, meditation teachers and practitioners believe that body is in
consciousness. Body is perception and sensation in consciousness. I have proofed when I did
death mediation for the last forty days that we are not our body. At the same time, I have a
glimpse of insight about the experience of truth. The body is the false picture found in human
The body acts as a block and limited boundary to realize the truth, that is consciousness. The
data we capture through our five sense organs are so tiny that do not represent the full picture of
truth. The sense organs are only learned to capture the nearby objects. Whereas universe is
infinite. So how can the finite body capture the infinite universe? To realize the infinite universe
we need to have universe mind that is limitless. When we subtract the body what is left is the
spirit, that is, consciousness. Consciousness is emptiness and the source whereby anything is
made out of nothingness.
The body is a mixture of images, sensations, and perceptions that appear in the mind. The mind
itself is a contraction/localization of consciousness. Consciousness and body creates the finite
mind (Rupert Spiral). The question raised is whether consciousness is in the body or vice-versa. I
used to think that consciousness is in the body. After I heard what Rupert argued that body is in
the consciousness and not consciousness in the body, I explored for the last two months. Today, I
became aware that body is in the consciousness. My argument is that if consciousness is in the
body then we are our body. I understand that there is a force outside body. New insights and
creativity comes outside the body. We all are equal in terms of having body. Unless we access
that intelligence outside our body, we remain like animals. This proofs me that consciousness is
not in the body.
The tricky thing in the above point is that body is visible and condensed. The matter aspect
deceives that the truth lies there. It seems that we appear as it appears in the body. That
condensed body is just a sensation of the consciousness as Rupert said. Our mind creates the
image of the body. Body is an image in the mind. If we get the image out of our mind, the body
does not disappear. It exists as a sensation. To feel the existence of consciousness, we need to get
rid of the image of the body. At that time, we realize that we are not our body and at the same
time, body is just the sensation of consciousness. If there is no mind, then can body exist?
Rupert claimed that thought is the activity of mind and does not stand by itself. At the same time
mind is the activity of consciousness and does not stand by itself. Do I agree with this statement?
What can happen if we dismantle thought from ourselves? What can happen if we dismantle
mind from ourselves? On the other hand, can thought exist without mind? On the other hand, can
mind exist without consciousness? When we are in deep sleep, there is no thought as well as
conscious mind. Pure consciousness operates fully without conscious mind and thought. Does
thought exist only during conscious mind? I think the answer is yes. However, what about
thoughts during dream? Can we say dreams themselves are thoughts that are closer to wild
These days, I have noticed that I arrived at my office without realizing my drive. The same
experience happened when I walk. The routine thoughts become habits and the accustomed body
is take caring of my movement or action. The question is, where does the conscious mind go?
When we are on the present moment, our mind only focuses on the here and now. The body is
taking care of the movement or the sub-conscious mind. In this scenario, when consciousness
takes the place we take few pictures or we may not live from picture world. I need to explore
more on this matter.
When I reflected on my experience of driving this morning, I recalled the actions or thoughts I
processed at certain points. These include new broken line on the road, at ring road, when people
crossed the road, traffic jam, looking at the boss’s vehicle. I have been thinking these points in
the past and all of them are related to security or survival.
Yesterday I asked myself the reason why I judged some women as beautiful and found that
during my childhood I had developed a framework of some women as beautiful for me. Those
women who resembled Mariam were considered as beautiful. I identified body structures of
some women. That paradigm influenced my thought and acted as a framework so far.
It becomes difficult to hear the voice of very small insects like flee. To hear their voice or their
movement we have to reduce ourselves to that size. This might exemplify finite mind and
consciousness. My hypothesis, in order to capture very tiny detail data about the reality on earth
or local areas, consciousness reduces itself and become finite mind. That is because of the fact
that consciousness is infinite and eternal. May be collective prayers, can make more force in
order to take advantage of the infinite instead of only an individual prayer.
Rupert states that ‘I am awareness’ or ‘I am that which is aware of my experience’. The point is
that behind all our experiences that include, our thoughts, perceptions, sensations or mind
(thoughts and perceptions) and body (feelings, sensations) there is a background, I. It is I who
thinks, perceives, senses. Or I am aware of thoughts, perceptions and sensations. Then I am
awareness. The question is, who is I? Or I am is consciousness. Consciousness is eternal and
infinite. If that is the case or if consciousness is universal intelligence, then why don’t it manage
the thoughts, perceptions and sensations in a productive way?
Habits, Mindsets, Beliefs
I used to understand that habit is a repetitive behavior. It is an automatic way of behaving and
usually considered as the function of the body. However, I have now realized in a wider context.
In fact it is a repetitive behavior but behind that behavior there are thoughts, mindsets, beliefs,
mental models, mind pictures and overall functions of the mind.
During habit, the creative part of the mind becomes slow or is not actively in operation. In this
case, the body takes the lead and automatically generates from the memory. The origin of habit is
thoughts and it can go far to generations. Some habits can be developed after birth and others
come from ancestors. Mindsets and beliefs are formed after birth through repetitive thoughts.
Once they are formed they become our framework to view the world.
Nowadays I have realized that illness can also be a habit. If someone is ill sometime in the past
and continuously feels in the same manner by generating the same thoughts then it becomes
habit and behave in that same way.
Charles Duhigg writes as ‘habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain is constantly looking
for ways to save effort. Left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into
a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often’.
Yesterday I had executive management meeting and after the meeting, I was comfortable and
considered the challenge as an opportunity to unleash my potential. My mood and energy were
so impressive. When I woke up in the morning, those negative pictures which were past habits
surfaced frequently. I asked myself why this has happened, as I was positive yesterday. The
answer could be habit. I did not completely discard my habits. I can understand how difficult is
to dismantle habits completely from the mind.
According to Maum meditation we are living in the picture world. I confirm this statement. I
noticed that most of the thoughts I had this morning emerged from pictures. In one way or
another, I processed such thought in the past or had judged in the past. When the same event
happened, I became similar to what I thought in the past.
This morning I was thinking about my son. The thoughts were negatives like, what if this
happens type and all of them led to worries. And all of them were false. Then I asked myself,
what if the opposite is true, why not I think about his possible development, why do not I see his
success. The thoughts are negative habits I developed over years. Similar thoughts about office
subordinate was processed. I can see how far my brain has been wired with such negatives.
These are habits developed over a long period of time. As humans, our initial concern is about
survival. Then comes the pride and fame. I know type is also another false picture I captured
from the environment and family.
On the following day I also thought about developing training material for office work. The same
negative thoughts similar to the above were processed. They were thinking about delays, low
quality, what if I fail, fear of criticism of the superior, etc. Again my mind has been wired with
such negatives for a long period of time and could not see the success. These are negative habits
developed during my work life. Their base might be from school by which I was worried about
lateness in studying and completing assignments. I do remember, when I was expected to write
papers and dissertation during my Masters study. There were many incidents whereby I was very
much delayed in developing training materials, reports and other written materials. During my
childhood, there were many incidents whereby it took me long hours to finish harvesting,
farming and digging plants. What type of mind is it? What is the attachment? They are related to
laziness and perfection or I know type.
