RR - Greensheet For June 12 2008

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PROMISE YOURSELF Jim Alley, President

Optimist Club of Coronado Pres.08-09 Leslie Crawford

Post Office Box 180251 President Elect John Bowen
VPs-Irish Flynn & John Bowen
Coronado, CA 92178-0251 Stu Powell, Secretary
June 12, 2008 John Freeman, Treas.
“In general, the art of government consists in taking as USNA ’45 Publishers
much money as possible from one party of the citizens to A group that’s too noble for fear
give to the other.” —Voltaire. www.sportsfiesta.net

Meetings at 7AM on Thurs at Coronado Yacht Club

Executive Summary
“THE SKY IS FALLING” Chicken Little
“Oh, no it isn’t”, McKechnie and Couture

There was so much going on this morning that the scribe’s pencil was worn down to a mere nub at the end.
But as far as my lead held out here is what happened. Irish and Tom collected the sheaves at the door.
Jennifer Landry is a teacher at the middle school, and came as Carla Fargo’s guest. Rob Bilbrow is a longtime
supporter of the Sports Fiesta who came with Marilyn Schaefer. And George Morgan, biker and supply corps
representative, crossed the threshold as a guest of John McKechnie.

Jim Alley looked great in his Tony Soprano outfit. He had a nice quote from Justice Clarence Thomas—“Good
manners trumps good education”. Rich Thomas reminded us of all we get out of seeing these bright young
faces from our community that we have welcomed to our breakfasts over the past weeks. He brought this into
his morning prayer. Admiral Speer was back to lead the pledge.

The board spent a little of your money on football—a new stadium for the Chargers? No, a contribution to the

Sports Fiesta Announcements: 1-Dick Madouse told us that the ad campaign is open for this last week. But
don’t say anything to him about ads after the close of business next Thursday. And get your copy in, especially
if you have taken someone’s money.
2-Jim Cartwright thanked Roy Mantz for doing a nice job again with the entry forms for the Sports
Fiesta. If you can distribute any, contact Jim. The Crawford’s son Andrew will be doing the mailing for us.
3-Carla Fargo is ordering new yellow shirts so if you need one call her and have $10 in hand. Sergeant
Drummey was pleading with Carla for a prettier shade of yellow. Jim Cooper wants a pocket for his ciggies.
4- Paul Dudley needs a few more good men and women to help out with the golf event during Sports
Fiesta. This runs all week. The help involves exchanging dollar bills for golf balls at several holes at the golf
course. You only are there a couple hours, and its sort of fun watching golfers trying to hit a green when a buck
fifty ball is on the line. Call Paul and help.

Jack Larison has a really special show planned for the 4th of July. Scouts and dogs and marching Optimists
with very green VW convertibles. Be ready.

Ed Crow marked 28 years in your club this week, and Jack Davis is 28 years old this week. HBTJack.

Jim Alley distributed a sheet of ideas on membership. We will discuss this next week as our program. Jim
asked us to put our thinking hats on (anybody have a thinking hat anymore?) and be ready next Thursday.

John McKechnie got the program off to an Optimistic start giving the derivation of the word politics as poly as in
many and tics as in blood sucking creatures. John is upset that any discussion of global warming (or is it global
climate change this week) that any sort of debate has been declared over. The data is in. The need for quick
and decisive action has been proven. A year ago Marshall Saunders showed us pictures of forest fires in
Australia and told us that we had only one decade to fix the weather. Now, if he is right, we only have nine
years! And here we have two Optimists boldly telling us that it is all a hoax to take your money (Couture) or to
ruin in economic engine of the free world (McKechnie).

Jack and John don’t like the Climate Security Act that the Senate just considered. Climate Security—why
would anyone be against that? Can’t The Department of Homeland Security just wrap its arms about the

John told us that the polar bears are still having little polar bears and that winter has returned to the great north
polar cap. I guess that it is still very hard to cremate Dan McGrew because it is still cold in the Yukon. Who can
you believe? Didn’t Vice President Gore get a Noble Prize and Oscar for his work alerting the citizens of the
earth to the crisis?

Three thousand years ago a plebe had to worry about the Assyrians putting a hook through his nose and
leading him away to a fate worse than death. Wait another thousand years and you had to stay out of the way
of the Romans and the barbarians. A thousand year back and it was some horseman from the steppes of Asia
who would gleefully put your head on the end of his lance. Just five hundred years ago and you might find
yourself practicing the wrong brand of Christianity and so being used to light up the night.

Now all we have to worry about is the weather, and taxes.


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