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IADC/SPE 99068

Drilling and Completing Difficult HP/HT Wells With the Aid of Cesium Formate Brines—
A Performance Review
J.D. Downs, SPE, M. Blaszczynski, SPE, J. Turner, SPE, and M. Harris, SPE, Cabot Specialty Fluids

Copyright 2006, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference

- Best well productivity at lowest drawdown
This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Miami, - Best well integrity and longest structural lifetime
Florida, U.S.A., 21–23 February 2006.
- Lowest well construction cost
This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
- Lowest environmental impact and liability exposure
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling - Best reservoir information capture
Contractors or Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s).
The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the IADC, SPE, their The choice of drilling and completion fluid used in a well
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Association of Drilling
construction operation has a critical influence on the extent to
Contractors and Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print which an operator can meet this objective. In particular the
is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The
abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was fluid’s performance will play a significant part in determining
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A.,
fax 1.972.952.9435.
whether or not an operator meets its key performance indicator
targets in the following areas:
Abstract - Time to drill and complete
Conventional drilling and completion fluids containing - Well control and safety incidents
weighting solids or hydrocarbons or halide brines can create - Well integrity
problems with hydraulics, well control, well integrity and well - Well lifetime and maintenance costs
productivity in HPHT operations. The negative influence of - Well productivity index
conventional fluids on drilling and completion operations can - Waste management costs
be sufficiently serious to compromise safety and degrade the - Logging capability and interpretation
economics of challenging HPHT field developments. - Environmental footprint and impact
Formate brines have been developed specifically to - Exposure to liability (short- and long-term)
provide improved drilling and completion fluids that are free The drilling fluid chosen for the upper well sections must
of the troublesome components found in conventional fluids offer a host of functionalities:
and therefore better suited to meet the needs of oil companies - Ability to maintain the integrity of weak rocks
involved in difficult HPHT well constructions. - Ability to minimize fluid loss into permeable rocks
Formate brines have been successfully used as reservoir - Ability to provide stable well control
drill-in, completion, workover and suspension fluids in more - Ability to efficiently transfer hydraulic power
than 130 HPHT well construction operations over the past 10 - Ability to move cuttings to the surface
years. These applications have included 100 cases in which - Provide steel/steel and steel/rock lubricity
high down-hole pressures have necessitated the use of cesium - Provide protection against all forms of corrosion
formate brines for well control purposes. - Allow formation evaluation
Some 15 applications of cesium formate brines to date - Pose little or no hazard to rig personnel
have been HPHT reservoir drill-in operations in high angle - Have little or no adverse effect on the environment
wells where operators considered that conventional fluids - Have little or no adverse effect on elastomers
could create a safety risk and adversely effect project If the drilling fluid is to be used in reservoir sections
economics. We review the published information on the field without further intervention it must cause minimal change to
performance of the cesium formate brines in HPHT the native permeability of the reservoir rock in the near
applications, and conclude that the novel benefits of the wellbore area. The drilling fluid filtrate must also be
technology that were first promised some 15 years ago during compatible with other filtrates that might leak-off from
the early product development phase have now been fully subsequent cementing and completion operations. A
validated. completion fluid should have the same overall properties as a
reservoir drilling-in fluid and, ideally, should be the same fluid
Introduction minus any drilled solids.
The objective of the drilling and completion process is to In the past these functionalities have been provided by
safely deliver high quality wells that are optimized in terms of surprisingly low-tech/low-cost fluid formulations based
providing shareholder value: simply on slurries of barite particles suspended in viscosified
oil or water containing halide salts (chlorides or bromides).
