METHOD 9 (Report)

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The four components of this approach are

as follows:

1. Genuine Love for Reading

2. Critical Thinking
3. Mastery of the Structures of the
(Filipino/English) Language
4. Transfer Stage
Genuine Love for Reading (GLR)

•Aims to immerse the child in

literature and develop a deep and
lasting love for reading
Critical Thinking (CT)

•Aims to develop a habit of reflecting

on what has been read
Mastery of the Structures of the
(Filipino/English) Language

• Through this method of sharing literature,

vocabulary is developed, attention span
is lengthened, listening comprehension is
honed and critical thinking, applied daily
becomes a habit.
Transfer Stage (TS)

• It is a learning set of visual symbols (the

feature of the written language) that stands for
auditory symbols (oral language) that the child
has already learned.
1. Content-Based Instruction
2. Thematic Approach to Teaching
3. Constructivism
Content-Based Instruction

Commonly known as CBI, is a strategy that

covers reading in relation to other content areas.
Relating one subject area to another.
• Aims at the development of use-oriented ‘second
and foreign language skills’ and is ‘distinguished
by the concurrent learning of a specific content
and related language use skills’ (Wesche, 1993)
• An approach to language instruction that
integrates the presentation of topics or tasks
from subject matter classes (e.g., math, social
studies) within the context of teaching a second or
foreign language. (Crandall & Tucker, 1990)
Thematic Approach to Teaching

A way of teaching and learning,

whereby different areas of the
curriculum are related together and
integrated to a central theme.
• Allows literacy to grow progressively, i.e.,
vocabulary is linked, spelling and sentence
writing are being frequently, but smoothly,
• Thematic teaching is about students actively
constructing their own knowledge. Piaget and
Vygotsky were strong proponents of the
constructivist approach (Thematic teaching is
based on constructivism).
• Piaget (1926)
- Believed that knowledge is built in slow, continuous
construction of skills and understanding that each
child brings to each situation as he or she matures.
- Emphasized the cognitive growth that takes place
when students cooperate and interact with one another.
- Asserted that thematic teaching can be defined as the
process of integrating and linking multiple elements of a
curriculum in an ongoing exploration of many
different aspects of the topic or subject.
- It involves a constant interaction between teacher and
sudents and their classroom environment.
• Vygotsky (1997)
- suggested that social interaction and
collaboration were powerful sources of
transformation in the child’s thinking:

“In education it is far more important to

teach the child how to think than to
communicate various bits of knowledge
to him.”
Argues that humans construct meaning from the current
knowledge structures.
• It is a philosophy of learning based on the idea that the
construction of one’s knowledge of the world we live in is
through reflection of one’s experiences.
• Learners engender their own “mental models” to generate and
regenerate ideas from experiences and to adjust and
accommodate to new experiences.
• Constructivist see reading as a social practice which affect when
you read, what you read, where you read, who you read with,
and why and how you read.

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