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NAME: Camilo Quinche Id:309606 NRC: 1477

I.You are going on a trip to ……………… for two weeks in December. Write a 6-line paragraph
expressing what you are going to do there. You can include information about people,
transportation, cost, hotel, activities, etc. (BE GOING TO). Follow the model.

Dear Paola,

Next December I’m going to travel to San Andres and then to Mexico. I´m so happy for this

because I have always wanted to know these places. I`m going to be in a lot of touristic

places. And I want to invite you to Mexico, would you like to go? I know that you went there,

but I promise that we are going to do a many things. I`m going to buy the Hotel tickets

tomorrow! I`m so excited! Then, the next year I`m going to travel around the world to know a

lot of countries and towns. I know that it`s going to be fantastic!

Hope to see you very soon.







I. Answer the questions using TO (The infinitive of purpose).

Why is he going to buy a new computer?

He`s going to buy a new computer TO study
1. Why is she going to wear an elegant dress?
Because she is going to go to a party
2. Why are they going to take Transmilenio?
Because they are going to go home to rest
3. Why are they going to the bank?
because they are going to pay the credit to not have more debts
4. Why are you going to get up early tomorrow?
Because I am going to do exercise to be fit

5. Why are you going to call your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Because I am going to tell her that I love her to get married

6. Why is she going to turn on the stereo?

Because she is going to listen to her favorite song to remember my ex-girlfriend

7. Why are they going to make a party?

Because they are going to celebrate the new year to be happy

8. Why are you going to the shopping mall?

Because I need new clothes to be fashion

9. Why is your mother going to make a special dinner?

Because she is going to celebrate my birthday to be popular in the university

10. Why are you going to meet your school friends?

Because I am going to meet them to drink a beer
III. Answer the questions using Present Continuous expressing future.

1. What time are you getting up tomorrow?

Tomorrow I´m getting up at 7 o`clock
2. What are you doing on weekend?
On the weekend I am studying to get a new score in the quiz

3. Where are you going on vacation?

I am going to San Andres in December
4. When are we having English class next week?
In the next week we are having class on Tuesday
5. What are you doing tonight?
I am studying Math’s with virtual classes

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