2 IADC/SPE 99068

The problem now facing the oil industry is that the process of control, well integrity and well productivity. The negative
economically extracting what remains of the world’s influence of conventional fluids on drilling and completion
hydrocarbon reserves is stretching the traditional drilling and operations can be sufficiently serious to compromise safety
completion fluids to their performance limits and beyond. This and degrade the economics of difficult or ambitious HPHT
is particularly true in the case of offshore HPHT field field developments.
developments where the application conditions are extremely
challenging and the required fluid performance demands are The birth of formate brines
exacting. In the early-1990’s Shell had a small drilling fluids research
This paper examines how conventional drilling and team based in The Netherlands looking at how to deal with the
completion fluids have been failing to fully meet the demands problems caused by conventional fluids in HPHT operations.
of difficult HPHT well construction. It then charts the The team decided that the best way forward was to focus on
development of formate brines as the new improved HPHT finding a new fluid system that could provide all of the
drilling and completion fluids, from their origins in Shell required functionality under HPHT conditions without
Research in 1986 through to the present day use of cesium resorting to the inclusion of hydrocarbons, solid weighting
formate brine in North Sea and Gulf of Mexico. agents and halide brines. In their view the ideal solution was
Our review of the published information on the field one that:
performance of the cesium formate brines in HPHT
applications draws us to conclude that the benefits of the • reduced hydraulic flow resistance
technology that were first promised some 15 years ago during • eliminated solids sag
the early product development phase have now been fully • did not solubilise hydrocarbon gases
validated. • was not destabilized by the influx of reservoir gases
• reduced localized or pitting corrosion by acid gases
Problem definition • eliminated stress corrosion cracking
Modern HPHT drilling conditions can expose the inherent
• did not require the use of corrosion inhibitors
design failings of conventional drilling fluids1. The high
• avoided causing formation damage
loading of barite in conventional muds creates high frictional
pressure losses during circulation in long sections, leading to
It appeared that an aqueous formulation based on solids-
unacceptably high ECDs in narrow drilling windows. High
free, non-corrosive brine might provide the required
downhole temperatures can degrade the solids-carrying
properties. The question of which brine to use had already
capacity of conventional muds, causing both dynamic and
been partially answered by another of Shell’s research teams
static barite sag and increasing the risk of loss of well control
working on drilling fluid viscosfiers in the mid-1980s. This
in high-angle wells. Oil-based muds can absorb large volumes
team had discovered that the temperature stability of common
of gas and this can cause well control problems too if the muds
drilling fluid polymers was enhanced when they were
remain static for long periods in long horizontal holes. To
dissolved in aqueous solutions containing high levels of
make things worse, an influx of hydrocarbon gas into oil-
sodium and/or potassium formates11. This insight gave them
based mud may destabilize the formulation and cause barite
novel ability to formulate solids-free brine formulations with
sag. Laboratory return permeability tests done on samples of a
densities up to SG 1.57 (13.1 ppg) that had viscosity and fluid
range of conventional mud types taken directly from the field
loss control stability at high temperatures.
show that they can cause considerable formation damage2, and
Further investigation showed that the density ceiling of
the presence of very high levels of barite in high-weight muds
formate brine systems could be extended to SG 2.30 (19.2
formulated for high-pressure wells cannot improve matters.
ppg) with caesium formate12-14. This breakthrough made it
The use of Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA) in HPHT
possible to create a seamless suite of formate brines suitable
wells has been exposing fundamental flaws in the performance
for use as solids-free drilling and completion fluids across the
of conventional completion fluids based on chloride and
commonly required density range; a feat that had never been
bromide brines. It is well-documented that severe localized
possible before. At the closing stages of the first phase of
corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of CRA tubulars will
product development in 1995 the perceived advantages of the
take place in HPHT wells if they are exposed to chloride and
formate brines when compared with conventional HPHT
bromide brines containing oxygen, CO2 or H2S 3-9.
