Consequencesof Hodrick Prescott Filtering

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Consequences of Hodrick–Prescott filtering for parameter estimation in a

structural model of inventory behavior

Article  in  Applied Economics · February 2006

DOI: 10.1080/00036840500427254 · Source: RePEc

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1 author:

David John Doorn

West Chester University


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Applied Economics, 2006, 38, 1863–1875

Consequences of Hodrick–Prescott
filtering for parameter estimation
in a structural model of
inventory behaviour
D. Doorn
Department of Economics, University of Minnesota Duluth,
112 Library Drive, 165 SBE, Duluth, MN 55812, USA

Much work in macroeconomics relies on detrending a time series prior to

analysis. A popular method of detrending has been the Hodrick–Prescott
(HP) filter. This filter has been widely applied in the Real Business Cycle
literature to isolate the behaviour of economic variables at business cycle
frequencies and to look at comovements between series over the business
cycle. Prior work has shown that the use of this filter can have serious
consequences for such analysis, such as inducing spurious correlations, and
that a researcher should proceed with caution when applying the filter.
Another use of HP filtering has been to achieve stationarity prior to
estimation of structural econometric models. Little work has been done
concerning the possible effects this method of detrending may have on
parameter estimation from such models. Given the problems with the filter
noted in the literature, it is likely these effects may be of some consequence
to estimation results. Using a common model of inventory behaviour,
a simulation study is conducted to assess the impact of using the HP filter
for detrending prior to estimation. A comparison will be made to other
methods of handling trend to gauge relative performance.

I. Introduction interest in and of itself for describing how a series

evolves over the long-run and establishing whether
Since the important work of Nelson and Plosser macroeconomic shocks are permanent or transitory
(1982) there has been much interest in determining in their effects, it is also useful in deciding upon the
the time-series properties of macroeconomic data best means of removing a long-run trend from a time
series. Recent examples in this publication alone series prior to its further use.
include Gil-Alana (2004) and Sen (2004). Of partic- In recent years the Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter,
ular interest has been the determination of whether a developed in Hodrick and Prescott (1997), has
time series follows a deterministic trend, possibly become a popular method for removing the growth
piecewise linear,1 or a stochastic trend containing one component from data exhibiting long-run trends over
or more unit roots. While this determination is of time. While application of the filter typically does not

Sen (2004) investigates this possibility for updated versions of the series’ examined in Nelson and Plosser (1982) and Doorn
(2003) finds trend breaks in aggregate inventories and sales at the two-digit SIC industry level.
Applied Economics ISSN 0003–6846 print/ISSN 1466–4283 online ß 2006 Taylor & Francis 1863
DOI: 10.1080/00036840500427254
1864 D. Doorn
rely upon pre-determination of the time-series prop- different criteria for detrending the data prior to
erties of the data, it is capable of removing both linear estimation, including removing a linear trend and HP
and stochastic trends. The HP filter has been much filtering with different values for the smoothing
applied in the Real Business Cycle (RBC) literature as parameter, discussed below. For comparison, the
a method of isolating business cycle frequencies from model is also estimated without prior detrending of
the long-run trend component in both actual and the data but instead estimating deterministic compo-
simulated data. The goal in that literature has been to nents along with the other parameters of the model.
study the business cycle behaviour of different The paper proceeds as follows: First the Hodrick–
macroeconomic variables and to determine the Prescott filter is presented and some of the previous
degree of any comovements between them over results mentioned above discussed. Next a structural
the course of the cycle. This generally involves a model of inventory behaviour is derived with which
correlation study of the filtered data.2 Unfortunately to simulate data. The model is then calibrated to
for this work, studies of the impact HP filtering can actual data on inventories and sales of non-durable
have on the second moments of a data series have goods. Once this is done, simulated data is used to
shown it to have the potential to introduce spurious estimate the parameters of the model several times
correlations in the filtered data and spurious cross- using different methods for dealing with the trend.
correlations between series. This may cause the A comparison will be made of the distributional
stylized facts gained through the study of HP filtered characteristics across the different detrending meth-
data to be questionable at best. There have been a ods. In addition, the effect of detrending method on
number of papers showing this potential for the HP different test statistics resulting from the estimation
filter to distort results from RBC models and will be considered.
empirical studies, most notably Harvey and Jaeger
(1993), King and Rebelo (1993), and Cogley and
Nason (1995).
Another application of the HP filter has been as an II. The Hodrick–Prescott Filter
ad hoc method of detrending data series which are
subsequently used in estimation of parameters from This derivation of the Hodrick–Prescott filter closely
structural econometric models. Most estimation follows that of King and Rebelo (1993). The HP filter
methods require the data used to be covariance is based on the assumption that a time-series process
stationary in order for the underlying asymptotic can be modelled as the sum of a growth component
theory to hold. While seemingly useful as a tool for and a cyclical component, that is yt ¼ ygt þ yct . In the
detrending and achieving stationarity, the above- real business cycle literature it is desirable to remove
mentioned problems have the potential to affect the growth component, whether it be a stochastic or
estimation using HP filtered data as well. If the cross- deterministic trend, in order to study the behaviour of
correlations between variables are affected by the the cyclical component and to compare that behav-
filtering process, then estimation of a model posited iour between different series. The HP filter achieves
as governing the relationship between those variables this by defining the cyclical component as
will likely be affected as well, along with any
inferences based on the estimated parameters. It is yct ¼ yt  ygt ð1Þ
the goal of this paper to assess whether there is a where yct becomes the desired detrended series. The
significant impact on parameter estimation when HP filter minimizes the variance of Equation 1 while
using HP filtered data as opposed to other methods penalizing for excessive changes in the growth
of detrending. component. This can be expressed in terms of the
To effect this study of the impact HP filtering may following minimization problem
have on estimation a simulation study is conducted
T n
X 2  2 o
based on a widely-studied model of inventory
min yt  ygt þ  ygtþ1  ygt Þ  ðygt  ygt1
behaviour. The simulated data generated by the g
fyt gTt¼1 t¼1
model contain simple linear trends. The simulated
data is then used to estimate the population
parameters of the model using the Generalized where  is termed the ‘smoothing parameter’, since its
Method of Moments (GMM) estimator of Hansen value determines the penalty applied to excessive
(1982). The model is estimated several times using changes in the growth rate of the series. The value
A recent example of such work in this journal is Sensier (2003), in which wide use of the HP filter was made in the study of
asymmetry in the business cycle behaviour of inventories in the UK.
Impact of Hodrick–Prescott filtering on parameter estimation 1865
chosen for  will differ depending on the sampling 1.0
frequency of the data and represents the trade-off
between smoothness and goodness of fit in the 0.8
resulting series.3
Making use of lag operators, the first-order
condition from the minimization problem results in 0.4

