Kaitlyn Bresnahan - Biographical Research - Steve Jobs

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Steve Jobs Biographical Research

Full Name Steven Paul Jobs

Lifespan February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011 (aged


Early Family Background and Created ● Jobs was given up for adoption by his
Family Structure mother, and adopted by Paul and Clara
● His biological mother wanted him to
be adopted by college graduates, and
refused to sign the adoption papers
when she found out neither of the Jobs
were college grads
● His parents were working class people
with little money, which instilled in
Steve a sense of hard work and the
value of money

Education ● Was a terror in the classroom as a

child because he was not challenged
● Fourth grade teacher inspired in him a
love of learning
● Skipped fifth grade and attended
Crittenden Middle School for sixth
grade, but was bullied, and convinced
his family to move to Los Altos, CA
● Attended Homestead High
● Attended Reed College in 1972, but
dropped out after one semester
● Dropped in on classes he found useful
at Reed College

Personality Characteristics and Areas of ● Incredibly intelligent

Aptitude, Talent, and Interest ● Deeply interested in electronics
● Making improvements for the sake of
● Loved the idea of being able to just fix
things, like his dad did as a mechanic

Major Career/Professional Events and ● Spring 1976: Steve Jobs and Steve
Accomplishments Wozniak begin assembling Apple I
computers in the Jobses garage
● 1978: Apple II hits the market and is a
huge part of the personal computer
● 12 December 1980: Apple goes public
● Jan 1984: Macintosh computer
● May 1985: Jobs is kicked out of Apple
● September 1985: Steve begins NeXT
● January 1986: Jobs incorporates
Lucasfilm into Pixar
● February 1995: become President and
CEO of Pixar
● 1995: ​Toy Story​ released
● December 1996: Apple buys NeXT
● January 2000: again becomes Apple
● October 2001: iPod released
● April 2003: iTunes Store introduced
● January 2006: Disney buys Pixar
● January 2007: iPhone introduced
● January 2010: iPad introduced

Personal Life Themes/Beliefs ● Life is too short not to do what you

● All of the dots will eventually connect,
so do what feels best and everything
will work out

Selected Quotations ● “Sometimes life is going to hit you in

the head with a brick. Don't lose
● “Sometimes when you innovate, you
make mistakes. It is best to admit them
quickly, and get on with improving
your other innovations.”

Awards, Recognitions, and Contributions ● 1982: Time names the Computer the
“Machine of the Year”
● 1984: Jobs and Wozniak awarded the
National Medal of technology by
President Ronald Reagan
● 1989: named Entrepreneur of the
● June 2005: gives Stanford
Commencement address
● November 2007: named most
powerful person in business by
Fortune​ magazine
● December 2007: inducted into the
California Hall of Fame
● 2009: named CEO of the decade
● September 2011: ranked 17 on ​Forbes
World’s Most Powerful People

Death and Aftermath ● Died October 5, 2011 at home

surrounded by family after resigning
as CEO of Apple two months earlier
● Tim Cook takes over as CEO of Apple
● Walter Isaacson publishes his official
biography ​Steve Jobs​ on October 24,

Lasting Impact and Contributions ● Was a pioneer in technological

● Single-handedly engineered the
personal computer revolutiom



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