drilling and completion fluids were 15:
Furthermore, the sulfur-containing corrosion inhibitors
• Minimal formation damage
commonly used in halide brines are known to decompose to
H2S at high temperatures and create another source of stress • Maintenance of additive properties at high temperatures
corrosion cracking10. To date the vendors of halide brines • Elimination of barite and its sagging problems
seem to have made little progress towards finding an effective • Reduced hydraulic flow resistance
inhibitor to mitigate the serious corrosion problems created by • Lower ECDs
their products in HPHT wells. • Lower swab and surge pressures
In conclusion, a review of the challenge posed to • Better power transmission to motors and bits
conventional fluids by the demands of HPHT operations • Low gas solvency
indicates that the use of hydrocarbons, solid weighting agents • Better kick detection and well control
and halide brines (chloride and bromides) in drilling muds and • faster flow-checks
completion fluids increases the risk of problems with well
IADC/SPE 99068 3

• Low potential for differential sticking Once the wells had reached TD, the used drilling fluid was
• Naturally lubricating processed through normal solids-control equipment to remove
• Reduced torque and drag the majority of bridging agents and drill solids. The processed
• Inhibition of hydrate formation fluid was then used as a completion fluid during the
• Non-hazardous completion phase. The wells were put on production with a
• Very low corrosion rates, local and general typical production rate 35% higher than expected (or higher
• No stress corrosion cracking than previous offset wells). Mobil concluded 17:
• Formate-based fluids have been applied as high density,
• Compatibility with elastomers
temperature stable, low solids, environmentally friendly,
• Biodegradable and posing little risk to the environment
non-damaging, non-corrosive drilling and reservoir
drilling fluids
The advent of fluids with such a unique set of performance
• The use of formate-based fluids has resulted in a dramatic
advantages promised to eliminate a host of HPHT well
construction problems caused by the inherent deficiencies of increase in drilling performance and hydraulics.
traditional drilling muds and brines. • Since the use of formate-based fluids has been
implemented the productivity of wells has increased
First field trials of formate brines in HT wells compared to wells drilled with conventional muds
In 1996 Mobil conducted the first field trial of a formate-based • Stuck-pipe incidents have been significantly reduced with
drilling fluid in a high temperature well 16. Mobil reported that formate-based fluids due to thinner filter cakes and the
the use of potassium formate brine as a low-solids drill-in fluid naturally low friction coefficient of formates.
provided the following benefits in this first trial: • Despite exposure to temperatures of up to 165°C (329°F)
• Excellent polymer stability at 154°C (310°F) BHST the polymers in the formate brine have retained
• Effective hole cleaning their stability.
• ROP increased by 20% • Corrosion has been minimal to negligible.
• No formation damage (skin factor=0)
A decade later potassium formate brines are continuing to
• Thin, easily removable filter cake
provide the solution to the challenges posed by drilling deep
• Good inhibition of formation clays
high-angle gas wells. In SPE paper 92407 and accompanying
• No corrosion slides18,19, Saudi Aramco have described how they have
• Reduced incidence of differential sticking successfully used fluids based on potassium formate brine to
• Low treatment costs during drilling drill and complete a series of long horizontal wells at 13,900 ft
to 14,600ft TVD in hard and abrasive sandstone. Aramco
Over the next 3 years Mobil used potassium formate brine report that one of the first wells drilled with a low-solids SG
as a drill-in fluid in a further 15 deep gas wells in Northern 1.44 (12.0 ppg) formate fluid exhibited “greatly improved drill
Germany. The performance of these fluids was reviewed in string/wellbore lubricity and bit performance, reduced torque
2000 17. and drag, reduced ECD’s and lower pump pressures”. Wells
The potassium formate brine was used by Mobil in an Tinat-3 and Hawiyah-201 gave excellent flow test results, the
attempt to eliminate the drilling problems that had occurred in best seen to date in their respective field.
offset wells where bottomhole static temperatures were as high
as 155oC (311oF). The problems encountered with Cesium formate production
conventional water-based polymer mud included inadequate By the end-1996 it was clear, from Mobil’s initial field trials
solids suspension, poor solids transport, stuck pipe, and tight of potassium formate, that low-solids fluids based on formate
holes. Mobil’s migration to formate-based fluids eliminated brines with densities up to SG 1.55 (12.9 ppg) could indeed
most of their problems and brought well construction costs fulfil their promise in deep gas well drilling and completion
under control. operations where the BHSTs extended up to 165oC (329°F).
The drilling fluids were formulated using potassium The only factor preventing the field testing of formates under
formate brines with densities up to SG 1.55 (12.9 ppg). even more extreme conditions was that there was insufficient
Xanthan polymer was added for viscosity control, and PAC or cesium formate brine available to make useful volumes of
modified starch was used to provide fluid-loss control. Sized high-density formate brines for HPHT drilling and completion.
calcium carbonate particles (1-3%) were added for pore It was at this critical point that Cabot Corporation came to the
bridging. The wells were all drilled without any borehole or rescue and announced that it was to build a large-scale
fluid-related problems. There were no sticking problems, no caesium extraction plant, the only one of its kind in the world,
build-up of cuttings beds, and the torque and drag was at the TANCO mine site located in Manitoba, Canada.
immediately reduced after displacing to formate mud. Without this timely intervention by Cabot the high-density
The fluid costs and maintenance costs were significantly formate brines would not now be available in kiloton
reduced as a result of using the potassium formate brine. Other quantities to fill the gap left by the failure of conventional
benefits attributed to the brine included: drilling and completion fluids to perform adequately in HPHT
• 25% lower pump pressures well constructions.
