教学事故认定与处理办法Identification and Treatment Measures of Teaching Accidents

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Identification and Treatment Measures of Teaching Accidents

第一章 总则

Chapter I General provisions

第一条 目的

Article 1 Purpose


In order to further strengthen the teaching management, strictly enforce the teaching
discipline, ensure the stability of the teaching order and the normal operation of the
teaching work, the Identification and Treatment Measures of Teaching Accidents is hereby
formulated. The identification and treatment of the teaching accidents of each campus shall
be implemented according to this Measures.

第二条 适用范围

Article 2 Application scope


The system is applicable to all teachers of China Edukeys, including Chinese teachers,
foreign teachers, full-time teachers and part-time teachers.

第三条 教学事故界定

Article 3 Definition of teaching accidents


Teaching accident refers to the negligence or fault caused by any teacher in his/her
teaching jobs which has adverse effect on normal teaching order, teaching progress and
teaching quality. A teacher refers to teaching staff, auxiliary teaching staff, teaching
administrative staff or teaching management department and related personnel who are
temporarily assigned to work in relation to teaching.

第二章 教学事故认定的原则、范围、等级

Chapter II The principle, scope and grade of the identification of teaching accidents
第四条 教学事故认定的原则

Article 4 The principle of the identification of teaching accidents

(一) 具有造成过错的主观故意。

(I) Have the subject intent of resulting in the fault.

(二) 虽然主观上不具有过错,但客观上产生了不良影响及后果。

(II) Although there is no fault subjectively, adverse effects and consequences are produced

第五条 教学事故认定范围

Article 5 The identification scope of teaching accidents

(一) 课堂教学类;

(I) Classroom teaching;

(二) 实践教学类;

(II) Practical teaching;

(三) 考试与成绩类;

(III) Examination and grade;

(四) 教学管理与建设类

(IV) Teaching management and construction;

(五) 教学保障类。

(V) Teaching guarantee.

第六条 教学事故的等级

Article 6 The level of teaching accidents


According to the circumstances and consequences of teaching accidents, the accident

identification is generally divided into three levels: Level I (major accident), Level II (general
accident), and Level III (minor accident).

第三章 教学事故认定情节
Chapter III The identification circumstances of teaching accidents

第七条 下列情节认定为一级教学事故

Article 7 The following circumstances are identified as Level I teaching accidents

(一) 课堂教学类

(I) Classroom teaching

1. 在教学过程中,向学生散布违背国家有关法规法令的言论,造成恶劣影响。

1. Spread comments violating relevant national laws and regulations to the students in the
teaching process, resulting in baneful effect.

2. 在教学过程中有违反教师职业道德规范和不文明的言行举止。

2. Have behaviors violating the code of professional ethics of a teacher and uncivilized
behaviors in the teaching process.

3. 上课迟到或提前下课 15 分钟以上。

3. Be late for class or dismiss the class early for more than 15 minutes.

4. 任课教师上课时擅自离开教学场所去办理私事 15 分钟以上。

4. Leave the teaching place to handle private affairs without authorization during the class
teaching for more than 15 minutes.

5. 教师未经教务处批准,擅自停课、或请人代课 3 学时及以上。

5. Without authorization, suspend class or ask a substitute teacher to take over the class for 3
class hours and above without the approval of the Office of Academic Affairs.

6. 未经校长及教学管理中心同意,擅自舍弃学期课程内容 1/3 以上。

6. Without authorization, abandon more than 1/3 semester course contents without the
consent of the Principal and the teaching management center.

(二) 实践教学类

(II) Practical teaching

1. 在实践教学中,指导老师未按要求认真指导学生,造成重大经济损失或重大声誉损失。

1. In practice teaching, the instructor fails to guide the students seriously as required,
resulting in great economic loss or great reputation loss.