Self-exploration exercises have been done so many times for a long period of time. I usually was
applied for reflecting new thing or when I got an insight I also journalized in my dairy. What I
gained from self-reflection exercise is so tremendous in various walks of life.
I have been exploring to know whether there is what we call universal intelligence or not. My
interest in this regard started during my childhood. At my early years that is less than ten years, I
used to attend the local priest school. During this time, I was curious enough and attended to be
deacon. That showed my curiosity to know the unknown world. So I served as a deacon at Saint
Marry Church at my birth place. This was my starting point for questing the ultimate truth in
human existence. Since then I kept on exploring about the truth.
One-day exploration
I set a silent one day on April 14, 2020 (07/08/2012 E.C.). On the previous day, I announced the
silent day for the family that I could not talk throughout the day and would stay in the bedroom.
Area of exploration include: who am I, consciousness, awareness, I am, stillness, emptiness,
source, truth, here and now, space and time, object and subject, body, mind, soul, spirit, thought,
perception, sensation, experience. During the silence day I did meditation, became silent and
only be with self, no talking with others and aloud with self, no listening to television, no phone
(switch off), no computer and internet. I stayed the whole day from 8:30am to 9:00pm except I
went down for lunch and dinner. The following reflections were written during silent time.
Who really am I?
I am consciousness localized through my mind and body. There is only one
consciousness. It is formless, colorless, and shapeless. It has no dimension. It is always
the same and found everywhere. I am that consciousness. But I perceive and image
myself as compared to another human being. So, is that possible to say that I am
consciousness? My body and mind are localized and accumulated experience. There are
also other localized bodies and minds. We are all consciousness. The analogy is water-
ocean. Because of topography or wind or earthquake the ocean can disperse and form
many pools. The liquid material in the ocean and in the pools is water. The area they
occupy may vary but the contents are still oxygen and nitrogen.
The same is true with consciousness and human mind. All human mind is a localized
consciousness but each human mind is a small version of consciousness.
Awareness gives direct access to consciousness. When the finite mind merges directly
with consciousness, then it is awareness. Self-awareness is when consciousness knows
itself. It is when we are free of thoughts or finite mind.
What would happen if we stop thinking or perceiving? For example, do we need thinking
during sleeping? Do we need thinking during sleeping? Do we need thinking during
meditation? While we are walking do we need thinking? To give direction for walking
we may need thinking. That is, we set the destination of the walk. Once the end and the
beginnings are set, then we just walk. Who is behind that walking if we take out the
thinking? That is awareness or consciousness. There is a gap between each thinking and
that silent gap is also consciousness. Is that possible to say that there is one consciousness
if every human being is silent at a time? If consciousness is found in all creatures, then
why do rocks and plants do not move and animals move?
Awareness is stillness. Consciousness is stillness. It is constant and infinite. Thought
comes and go. Consciousness may use thinking to know very tiny things through mind.
That might be the reason for the mind to be localized. Do human beings need thinking for
living? Yes. They make day- to-day interactions with the environment. For that, they
need a tool to make decisions. They develop this through practice. However
consciousness it there always. What we need is to be aware of it. If we are already
consciousness then why don’t we be aware of it from the beginning?
When awareness arises above thought, then thought cannot govern or control us. Possibly
awareness can also manage thought.
Why do my mind resist when I want to stay at awareness? May be habit and may be it is
beyond its capacity. There is capacity limitation of the finite mind to shoulder
requirements of universal mind. For that, the finite mind requires exposure and training.
Meditation helps to expand finite mind. The finite mind is accustomed to take limited
pictures about the universe and interprets data from the memory. That has been habitual
and when it is required to change to a wider version of reality, then it resists.
Whatever, science and religious claim about the origin of human being, there were
nothingness before Adam or any species creation. That is the source. After the birth of
Adam or species, we have been adapting the habits. The source is the God. The
difference is how we understand God. It may be impossible to understand God with our
thinking. We can only experience it. For me science is good but missed some aspects of
truth. The spiritual aspect is the missing link.
‘Who am I?’ is a mysterious question that we need to ask all the time. The answer for the
question is not direct. For that, we need to keep on exploring all the time without
stoppage. Why do I need an answer for the question? That is part of universal
intelligence. The infinite mind has an infinite answer. Thus, we need to keep on asking it
all the time.
The current body and mind may need upgrading to shoulder the requirements of the
universal mind. For that, the finite mind resists being threatened.
Universal Mind Finite Mind
Courageous Fearful
Peaceful Unsettled
Holistic/Integration/Unity Separation/Duality
Creativity and intuition Memory and habit
Positive Negative dominance and doubt
Freedom Judgmental
Infinite Bounded or finite
Flexible- Expanded and contracted Contracted and resists itself to expand
Inclusive and limitless Security or survival is top priority
Unconditional love Love with conditions
Knows itself/awareness Relies on existing knowledge
Non-local Localized
Now (eternal) Past, future (time dimension)
Non-dimensional Physical three dimensional

The universe mind does not make comparisons of mini-objects like this is good, that is
bad, this is high, that is low, this is right, that is wrong, etc. as it has concerns about giant
universe. The universe mind is already there to utilize whereas the human mind is shaped
through practices.
The silent day helped me to recognized those routine communication I used to make so
far. To some extend there were temptations to speak to family members but I insisted not
to talk throughout the day until the following day. Except inner speech, I did not vocalize
with myself as well. Sometime in the day there were new insights came to mind that I
wrote in the aforementioned paragraph. The conclusion is:
 We get new ideas when we make our shatter mind quite
 The silent mind gives peace and avoids suffering and pain.
 We get connected to our true self during that stillness
 Space and time dissolve with silent mind
 It enhances focus
 The spiritual self is known by such mechanism and is a door way to the source
 I realized pure consciousness and it can be a good tool to generate new ideas
 There are irrelevant communications we make through the day and we need to
minimize it.
 The more we stay on universe mind, the more we become creative.
Other similar exploration days
Every year on the eve of the Ethiopian New Year I have a practice of being with myself
for a day. I went to a place which I have never been before and evaluate my yearly
performance and plan major activities to be carried out on the coming year. I started this
practice in 1995 E.C. (2003). That means for the last 17 years I have done without
interruption. On the evaluation, I address all parts of me including myself, family, work
performance, professional development and societal responsibility.
I started self-awareness exercise including here and now after I had the knowledge about
it after I attended my second degree in 1991 E.C. (1999). For instance, judgmental and
blame habits of thought, and assumptions about women were found in my thought
systems as per 2003 evaluation dairy. Such practice has been lingering until this time by
which I have now trying to discard by subtraction (Maum) meditation ones and for all.
Paradigm shift
I started the paradigm shift exercise after reading Cobey’s book, the seven habits of effective
people. In fact I did similar initiative on myself in the past. I set to do for 30 days starting on
Ginbot 4, 2011 E.C. The focal capability was to nurture ‘proactivity’ in myself. Key words I
identified to communicate include, responsibility, acting, balance of effectiveness, observing
proactive languages in myself and others, circle of influence vis-à-vis circle of concern.
The quote I took as initial statement was ‘Behavior is a product of its own conscious choice,
based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feelings’.