• 25% increased ROP Mining started on the TANCO site in 1929 when Jack Nutt
Mines Ltd opened a shaft to extract tin ore from the pegmatite
• 100% success rate in running production liner
4 IADC/SPE 99068

rock body located under Bernic Lake. The pegmatite was Offshore USA
found to contain around 80 different minerals within 8 In early-2002 BP used SG 2.11 (17.60 ppg) cesium formate
mineralogical zones, and it was mined intermittently for brine for an HPHT well (BHST 176oC or 350 oF) intervention
lithium and tantalum for the next 60 years. One of the job in the offshore High Island field. Three years later Walter
pegmatite zones is made up of high-quality pollucite ore Oil and Gas used a 17.2 ppg cesium formate brine as a
(cesium silicate) and contains >80% of the world’s known completion fluid at 215oC (420oF) in a Mobile Area 862 well.
reserves of caesium.
Cabot Corporation purchased the mine in 1993 and within Onshore
3 years embarked on a $50 million investment program aimed In November 2005 the Hungarian operator, MOL, used SG
at creating a mining and extraction facility capable of 1.86 (15.5 ppg) caesium formate brine as a completion fluid
producing commercial quantities of cesium formate from the for a perforating and frac-pac operation in gas well Vetyem-1.
pollucite ore body under Bernic Lake. Within a further 2 years This was the first use of caesium formate brine in an onshore
the production plant was producing 700 bbl/month of SG 2.2 HPHT well.
(18.3 ppg) cesium formate brine only for use in HPHT drilling
and completion fluids. Overview of cesium formate use in HPHT wells
To ensure that distribution channels were kept clear Cabot The formate brines make perfect drilling and completion fluids
Corporation established its own specialist fluid service for difficult well construction projects where extraordinary
company, Cabot Specialty Fluids (CSF), that provides the fluid performance is critical for economic success. They have
cesium formate brines to oil companies on a day-by-day rental been used in more than 400 wells since their commercial
basis. CSF has brine storage and service centres on the Gulf introduction in 1993 and the demand for formate brines has
coast in USA, and at locations in UK, Norway, Dubai and been growing steadily at a compound rate of approximately
Egypt. At the time of writing the company has 30,000 bbl of 30% per year over the past decade. As an indication of the
SG 2.2 caesium formate brine in stock, or being used in the current dimensions of the business it is estimated that the
field. annual revenues generated from the sale and rental of formate
brines to the oil industry in 2005 should exceed $ 45 million.
First cesium formate applications in HPHT wells Since entering service in 1999 cesium formate brines have
Offshore UK been used in 101 individual HPHT operations in 21 different
Cesium formate brine first entered service as an HPHT fields. In this time they have passed extensive and rigorous
completion fluid in September 1999. It was successfully field-testing:
applied as SG 1.80 (15 ppg) perforating fluid in a BHST • At densities up to SG 2.25 ( 18.7 ppg)
185oC (365oF) well in the Shearwater field operated by Shell • At temperatures up to 215oC (420oF)
UK. • For periods up to 18 months downhole
Just a month later Total UK used SG 1.90 (15.8 ppg) • In hole-angles from near-vertical through to horizontal
cesium formate brine as an HPHT completion fluid in the • In oil, gas and condensate reservoirs (all sandstone) with
Dunbar field. This was followed by a further 7 applications of permeabilities from < 1mD to 2 Darcy
SG 2.19 (18.2 ppg) cesium formate brines as completion and
workover fluids in Total’s Elgin/Franklin fields over the next Figure 1 shows the applicational segmentation of cesium
12 months. The BHST in one of these wells was as high as formate jobs to date (October 2005). The majority of
207oC (405oF) and cesium formate brine was exposed to this applications have been completion jobs, 54 with straight
temperature for 18 months during a well suspension operation. cesium formate brine or blended potassium/cesium formate
Over a period of 6 years cesium formate brine has been used brines and 10 with low-solids oil-based fluids containing
24 times by Total as an HPHT completion fluid in their cesium formate brine as the soluble weighting agent 20-22. The
Dunbar, Elgin, Franklin and Glenelg fields. completions have been of various kinds:
• Cased and perforated
Offshore Norway • With sand control screens
Only 16 months after first field trial as a completion fluid
• Barefoot (openhole)
an SG 1.92 (16 ppg) cesium formate brine was used with great
• Gravel pack
success as a drill-in and completion fluid in the first of
So far only some 20 of the 64 completion operations have
Statoil’s Huldra wells (BHST: 147oC or 297oF) in the
been reported in SPE papers 1,20-24 but the track record of the
Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Five more Huldra wells
cesium formate brines appears to have been flawless
were drilled and completed with cesium formate brines
throughout. Perforating with cesium formate brine after
between March 2001 and April 2002.