yt  ygt 2
¼ ð1  LÞ ð1  L1 Þ2 ygt 0.2

or 0.0
yt ¼ ½1 þ ð1  LÞ ð1  L Þ 1 2
ygt – 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1
By inversion this can be put in terms of a low
frequency filter applied to yt, which yields the growth Fig. 1. Frequency response of HP cyclical filter: ( )
lambda ^ 1600, ( ) lambda ^ 14 400, ( ) lambda ^
component ygt ¼ Hg ðLÞyt , where 86 400, ( ) lambda ¼ 129 600, ( ) Ideal-monthly, ( )
 1 Ideal-Quarterly. This plot depicts the squared gain of the
Hg ðLÞ ¼ 1 þ ð1  LÞ2 ð1  L1 Þ2 ð3Þ filter HP(u) for j ^ 1600, j ^ 14 400, j ^ 86 400, and
j ^ 129 600. Also shown are the ideal highpass filters for
The cyclical component of the series is then given by monthly and quarterly data. See text for details
yct ¼ yt  ygt ¼ ð1  Hg ðLÞÞyt ¼ Hc ðLÞyt , where
½1  L2 ½1  L1 2 L2 ð1  LÞ4
Hc ðLÞ ¼ ¼
1 þ ½1  L2 ½1  L1 2 1 þ L2 ð1  LÞ4
differencing the data with (1  L)4 and then applying
L2 ð1  LÞ4 the filter L2/(1/ þ L2)(1  L)4 to the result.
¼ ð4Þ
ð1=Þ þ L2 ð1  LÞ4 Figure 1 plots the frequency response of the filter
In the frequency domain, the squared gain, or for different values of , chosen to reflect values used
frequency response, of this filter is in the literature for quarterly data ( ¼ 1600) and
monthly data ( ¼ 14 400, 86 400, 129 600). Also
 ½1  ei! 2 ½1  ei! 2 2 depicted are the ideal filters for both monthly and
HPð!Þ ¼   quarterly data, which only pass frequencies above a
1 þ ½1  ei! 2 ½1  ei! 2 
  period of eight years, often chosen to be the cutoff
 4½1  cosð!Þ2 2 period for business cycle research. On the vertical axis
¼  are the weights applied by the filter to different
1 þ 4½1  cosð!Þ2 
 2 frequencies in the data. Notice that very low
 4½1  cosð!Þ2  frequencies are completely attenuated by the filter
¼  ð5Þ while high frequencies are passed without alteration.
ð1=Þ þ 4½1  cosð!Þ2 
Also note that regardless of the value of , more low
where ! is frequency measured in radians. This frequency content is passed by the HP filter than may
representation allows the effect the filter has on cycles be ideal if the goal is to study behaviour of a series at
of different frequencies in the data to be seen. business cycle frequencies. In addition, some higher
Note that HP(0) ¼ 0, indicating attenuation of low frequency content is attenuated to the right of the
frequencies, and also that HP () ¼ (16/(1/ þ 16)), cutoff points of the ideal filters. This attenuation
which is approximately equal to one for large .4 This tends to decrease as  is increased, although more
implies close to unit gain on high frequencies. In fact, undesirable low-frequency content is then left as well.
as  goes to infinity, the filter passes all but the zero Regardless of the value of , the HP filter always
frequency, meaning it removes a deterministic linear removes a linear trend, but operates further on
trend only. In addition, the four differences in the deviations from this trend. Singleton (1988) shows
numerator of Equation 4 indicate it is capable of that when applied to stationary data, the HP filter is a
rendering stationary integrated processes of up to very good approximation to an ideal high pass filter,
fourth order.5 This would be the equivalent of which only allows cycles of greater frequency than
The smoothing parameter can be viewed as the ratio of the variance of the cyclical component to that of the change in the
growth component, although alternative interpretations are available. See, for example, Harvey and Jaeger (1993), Hodrick
and Prescott (1997), and Ravn and Uhlig (1997).
 is typically set to 1600 for quarterly data and 14 400 for monthly. See Hodrick and Prescott (1997).
See King and Rebelo (1993).
1866 D. Doorn
some prespecified value to pass. This implies that if Under certain conditions, the HP filter can be
the data is linear trend stationary, the HP filter acts as shown to be the optimal linear filter, minimizing the
a high pass filter on the residuals from the mean square error between the actual cyclical
deterministic trend.6 This property makes the filter component and its estimate.8 However, these condi-
potentially useful in business cycle research by tions are fairly restrictive, with the strongest being
allowing the isolation of business cycle frequencies that the growth component and the cyclical compo-
from the data. However, if the goal of filtering is nent are uncorrelated. This would indicate that these
primarily to render data stationary prior to use in are generated by completely separate economic