I evaluated my proactivity when I coached my son, Abraham on his withdrawal decision from
Adama University of Science and Technology. Initially it was my concern but eventually I asked
what my area of influence would be. To coach him firstly I have to find out my paradigm and
question it. My paradigm about education and having qualification on degrees and masters is so
strong. I value educational achievements from that point of view. I also give more value to
engineering qualification than social or other natural science. Such paradigm has influenced me
to have a son who graduated in engineering. Society’s paradigm on doctoral and engineering
qualifications has influenced mine and led me to push him graduate in engineering. That is what
I have questioned and enabled me to see his point of view.
I also identify issues at office and whether that was my concern and influence. I learned that
most of the issues that burned my calories are concerns that I can’t do anything about it. Then it
led me to find out my area of influence.
My methodology was to reflect every morning before I started work. The focus was to review
the extent to which I was proactive in the previous day and areas to improve.
The following are affirmations I created in between.
 I have unlimited wisdom from the universe
 I have abundant solutions from the expanded self
 I am very much deep in knowledge
 I am full of new ideas
 All my ideas come from the unknown self
 I am aligned to the unknown self
 I have curious mindset
 My mindset is developmental
 What I know so far is just very small part of me
 I am possible
 I have unique qualities in finding something new
 I am expanded
 I am vast
 I am in the journey of joining the big club
 I am a solution to this world
 I am so dynamic
 I am a creator of solutions
 I am courageous
 I am confident with my capability
 I am what I am
 I am living from the higher self
Five senses
I have searched on the relevance of five senses focusing on how they can be our skills. The
starting point was one of our learning club that was designated as community of practice. This
was initially presented by one coordinator of the community of practice, Nadia. After her
explanation each one of us was given assignment to explore in a given sense and present to the
Then I applied it for coaching and on leadership or change management training. Then I
developed what skills we can develop on each sense as described here under.
 Seeing in time horizon- short vs long
 Seeing perspectives
 Seeing alignment
 Seeing clarity
 Seeing the unseen
 Listening for possibility
 Listening enhancement
 Listening positive regard
 Listening both
 Listening feasibility
 Feeling courageous
 Feeling powered
 Feeling success
 Feeling commitment
 Feeling persistence
 Feeling energetic
 Out-of-the box thinking
 Looking for new ideas
 Benchmarking
 Monitoring
 Evaluating
 Harvesting lessons learned
 Accomplishment for better results
Our sense organs have been trained to capture data from the visible world or physical
environment. The moment we see an object on the sky, then we stop and watch it, become
curious, and follow up its disappearance or once we find out meaning for it, then our sensations
stop there. However, in the invisible part our senses are not interested to see or hear or explore.
While meditating, I expand to the universal intelligence and the body at that time is not at my
attention. No body sensation at all. After I come back from meditation I feel like my body is a
very tiny object swimming in the nothingness/true universe. The infinite mind is invisible and
seems difficult to capture as an object. Such kind of perception is meant for finite mind. For that
the finite mind is comfortable to the object called body. The finite mind tries to narrow down to
understand to its level which takes data from the visible environment through the five senses.
The Incompatibility of the finite and infinite minds create illusionary pictures or reality
distortion. This has been realized since the existence of human being in this world and had
become habits of human species.
The finite mind is full of models or belief systems that can capture data of the nearby and visible
environment. The data it has stored so far is very little part of the universe. From universe point
of view such realization is very smaller than atom and is invisible. We interpret other facts only
from this very tiny point of view. That is the capability of the finite mind.
During sleep there is no boundary which says this is right or that is wrong. It is just it is. At that
point it is pure consciousness or nothingness. No judgements or blames or interpretations or
thoughts at this time. It is as it is which is similar to the source, that is consciousness. Therefore,
there is no data that comes from memory at this time except dreams which the finite mind does
not have control over it.
During waking state, our finite mind is accustomed to capture data from the physical world using
our sense organs. Which of the five sense organs take data outside the physical world? They all
had not been trained in that way. The finite mind interprets or perceives data taken by the sense
organs to a limited way and related to the physical world.
On self-love various exercises were carried out. The main one was the one I did at Adama City. I
had a training for two days that required me to stay for three nights. I utilized that opportunity
and practiced self-love. There were six components I applied that I got from internet. These are
self-attachment, self-affection, positive self regard, self-worth, self-knowing and self-care. My
strategy for the exercise is to reflect in the morning after meditation, in between the day when I
had break and at night before sleeping. I used to write my reflections as well.
That exercise led me to find out other components and to go deeper. It gave me an impression
that I missed to be with myself in real terms. I do remember when Cobey stated the importance
of looking from inside then to outside. Staying inside is a great job beyond we think it is. To stay
inside we need to love ourselves and understand who really we are. So far I have been reflecting
from what I read and what others said. However, this exercise enabled me to see myself in a
different way.
Those exercises led me to explore other concepts and practices in a related matter. These include
how to access the greatest intelligence and for that, I identified three interventions, intuition, self-
love, and meditation. While working on intuition, again I started to explore about bio-field,
energy field, energy healing, aura, heart intelligence. On self-love, I also further explored about
self- belief and trusting oneself. Trusting oneself means the finite mind surrendering to the
infinite mind.
In between the practice of paradigm shift, I have noticed that I included some ideas and concepts
I gained from people or books. For instance, trusting myself was reviewed as a result of a
training program I attended. Applying the principle of ‘fail first’, ‘learn fast’ and ‘improve fast’
was also practiced as was gained from the same trainer called Asa from Sweden.
After 10 days practice I evaluated by finding out two columns, namely where I stayed: known
zone, or unknown zone. I found that I had been stayed in both zones. The evaluation result
showed that I have to stay more on the unknown part of me. The statement I wrote says ‘the
body and the memories of the mind are very tiny parts of myself. They should not detect and
influence my behavior. This is the total shift of myself’. In fact, the memorized mind is similar to
the body. It is the conditioned body. So, the exercise went on to monitor my stay in the unknown
part of me.
Self-love is all about looking inside and exploring the greatest intelligence. If things come from
within then they can influence the external environment. This is what I realized from my
exploration exercise. To stay within and access the universal intelligence I applied the following
three tools.
 Intuition
Collect best new knowledge, or intelligence, of others by paying attention for three
minutes, browse from internet about well-known persons in the world, use radio antenna
and collect myself to internet Wi-Fi. I have practiced to listen to my intuition in various
days and events. I had also compared the effect of being egoistic on intuition. When ego
dominated in my action then no listening to intuition at all.
 Self-love
Self-love was practiced as indicated here above.
 Meditation
Apart from what I am performing in a formal training I used to practice meditation in
various ways. I also applied meditation to start and close a day. I also practiced before
starting any activity. It helped me to boost my energy and become active.
Heart intelligence
On heart intelligence I listened to some video clips and heart coherence meditations. In that
process, I found that intuition is the function of heart. Intuition is free of judgement and the
information is directly obtained from universal intelligence. We get access to universal
intelligence through our heart. That means intellect is also found in the heart. This may be a
place where our soul resides. For me, soul is distributed in all parts of the body and concentrated
around heart. However, it requires further exploration.