2. 在校外实践教学时,带队老师未尽职责或违反实践教学安全规定,造成重大安全事故。

2. In the off-campus practical teaching, the leading teacher fails to perform his/her duties or
violates the safety regulations of practical teaching, resulting in major safety accidents.

(三) 考试与成绩类

(III) Examination and grade

1. 试题命题有严重错误,导致考试不能正常进行。

1. There are serious errors in the test questions, resulting in that the examination cannot be
conducted normally.

2. 在考试安排中漏排班级、考试课程,严重影响考试的正常秩序。

2. In the examination arrangement, omit any class and examination course, having serious
effect on the normal order of the examination.

3. 教师或教学管理人员在考前泄、漏考题(含试卷印刷、保管、交接过程中出现的泄题)。

3. Leak examination questions (including leakage of examination questions in the printing of

test papers, custody and handover) by the teacher or teaching administrative staff.

4. 监考老师迟到 5 分钟以上,且未主动采取补救措施。

4. The invigilator is late for more than 5 minutes and doesn’t take the initiative to take
remedial measures.

5. 未经批准,擅自提前、推迟或延长考试时间 20 分钟以上。

5. Advance, postpone or delay the examination time for more than 20 minutes without

6. 教师擅自提高或压低学生考试成绩 20 分以上。

6. Raise or lower students' test grades by more than 20 grades without authorization.

7. 一个班级试卷批阅或累分错误达 15 分以上者超过 5 份。

7. There are more than 5 test papers with 15 grades or more mistakes in test paper review or
grade calculation in one class.

8. 考试结束时主(监)考人员漏收学生考卷两份(含两份)以上;阅卷教师在考试结束后

8. The examiner (invigilator) misses more than two (inclusive) test papers at the end of the
examination; The review teacher losses more than two (inclusive) test papers and examination
grades after the examination.

9. 管理人员擅自更改学生成绩。

9. The administrative staff changes the grade of students without authorization.

10. 监考过程中帮助学生作弊或为学生作弊提供方便。

10. Help students to cheat or provide convenience for students to cheat in the process of

(四) 教学管理与建设类

(IV) Teaching management and construction

1. 责任人在编制和审定教学执行计划或任务书过程中,因工作失误出现差错,造成恶劣

1. In the process of compiling and reviewing the teaching execution plan or task book, the
Principal makes errors due to work fault, resulting in baneful effect.

2. 在课时计算中,因统计失误,造成超过 5000 元及以上课时费用差异错误。

2. Result in RMB 5,000 and above expense variance of class hours due to statistical error in
the class hour calculation.

3. 擅自更改学生档案信息。

3. Alter the file information of students without authorization.

4. 擅自出具与事实违背的学历、学籍等证明,或违法注册、颁发学历证书。

4. Without authorization, issue education background, school record and other certificates
which are contrary to the facts, or register and issue the academic certificate illegally.

5. 以任何形式、任何手段擅自挪用教学经费,造成不良影响(注:追究管理者责任)。

5. Embezzle teaching expense in any forms and ways without authorization, resulting in
adverse effect (note: Investigate the liabilities of the administrator).

(五) 教学保障类

(V) Teaching guarantee

1. 未按要求按时完成教材选订任务而影响教学工作正常进行,造成严重后果。

1. Fail to complete the selection task of teaching materials on time, affecting the normal
teaching work and resulting in serious consequences.

2. 漏订、错订教材,严重影响教学进行,造成较大经济损失。

2. Make omission and errors in ordering teaching materials, seriously affecting the teaching
and resulting in great economic losses.

3. 未经学院批准,任何单位和个人、以任何形式兜售任何教材或参考资料,造成严重后
3. Any unit or individual sells any teaching materials or reference materials in any way
without the approval of the College, resulting in serious consequences.

4. 不及时处理教材信息,造成严重后果者。

4. Fail to handle information in the teaching material timely, resulting in serious


5. 不按时提交自编教材、誊印教材资料,造成课前不能到书,影响教学正常进行,情节

5. Fail to submit self-compiled teaching materials, transcribe and print teaching materials,
resulting in that the teaching materials cannot be given to students before the class, affecting normal
teaching, with baneful circumstance.