estimation of econometric models, without regard to events. In addition, the particular trend specification
business cycle behaviour, applying such a high pass required for optimality causes the overall process to
filter may be removing more low-frequency content be I(2).For many economic time series this is unlikely
than is perhaps desirable. This may be especially to be the case. Finally, optimality requires a priori
harmful if most of the power of the series lies in the knowledge of the variances of the disturbance terms
low frequencies, as tends to be the case with many for the separate cyclical and growth components in
macroeconomic series. An example of this is given in order to set the smoothness parameter, , at its
Fig. 2, which plots the spectral density of monthly optimal value. Since the purpose of applying the filter
aggregate inventories of non-durable goods in the top to begin with is to isolate the trend and cyclical
panel, and then the same series detrended using the components, it is unlikely that these will be known
HP-filter with different values for . Also included is ahead of time.9 In practice  is generally set based
the spectral density of the linearly detrended series. upon common practice and the sampling frequency of
The dashed line in the figure indicates a period of the data. These conditions make it unlikely that the
eight years, which is generally considered to be the HP filter is an optimal filter in most applications.
maximum length of the business cycle. The HP-filter However, even when optimal the filter tends to cause
is designed to attenuate any frequencies with period distortions in the auto-correlations of filtered series.
above eight years, which the figure indicates it does Ehlgen (1998) finds that the autocorrelations and the
fairly well. Again, this seems to be a good procedure variances of HP filtered data tend to be too small.
if the goal is to study the behaviour of a series at Further, he states that this can be a normal
business cycle frequencies and to compare that characteristic of optimal signal extraction filters and
behaviour across series. However, as a general
not just a problem with the HP filter.
detrending method it is clear that HP filtering Cogley and Nason (1995) look at the effects of HP
removes much of the information in the data
filtering on difference stationary data and the
contained in the lower frequencies. In addition,
implications of this for business cycle research.
even at frequencies above eight years, the filter
They posit that, if the series is difference stationary
removes more of the variability from the series than
then applying the HP filter will likely result in
does linearly detrending, which is due to the
problems akin to linearly detrending a random
frequency response of the filter as depicted in
walk, which has been studied by Nelson and Kang
Fig. 1. Note, however, that as  is increased more
(1981).10 This implies that application of the HP filter
of the low frequency information is retained, which
to difference stationary data will likely cause pro-
makes sense since the filter becomes equivalent to
blems of filter induced cyclicality in the resulting
linear detrending as  goes to infinity.
filtered series. Application of the HP filter to an I(1)
Application of the HP filter to a time series results
process is equivalent to applying the filter
in a trend that very closely follows the time path of
the data. While visually appealing, this may not L2 ð1  LÞ3
necessarily be desirable.7 Figure 3 indicates the SðLÞ ¼ ð6Þ
ð1=Þ þ L2 ð1  LÞ4
resulting differences in the residuals between remov-
ing a linear trend and applying the HP filter to the to the stationary differenced series. In this case, S(L)
aggregate inventory data. Clearly the HP filter results is not a high pass filter. In investigating its properties
in a very different detrended series. Cogley and Nason (1995) find that the filter S(L)
See Cogley and Nason (1995).
As an example, McCallum (2000) contains an application of the HP filter to US real GDP over the 1920s and 1930s. The
resulting detrended series gives little evidence of the Great Depression.
See Harvey and Jaeger (1993) and King and Rebelo (1993).
Harvey and Jaeger (1993) discuss estimating  using maximum likelihood methods. Pedersen (1999) proposes other methods
to determine the optimal value of .
They found that such detrending caused cycles to appear in the detrended data that were not present in the original series.
Impact of Hodrick–Prescott filtering on parameter estimation 1867