When ego dominated our being, intuition is covered. My being does not give attention to
intuition and considers as something irrelevant and illusion. That means, I do not trust the
information that comes from the invisible world. I practiced this one in various ways. I did an
exercise with home assistance whereby I promised her to massage. While doing the massage, the
ego showed sexual desire and did not give attention to listening the value of connectivity and
insights I might get from there. After the massage was over, I reviewed what I thought. On the
other day I questioned the previous practice and did the massage with good attention to follow up
my sensations without thoughts or judgements.
I have been at quiet place in the field. I paid attention to the sources of energy as a receiver and
giver. I observed small insects who were enjoying in the green field with the gift of nature. They
were free of ego and just enjoying with their instincts. Now, I reflected that accessing the nature
or the greatest intelligence is performed with our intuition which is free of judgement. While
exploring the energy part of me, I sensed that it is related to calming the mind and giving
attention to heart.
On the street, I asked whether I am giving or taking energy from the environment. I have also
asked the same question when my ego tended to judge women. I used to focus on emotion
generated by ego instead of taking the natural energy from them. I have exploring my energy
field and sensed that I was connected to it when I paid attention to nothingness. Nothingness was
a source of energy.
While walking and come across with humans as well as animals, the common denominator is
that we all take the same air. This has led me to the fact that we have not been paid attention to
our energy sources or energy field. Much time was spared on survival issues.
Is it really true that my energy field goes beyond the space occupied by my body? When I
walked through a night of silence, I sensed the subtle energy. It was like something I was
energized by a subtle energy from the universe and a kind of peace and calmness in the mind.
The body can be considered as a kind of separated satellite from the big one and dispersed in the
The ego brings issues from what it knows in the past or habitual experience. That is, thought
coming from the memory.
From body-mind-spirit alignment point of view, where do we locate the heart intelligence? If the
heart is the energy center, then how do we consciously utilize that? When I tried to focus on the
heart part or listen to the heart, then it led me to space, that nothingness and the source. Probably,
the heart intelligence, spiritual intelligence and intuition are interrelated. I noticed that it is
judgement free. ‘The heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.
Most important feelings that can help to cohere heart with brain include appreciation, caring,
gratitude, and peace. The secret is to calm the brain and listen to the heart to get fresh insights.
Feel positive by giving such impressions to self then to others and align with the brain.
Where do negative minds come from? I have noticed various times when very absurd and
unrealistic negative thoughts crowd the mind. For instance, once upon a time I was to go
Copenhagen. I requested how to manage transport from home to the airport. The general service
head told me that I could drive and leave the vehicle there so that he can pick up from there.
Various negative thoughts like what if I face hazard, what if the vehicle is lost, what if I lose the
key,, what if, etc. crowded the mind until I went and came back from Copenhagen. Now I have
learned from Subtraction meditation that these are negative minds from our ancestors and during
childhood. The negative mind is all about ‘myself who has money’. These are also lived life
pictures about our own security. The ego bases its existence on materials we have and if we miss
then it is the end of the world. These are related to the mind and not to the heart. Once we
unleash our heart intelligence, we can manage negative thoughts. As per Subtraction meditation,
we need to discard all the negative minds continuously to the disappearing sun and then the True
makes the false disappear.
When we listen to TV or people who mention negatives then those negatives crowd the mind.
News about people’s death, illegal acts and criminals all remind what we pictured similar
incidents in the past. Blame languages also come from past habit. When I blame any
circumstance, it means that I have used the same past language. It is especially important to
discard all these negatives before sleeping. The sustainable solution for this is to discard all these
negatives using various methodologies like meditation. According to Maum meditation, these are
human mind’s picture world.
The practice of proactivity was done based on tools offered by Cobey.
Integral model
I learned about integral model on leadership development program offered by Joseph and Alan.
The model was developed by Ken Wilber. Since then I applied integral model for the purpose of
situational assessment and organizational analysis. I also applied for training purpose especially
to discuss about organizational culture. I found it helpful to see an issue from various
perspectives so that balanced view of the visible and invisible aspects can be considered.
Personal constitution- self vision, mission and values
I set my personal constitution as follows
Awakened society for healthy planet
With continual exploration, provide need-based capacity unleashing and healing solutions
for the society through coaching, counseling and modeling interventions.
Peace, Love, Health, Discovery, Positive attitude, Freedom
1. Unleash my full potential by aligning body, mind and spirit.
2. Generate a billion birr to support 1000 human beings and the planet.
3. Sustain human being and the planet through coaching 1000 people.
4. Publish five books within the next three years.
5. Develop two coaching and healing tools.
6. Nurture one healing center within the next three years
1. Apply meditation on myself in a continual manner.
2. Develop mediation guideline that can be applied in Ethiopian context for
coaching and counseling
3. Study profiles of well-known personalities as far as behavioral science is
4. Open own firm that can offer coaching services
5. Create and develop learning forum in the area
6. Blend coaching and training programs with meditation and action learning
7. Develop exist strategy from the institution I am working now
8. Invest finance so that I can utilize the money generated for the goals I have in
9. Develop a brand for my organization
10. Design online programs that others can join
11. Journalize my reflections
12. Develop speeches on you tube and utilize the media
13. Deliver motivational speeches for free
14. Design and deliver training programs for the Chamber

100 things I would like to do, be or become.