drilling-in with oil-based muds has been a particular success
Statoil went on to drill-in, core, log and complete 2 high-
story 22.
angle HPHT wells in the Kristin field (BHST: 175oC or 347oF)
Laboratory studies have shown that formate brines are
with a fluid based on SG 2.09 (17.40 ppg) caesium formate
non-corrosive, and protect carbon steels and CRA against
brine. In June 2004 Statoil began using SG 2.09 (17.40 ppg)
localized/pitting corrosion caused by acid gases 8,25,26. Just as
cesium formate brine as a drill-in and completion fluid for a
importantly, formate brines do not cause stress corrosion
series of 7 HPHT wells in the Kvitebjoern field. Statoil have
cracking of CRA tubulars at high temperatures, even in the
used cesium formate brines in 44 HPHT well operations in the
presence of acid gases 27. Field use has validated the findings
past 5 years.
IADC/SPE 99068 5

of these laboratory corrosion studies. Well productivities Hole stability and cleaning
appear to have either met or exceeded expectations, as is • Good hole stability in interbedded sand and shales
normally the case when formate brines are used as drill-in or • No hole stability problems
completion fluids 28,29. The risk of thermal decomposition of • Caliper log of 8 ½” hole shows 9” in shale section above
formates at high temperatures is a common concern to new reservoir, and 11” in coal layers
users of caesium formate. In practice, however, none of the • Good hole cleaning
five major oil companies who regularly use cesium formate • Less mud conditioning and wiper trips than usual
have been able to find any evidence of thermal decomposition
taking place in their HPHT wells. The cases examined include Hydraulics
the Elgin/Franklin well suspension operations where cesium • ECD is generally SG 0.04-0.06 at 4,500 metres
formate brines have been exposed to downhole temperatures
• Good correlation between PWD data and hydraulic
of 207oC (405oF) for periods of more than year 30.
Cesium formate brines have been used 16 times as HPHT
• Reduced ECD improved ROP in hard formations
drill-in fluids for difficult high-angle wells, all so far in the
• Lower ECDs (SG 0.03-0.05) than with OBMs
North Sea and almost entirely (15) with Statoil (in the
Huldra23, Kvitebjoern and Kristin fields24). With the • Good ROPs
exception of the two Kristin wells, where Statoil experienced • Fast tripping speeds
problems with hole enlargement in some shale sections 24, the • Fast casing running speeds
project managers have all expressed satisfaction with the field • ECD is higher when drilling clay than when drilling sand
performance of caesium formate brines as the basis for low- • Thorough understanding of fluid behavior
solids HPHT drill-in fluids. The following list of comments is • Drilled reservoir at 10 metres/hour
taken from the five public domain papers 1,20-24 written by BP • Low ROP in shale solved by using PDC bit with sharp
and Statoil engineers on their experiences of using drill-in cutters
and/or completion fluids based on cesium formate brines:
Differential sticking
General • Low potential for differential sticking
• Major operational success for BP • Successfully drilled long horizontal at only 200 psi
• Cesium formate has a niche application in HPHT wells overbalance
with open hole completions
Well productivity • Torque values indicate friction factors as low as 0.22
• Return permeability tests show a substantial improvement • Casing wear similar to that observed with OBMs
• Good well flow performance • No need to add lubricants
• Resulted in six-fold increase in well production
• Use of cesium formate is an important contribution to Materials compatibility
improving well productivity • Aflas elastomers used on all plugs and packers
• Target production rates will be easily achieved • No tool failures or incidents relating to elastomers
• Clean-up treatments not necessary
• Reduced negative effects from incompatibilities between Cementing
drilling fluid and completion fluid • Compatible with cement slurries