473 157.67 94.6 67.57 52.56 43 36.38 31.53 27.82 24.89 22.52 20.57 18.92 17.52 16.31 15.26 14.33 13.51 12.78 12.13
236.5 118.25 78.83 59.13 47.3 39.42 33.79 29.56 26.28 23.65 21.5 19.71 18.19 16.89 15.77 14.78 13.91 13.14 12.45




473 157.67 94.6 67.57 52.56 43 36.38 31.53 27.82 24.89 22.52 20.57 18.92 17.52 16.31 15.26 14.33 13.51 12.78 12.13
236.5 118.25 78.83 59.13 47.3 39.42 33.79 29.56 26.28 23.65 21.5 19.71 18.19 16.89 15.77 14.78 13.91 13.14 12.45

Fig. 2. Spectral density of total aggregate inventories of non-durables: ( ) LDT, ( ) HP1, ( ) HP2, ( ) HP3. The
top panel is the spectral density of the series in levels. The bottom panel shows the spectral densities of the detrended series from
the different methods, with LDT indicating linear detrending and HP indicating HP filtering with j ^ 14 400 for HP1, j ^ 86
400 for HP2, and j ^ 129 600 for HP3. The dashed line indicates the cutoff period of eight years, which is generally considered to
be the maximum length of the business cycle

will result in spurious cyclicality when applied to applied to an ARIMA(p, d, q) process. They found
stationary data. Furthermore, HP filtering of two that there is a non-zero probability of inducing
independent random walk processes was found to spurious cross-correlations between two independent
induce cross-correlations between the series that were series that have been HP filtered.
previously non-existent. Harvey and Jaeger (1993) The implication of these findings is that the cyclical
also show that the HP filter can induce spurious properties of HP filtered data cannot be relied upon
cycles that are non-existent in the original series when for inference about the business cycle behaviour of
1868 D. Doorn
function that accounts for production costs, costs of
4000 changing production, inventory holding costs, and
2000 backlog costs that arise when sales cannot be met out
of inventories.11 This particular model also includes
an unobservable cost shock, that may be observable
– 2000 to the firm but not the econometrician. The
optimization problem becomes
– 4000

– 6000 X
max lim Et bj ðptþj Stþj  Ctþj Þ
ðHtþj Þ T!1
0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 j¼0
Fig. 3. Residuals: ( ) Linear trend ( ) HP1. A
comparison of residuals from detrending monthly aggregate a0 a1 a2
inventories of non-turables with a linear trend as well as with Ctþj ¼ Q2tþj þ Q2tþj þ ðHtþj1  a3 Stþj Þ2
2 2 2
the HP filter using j ^ 14 400
þ Htþj utþj þ deterministic terms ð7Þ

Qtþj ¼ Stþj þ Htþj  Htþj1 ð8Þ

real economic series, particularly if the series are
likely to be integrated of order one or higher. To the where pt þ j is price, St þ j is real sales, Ht þ j real end of
best of the author’s knowledge there have been no period inventories, Ct þ j real costs, and Qt þ j real
studies to date on the possible impact these problems output. The a terms represent the marginal costs
may have on estimation of econometric models using faced by the firm, with a0 the marginal cost of
HP-filtered data. Although the filter always removes changing production, a1 the marginal cost of
a linear trend from the data, it was chosen to study production, a2 the marginal cost of holding inven-
the effects of applying the filter to data simulated to tories, and a3 the cost associated with stock outs.
contain a linear trend, as this seems the simplest case Unobserved cost shocks are represented by ut þ j, with
with which to start. As mentioned above, the HP ut assumed to be I.I.D. Normal with zero mean.
filter will remove the trend but also act as a high-pass Deterministic terms would account for any linear and
filter on what is left. The result, as seen in Fig. 2, is trend terms that may exist in the data. The final term,
that the filter removes more of the variation in the b, is the discount factor and is usually set a priori in
data than would just simply detrending, which in turn estimation of the model. The parameters of the cost
implies that there is less information left with which function are generally what is estimated, and there-
to effect estimation. This suggests that the results fore these will need to be calibrated in the simulation.
from estimation performed with filtered data are The first order condition of the model yields:
likely to be impacted. It is the purpose of the rest of 
this paper to give evidence of this. Et a0 ðQt  2bQtþ1 þ b2 Qtþ2 Þ þ a1 ðQt  bQtþ1 Þ