1. The best thinker in the world
2. Generate 200,000. Birr per month
3. Coach one person per day
4. Develop two unique coaching and meditation tools
5. Align body, mind and spirit all the day
6. Be well known healer of human being
7. The first top ten international facilitator and coach
8. A person who liberates others from prison of thought
9. Awarded for relationship excellence
10. Publish at least one book per year
11. A person of humor
12. The first solution provider for training
13. The first role model in leadership training
14. Have a school of coaching and counseling
15. Best leadership writer in the country
16. The top business networker in the country
17. A specialist on change management
18. Create job opportunities for 1000 people
19. An owner of healing center in the country
20. Keynote addressor with powerful language
21. Brain therapist in the world
22. Innovate dynamic tools of human resource development
23. Great writer in the world
24. Role model CEO in the country
25. Professor of mind management and heart intelligence
26. Human resource innovator
27. A pioneer in designing change management
28. Process management and organizational behavior specialist
29. A key person in organizational design
30. A spiritual intelligence scientist
31. A hypnosis therapist
32. Project management specialist in the world
33. Establish a network group on behavior
34. Introduce a unique training program in the country
35. Develop an innovative business system
36. A belief therapist in the country
37. Design a unique leadership development program
38. Share my experience for school students
39. Develop a new technology of presentation
40. Upgrade monitoring and evaluation skills
41. Thought wastage free person in the world
42. Corporate culture transformation specialist in the country
43. Develop and introduce networking practice in Addis Chamber
44. A pioneer in introducing innovation practice
45. Professor of behavioral scientist
46. Develop 1000 entrepreneurs in Ethiopia
47. A digital market pioneer
48. Develop a diverse leadership program
49. The first thought healer in the country
50. Design a facilitators training program
51. The best coach on organizational excellence
52. Develop a project on partnership with universities
53. Design and implement a system for establishing network
54. A role model for emotional intelligence
55. The first leadership coach in the country
56. Develop online academy on self-development
57. The first brain therapy coach
58. A strategic intelligence specialist
59. Organize national and unique conference on alignment of body, mind and spirit
60. Develop a telepathy satellite in the country
61. State-of-the art broker and connector
62. Produce research on self
63. The best leadership motivational speaker
64. Develop my own unique program development framework
65. A pioneer for digital facilitation
66. Produce a you tube products on human management
67. A corporate culture analysis and specialist in Ethiopia
68. Owner of online learning speech
69. Design a meditation training program
70. Create a virtual office system in the country
71. Change catalyst in cultural shift of the country
72. The first brightest person on earth
73. A pioneer in introducing action learning in Ethiopia
74. A specialist in designing interactive training
75. Introduce comedy to a training program
76. The first person that creates self-healing
77. Produce self- research and share for others
78. Develop communication without telephone apparatus
79. Develop own framework for public speech
80. The first idea creator on leadership training
81. Design a training or coaching program integrated with meditation
82. Identify analogy lists that can be applied on training
83. Achieve 95% to be aware or on meditative state per day
84. A comedian on training and facilitation events
85. Develop lists of stories and analogies for training
86. Fortune teller for entrepreneurs
87. Transcendent specialist
88. Motivational speaker on leadership consciousness and organizational
89. Consciousness healer
90. The first best trainer in the country
91. Produce TV show on corporate culture
92. Design outdoor exercise on leadership and change management
93. Well known solution provider in the country
94. Develop online training and coaching program
95. Meditation trainer in the country
96. Thought therapist in the country
97. Specialize in hypnosis
98. Develop organizational consciousness you tube program
99. Provide consciousness massage service
100. Develop a questioning framework for training
Grouping the above into similarities
Group one: Being the True Self (Self-realization)
 Align body, mind and spirit all the day
 Achieve 95% to be aware or on meditative state per day
 Thought wastage free person in the world
 Produce research on self
 The first brightest person on earth
 Ethiopian enlightened person
Group two: Becoming Role Model
 The best thinker in the world
 Be well known healer of human being
 The first top ten international facilitator and coach
 A person who liberates others from prison of thought
 Awarded for relationship excellence
 The first solution provider for training
 The first role model in leadership training
 A specialist on change management
 Brain therapist in the world
 Fortune teller for entrepreneurs
 Transcendent specialist
 Role model CEO in the country
 Professor of mind management and heart intelligence
 The first best trainer in the country
Group three: Knowledge creation and sharing
 Publish at least one book per year
 Best leadership writer in the country
 Great writer in the world
Group four: Solution provider
 Coach one person per day
 Develop two unique coaching and meditation tools
 Have a school of coaching and counseling
 An owner of healing center in the country
 The top business networker in the country
 Innovate dynamic tools of human resource development
 Consciousness healer
 A pioneer in introducing action learning in Ethiopia
 Design a meditation training program
 Develop online academy on self-development
Group five: Innovator
 Develop communication without telephone apparatus
 Produce TV show on corporate culture
 Develop organizational consciousness on you tube program
 A comedian on training and facilitation events
 Develop lists of stories and analogies for training
 Create a virtual office system in the country
 Develop top online training programs in the country

I stand for the possibility of creating a new future.

 Enlighted person in the land of Ethiopia
 Healing human beings
 Consciousness writer
 Innovate dynamic tools of human resource development
 Develop top online training programs in the country

I stand for the possibility of becoming true self and role model for others through
knowledge creation and sharing that unleash the capacity of solution provider and
What is my mind tape I put on playing again and again for the last 40 or so years? What is my
vicious circle that should be broken? That is what I should stand for to join the new future I am
The new future is the future of going beyond difficulties, look for challenges and love them as
they are tools for unleashing my potential, immerse in actions, join the big true self, dismantle all
negative minds, relive from the original self that I missed from the beginning of my humanity
journey, try anything, no external enemy- the enemy is my past false self, kill it. There should
not be regret to kill the false self as it cannot take me to the ultimate truth.
I applied hypnosis on one of my colleague when I coached on listening, self-awareness,
forgiveness, courage and some other life challenges she faced. She considered herself as
someone who is not competent and successful as far as higher level educational pursuit is
concerned. The story goes to her elementary school life. She failed exam of 8th grade and as a
result her father punished her very harshly. She told me that she disliked her father until now and
did not forgive even if he was dead.
Her attitude towards success is so negative and always she sees things from failure point of view.
To help her questions these deep-rooted assumptions I applied high level behavioral risks as well
as hypnosis. I guided as a kind of meditative practices. After the session was completed she told
me her relief. However, she shared me that she went back to the normal when she went back to
the community.
It was so hard to help her forgive her father who was dead a long years ago. Even she disliked
her clan that is Oromo. I started from other people whom she should give forgiveness. There are
her husband’s two relatives by which she has engaged in conflict with them. It took us long days
to enable her forgive them. Finally, she forgave and was peaceful until certain period of time.
Then one day again they engaged in conflict and told me that she should avoid them at all.
Judgement and ego as a cover of creativity and intuition
Judgement and ego are interrelated. Judgment is comparing oneself with others and either make
others below oneself or reason out they are the cause for any problems. We learned this from our
parents, societies or culture. Where do they learn it from? Again they learned from their parents
and goes to the root of human creation. Ego on the same side is all about survival of ones own
body. Firstly, an egoistic person beliefs that body is him/herself. All other things emanate from
there. Second, the way we live is just to maintain the body and consider that he or she is superior
to others or trying to better than others.
As a matter of fact, both judgements and ego covers the truth and hide themselves there and deny
nature. Both of them leave out there without any reasoning.
Health and greatest intelligence
I have meditated to heal my abdominal illness and pains around the kidney. I have seen positive
results in this regard. When I avoid thought attachment to the pain of the body I noticed that
eventually it disappears.
When we feel pain, the body activates various thoughts related to inability to deliver or act,
unacceptance by others, issues of survival, losing money for medications. As a matter of these
thoughts, again other feelings emerge like fear, anxiety, stress, insecurity, disappointment, etc.
All these emotions, feelings and thoughts once become habit then the body automatically
overtakes the mind to behave in such ways. It is the higher intelligence that heals all these pains
and suffering. When we connect the ourselves to the higher intelligence, then the thoughts that
come from the conditional body disappears. At this time we stay on the vastness, empty and
eternal and infinite universe. Our mode of mind is calmness/quite or silence.
The secrete of healing lies to listen to heart and re-orient out thoughts. This leads to generation of
new thoughts. That new thought creates new feeling, joy, enlightenment, peace, greatness, love,
bliss and compassion.
For thirty days, I wrote the following statement with my left hand.
‘The greatest intelligence heals my body and mind’.
Universal Intelligence
I carried out death meditation for forty days. First, it starts with body scanning through open
sleeping. Then it leads to step by step move towards death of the body and see it when the spirit
leaves through the end of exhalation. The next step is to see when the body becomes food and
source of nourishment to bacteria, small animals, large animals and plants. As far as the body is
concerned, the final process ends when the body fully return back to the earth and become
merge- going back to where it comes from. This is related to the saying ‘you are soil and will
return back to the soil.
The next process is about the spirit when it goes above the body and firstly merge to the
surrounding. Then it moves above the earth and covers the whole planet earth following the sun.
