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Our traditions define our values and beliefs. In Malaysia, Malaysians of various ethnic backgrounds practise
different traditions that are unique to their culture. Likewise, Nepalese in Nepal have many interesting
traditions that are related to the ‘circle of life’. These traditions reflect their distinctive culture and the
principles that guide them in their everyday life.

For example, Nwaran is a child naming ceremony celebrated after 8th (for girls) and 9th (for boys) days of birth.
During Nwaran, according to the date and time of birth as well as the alignment of stars, an astrologer determines an
auspicious starting letter for the child’s birth name along with the length of the name. The child’s birth name is
necessary for rituals and pujas (prayers).

1. Research and briefly explain the origin of the name Nepal.

2. Read about the unique traditions practiced by Nepalese in relation to birth, adolescence, marriage,
old age and death. Complete the table in your e-portfolio on these unique traditions.
3. Record using voice notes explaining a unique tradition practised in your culture. You can include
pictures or video of this tradition. Share in your ‘Around the World in 10 weeks’ WA group.
Task 1:
Research and briefly explain the origin of the name Nepal.

Nepal officially is the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepalis a country in South

Asia. It is mainly in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is the
49th largest country by population and 93rd largest country by area.

Nepal has a diverse geography, including fertile plains, subalpine forested hills,
and eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including Mount Everest, the highest point on
Earth. Kathmandu is the capital and the largest city. Nepal is a multiethnic country with Nepali as
the official language.

Besides that, The name "Nepal" is first recorded in texts from the Vedic period of
the Indian subcontinent, the era in ancient India when Hinduism was founded, the predominant
religion of the country. In the middle of the first millennium BCE, Gautama Buddha, the founder
of Buddhism, was born in Lumbini in southern Nepal.

The country was never colonized but served as a buffer state between Imperial
China and British India.


Task 2:
Birth Nwaran
a child naming ceremony celebrated after 8 th (for
girls) and 9th (for boys) days of birth. During
Nuwaran, according to the date and time of birth
as well as the alignment of stars, an astrologer
determines an auspicious starting letter for the
child’s birth name along with the length of the
name. The child’s birth name is necessary for
rituals and pujas and it is usually not the name by
which the child is known.

Pasni is the Weaning Ceremony or the Rice
Feeding Ceremony for celebration in Nepal in
which a child is first fed rice by the Grandfather.

This ceremony is held at five months for

daughters, and six months for sons. An
auspicious date and time is chosen by an
astrologer, usually a Hindu, and all the closest
relatives are invited to witness and to celebrate.
The rice is the first and easily digestible solid food
a baby eats.

Adolescence Bratabandha (Boys)

Hindu boys attend a religious ritual during the
Bratabandha ceremony in Kathmandu, Nepal. As
a tradition, Nepalese Hindu young boys shaved
their heads during the Bratabandha ceremony on
Thursday to perform various religious rituals as a
sign of maturity. 

There is no fixed age for a boy´s ritual

In the Nepali tradition it can be done in any time,
but usually after turning 15 or just before


Bahra ceremony (Girls)

Bahra tayegu or bahra chuyegu is a coming of
age ritual in Newar community of Nepal in which
girls between the ages of 7 to 13 are married to
the sun god in a 12-day ceremony. Bahra tayegu
is a second marriage of a Newar girl, the first one
being ihi;the marriage with the bael fruit.
In Nepal Bhasa bahra means a 'cave' and teyegu
or chuyegu mean 'to put', thus Bahra tayegu is the
ceremony where Newar girls are put in a "cave"
like scenario for 12 days.

For the first 11 days the girl is kept in a dark room

away from sun light and any male contact. This is
done to symbolize the purification of the girl
before her marriage to the sun god on the 12th
day. The final day is marked with a bhwe (a
traditional party) and celebrations.

Marriage Wedding Ceremony

Nepali Style Wedding ceremonies in Nepal are

supposed to take place only at a special time of
the year. Generally Nepal typical wedding
ceremonies are done in mid January to mid-
March, mid-April to mid-June and mid-November
to mid-December.

Astrologers decide on auspicious dates within this

period on the basis of the position of the stars.
The big and interesting religious ceremonies are
held during the wedding day. The whole wedding
festival is taken over three days.

The system of performing wedding ceremony in

Nepal is attention-grabbing where the bride and
groom perform the puja and take best wishes as
well as blessing from relatives, friends and family
members. The interesting thing is that the bride
and bridegroom walk around a fire on a platform
and do several other activities suggest by the

Old age Janku

The locals of Bhaktapur got a rare chance to
see a foreigner celebrating Janku, a Newari


festival celebrated when a man or woman of

the Newar community turns 77.
As per the Newari tradition, elderly people
reaching 77 years of age are carried around
the town in a chariot. As per the tradition, if
the one performing Janku is a male, he can
take his wife in the carriage as well.

Newari children pulled their chariot as the

elderly couple made a round of the
municipality, which is the main part of the

Death Sky burial

When a Tibetan person dies, the family lights
butter lamps beside the deceased while
monks pray and give blessings over the body
for three to five days. During this time the
body is not touched.

The funeral day is determined by divination.

Family members and relatives do not attend
the funeral. Instead, they stay home and pray.
Villagers take the body to the sky burial site
by horse or car.

The master of the sky burial ceremony

performs rituals over the body. He then burns
incense and tsampa to summon the vultures.
In no time, birds begin to circle over the site.
The master then proceeds to chop the body
into small pieces. And makes way for the
feasting to happen.

If the vultures consume the entire body, it’s a

good sign. Tibetan folk custom believes that
even vultures will not want to consume a
human’s body if he or she has done evil
deeds in life.

Task 3:


Explaining a unique tradition practised in your culture (using voice notes). You can include pictures or video
of this tradition.
Audio Content:

In Malaysia there are various races and ethnicities. Among of them are Malay,
Chinese and Indian. Every races have there own unique tradition that have been practised
everyday. For example, in giving gift to people, the Malays will bring the hostess pastries
or good quality chocolates if invited to someone’s home for dinner and never give them
alcohol. Also, do not give toy dogs or pigs to children.

Then, the Chinese, never give them a flowers if you are invited to someone’s
house as certain flowers have specific meaning to the Chinese. Gifts from your own
country are always welcome and very much appreciated and any kind of cake or pastry
will have you invited back very quickly.

Last but not least, the Indians, do not give leather products to a Hindu. Also, do
not give alcohol unless you are certain the recipient drinks, if they do, whisky is a good
choice. The safe play here is flowers or cakes or pastries.

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