þ ba2 ðHt  a3 Stþ1 Þ þ dðtÞ þ ut ¼ 0 ð9Þ

where d(t) represents deterministic terms. Leaving out

III. The Model deterministic terms and substituting in for production
from Equation 8 gives
To get an idea of how the Hodrick–Prescott filter 
affects estimation results a simulation is used based Et a0 b2 Htþ2  ½a0 ð2b2 þ 2bÞ þ a1 bHtþ1
on the linear-quadratic model of inventory behaviour
that has been widely studied in the macroeconomics þ ½a0 ð1 þ 4b þ b2 Þ þ a1 ð1 þ bÞ þ ba2 Ht
literature. The simulation model used is that of West  ½a0 ð2b þ 2Þ þ a1 Ht1 þ a0 Ht2
and Wilcox (1996). In this paper, the model is
calibrated to monthly Bureau of Economic Analysis þ a0 b2 Stþ2  ½a0 ðb2 þ 2bÞ þ a1 b þ a2 a3 bStþ1

data on inventories and sales of non-durable goods þ ½a1 þ a0 ð1 þ 2bÞSt  a0 St1 þ ut ¼ 0 ð10Þ
spanning January 1959–May 1998.
Consider a representative firm that maximizes the In order for there to be an optimal solution, the
present discounted value of profits subject to a cost Legendre–Clebsch condition states that the second

See Sensier (2003) for a review and discussion of these properties of the inventory holding cost function.
Impact of Hodrick–Prescott filtering on parameter estimation 1869
Table 1. Specification of simulation parameters innovations. Since the parameters in Equation 13
are functions of the ai’s they can be determined given
Sales process and cost shock
some choice for the cost parameters. West and
KS  1 2 "2S u2 "S , u Wilcox (1996) use several sets of values for these
531 0.001211 0.75 0.20 0.11625 3.5 0.5 based on other work. Here it is chosen to instead
Implied inventory process determine values for the cost parameters that fit the
particular data set being calibrated to. In order to do
KH  1 2 1 2
1050 0.002685 1.06 0.12 0.006 0.065 this it was necessary to jointly estimate the exogenous
sales process, Equation 12, and the reduced form for
inventories, Equation 13. From the parameter
estimates for Equation 13 estimates can be obtained
for combinations of the cost parameters using13
derivative of the objective function must be non- a1 =a0 ¼ 1 ðb  1
2 Þ  2b  2 ð14Þ
negative.12 This yields the requirement that
a0 ð1 þ 4b þ b2 Þ þ a1 ð1 þ bÞ þ ba2  0 ð11Þ a2 =a0 ¼ b1 1
2 ð1 þ b1 Þ