After the solar system, it goes to align itself to the energy force of our Milkiway galaxy. The
spirit keeps on moving and legalize that it merges to other galaxies in the universe and sense the
force that holds the whole galaxies- dark energy. Once we feel like we are merged and one with
the source or consciousness we stay there for certain minutes to actually feel it.
The final step is to come back again to the planet earth and the place we are born now, ask we
choose to be here and our purpose. Then return back to the body and with the remaining time
span perform the next purpose. The whole message is to practice and realize that we are not our
body. We are universal intelligence and we can come back to the source.
This meditation has similar characteristics to Maum meditation in terms of achieving the end
result. However, the process is different. In subtraction meditation we also get rid of the body but
there are various methods to do so. To arrive on the final subtraction, someone has to pass
different levels. Subtraction meditation focuses on discarding the false mind that holds all the
pictures from childhood up to now.
Universal intelligence is limitless, infinite, and eternal. It has the capacity to hold on all the
physical world, all those billions of galaxies in a very unique manner without any disturbance. It
is just full of peace and expands without end. No worry, stress, judgements and blames as it has
not that type of mind.
The question is that how can someone nurture universal intelligence in his limited or finite mind?
The finite mind has limited capacity and how can it hold the vast intelligence which is beyond its
current capability? In other words, does human brain has the capacity to run universal
intelligence? One possible answer is that if we get rid of all unnecessary memories or habits of
thoughts then it can have space and hold those capabilities of the universal intelligence. This has
to be proofed. There are many routine thoughts processes throughout the day that occupy or
covers the universal intelligence to surface.
In other worlds we have the habit of thought in our day-to-day life which is full of
interpretations, blames complaints, conflicts and other negative minds. There are also many
illusionary minds that can happen within a day which I grouped as negative minds. For instance,
negative thought about something or expecting some negative thing can happen.
In the universal intelligence we have clusters of galaxies that can resemble the cluster of neurons
in human beings. So, if the neurons act as the law of the universal intelligence, then neurons can
have the same capacity as galaxies act in the bigger universe. That means laws of physics are the
same everywhere in the universe.
One day, when I took shower I got an insight whereby the universe mind washed my body. In
fact, I had the same experience sometime in the past. The same applied while eating breakfast. I
had a great connection spiritually with one woman on the street. These are some of the areas I
need to explore further how I can apply universal intelligence in my day-to-day life.
If our finite mind is totally replaced by universe mind then how does our body behave? Does our
body capture different data from the environment? However, some facts could be different, that
is, we do not judge, blame and complain, as universe mind is unity consciousness as well as
absolute truth. How a mind that perfectly govern the total universe can perform very tiny things
that our finite mind does? Almost impossible. In the universe mind, our thought does not focus
on survival and feed for the ego. With the finite mind, we compare ourselves with others.
However, with universe mind how can it compare itself with itself?
With the universe mind there is no illness. It heals itself. It regulates its own system by itself. Do
we see illness in the universe? In the universe, everything orchestrates for its own purpose and
one element does not harm another. In the case of finite mind, it compares itself with other finite
The value of meditation
My practice of meditation started a long ago. When I was at Addis Ababa University in 1990th, I
heard about concentration by which we focus on a candle for a long period of time and then our
mind could be sharp. That method was said to be Indian. I did not in fact tried anything about it
but people spoke that it was dangerous.
The first exercise I did with concentration exercise was when I was employed in Ethiopian
Management Institute. I read a book about concentration and carried out various exercises related
to it. After work when staff of the Institute went to their home I used to stay alone in the office
and I exercised in a dark without the knowledge of anyone. This was my first practice something
related to meditation even if I did not know that I was practicing was meditation.
In fact, during my childhood I was very much curious to know more when my father healed
various people using Aude Negist and cultural medicines. I also noticed when he treated local
people who were sick through a belief of evil eye. Most of such people were youngsters and
women. He showed me some of the traditional medicines made of plants.
Then my first exposure to the word meditation and its major principles was in 1998 in UK when
I went to short term training program in Manchester. I had a friend from Myanmar whom I met
on the training program. He was medical doctor by profession and a Buddhist by religion. One
night he requested me to go to one meditation event in the university. The event was facilitated
by British man and I was very much impressed by his explanation. Afterwards I became curious
to know more about meditation and yoga even if there were negative comments given from our
society. After that, I made efforts to find out what meditation is all about and what to do. One of
my friend went to India and he gave me yoga book he brought from India. I practiced it to some
When I was the head of Ethiopian Management Institute (EMI), the Indian Embassy invited me
to attend an explanation to be made by Indian meditation philosopher called Gurugev, the creator
of ‘Art of living’ mediation class offered throughout the world. He gave us the glimpse of it and
the Embassy informed us to attend it. I was very much interested but unable to attend.
I was also impressed by one mind therapist who gave us training on stress management by which
he applied some exercises related to meditation on breathing. His name is Robel Kidane. After
the training I approached him personally and one day he gave me a kind of massage
accompanied with breath meditation that enabled me to cope with stress in assigning
management group of EMI. Again, my curiosity escalated to know more about meditation.
Side by side, I was very much interested to read behavioral books. I read many self-development
books including The Power of Now, the New Earth, In Search of the True self, etc. This led me
to know various behavioral writers, therapists, meditation and yoga teachers, etc. I also attended
various self-development workshops, events and training. We had one community of practice
group who was exploring on the five sense core skills to manage complexity.
Finally, when I joined Ethiopian Red Cross Society in 2012 I attended the meditation class
provided by the art of living. The meditation is called Kundalini and the training lasted for about
a week. Then we had every Sunday for two hours mediation practice. I attended this club almost
for a year. Then I interrupted to follow up the club even if I have been doing the meditation by
my own at home.
Since then I started to browse a lot about meditation on internet. I had downloaded various video
clips from you tube and exercised by my own almost for the last 7 years. For example, I have
been carrying out the six-phase meditation for 5 years every morning without interruption. The
most important specialists whose materials I went through include Echkart Tolle, Dr. Joe
Dispenza, Dr. Joe Vatale, Ken Willber, Vishen Lakhiani, Christie Marie, Dr. Deepack Chopra,
Sadhguru, Rupert Spira, Gregg Brain, Abraham Hicks and many others. As a result, I recognized
that there are various approached and types of meditation and I decided to go through another
one and learn more about it.
My search did not end up there and was looking for another mediation class to attend. I tried to
attend Vipassana meditation in Addis Ababa but they told me that they are closed for the time
being. In the mean time, I found Addis Ababa Meditation Center and did not hesitate to register.
Now I am attending it and completed the seven levels within a month. I did without interruption
day by day with strong interested. I started habit class which probably takes six months to one
year to complete it.
Meditations I performed so far include:
 Kundalini
 Breathing in various ways
 Body scan
 Walking or movement
 The third eye
 Heart coherence and hear centered
 Chakras
 Transcendent
 Inner child
 Quantum Jumping
 Morning
 Evening
 Healing
 Six phase
 Stillness
 Vortex
 Death
 Mindful
 Sound
 Affirmations
 Creative
Variations among meditations
The mediations range from simple that is performed by focusing on certain things to a higher
transcendental level. At the same time, the gateways to higher transcendental level varies from
mediation to meditation. The simplest meditations that are applied to relax oneself or get focus
include breathing mediation , body scan meditation, simple morning and evening meditations to
calm oneself or to complete past thoughts and ready to get into pure consciousness. Mindful
exercises carried out during walking or while doing certain activities are also grouped under this
The next levels are those meditations applied to relief stress or to get relaxation. Such
meditations are made for ten to forty minutes by entering to the body step by step and then
access the awareness and merge oneself with it. Stillness meditations, the six phase meditation,
anxiety relief meditations, are grouped under this category.
