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Skyshield 35 / Ahead

AHEAD technology, developed by Oerlikon Contraves improves the capability of air defense guns such to
engage and destroy aerial targets, from large aircraft to small targets such as missiles or PGMs. The gun fires
short, 24 round burst of high velocity Ahead rounds aimed at the target's intercept point. Every projectile is
programmed by a muzzle based electromagnetic inductor, which sets an electronic timer to activate and
separate the projectile into 152 heavy tungsten metal spin-stabilized sub-projectiles (3.3 gram each), forming a
lethal cone shaped metal cloud, placed ahead of the target in its flight path. AHEAD is designed to fit existing
Skyguard air defense systems, operating twin 35/1000 rpm revolver cannon and Super-fledermaus. The
manufacturer claims a very short response time for the system, as low as 4.5 seconds from target detection to
firing. With the addition of AHEAD modernization, existing Skyguard fire are fitted with the fire control
subsystems which enable the system to be operated as a stand-alone gun or in a "fire unit network", separated
up to three kilometers from each other. The fire units can exchange target search and track data at a fast rate,
and share a common, full hemispherical situational picture to facilitate optimal target engagement by each fire
unit. AHEAD technology is available today for naval Close-In Weapon Systems, as well as the remote controlled,
point defense gun mount and mobile battlefield air defense systems, both are lightweight systems, transportable
in a C-130.

Target: 120mm Mortar destroyed - Detonation caused by Ahead (Bursts of 18 to 36 Rds)

In 1999 tests in Switzerland, an 8-rnd burst produced 280 hits on a simulated small boat, and a 24-rnd burst at
1000m range (equivalent to opening fire at 2800m) caused 78 hits on a Maverick mounted on a pole. In unfuzed
mode, a Millennium projectile penetrated 55mm of armor.

Rheinmetall Air Defence has brought to Indo Defence its complete Military Operations Other Than War/ Counter
Rocket and Mortar (MOOTW/C-RAM) Oerlikon Skyshield, which has already been supplied to Germany under
the name of Mantis (Outside Hall A).
This has been designed to protect forward operating bases against the increasing threat from indirect-fire
weapons such as mortar bombs, artillery projectiles and rockets. A typical Oerlikon Skyshield system consists of
two remote-controlled 35/90mm Oerlikon Revolver Gun Mk 2 fire units, one air-conditioned manned command
and control unit, and one Oerlikon Skyshield remote sensor unit. All of these are palletised units that can be
rapidly transported by land, sea or air.
A number of Oerlikon Skyshield systems can be coupled together to provide a total C-RAM defence capability
through a full 360° under a central command and control unit.
The 35mm fire units use the Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction (AHEAD) ammunition, which has proved to
have a very high kill probability against small targets. The 35mm AHEAD ammunition features a programmable
fuze, which at the optimum moment ejects a lethal cloud of heavy metal sub-projectile payload at the target.
As well as being used in the C-RAM role, the AHEAD ammunition can be fired from upgraded twin 35mm
GDF series towed antiaircraft guns used in conjunction with the trailer-mounted fire control system. The
AHEAD 35mm ammunition is also highly effective against unmanned aerial vehicles and conventional air threats
such as attack helicopters.
The Oerlikon Revolver Gun Mk 2 has a cyclic rate of fire of up to 1,000 rounds a minute. A total of 252 rounds
of ready-use 35mm ammunition is carried, which is sufficient for 14 target engagements . Traverse is a full
360°, with weapon elevation from -10 to +85°.
The sensor unit includes X band surveillance and tracking radars plus a TV/infrared sensor package that
includes a laser rangefinder. The command and control unit can be several hundred metres from the other
elements and has two operators, one for command and engagement control and the other for tracking.
The radar can track 20 targets simultaneously, a stealthy missile with a RCS of 0.02 m2 at 6 km.
Skyshield is effective against helicopter at up to 4 km, air-to-ground missile at up to 3 km and precision-guided
bomb at 2 km.