In order to use the model to simulate data it is þ b2 2 þ ð1 þ bÞa1 =a0 þ ð1 þ 4b þ b2 Þ ð15Þ
necessary to solve for a reduced form equation in
inventories. This requires a specification of the sales and from estimates of the sales process a3 can also be
process. Here it is assumed for sales to be exogenous derived.
and described by an AR(2) process: In calibrating the model, estimates from BEA data
on total aggregated inventories and sales of non-
St ¼ KS þ t þ 1 St1 þ 2 St2 þ "St ð12Þ durable goods are roughly matched. In fixing the ai’s
where KS and t are constant plus trend terms and "St for the simulation Blanchard (1983) is followed
is assumed I.I.D. Normal. and a0 is normalized to one. Based on the estimates,
With the sales process specified and assuming this results in a0 ¼ 1, a1 ¼ 5.898, a2 ¼ 0.032, and
uncorrelated cost shocks the model can be solved for a3 ¼ 7.191.
a reduced form equation for inventories. The solution With estimates for the cost parameters in hand
methods used are described in Blanchard (1983) and data for inventories and sales can be simulated by
West (1992) and also are available in the form of a specifying the parameters of the exogenous sales
technical appendix to this paper, which may be process along with the distributions of the sales and
obtained from the author upon request. The derived cost innovations. The autoregressive parameters of
equation for inventories is the sales process are set to approximately match those
of the present data. These are given in Table 1.
Ht ¼ 1 Ht1 þ 2 Ht2 þ 1 St1 Following West and Wilcox (1996), the sales innova-
tion variance is set to normalize the unconditional
þ 2 St2 þ t þ KH þ "Ht ð13Þ
variance of the sales process to one. In addition
where the same cost shock variance and correlation with
2 2 sales are used given in that paper, as these values
"Ht ¼ ut þ "St conveniently result in the variance ratio and the
a0 2
correlation between inventories and sales closely
with 1and 2 being functions of the marginal cost matching that of the data. The sales innovation
parameters, 1 and 2 functions of 1, 2 and the variance and the variance of the cost shock also
parameters from the sales process, and t þ KH being are given in Table 1, along with the correlation
trend plus constant terms. The error term, "Ht, between the two. With the ai’s fixed and the sales
indicates the correlation between the inventory and process specified implied values for 1, 2, 1, and
sales processes. 2 can be determined.14 These also are reported in
In order to simulate the data it is necessary to Table 1.
specify values for the parameters of the exogenous To determine coefficients on trend terms West and
sales process, the reduced form inventory equation, Wilcox (1996) is again followed and these are set so
and also the distribution of the sales and cost that the implied coefficients of variation for St
See Ramey (1991) for a discussion of this optimality condition.
See Blanchard (1983).
See technical appendix, available upon request.
1870 D. Doorn
and Ht matches that of the present data, which is Legendre–Clebsch condition of Equation 11. The
found to be approximately 14.6 for sales and 9.7 for first-order condition can now be expressed as
inventories. The coefficient of variation is  1/2/  
Et Ht  X1tþ2  2 X2tþ1  3 Stþ1  ut ¼ 0 ð16Þ
where  is the variance of the process and the mean,
which will involve the trend terms for the process in where
levels. The exact solution for the trend coefficient, as
well as constant terms, is available in the technical X1tþ2 ¼ b2 Htþ2 þ ð2b2 þ 2bÞHtþ1
appendix and yields the values given in Table 1. þ ð2b þ 2ÞHt1  Ht2
The sales and inventory processes specified in
Equations 12 and 13 are used to generate simulated  b2 Stþ2 þ ðb2 þ 2bÞStþ1
data for sales and inventories. One thousand samples
 ð2b þ 1ÞSt þ St1
were generated by first obtaining starting values for
St1, St2, Ht1 and Ht1 by generating series of X2tþ1 ¼ bHtþ1 þ Ht1 þ bStþ1  St
length T ¼ 1000 from each process while omitting the
trend terms. The last two observations from each of 1 ¼
these series are then used as the starting values in
generating an additional 1000 observations from both a1
2 ¼
the inventory and sales processes, this time including c
the trend terms. The final 500 observations from each ba2 a3
3 ¼
series is then chosen as the sample.15 c
c ¼ a0 ð1 þ 4b þ b2 Þ þ a1 ð1 þ bÞ þ ba2
Given the values of the cost parameters above, the
implied population values of the regression coeffi-
IV. Estimation Technique
cients are 1 ¼ 0.056, 2 ¼ 0.332, and 3 ¼ 0.013.
Replacing expectations with realized values in
In estimating the model using the simulated data the
Equation 16 and solving for current period inven-
goal is to retrieve estimates of the population values
tories gives a linear equation which can then be used
of the cost parameters. However, it may be noted
in estimation.
from Equation 9 that these are not fully identified by
the Euler equation, as any simultaneous scaling of a0, Ht ¼ 1 X1tþ2 þ 2 X2tþ1 þ 3 Stþ1 þ vtþ2 ð17Þ
a1, or a2 would have no effect on the Euler condition.
where vt þ 2 includes the unobservable cost shock
Because of this the process is reduced to estimating
along with expectational errors, or
combinations of parameters rather than the individ-
uals. This requires some sort of normalization in vtþ2 ¼ ut  1 ðX1tþ2  Et X1tþ2 Þ  2 ðX2tþ1  Et X2tþ1 Þ
order to estimate the Euler equation, which amounts  3 ðStþ1  Et Stþ1 Þ ð18Þ
to choosing a left-hand-side variable in Equation 9
and solving for that variable. Choice of which Although Equation 17 is linear in the parameters,
variable to solve for has often varied in previous the correlation structure of the regressors rules out
studies, and although it should not affect the Euler ordinary least squares estimation as inconsistent.
equation identities, it does often result in different Instead, an instrumental variables procedure is used
estimates for the parameter values.16 to obtain consistent estimates of the regression
However, the goal here is to construct a valid coefficients. The procedure is implemented using an
model with which to analyse the effects of filtering iterated version of the Generalized Method of
techniques, rather than to make any particular Moments (GMM) estimator of Hansen (1982),
observations on the empirical behaviour of inven- which is equivalent to classical instrumental variables
tories. With this in mind, normalization issues are estimation when the equation is linear in the
ignored, and it is continued to follow West and parameters. Instruments used are a constant and
Wilcox (1996) in choosing to solve for current period two lags each of inventories and sales. Because vtþ2 in
inventories. This is a convenient choice in that it Equation 18 is MA(2), the GMM weighting matrix
amounts to dividing Equation 10 through by the used in estimation is the inverse of the Newey and
A sample size of 500 is chosen because this is close to the number of observations available in Bureau of Economic Analysis
data for monthly inventories and sales at this point.
See Fuhrer et al. (1995) for a discussion of different normalizations for the linear-quadratic inventory model.
Impact of Hodrick–Prescott filtering on parameter estimation 1871
West (1987) heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation 10
consistent covariance matrix. Additional details of
the estimation procedure are given in the technical 8
appendix, available upon request.
The above model is estimated five times for each of 6
the 1000 samples, using a different procedure for
handling the trend each time. The first method, 4
labelled LDT, just removes a linear trend from the
data by regressing the series on a constant and time 2
and retaining the residuals. The next three methods
use the HP filter for detrending, but with different 0
– 0.10 – 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
values for the smoothing parameter , the choices of
which have been used or suggested in various studies Fig. 4. Density of b1 estimates: ( ) LDT, ( ) HP1,
( ) HP2, ( )HP3, ( ) NDT. The vertical line indicates
with monthly data. These will be denoted HP1, HP2, the population value of 0.056
and HP3. HP1 uses the standard value of  ¼ 14 400
generally applied in the literature to monthly data.
HP2 uses a value of  ¼ 86 400, used by Bils and
Kahn (2000) in their study of inventory behaviour.
HP3 uses a value of  ¼ 129 600, suggested as optimal 3
for monthly data in Ravn and Uhlig (1997). The final
procedure, denoted NDT, does not detrend the data
prior to estimation, but instead estimates constant 2
and trend terms along with Equation 17 and adds
time to the instrument set.