6. 其他未列出的、未经审批而严重干扰正常教学的事件。

6. Other unlisted and unapproved incidents that seriously interfere with normal teaching.

第八条 下列情节认定为二级教学事故

Article 8 The following circumstances are identified as Level II teaching accidents

(一) 课堂教学类

(I) Classroom teaching

1. 擅自停课、或请人代课 2 学时以内。

1. Suspend the class or ask a substitute teacher to take over the class for less than 2 class
hours without authorization.

2. 擅自未按课表上课。

2. Fail to attend the class according to the class schedule without authorization.

3. 上课迟到或提前下课 5-15 分钟。

3. Be late for class or dismiss the class early for 5-15 minutes.

4. 课堂管理不严格,造成课堂秩序混乱,严重影响教学效果,学生反映强烈。

4. Loose classroom management, resulting in class disorder, seriously affecting the teaching
effect with strong reaction of students.

5. 未完成教学大纲规定的内容,学生反映强烈。

5. Fail to complete the contents stipulated in the teaching program, with strong reaction of
6. 未按教学计划进行教学,教学进度超前或滞后 10 课时以上。

6. Fail to make teaching according to the teaching plan, with the teaching progress ahead or
lagging for more than 10 class hours.

7. 课前准备不充分,教学效果差,学生反映强烈。

7. Have insufficient pre-class preparation and poor teaching effect, with strong reaction of

(二) 实践教学类

(II) Practical teaching

1. 在实践教学中,指导老师未按要求认真指导学生,造成一般经济损失及品牌声誉损失。

1. In practice teaching, the instructor fails to guide the students seriously as required,
resulting in general economic loss or great reputation loss.

2. 在校外实践教学期间,带队老师擅离工作岗位。

2. The leading teacher leaves the post without authorization during off-campus practical

3. 擅自缩短实践时间、内容或地点。

3. Shorten the practice time, content or place without authorization.

4. 未认真履行指导职责,导致学生所撰写的实践报告、毕业项目资料存在严重抄袭现象。

4. Fail to perform the guidance duties carefully, resulting in that the practice report compiled
by students and graduation project information have serious plagiarism.

(三) 考试与成绩类

(III) Examination and grade

1. 在考试安排中少印试卷 20 份以上,并未能在考试开始后 15 分钟内采取补救措施予以


1. Less print more than 20 test papers in the examination arrangement, fail to take remedial
measures to solve the problem within 15 minutes after the start of the examination, seriously
affecting the normal order of the examination.

2. 试题内容与前两届(次)无明显区别,或同一门次考试 A、B 卷在内容上无明显区别。

2. The test contents have no obvious distinction with previous two tests, or the contents of
volume A and volume B of the same subject have no obvious distinction.

3. 试卷题量明显不合适,致使三分之二以上学生提前交卷,或要求提前交卷。
3. The number of questions in the test paper is obviously inappropriate, resulting in more than
two thirds students to hand in test papers in advance, or to ask for handing in test papers in advance.

4. 未及时通知学生参加考试,或未及时通知监考教师参加监考。

4. Fail to notify students for attending the examination timely, or notify the invigilator for
attending invigilation timely.

5. 监考老师迟到 5 分钟以上但主动采取补救措施。

5. The invigilator is late for more than 5 minutes but takes the initiative to take remedial

6. 监考人员未严格执行监考规程,或未严格履行监考职责,造成不良后果。

6. The invigilator fails to implement the invigilation procedures strictly, or fails to perform
invigilation duties, resulting in adverse consequences.

7. 课程考核结束后,未按时把成绩录入系统或未及时通知学生查询成绩,造成不良后果。

7. Fail to input the test grades into the system or notify students for grades inquiry timely
after the course assessment, resulting in adverse consequences.