Using a variety of sensors, an airborne target is tracked and the range to the target is calculated. A shell is fired
at 1.050 m/s (3.445 feet per second) and at the muzzle, in less than a milisecond, the velocity of the projectile is
measured, time of flight to target is calculated and the electronic fuse on the shell is programmed to activate the
shell in the path of the target. 24 shells are fired in one burst, all in the space of less than 2 seconds, that means
the unfortunate target will fly into a cloud of 3,648 such projectiles.
Once the shell is in the path of the target, a small ejection charge bursts the shell open. It is not a high explosive
shell, so the charge does not add energy to the equation. What it does is eject 152 tungsten subprojectiles in a
conical pattern. Each subprojectile weighs 3.3 grams - assuming that by the time it reaches the target the shell
has shed 1000 fps from its initial velocity, this means that the subprojectile is travelling at around 2500 fps. This
gives it a kinetic energy of 700 ft-lbs, the energy of a .357 magnum bullet, though since it is much denser and
faster, it will penetrate much further - and this is just one subprojectile.
In the anti-missile role it uses Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction (AHEAD) ammunition from RWM
Schweiz AG. This round ejects 152 tungsten projectiles at a predetermined distance, between 40 and 10 m, from
the target. Cruise missiles can be destroyed at 2.5 km and high speed missiles at 1.5 km range.

The shells are programmed through the trunk placed on an electric coil. Tungsten submunitions weighing in at
3.3. grams each form a cone-shaped line of traffic congestion on the flight offensive end. Response time from
target detection to her firing is 4.5 seconds. Depending on the requirements, the system can have up to eight
ground artillery. The two systems can work together complementing each other. Switching from one target to
another takes about 3-4 seconds. MANTIS management system is also able to track down the location of the fire
and the alleged crash site attacking weapon.
Skyguard system

KD series cannons
An Austrian GDF-005 (FIAK85) gun system. he muzzle velocity measuring device on the muzzle of each gun.
Development of the KD series cannon began around 1952 soon after Oerlikon calculated that 35 mm was the
optimum calibre for an anti-aircraft gun. The KD series cannons were a design adapted from the post-war 20  mm
KAA 204 Gk cannon. Several designs were developed, including a water cooled design, designated Mk 352,
which was tested by the U.S. Navy. The final design was the Mk 323, which was developed in two variants, a
belt fed version the KDA, and a linkless version the KDC, fed by five round clips. Both designs are gas operated
with a propped lock locking system.

- GDF-001: first version
- GDF-002: which featured an improved sight, and the ability to be directed by an off-gun digital control system.
- GDF-003: similar to GDF-002, but included some enhancements like self-lubricating weapons and integrated
protective covers.
- GDF-005: has several overall improvements that can be retrofitted to existing GDF versions using modification
kits. One of the main improvements is the fitting of the Gunking 3-D autonomous computer-controlled optronic
sighting system, which eliminates the need for the gunner to estimate target parameters.
- GDF-007: upgrade of GDF-005 with AHEAD system.

Projectile 535 g 375 g
550 g (19 oz) 550 g (19 oz) 550 g (19 oz) 550 g (19 oz) 750 g (26 oz)
weight (18.9 oz) (13.2 oz)
112 g 22 g
Explosive 98 g (3.5 oz) 70 g (2.5 oz) n/a n/a n/a
(4.0 oz) (0.78 oz)
Propellant 330 g (12 oz)
Complete 1,565 g 1,580 g 1,580 g 1,552 g 1,440 g 1,580 g 1,780 g
round (55.2 oz) (56 oz) (56 oz) (54.7 oz) (51 oz) (56 oz) (63 oz)
Muzzle 1,175 m/s 1,175 m/s 1,175 m/s 1,175 m/s 1,440 m/s 1,175 m/s 1,050 m/s
velocity (3,850 ft/s) (3,850 ft/s) (3,850 ft/s) (3,850 ft/s) (4,700 ft/s) (3,850 ft/s) (3,400 ft/s)
 HEI: High Explosive Incendiary (-T—Tracer)
 SAPHEI: Semi-Armour Piercing High Explosive Incendiary
 FAPDS: Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot
 AHEAD: Anti-missile rounds, that fire "152 heavy tungsten metal sub-projectiles".
 TP: Target Practice (-T—Tracer)