V. Simulation Results – 0.3 – 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9

Fig. 5. Density of b2 estimates: ( ) LDT, ( ) HP1,

To assess the impact that HP filtering may have on
( ) HP2, ( )HP3, ( ) NDT. The vertical line indicates
estimation and test statistics the distributional char- the population value of 0.332
acteristics of the parameter estimates are looked at
first resulting from the different detrending methods
when estimation is done using simulated data
calibrated to inventories and sales of total non-
durables. In this section the impact on another
parameter not directly estimated from the model,
but still of interest to researchers, is also considered.
An estimate of scaled marginal cost of holding
inventories can be constructed from estimates of 1
and 2 as
4 ¼ ¼ b1 1  1 ð1 þ 4b þ b2 Þ  2 ð1 þ bÞ
From the calibrated values used in the simulation, – 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
4 ¼ 0.0018. In what follows results for this parameter
Fig. 6. Density of b3 estimates: ( ) LDT, ( ) HP1,
are reported as well.
( ) HP2, ( ) HP3, ( ) NDT. The vertical line indicates
Figures 4–7 plot the densities of the parameter the population value of 0.013
estimates for each detrending method used. Table 2
indicates distributional characteristics. From these it
is clear that not detrending the data prior to
estimation, but instead estimating deterministic detrended data. The use of linearly detrended data
terms along with the other parameters, results in results in fairly good performance in terms of bias as
estimates that contain less mean bias away from the well, which is to be expected given that the data was
population values than do the estimates using generated to contain a linear trend. Although the HP
1872 D. Doorn
Table 2. RMSE, mean, and interquartile range of parameter distributions


RMSE 1 0.0469 0.0473 0.0459 0.0458 0.0459
2 0.1419 0.1462 0.1395 0.1386 0.1318
3 0.0152 0.0654 0.0395 0.0359 0.0149
4 0.0090 0.0352 0.0223 0.0203 0.0090
Mean 1 ¼ 0.0560 0.0594 0.0712 0.0675 0.0666 0.0570
[0.029, 0.092] [0.045, 0.101] [0.040, 0.098] [0.039, 0.098] [0.031, 0.098]
2 ¼ 0.3320 0.3213 0.2718 0.2891 0.2927 0.3285
[0.220, 0.413] [0.184, 0.346] [0.196, 0.369] [0.198, 0.374] [0.200, 0.407]
3 ¼ 0.0130 0.0163 0.0595 0.0392 0.0361 0.0167
[0.006, 0.023] [0.029, 0.083] [0.019, 0.055] [0.017, 0.051] [0.003, 0.024]
4 ¼ 0.0018 0.0042 0.0330 0.0206 0.0187 0.0039
[0.001, 0.009] [0.024, 0.042] [0.014, 0.027] [0.013, 0.025] [0.000, 0.009]