8. 教师不加强对学生的平时考核,无依据给出平时成绩或所给成绩明显不符。

8. Fail to strength the assessment to students at ordinary times, give usual grade without basis
or the grade given is clearly inconsistent.

9. 评卷、统分、登分不认真,造成学生成绩差错,达 5 人以上,后果严重。

9. Fail to judge test papers, make grade statistics and grade record carefully, resulting in
errors of grades of more than 5 students, with serious consequence.

10. 考试结束时主(监)考人员漏收学生考卷一份;阅卷教师在考试结束后遗失学生试卷及

10. The examiner (invigilator) misses one test paper at the end of the examination; The marker
losses the test paper and grade of one student after the examination, resulting in no grade, makeup
course or makeup test of the student.

11. 对本校区学生违反教学纪律(含考试纪律)不作调查,或不作处理,或上交矛盾,或

11. Fail to investigate or handle the violation of teaching disciplines (including examination
disciplines) of any students in the campus, or to submit any conflicts, handle the disciplinary
violation of students sympathetically without principles.

12. 未经教学管理中心同意,擅自变更考试及格标准。

12. Change the pass standards of the examination without the consent of the teaching
management center.
(四) 教学管理与建设类

(IV) Teaching management and construction

1. 学院、专业负责人、教研室主任不能按时完成教学执行计划,影响学校教学工作安排。

1. The College, Professional Principal, the Director of the Teaching and Research Office fail
to complete the teaching execution plan on time, affecting the teaching arrangement of the school.

2. 责任人在编制和审定教学执行计划或任务书过程中,因工作失误出现差错,造成不良

2. In the process of compiling and reviewing the teaching execution plan or task book, the
Principal makes errors due to work fault, resulting in adverse effect.

3. 教学任务未落实,影响排课和上课。

3. Fail to implement the teaching task, affecting the course arrangement and class teaching.

4. 任课教师胜任能力考核不认真,未经培训与考核,安排教学能力不达标的人员承担教

4. Course teachers are not serious in competence assessment, don’t accept training or pass
assessment. Arrange the personnel whose teaching ability doesn’t meet the standards to undertake
teaching tasks.

5. 未按规定时间编排完成课表,影响教学正常进行。

5. Fail to complete the compilation of the class schedule within the agreed time, affecting the
normal teaching.

6. 课表编排出现重大错误或多处错误,造成教学秩序混乱。

6. There are major or many mistakes in the class schedule, resulting in teaching disorder.

7. 未经批准擅自更换主讲教师。

7. Change the leading teacher without approval.

8. 不按学校有关规定,擅自办理学籍注册手续。

8. Handle the school record registration formalities without relevant regulation of the school.

9. 在教师教学质量评价、教学事故认定等过程中弄虚作假,造成不良影响。

9. Make falsification in the teaching quality evaluation and teaching accident identification of
teachers, resulting in adverse effect.

10. 工作人员工作失误,造成教学评价等信息传递不及时,影响其他工作正常开展。
10. The staff has fault in work, resulting in late transfer of teaching evaluation and other
information, and affecting the normal operation of other works.

11. 未经教学管理中心同意,擅自让学生停课参加任何校内外活动。

11. Make students participate in any on and off campus activities by suspending class without
the consent of teaching management center.

12. 擅自或变相向学生推销教材、参考书或辅导资料。

12. Sell teaching materials, reference books or coaching materials without authorization or in
disguised form.

13. 在课时计算中,因统计失误,造成超过 2000 元及以上课时费用差异错误。

13. Result in RMB 2,000 and above expense variance of class hours due to statistical error in
the class hour calculation.

(五) 教学保障类

(V) Teaching guarantee

1. 未按学院要求按时完成教材选订任务而影响教学工作正常进行,造成一般后果。

1. Fails to complete the selection task of teaching materials on time as required by the College,
affecting the normal teaching work and resulting in general consequences.

