Shared Parenting For Divorce Parents

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W.P.(C) No.

-000873 / 2019

Case Number - Diary Number - 1363 / 2019

Currently, most courts hearing divorce cases end up granting custody of the
child to the mother, especially if it is a girl. The father stands a better chance of
getting custody if it is a boy and can prove to the court that the mother is
incapable of looking after the child. Granting custody to one parent may not be
the best idea as it may not go well with the child who might miss out on the
emotional security that the other parent provided. Non-custodial parents
ultimately end up getting visitation rights. This also deprives that parent of
playing an effective parental role. Child psychologists say that alienating a child
from one parent may start losing bond with the other parent and also
affect his mental health, academic performance and such insecure kids are
more prone to going on the negative side.

When a couple goes on the warpath that leads to separation or divorce, it is the
children who pay the heaviest price as they are shattered when the court tells
them to go with the parent whom he or she deems best. This can be a
traumatizing experience for any kid and can actually affect them

There is a need for a law to be developed where children are able to take shelter
under a joint parenting system so that they can live with both the parents at
different periods of time and feel more secure and complete.
Joint legal custody is most ideal for parents who have already demonstrated a
willingness to work with one another in making key decisions for their child. It's
also best when neither parent is holding a grudge against the other or refusing
to communicate - which happens, unfortunately.

While divorce is ugly, co-parenting has its own

perks, for you as well as your kid hence why not
enjoy it to create a healthy bond with your ex and
make your child not feel family deprived.

In a progressive move, the Supreme Court has asked the centre to respond to
the issue of shared parenting of a child in cases of separated or divorced

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