The final ones are the higher transcendental level meditations that are applied to completely
transform oneself from the existing being to unity consciousness or ultimate existence or truth.
This can be done in various ways for a long period of time. The first approach is to use the body
as a vehicle to enter to consciousness and apply step-by-step until awareness is fully realized.
Under this category Kundalini, Vipassana and other Indian and Tibetan teachings can be cited as
There are also Western teachings who combined the modern body, mind and spirit knowledge
with traditional meditation and guide people to transform themselves. These include, Joe
Dispensa, Rupert Spiral, Deepak Chopra, Echkart Tolle and others who designed their own
methodology and guide meditation. Quantum jump meditations are also grouped here that take
into account the theory of quantum science and apply to transform oneself.
The last group under higher transcendental level meditation is the subtraction meditation or
Maum meditation. This method does not apply the body as a gateway to enter to higher level
consciousness. It rather focuses on dismantling the false human mind and shift towards universal
mind. Even if it has its own step-by-step approach, which are eight levels from simple to difficult
in terms of discarding the human mind. The teaching beliefs that human mind takes picture from
the universe which is incomplete. Therefore, the pictures that have been taken so far are false and
should be discarded step-by step. The final level focuses on dismantling habits not only limited
to what has been developed from childhood but those we take from ancestors. As per the guides
and coaches, it is stated that it took more than a year to complete and realize universe mind.
According to Maum meditation, heaven is becoming the universe mind before dying, and heal is
dying without completion.
The question is that if we have the capacity to be universe mind then where do we lose it from
the beginning? That is where the habit comes in. The argument of this meditation is that we
missed during our ancestors and since then it became a habit. We kept on following it until now.
This argument may be related to the findings of Gregg Braden, by which he stated that the true
humanity has been lost 2000 years ago. He also argue that the Darwin theory completely
changed the way people live. The theory asserts competition rather than cooperation and dictates
separation. This led to dualism which is against human natural gift.
What did I achieve from my search on meditation and the practice out of it? The following are
the most visible effects I gained out of meditation practice.
 To manage stress
 To be with myself
 To know who I am
 Exploring about the truth and higher self
 Exploring more about consciousness
 Tool to create solutions
 To understand more about nature and the universe
 To make distinctions about thought, awareness, mind, body, spirit, soul, perceptions,
 To make distinctions between human mind and universal mind or universal intelligence
 Recognize what ego is all about and its effect on human consciousness elevation
 To quest about the purpose of life
 To manage social relationship
 To clarify doubts about existence
 To have happy family
 To have positive regard towards people
 To come back again to spiritual intelligence
 To question the science
 To align body, mind and spirit or realize that I am consciousness
 To recognize the difference between duality and unity consciousness
 To restore energy
 To start a day afresh and close it in the sense of completion
Lessons learned about my thoughts through Maum meditation
The meditation requires going back to the childhood thoughts, images, attachments to the body
and the universe up to now. Therefore, all of these thoughts are about the physical world. These
have been influenced by the five senses that have been taken data from the environment and
stored in the mind. All the worries, stresses and fears are also about self or body existence and
not about how I can join the universe.
The following statements are taken from the meditation that is developed by Woo Myung.
 ‘Our mind is a set of pictures that we have accumulated from our birth until now’.
 ‘We take pictures of the real existence and then store these pictures in our mind’.
 ‘As a picture of money is fake, picture inside of our mind is fake’.
 ‘We can only live as the pictures (my mind) tells us how to live’. ‘Beyond my false mind,
there is True mind’.
 ‘True mind is the biggest mind of the world and it can embrace’.

Since I started the meditation, I followed up without interruption by applying all the methods.
Now it is three months and I will keep on going until my quest got an answer.
Major achievements and lessons so far from Maum Meditation
 Negative minds, judgements, blames, complaints, routines thoughts, worries about the
future, etc. have highly reduced and do not take much of my space in the mind. At the
same time, the number of thoughts that come from the past has decreased dramatically.
Now I feel like the truth which is the empty space or consciousness is taking place in
most cases of my awakened state.
 The universe mind experienced as expansion of the self and the body and human mind as
a small part of it. I have seen that I am not my body and mind. The emptiness that is the
true universe takes most of myself while walking, driving or when alone. In other words,
the number of thoughts has been reduced.
 The quality of being on present moment and focusing on what I want to work has
 I have realized what type of thoughts, images and perceptions I have been building since
childhood up to now.
 Those pictures of lived life (pictures taken by our five sense organs) are just tiny part of
the universe and are incomplete. I have realized and experienced how the universe is so
vast beyond what has been said in words.
 I have realized that what I know is very tiny and the vast unknown part has been
neglected. That is, I think I know but in reality, I know nothing.
 I have noticed that my sense organs capture data from the physical environment with the
dominance of human related issues including their physical appearance.
 The frequent anxieties and worries about office work and misunderstanding with life
partner have been declined.
 Fear of death and illness almost disappeared. The most common illnesses in myself were
abdominal (gut), discomfort around urine bladder, eye and cough in throat almost
disappeared except the abdominal (gut) pain come and go in between my awakened state.
 The big lesson is that we cannot get rid of habits within short period and it requires
commitment, belief, interest and purpose. During the change process, there were ups and
downs that required strong monitoring. In my case, I have seen various resistance to
change incidents whereby I questioned whether the process adds value to my life, ethical
issues, and fear in applying some of the methods. Psychology or dynamics of change
have been clearly surfaced that include, doubt, anxiety, resistance, acceptance, fear,
looking for what is in it for me, why do I do, awareness.
 Day by day, I was curious to know or experience something new and acted as a pushing
factor for change. That is, vision is a big driving force for change.
 On the habit elimination, I noticed a kind of sweet on the face like a fat melting on the
fire. In this context, habit is something deep that goes beyond birth and we took from our
ancestors. It seems that the physical body by itself is a habit from truth perspective. For
instance, duality comes from many years ago when humans started to live together. Then,
they started to group themselves based on sex, clan, color, religion, and that went up to
create their own territory and country.
 ‘Please the Truth make the false disappear’ can be useful to discard the negative thoughts
and pictures we pick up from the environment. The whole process: the disappearing sun,
the escalator connected to it, the moon, star on the sky above the head, the ground below
the foot, landscape, environment, pictures taken consciously and unconsciously, the Earth
and myself loading on the escalator then please make it disappear to the disappearing sun
has become a framework to discard thoughts, images, body, universe, minds/habits and
overall lived pictures.
 I used to believe that the visible physical world is powerful. Instead the invisible
universal world is the power and this is consciousness or true universe or universe mind.
 Knowledge about consciousness, self-awareness, mind, thought, body and my interest to
explore more has escalated. I have realized that thought comes and go and we have
various thoughts. However, consciousness is just one and eternal, infinite and permanent.