2. 必修课因故无教材且不采取适当的补救措施。

2. Lack of teaching materials for required courses and don’t take appropriate remedial

3. 漏订、错订教材,影响教学进行或造成一定经济损失。

3. Make omission and errors in ordering teaching materials, affecting the teaching and
resulting in certain economic losses.

4. 未经批准,任何单位和个人、以任何形式兜售任何教材或参考资料。

4. Any unit or individual sells any teaching materials or reference materials in any way
without the approval.

5. 不及时处理教材信息,造成不良后果者。

5. Fail to handle information in the teaching material timely, resulting in adverse


6. 不按时提交自编教材、誊印教材资料,造成课前不能到书,影响教学正常进行者。

6. Fail to submit self-compiled teaching materials, transcribe and print teaching materials,
resulting in that the teaching materials cannot be given to students before the class, affecting normal

7. 其他未列出的、未经审批而干扰正常教学的事件,造成一般后果。

7. Other unlisted and unapproved incidents that interfere with normal teaching, resulting in
general consequence.

第九条 下列情节认定为三级教学事故:

Article 9 The following circumstances are identified as Level III teaching accidents:

(一) 课堂教学类

(I) Classroom teaching

1. 上课迟到 5 分钟以内或提前下课。

1. Be late for class for less than 5 minutes or dismiss the class early.

2. 已办调课手续,未及时通知学生、导致学生未能按时上课的责任者。

2. The Principal for students not attending the class timely on account of that he/she fails to
notify students after handling the class adjustment formalities.

3. 未经教学管理中心批准,以播放录像的单一形式代替课堂教学。

3. Replace classroom teaching in the single form of video without the approval of the
teaching management center.

4. 教学进度超前或滞后 4-8 学时。

4. The teaching progress is 4-8 class hours ahead or lagging.

5. 上课不带课程教学大纲、教材、教案、备课笔记、学生考勤及成绩记载簿。

5. Don’t take the course teaching program, teaching material, teaching plan, preparation notes,
student attendance and grade record book when attending class.

6. 教师上课使用手机等通讯工具。

6. The teacher uses mobile phone and other communication tools.

7. 未经教学管理中心同意,随意更改专业教学计划或教学进程。

7. Change professional teaching plan or teaching progress without the consent of the teaching
management center.

8. 未将教学安排及时通知任课教师或学生,造成无教师或无学生上课,或教师、学生、
8. Fail to notify the course teacher or students of the teaching arrangement timely, resulting in
that no teacher or student attends the class, or conflicts among teachers, students and classroom

(二) 考试与成绩类

(II) Examination and grade

1. 监考老师迟到 5 分钟以内或早退。

1. The invigilator is late for less than 5 minutes or leaves early.

2. 巡视、监考及考务人员未按时到达考场或考务办,或无故缺席者。

2. The inspector, invigilator and examination personnel fail to arrive the examination room or
the examination affair office on time, or are absent without reason.

3. 未经批准,擅自提前、推迟或延长考试时间 10-20 分钟。

3. Advance, postpone or delay the examination time for 10-20 minutes without approval.

4. 监考过程中为学生违纪提供方便或为学生开脱。

4. Provide convenience for the disciplinary violation of students or exculpate for students
during invigilation.

5. 监考人员不按考场规定,擅自允许或不制止考生提前离开考场。

5. The invigilator allows or doesn’t prevent students from leaving the examination room in
advance by violating the rules of the examination room.

第五章 教学事故受理

Chapter V Acceptance of teaching accident

第十条 教学事故受理方

Article 10 Acceptor of teaching accident

1. 教学事故由所在教学单位受理,提出处理意见报教学管理中心及人力资源部处理,必

1. The teaching unit shall accept the teaching accident, propose treatment opinions and report
it to the teaching management center and the HR Department for handling. It also can be
accepted and handed by the HR Department directly when necessary.

