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“For our final presentation in Cookery class we organize a prom

for ourselves. We arrange the venue and cooked the food. We

made it like we really had a prom and I even won a Best Dress
that time.”
“When I was in grade 9 I won as 10th place in 2018 school press
conference as a photo journalist. I was afraid that time if I was
the only one who will win because photojournalism is hard
when you’re alone. Luckily, the three of us won and got into the
next round.”
“Together with my mother, the principal and the guest, I was
recognize as the valedictorian in our preparatory graduation.”
“Together with my mother and my adviser in my recognition
“Together with my father in my recognition day”
“That time when I feel I will be alone but I happy that I have
them. We didn’t know each other in the first day of school
because they are new. And we ended up being seatmates. I never
thought that we will going to be close but we are.”
“This photo was taken together with my friends in our moving
up ceremony. It was a bittersweet moment. I was so happy that
time because all of my hard work were worthwhile at the same
time it was sad because I’m going to part ways with my friends.”
“When I was in the kindergarten we had a field demonstration.
It was fun but my shirt was so big so my mother kept on tying it
on the back.”
“I was giving a speech after I was awarded. It was a poem
actually, I cried because I can’t memorized it but it ended up
“Together with my cousin in our aunt’s wedding day.”
“Together with my mother and in my recognition day”
“When we are graduated in grade 6, I awarded as 1st honorable
mention. I received that award together with my mother.”
“In our career guidance in grade 9, I wear a navy uniform. It
was my father’s uniform. I really want to dress as a chef because
it was my dream but I don’t have I choice because that uniform
was the only available that fits my size.”
“My graduation day when I was in kindergarten. I was together
with my father because my mother is mad cause I got a small
toga and I’m so tall”
“Together with my mother, my friend and her mother and our
adviser in our recognition day”
“Together with my mother and the guest in my recognition day”
“This is when my interest grows in photo journalism. At first I
was at the cliff to be eliminated and not be one of the
representative but luckily I got in. And in the end out of all the
representatives I was the only who won and got into the next
“When I was in grade four we had a field day, my brother was
there too. I was happy because I memorized the steps easily but
our costume is look like a plastic bag so I didn’t enjoy it.”
“Being a senior high school student would be the most
significant event happened in my life at the moment. At first I
thought it will be hard to find friends, to be independent but
it’s not. A lot of things already happen this year as a grade 11
student. A lot of works, performance and the defense. But it was
incredible because I have friends that was there and made this
school year to be fun.”

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