AHEAD ammo:
t 0,00 1,05 2,34 3,98
distanza 0 1.000 2.000 3.000
V 1050,0 952,4 854,7 753,8
Decelerazione 97,6 97,7 100,9
GDF-005 twin gun
It’s an all weather mobile unit that is towed by a heavy logistic vehicle wheeled (HLVW).
Det size: 5
Wpn range: 4000 m
Modes of engagement:
 Remote con by the FCU
 Local con by the gunner
Ammo capacity: 280 rounds allows for 8 to 10 tactical engagements before reloading is required
Ammo types: Drill, break up, target practice tracer (TPT), high explosive-incendiary (HEI), advanced hit
efficiency and destruction (AHEAD)
Rate of fire: 1100 rounds per minute
Laser range finder: 300-5000 m
Weight: 8200 kg
Method of tgt ident: Visual if gun operated locally and through IFF if operated from the Skyguard
Maximum side slope: The gun can be deployed on a max side slope of 7 degrees
Fuel consumption:
 Standby 1.5 litres/h
 Op 5.5 litres/h
Deployment time: 15 min
Redeployment time: 7 min

Super Fledermaus
The Super Fledermaus fire control system was designed and built by the then separate Contraves company. It
consists of a four-wheeled towed trailer with an E/F band pulse doppler search radar with a range of around
15 km and a pulse doppler tracking radar operating in the J band, also with a range of 15 km. It was also used
as the fire control system on the Gepard SPAAG.
Skyguard Radar

The Skyguard system is contained within a towed trailer, mounted on the roof of which is a pulse doppler search
radar, a pulse doppler tracking radar and a co-axial television camera. The trailer also houses the crew of two
and a small petrol generator. Skyguard is an all-weather air defense system for the control of aircraft at low
altitude and at low and medium altitude range up to 3,000 m. The maximum effect distance is given as 4,000 m.
The system takes the air surveillance, target acquisition, calculation of the derivative-action values and the
control of two Oerlikon 35 mm anti-aircraft guns. Skyguard is served by four people.
The weapon was introduced in the sixties in the Swiss Army and got updates in 1975, 1995 and 2010. They are
still in use. It had replaced the system Contraves Super Fledermaus in the Swiss Air Force. The Skyguard radar
system was used in the German Air Force for surveillance of low-altitude flight zones. The radar unit is ready
very quickly through the hydraulic systems for antenna construction and leveling after installation. A typical fire
unit using the Skyguard consists of two twin 35 mm gun platforms with a single Skyguard fire control radar.
The Skyguard carries out search and identification using a 20 km l/J-band radar, tracks the selected target by
radar using a pulse Doppler K-band set or TV computes intercept to facilitate the engagement and then aims the
launcher at the target via digital data cable transmission.
Separate pulse doppler search and track radar antennas are mounted on a common pedestal. A common
transmitter, operating at I-band frequencies (8 to 10 GHz), feeds both antennas through a variable power splitter.
The search antenna is a cassegrain fan-fed pillbox rotating at 60 rpm. The tracking radar also uses a
cassegrainian antenna encased in a radome and has a mono-pulse tracking capability. The TV tracker is
boresighted witb the tracking radar antenna for additional accuracy.
The l-band illuminator provides continuous wave illumination of the target out to 13 km (20 km in the case of
Egyptian systems) and the missile's seeker homes on the reflected signal.

One FCU control two GDF 005 in the remote mode. The FCU is a mobile all weather unit towed by a HLVW.
Det size: 5/6 (crew of 3)
Laser range finder: 10 km class 3b
Distance measuring device (DMD) range: up to 1500 m
Optical sight (OS) chair: Extends the surv capability of the FCU
 Range: 25 km
 Pulse doppler radar, track while scan (TWS) up to 20 tgts
 X band search radar, 1 to 25 km
 X band tracking radar, 0.3 to 25 km
 Ka band tracking radar, 0.3 to 20 km
 Frequency Agility (20 frequency)
 Electronic Protective Measure (EPM)
Towed speed: 15-80 km/hr
Weight: 6800 kg
Power Supply Unit (PSU): 660 kg
Fuel consumption
 Standby: 1.8 litres/h
 Op: 8.7 litres/h
Switch on time: 6 minutes
Deployment: 30 minutes
Redeployment 10 minutes
Fordability 600 mm