2. 对已发生的教学事故或对是否为教学事故有疑问的,当事人和其所在校区教管负责人
2. If there is any doubt about the teaching accident occurred or whether an accident is a
teaching accident, the party concerned and the Principal of the teaching management in the
corresponding campus shall report to the teaching management center and the HR
Department timely. Other discoverers or insiders can also report or inform it to the teaching
management center and the HR Department. Teaching accidents discovered by the teaching
management center in the teaching inspection process shall be identified by the teaching
management center directly in the form of publicity.

第十一条 教学事故受理与认定应提交下列材料:

Article 11 The following materials shall be submitted for the acceptance and identification of
teaching accidents:

1. 《中际育才教学事故认定与处理登记表》一式三份(所在校区提供,或教学管理中心

1. The Registration Form for the Identification and Treatment of Teaching Accidents of China
Edukeys shall be in duplicate and be provided by the corresponding campus or be filled in
by the teaching management center directly.

2. 事故当事人情况说明;事实清楚的可不要求事故当事人作情况说明。

2. Situation description of the party concerned of the accident; If the fact is clear, the party
concerned of the accident may not be required to make the situation description.

3. 其他相关材料。

3. Other relevant materials.

第六章 教学事故认定及处理程序

Chapter VI Identification and treatment procedures of teaching accidents


Article 12 The identification procedures of teaching accidents

1. 教学单位填写直接填写《中际育才教学事故认定与处理登记表》,教学管理中心直接

1. The teaching unit shall be responsible for directly filling in the Registration Form for the
Identification and Treatment of Teaching Accidents of China Edukeys directly. The teaching
management center shall be responsible for settling relevant materials directly. Or the teaching
management center may fill in the registration form directly.

2. 教学管理中心审核,并根据权限提出处理意见。

2. The teaching management center shall review it and propose treatment opinions according
to the authorization.

3. 教学管理中心将该登记表发送至人力资源部进行审核。
3. The teaching management center shall submit the registration form to the HR Department
for review.

4. 由人力资源部根据事实及相关规定出具最终处理意见,并执行。

4. The HR Department shall propose the final treatment opinion according to the fact and
relevant regulations, and implement it.

第十三条 教学事故认定与处理权限

Article 13 Identification and treatment authorization of teaching accidents


The identification and treatment authorization for all levels of teaching accidents are as


Level I teaching accidents shall be commented by the teaching management center and
submitted to the HR Department for review, and be determined by the President. The treatment
results shall be notified to the whole company in the form of "notification decision".


Level II teaching accidents shall be commented by the teaching management center and
submitted to the HR Department for identification. The treatment results shall be publicized to the
whole company in the form of "notification".


Level III teaching accidents shall be identified by the teaching management center. The
treatment results shall be publicized to the corresponding campus in the form of "notification".

第十四条 教学事故处理办法

Article 14 Treatment methods of teaching accidents

1. 教学事故根据级别不同分别给予事故责任人和责任人所在单位如下处理:

1. For all levels of teaching accidents, the following treatments shall be given to the Principal
and the unit that the Principal belongs to according to different levels:


Level I teaching accidents: Give the “last warning” punishment to the Principal of the accident,
and investigate the liability for compensation according to the losses, with the amount being
calculated by the HR Department and the teaching management center jointly based on the specific

二级教学事故:给予事故责任人行政“警告”处分,并追究赔偿损失费 500 元/次。

Level II teaching accidents: Give the administrative “warning” punishment to the Principal of
the accident, and investigate the liability for compensation for losses of RMB 500/time.

三级教学事故:给予事故责任人“通报批评”的处理,并追究赔偿损失费 100 元/次。

Level III teaching accidents: Give the “notification of criticism” treatment to the Principal of
the accident, and investigate the liability for compensation for losses of RMB 100/time.