• Reduced risk of screen plugging • Very effective casing shoe squeeze on first attempt
• High productivity from wells
Fluid stability • Transition from drill-in fluid to completion fluid was
• Stable fluid properties at high temperatures simple, since both systems use same base fluid
• Stable mud properties • Less screen plugging risk

Well control Logging

• No well control or loss situation • Logging interpretation is manageable
• Provides an extremely good well control environment • Filtrate can be non-static during data acquisition
• No sag potential • Consider acquisition of core data to calibrate log response
• Elimination of barite sag • Problems getting WL-logs past coal layer
• Low gas solubility • Results demonstrate that the effects of formate muds on
• Virtual elimination of gas diffusion into horizontal wells nuclear logs can be accurately predicated 31
• Quick thermal stabilization during flow checks
• Well stabilizes quickly during flow checks Effect on rig time
• Drilling benefits have given rig time savings
• Reduced time to complete the well
6 IADC/SPE 99068

In addition to normal use as HPHT drill-in and completion scf/day/psi. In fact plateau production rates were achieved
fluids the cesium formate brines also have applications as from the first three wells of the six-well project. The Huldra
stand-by kill pills and stand-by stuck-pipe release pills. In project manager is quoted as saying: “For the specific
these cases the brines are sent offshore, on long-term rental, conditions of the Huldra field there was no realistic fluid
for contingency reasons. The brines have one further alternative for successfully drilling and completing the wells”.
important use, namely as solids-free well suspension fluids, There were no obvious signs of formation damage in the
where they have been supplied on rental terms for up to 18 wells, and no acid stimulation was required. This finding casts
months. These assorted applications have so far accounted for some doubt over the the meaning of results obtained from the
21 field requests for cesium formate brines. reservoir-conditions core-flood testing at an independent
Figure 2 shows the user segmentation of cesium formate laboratory which had suggested that the wells would be
jobs to date. Statoil has been the biggest user by far, followed impaired by inadequate removal of drilling fluid filter-cake
by Total/Elf, Norsk Hydro, Shell and BP. On a regional basis under drawdown.
all but 3 of the 100 offshore operations using cesium formate
have been in the North Sea. Devenick field, offshore UK, 20011
Devenick is a gas condensate field operated by BP in the UK
Published field case histories sector of the North Sea. A SG 1.68 (14 ppg) cesium formate
Huldra field, offshore Norway, 200123 fluid was chosen by the operator to drill and core a 1,000
Huldra is a gas condensate field in the Norwegian sector of metre horizontal HPHT appraisal / development well in the
North Sea operated by Statoil. During drilling and completion field. The low-permeability sandstone matrix of the Devenick
of this field, high temperature and pressure conditions were reservoir is very hard and abrasive, and is deemed to be a
encountered in the reservoir section (675 bar, 150ºC or 302oF). significant challenge to drill and complete. A long horizontal
The difference between the pore pressure and fracture pressure wellbore was required in order to yield sufficient productivity
gradient was small in the reservoir. The Huldra gas stream and to penetrate the different reservoir segments. The priority
contained 3-4% CO2 and 9-14 ppm H2S. The wells were was to minimize reservoir damage by using a low-solids
drilled at a 45º - 55º inclination through the reservoir and drilling fluid. With a planned maximum deviation of 88o, and a
completed with 300-micron single-wire-wrapped screens. BHST of 135oC (275oF), barite sag and well control issues
When the first production well was drilled in this field, were a concern.