 I felt a kind of calmness, simple and self-confidence. Fear of death reduced.
 Alignment among body, mind and spirit has become clearer.
 Since I started the habit class, I have been dreaming continuously. Some of the dreams
were illusionary others easy to remember. In most dreams, unusual actions were
appearing like standing on food, swimming among many rats, eating unusual food, etc.
These goes contrary to my conscious mind or rational mind. Therefore, dreams might
emerge from the sub-conscious mind or from pure consciousness. In the case of pure
consciousness there is no right and wrong answers. On the other hand, habit does not
happen in pure consciousness. Habit is functioning in the conscious or finite mind that
has been run for a long period of time. The sub-conscious mind does not know whether
that is habit or new thought. It just runs whatever information is there. According to
Maum meditation habit is false. It is picture taken by human mind and accumulated for a
long period of time.

While performing the habit class level, the methods generated emotions as they guided to the
disappearance of the whole body and habit. During this time it seems that, the actions are taking
place in reality (like applying the hammer, injections, grinding machines, hot and iron tennis
racket, spear, acid, etc.). As a result, I noticed emotions. The question I pose is, which part of the
mind considers that these actions are real? The conscious mind accepts and decides to take these
actions. However, the sub-conscious mind does not know the difference between true or false. Or
the sub-conscious mind in this case is similar to the true universe or the awareness and does not
feel pain. It is the finite mind or the conscious mind which generates all these thoughts and
feelings. The driving force is the vision I have in mind. Knowing that I can create a new future
from my original true self, I took determination to be successful whatever the feelings might be.
Achievements and lessons from death meditation
I did death meditation for continuous 42 days through video clip I downloaded. It requires to do
for 40 consecutive days for one hour. I have been doing early in the morning in my first wake up,
usually between 4:30-6:00am. I found that the ultimate goal is similar to Maum meditation and
quantum jump meditation.
The process of the meditation is firstly to relax the body, then leads to the process of dying the
body in a natural setting and step-by-step by looking at being decomposed through becoming
food for animals, plants and merging to the source, Earth. The next step is to become merged to
the universe through the spirit and climb up to galaxies and cosmic forces. It gives space to
experience the total universal consciousness through statements given and five minutes silence
exercise. The final part is to see when the body is emerged from the source in a new way with
new mechanisms formed from the truth and back to the human body spirit to accomplish the
remaining time in this regards.
The lessons I learned from death meditation is that;
 It clearly shows that we are not our body;
 The universe is so vast and we all are made of that invisible energy- dark energy and we
all are connected.
 There is only body death but our true self does not die. The death of the body is just a
transformation process. As a result we need to avoid fear of death that is an illusion
created from the society.
 As other creatures are our sources of food we are also source of food for animals and
plants. The body comes from the Earth and goes back to the Earth as well.
 I have clearly seen how vast the universe is and our finite mind cannot understand it
unless we are merged to consciousness or true universe.
After completing the proper death mediation by listening to the tape for one hour for 42 days, I
kept on viewing the practice or the picture in mind when I wake up early in the morning. I have
connected it to my new future I stand to create.
What further quest do I have about meditation?
I am still searching about the truth. By now, I have recognized what truth is all about. However, I
have to realize it through experiences and share with confidence for others. So far, I have noticed
that most of the knowledge I share for others is borrowed from others. My journey is to clearly
understand and have my own knowledge. Then becoming it and share for others. I have
integrated it with my purpose of life. My purpose of life emanates from my true self. Once I
realize that it becomes simple to share for others.
To define meditation, I have to meditate it, understand it, and be it. From that endpoint, I can
define it to help others realize what it is and its benefit. For the time being, I define meditation as
a process of becoming and being with what the actor intends to achieve. It is becoming the true
self or becoming awareness itself. The process could be short or long. As consciousness is
eternal, the human mind can also join to its eternal nature or can be awakened for short period of
time and stay in its habitual manner.
My ultimate goal is to have my own meditation approach or adapt what I found is helpful and
then train others so that they can liberate themselves specifically and humanity in general. I have
to make it culturally blended so that it can target the Ethiopian society first and then expand to
the world later on.
The initiation comes from the fact that adequate attention has not been given to spiritual
intelligence. Moreover, there are many variations and conflicts in human relationship in the
country as well as in the world. Some people are rich and others poor. Some people struggle to
survive others kill each other through wars launched by others. There are so many discrepancies
throughout the society in the world. There are many variations on religion and people also isolate
themselves with their religion. There are wars among countries and ethnic groups here and there.
There are various philosophical approaches to deal with the way humans live. Is it natural or
fabricated problem? Is that possible to bring oneness in all the societies in the world? If so, how
can we achieve that reality? How do we realize evolution of human consciousness?
Why do people live now? Why do rich people work in that way? How do rich people assume
about poor people and vice versa?
Therefore, meditation can help me understand the reality about consciousness, awareness, and
human mind. At the same time, it can help me to heal myself and apply thinking as the right tool
to solve societal problems. The output of the quest of meditation can be twofold: the first is for
myself, healing and transforming myself first. The second is to develop appropriate tools that can
be utilized by others.
Positive affirmations
I tried various positive affirmations taken from videos. In addition to that, I also coined some
positive affirmations of my own and practiced for 21 days. Examples include:
 I trust my inner guidance
 I am genius, courageous and can deliver
 Greatest intelligence heals my body and mind
 I am a great thinker
 Today is the day of greatest awareness

Lessons about commitment

This is a lesson I learned from my brother. Initially he joined Aromaya University but withdrew
for the reason that we did not know. Then he tried to go to Israel through Sudan border by which
he disappeared almost for more six months from the family. On the border, the nomads killed
some of his friends and he ran away with one of his fiend and survived his life. Because of this
case he questioned his assumption by which there are abundant wealth in the country and started
to be an assistant of a heavy vehicle. He worked on the vehicle for four months and finally
returned back to his family.
He started to fully immerge in the Orthodox region when he started studying in detail during the
time he became an assistant to the lorry. He married his wife through Orthodox church
ceremony, by which he was the first man to be married in that way in his birth place. After that
he used to visit many churches some of them alone and others with his wife in many parts of the
country. Together with his wife, he visited Arsema church in Wolo and thought that he wanted to
establish at his birthplace.
He convinced the local authorities and convinced to establish a church at his birth place. His wife
was dies after giving him four children and she was the first person who was buried at this
church. The church now has grown large having its own priests, deacons, preaching houses and
other necessary materials. He also introduced light through solar system. Now he has again a
plan to build a big church building there and all his efforts are towards developing the church.
Whatever he got from his personal farm, he donated to the church development.
When I visited my families sometime in the past during my leisure time, I noticed what he had
been doing. Then I concluded that commitment is something from the heart. It is something you
give yourself from the heart. I think it is related to realization of the true self and knowing
purpose of life. Ones this is clear, all energy can go for it. Everything is attracted to it.
I interviewed about his vision and he told me that he wants to make the church a place for
peaceful life and it can have its own income through agriculture. He has already started to find
plot of land and make small agricultures. However, his vision is to establish small-scale agro-
industry for the church and for the community.
One of his strategy to realize his vision is enrolling other people to support the development of
the church.

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