2. 限期整改:

2. Rectification within a limited period:


The maximum time for “rectification within a limited period” is one semester. During the
rectification period, the Principal cannot take or is restricted to take the course teaching task, and
shall accept the assessment. For disqualification in the assessment, the Principal may be cancelled
with the teaching quality or be subject to rectification within a limited period again.

3. 一年内累计发生 2 次以上(含 2 次)三级教学事故者按二级教学事故处理;一年内累

计发生 2 次以上(含 2 次)二级教学事故者按一级教学事故处理;一年内累计发生 2 次以上
(含 2 次)一级教学事故者,公司有权解除劳动合同且不支付任何补偿金。

3. The person who has more than 2 (inclusive) Level III teaching accidents accumulatively in
a year, shall be treated as Level II teaching accident; The person who has more than 2 (inclusive)
Level II teaching accidents accumulatively in a year, shall be treated as Level I teaching accident;
For the person who has more than 2 (inclusive) Level I teaching accidents accumulatively in a year,
the Company shall be entitled to terminate the labor contract without paying any compensation.

第七章 相关问题的处理

Chapter VII The treatment of relevant problems

第十五条 教学事故应明确列出责任人(一人或多人),属个人主要责任的不得以单位或部

Article 15 The Principal (one or more) of the teaching accident shall be listed clearly. If a person
shall take main responsibility for an accident, the Principal shall not be replaced by a unit
or department.

第十六条 对已发生的教学事故,教学事故责任人和其所在校区应在事发后及时受理并在三

Article 16 For a teaching accident occurred, the Principal and corresponding campus shall accept it
timely after the occurrence and report it to the teaching management center within three
days; If the Principal conceals a teaching accident in the campus intentionally, or delays
to report the accident discovered by the teaching management staff during the teaching
inspection, duty performance and inspection tour, the Principal of the teaching work of
the unit shall be listed as the Principal of the accident; For a teaching accident occurred, if
the Principal doesn’t the initiative to verify or uses the pretext that it is impossible to
verify, the responsibility of the teaching accident shall be assumed by the administrative
head of the unit.

第十七条 有关部门在对教学事故的调查取证的过程中,校区或个人不配合工作,或以各种

Article 17 If the campus or individual does not cooperate with the work, or shirks and obstructs the
investigation and evidence collection with various excuses or makes other troubles in the
process of investigating and collecting evidence of teaching accidents by relevant
department, resulting in that the level of the teaching accident cannot be confirmed in the
stipulated time, it shall be treated according to a Level I teaching accidents.

第十八条 在事故调查和处理过程中,事故所属校区人员无理取闹、谩骂攻击调查人员、干

Article 18 If the staff of the campus in which the teaching accident occurs make trouble without
reason, abuse and attack the investigators, interfere with the normal work or life and other
improper behaviors, or fail to stop it or do not perform well in stopping it, all benefits and
year-end bonus of all staff of the teaching unit for the year will be cancelled.

第十九条 对教学事故的认定、处理有异议的,当事人可向教学管理中心提出申诉,经人力
资源部与总裁复议后进行答复,申诉期限为处理决定下达之日起 10 日内。

Article 19 In case of objections in the identification and treatment of teaching accidents, the party
concerned can appeal to the teaching management center, which will be replied after
being reviewed by the HR Department and the President. The time limit for appeal shall
be within 10 days from the date on which the treatment decision is made.

第八章 附则

Chapter VIII Supplementary provisions

第二十条 本办法由人力资源部与教学管理中心联合制定,解释权归人力资源部所有。
Article 20 This Measures shall be jointly formulated by the HR Department and the teaching
management center. The right of interpretation shall be reserved by the HR Department.

北京中际育才国际管理顾问有限公司 雇员姓名 Name of the Employee

China Edukeys International Services CO., LTD
代表人签名 Signature of the Representative 雇员签名 Signature of the Employee

代表人职位 Position of the Representative 雇员护照号码 Passport No. of the Employee:

日期 Date 日期 Date

邮箱 Email 邮箱 Email

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