with oil-based mud, a severe well kick was experienced while
Formate brine was believed to offer several advantages
running the sand screens. The main reason for the kick was a
over oil-based mud (OBM), and was primarily selected on
loss of drilling-fluid density due to barite sag during the wiper
grounds of formation damage characteristics, low ECD and
trip. A cesium formate-based drill-in fluid was therefore
potential for improving ROP and well control. Return
selected for the following wells to improve well control. The
permeability testing on Devenick reservoir core samples
main benefits identified with the cesium formate brine
indicated that the cesium formate brine would cause minimal
compared with the oil-based fluid were: no sag potential, low
formation damage compared to oil-based mud. This was an
ECD, less screen plugging risk, (low solids), use of solids that
important consideration given that an openhole completion
could be acidized (CaCO3), low gas solubility,
was programmed.
environmentally friendly, and quick thermal stabilization
during flow checks. Also, hydraulic modeling suggested that the formate brine
Return permeability testing was carried out and the would reduce the ECD by approximately 300 psi over an
predicted reduction in formation permeability after drawdown OBM, giving wider safety margins between pore and fracture
(due to adherence of residual filter cake) was in the range 36- pressure. Equally important for this well was the fact that the
70%. Further testing showed that incorporating a treatment ECD reduction would reduce the apparent rock strength seen
with dilute organic acid to remove residual filter cake was by the bit by 23%, arguably yielding a similar improvement in
effective in restoring core permeability to its near-native state. ROP. Other horizontal HPHT wells drilled previously by BP
The operator decided to go ahead and use formate fluid, had suffered well-control problems, and the use of formate
knowing that any formation damage would be shallow and brine was believed to offer a much-reduced well-control risk
could be removed by a simple dilute acid soak at balance. over an OBM fluid. Elimination of barite sag and no diffusion
The drilling operation itself was characterized by good of methane into the horizontal wellbore were the main reasons
hole stability, low ECD and good hole cleaning. The excellent for this. With the hard nature of the reservoir sands, slow
rheology and thermal stability of the drilling fluid led to rig- drilling rates of 2-3 m/hr and short bit life were expected. The
time savings from faster tripping speeds, faster casing-running 6” interval was programmed for 60 days and 17 round trips for
speeds, less mud conditioning and fewer wiper trips. The ROP alternate drilling and coring runs. A turbine-motor was used
was also good, at 10 metres/hour. The drilling fluid was instead of a mud-motor.
circulated over a combination of 250, 300, and 400-mesh Significant rig time was saved during drilling since the
shaker screens before the completion screens were run. After fluid was stable and did not require additional time to circulate
running the screens, the drilling fluid was replaced with and condition mud to counter sag during trips. Coring was
filtered cesium formate completion brine. difficult because the angle of the bedding plane kept causing
Statoil report that the six Huldra wells drilled and the core samples to break. After a successful logging run the
completed with cesium formate brine are each producing with hole was displaced to clean cesium formate brine for the
excellent average Productivity Indices of around 1.9 million completion.
IADC/SPE 99068 7

The reported results from the completed well were promising, Kristin field, offshore Norway, 2003 24
with good production and zero skin. The BP project team is Kristin is a HPHT gas condensate field in the Norwegian
quoted as saying that they felt the well would have been sector of North Sea operated by Statoil. The Kristin Field is
difficult to deliver without the use of cesium formate brine. In located approximately 240 km west of the mid-Norwegian
addition to the advantages discussed above, the team felt that coast with an average water depth of 360m. With a reservoir
the fluid brought a number of HSE advantages such as pressure and temperature of around 900 bar and 170°C
elimination of the need for skip & ship, no well-control (338oF) respectively, Kristin has been labeled a high pressure,
incidents and better integration between drilling and high temperature (HPHT) field. The Kristin field development
completion. The advantages with the fluid far outweighed the is based on four sub-sea templates with a total of twelve
disadvantages, which were fluid cost and increased complexity production wells. All the wells are completed with 6-5/8”
in the reservoir log analysis. open-hole screens with a slot width of 350-micron. The
reservoir has a pore pressure equivalent to a mud weight of SG
Visund field, offshore Norway, 200222 1.98. The difference between the pore pressure and fracture
The Visund field is a subsea development offshore Norway. pressure gradient in the reservoir is small, giving a narrow
Norsk Hydro put the field on production in 1999. The field drilling window.