SKYGUARD Generator Diesel

AVG DAILY CONSUMPTION (litres/day) 208.8
FUEL CAPACITY (litres) 22
GDF-005 Generator Diesel
AVG DAILY CONSUMPTION (litres/day) 132
FUEL CAPACITY (litres) 22

Counter fire radar performance.png

Counter-fire Radar.pdf
Back-up chiavetta\Sistemi\AAW\ADA swiss.doc
RID marzo 2007

Oerlikon Skymaster command and control system

Oerlikon Contraves LPD-20 surveillance radar
Ericsson Microwave Systems' Giraffe search radar
Thomson RAC3D Flamingo

There are currently four types of 35 mm AHEAD ammunition:

PMD062 with a payload of 152 sub-projectiles
PMD330 with 497 sub-projectiles
PMD375 with 860 sub-projectiles
PMD428 with more than 600 sub-projectiles that are optimised against UAVs
NBS MANTIS anti-aircraft guns
The NBS MANTIS is equipped with six 35mm automatic guns, two sensor units and a central command ground-
control unit. The sensor system comprises of radar, effectors and electro-optical sensors installed on the base
perimeter. The MANTIS protection system is totally automated and operates 24/7.
A radar sensor in the control system recognises missiles fired onto a base from about 3 km. The automatic
process enables the guns to fire on the threat instantly in the calculated flight path. The guns are capable of
firing 1,000 rounds per minute.
The firing of the guns is based on mission-specific programmable and air burst advanced hit efficiency and
destruction (AHEAD) ammunition, a technology developed by Rheinmetall Weapons and Munitions, formerly
Oerlikon Contraves Pyrotec. The ammunition has a payload of 152 tungsten projectiles, weighing 3.3g each.
The AHEAD technology enables the air defence gun's capability to track and destroy the aerial targets. The
MANTIS gun fires 24 round burst, high-velocity AHEAD rounds at the target's intercept point.
The sub-projectiles of 3.3g each form a lethal cone-shaped metal cloud in the flight path of the incoming target.
The response time for the system to detect and fire the target is expected to be 4.5 seconds. MANTIS' control
system is also capable of tracking the location of the assailants along with the flight path and point of impact.

The Skyshield is easily deployed by trucks and other transportation systems. The fire control system (FCS) uses
an X-band search and tracking radar, and another unit for radar/TV and/or laser/FLIR precision tracking.
The command post can be placed up to 500 meters, roughly, from the fire control unit (FCU), using encrypted
radio-waves. The Skyshield system can also be networked with other air defense systems for wider and more
effective air coverage, expanding its roles from point defense to area defense.
MANTIS (Modular, Automatic and Network capable Targeting and Interception System) has been ordered by
the German Army as a stationary base defence system.!


Dimensioni (Trasporti) Altezza: 2,6 m
Larghezza: 2,4 m
Lunghezza: 5.9 m
Dimensioni (eretta, senza piedistallo e Altezza: 2,6 m
tende da sole)
Larghezza: 6.8 m
Lunghezza: 6,5 m
Tara 14.220 kg
Payload (max.) 1.780 kg

Sensori (radar) Radar di ricerca, radar di inseguimento, IFF
Sensori (altri) TV camera, IR camera, Laser
Massa Altezza: 3,0 m; Larghezza: 2,4 m; Lunghezza: 3,0 m
Peso circa 3.500 kg

Calibro 35 millimetri
Massa Altezza: 2,1 m; Larghezza: 2,4 m; Lunghezza: 5,5 m
Peso circa 5.800 kg
Oerlikon Contraves Skyshield 35 AHEAD Air Defence System (ADS)
Revolver Gun Mount
(with ammunition) 3,600 kg
(without ammunition) 3,200 kg
(with 35 mm cannon) 5.428 m
(mount) 2.991 m
Width: 2.438 m
Height: 1.60 m
Armament: 1 × 35 mm 35/1000 revolver cannon
Ammunition: 224 rounds
Power supply: 8 × 12 V batteries separate generator supplies built-in battery charger

Sensor unit
Weight: 3,200 kg
Length: 2.991 m
Width: 2.438 m
(top of tracker) 2.220 m
(top of surveillance radar) 2.970 m

Command post
Weight: 2,500 kg
Length: 2.991 m
Width: 2.438 m
Height: 2.220 m

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