reasonably-sized confidence intervals for these

50 parameters contain the population values. To check
this, the first and third quartiles of each distribution
40 are looked at, given in Table 2. These give the
parameter values between which 50% of the estimates
lie, and therefore can be seen as a type of 50%
20 confidence interval.17
For 1 and 2 all methods result in the population
10 values being within the interquartile range. However,
for 3 and 4 the population values lie outside of the
–0.005 –0.030 –0.005 0.020 0.045 0.070 0.095 0.120
range for all of the estimates obtained from HP
filtered data, regardless of the value of  used in
Fig. 7. Density of b4 estimates: ( ) LDT, ( ) HP1, filtering, although the range gets closer as  increases
( ) HP2, ( ) HP3, ( ) NDT. The vertical line indicates
the population value of 0.0018 and the mean bias diminishes.
In addition to bias in the mean, all of the
distributions tend to be skewed and have positive
kurtosis. For 1 and 2 these are only slight
filter also removes a linear trend, its further action on deviations from the expected normal distribution
the data induces a bias away from the population when detrending the data prior to estimation,
values of the parameters. This is most pronounced regardless of method. For both 3 and 4 the
when  ¼ 14 400, the most commonly used value deviation from normality is more pronounced for
when applying the filter to monthly data. As  is all methods, with the positive kurtosis particularly
increased to 129 600, the bias shrinks toward that of extreme for NDT and LDT.
the linearly detrended estimator, but is still consider- Another area in which the detrending method
able, especially for 3 and 4. might have an impact is in performing inference
The root mean squared error (RMSE), measuring about the parameters of the model based on the
variability of the estimates about the population estimates. Table 3 indicates the rejection rates for two
parameters, indicates similar performance across test statisics related to the estimation. The nominal
methods for 1 and 2. For 3 and 4 both NDT rejection rates for both of these tests is 0.05. The first
and LDT result in significantly less volatility in the test is the t-statistic testing the hypothesis that the
estimates than does HP filtering. estimated parameter value is equal to the population
While the point estimates made using data that is value. This is equivalent to testing whether the true
HP filtered tend to be biased, it may be that most parameter value lies within a 95% confidence interval

This is due to West and Wilcox (1996), who devise such an interval in their simulation study of instrumental variables
Impact of Hodrick–Prescott filtering on parameter estimation 1873
Table 3. Simulation results


t 1 0.1300 0.1407 0.1365 0.1339 0.0800
2 0.1310 0.1711 0.1466 0.1440 0.0800
3 0.0962 0.1022 0.0754 0.0669 0.0460
J 0.0491 0.0445 0.0468 0.0528 0.0580
Note: The t-statistic and J-test entries denote the rejection rate of the statistics, as described in the text.
Both have nominal rejection rates of 5%.

constructed about the parameter estimate, so com- VI. Conclusions

plements the above results using the interquartile
range. However, the t-statistics are constructed using The simulation results above provide evidence that
asymptotic approximations to the standard errors as the use of the HP filter as a general detrending device
generated in the estimation procedure, rather than the is potentially dangerous to estimation results when
actual standard deviations of the 1000 estimates in applied to trend stationary data subsequently used in
each case, and so these results are not likely to be that estimation. In particular, point estimation was
consistent with those above. From the graphs of significantly affected. For at least one of the directly
the distributions of the estimates, it is clear that estimated parameters and also for 4, constructed
t-statistics constructed using the actual standard from the other two, use of the HP filter induced
deviations would reject far more frequently in most substantial bias in the parameter estimates away from
cases. This implies that the approximated standard their true values. While the bias tends to shrink as the
errors are much larger than the actual standard smoothing parameter of the filter increases, it is still
deviations of our estimates. significant even at the highest value we tested. For the
In all cases but one the t-test over-rejects, with the lowest value,  ¼ 14 400, the one most frequently used
exception being the test of 3 from NDT. The degree in practice, the bias is severe in all of the parameter
of over-rejection is similar between LDT and the estimates. Also increased variability in the parameter
three HP specifications for 1 and 2, with slight estimates was found, as measured by RMSE, when
improvement as  is increased. For 3, HP2 and using HP filtered data, particularly for 3 and 4.
HP3 outperform LDT, approaching the nominal This also diminished with increases in the smoothing
rejection rate as  is increased. NDT outperforms parameter of the filter.
the other methods in all cases, with near equality to In addition, the 50% confidence intervals given
the nominal rate for 3. The poor performance above only contain the population values within them
of the t-test when using detrended data is likely due for two of the parameters when using HP filtered
in part to the poor small sample performance of data, regardless of . For 3 and 4 these confidence
GMM estimation in general, which has been well intervals were quite distant from the true values. This
documented in the econometrics literature. To test is again due to the significant bias of these distribu-
tions to the right of the true parameter values even for
this some of the experiments were repeated using a
large values of . However, this also indicates
sample size of 10 000. This did improve the perfor-
inference based on estimation using HP filtered data
mance in all cases.
may be questionable. The other two methods of
The second test statistic is the commonly used
dealing with the trend were clearly superior to HP
J-test of instrument-residual orthogonality, which is a
filtering, in that there was much less bias and also less
test of model specification.18 This test is distributed
variability about the population values in most cases.

2 with degrees of freedom q  p, where p is the

This is, of course, due to the fact that the data were
number of parameters being estimated and q the generated with simple linear trends, for which those
number of instruments used. For LDT, HP1, HP2, methods are well suited. An interesting next step,
and HP3, q  p ¼ 2, and for NDT, q  p ¼ 1. For this then, would be to repeat the above study using data
test, all of the methods result in actual size very close simulated to contain a unit root or even possibly a
to the desired nominal size. There is clearly little piecewise linear trend. The performance of estimators
impact on the size of this statistic when using HP making use of HP filtered data in these instances may
filtered data. be very different from those in this study.
See Hansen (1982).
1874 D. Doorn
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