Three Theories On Chronic Lateness

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Three Theories on Chronic


Everyone is late sometimes. Stuff

Some of us, though, are always late. For everything. “Traffic” isn’t an
adequate excuse when you’re late for events in your own home, or when
you’re the headliner of a concert scheduled to hit at 8PM and you roll in,
unflustered, at 8:45PM. There’s an underlying reason.

We propose three theories of chronic lateness:

1) Deeply Rooted Passive-Aggressive/Anal-Retentive Syndrome. Only by

withholding that which is desired — the late person’s presence — can the
child control and monopolize the attention of his parents. Or colleagues. Or
audience members.
2) Incompetence. Some folks just can’t get it together. In any area of life. These
folks are functionally dysfunctional, and their chronic lateness is a reflection of
the chaos and disorganization in every other facet of their existence.
3) Misanthropy. Blithely disregarding the consequences of one’s tardiness is a
sign of disregard and contempt for others. They don’t matter.
The worst thing responsible and considerate folks can do when interacting
with discourteous chronic latecomers is to say, “It’s OK.”
It’s not OK. It’s a sign of something wrong. Exactly what we’re still deciding.

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