was taken over by Statoil in 2003. Visund has proven to be a
highly complicated reservoir with a complex geology. The reservoir sections (300-400 metres, 32º-46º
Permeabilities range from 300 to 3,000 mD. The Visund inclination) of the first two Kristin wells were drilled and
reservoir was accessed by a series of wells drilled and cored at a 50 bar overbalance using a fluid based on SG 2.09
completed with long horizontal sections to reach several (17.40 ppg) cesium formate brine. Statoil report that the ECD
targets with one well. The wells have relatively high pressures was in the range SG 0.04-0.06, comparing favorably against
and moderate temperatures (440 bar, 115ºC or 239oF). Sand oil-based muds that generally give ECD of SG 0.09-0.11. The
control was aided by oriented perforating in the direction of coring runs were successful but the logging was difficult
maximum stress. apparently because of hole enlargement (16½” and
The wells were drilled at high overbalance with oil-based occasionally larger) in the Lange shales above the reservoir. It
mud. The long drilling times under these conditions resulted in is understood that similar hole enlargements were seen in
deep mud filtrate invasion around the wellbore. The first wells exploratory wells drilled using oil-based mud. The Kristin
were perforated with standard oriented perforating system wells were plugged back for temporary suspension since
with zinc-cased charges in a SG 1.65 (13.8 ppg) CaCl2/CaBr2 completion equipment was not ready. They have since been
perforating kill fluid. When the wells were put on stream, the completed in cesium formate brine.
chokes were plugged by large chunks of zinc oxide. Kvitebjorn field, offshore Norway, 2004/5 24
These wells showed significantly lower productivities than The Kvitebjorn field is another HPHT (BHST: 145oC or
should be expected from the reservoir characteristics. A study 293oF) gas condensate field in the Norwegian sector of the
was carried out to identify the source of the problem. Several North Sea. Over the past 18 months the operator has drilled
areas of improvement were identified, including the fluid and completed the 300-400 metre reservoir sections (24-30o
system. The CaCl2/CaBr2 brine formulation proved to be deviation) of six Kvitebjorn wells with fluids based on SG
unstable and viscous, making it difficult to achieve a good 2.02 cesium formate brine. Statoil report that the ECD during
cleanup. The brine was also found to be incompatible with the drilling was low, as previously seen in the Huldra and Kristin
formation water. Further laboratory studies showed that wells.
reactions between zinc powder by-products from the charges
and CaCl2/CaBr2 brine caused the kill pill to lose its fluid-loss- The first Kvitebjorn well, A-04, was cored to TD in the
control properties, which then resulted in formation damage. cesium formate brine and then logged successfully on
The idea of replacing the brine with oil-based mud was wireline. Unlike the Kristin wells, the hole sizes and hole
abandoned because of high particle content. condition through the shales in the Kvitebjorn wells are said to
A new perforating system was developed which, among have been good. The 300-micron sand screens were run
other changes, replaced the zinc charges. The CaCl2/CaBr2 without incident before displacing from caesium formate drill-
perforation fluid was replaced with a low-solids oil-based fluid in fluid to cesium formate completion brine. The 7”
weighted up with cesium formate brine. Five new oil- production string was also run without incident. The brine
producing wells were drilled and perforated with the new losses for the drilling phase were 28.5m3 (179 bbl), which
system under dynamic underbalanced conditions. Productivity compares favorably with the 35m3 (220 bbl) programmed
Indices for the previous wells were in the range of 60-90 Sm3 estimate. There were 8 round trips for coring, etc., with the
oil /day/bar, whilst the new wells were ranging from 300 to 7.56m3 (47 bbl) total tripping loss giving an average 0.95m3 (6
900 Sm3 oil /day/bar. It was concluded that the effect of the bbl) loss per trip. On the second Kvitebjorn well, A-05, the
changes to the perforating system, combined with the formate brine losses for the drilling phase were 30.7m3 (193
application of dynamic underbalance and the new formate- bbl), which compares favorably with the 36m3 (226 bbl)
weighted fluid, was responsible for the 3 - to 6-fold increase in programmed estimate. There were 7 round trips, with the
productivity. The formate-based fluid is believed to be one of 3.02m3 (19 bbl) total tripping loss giving an average 0.43m3
the main contributors to the improved well productivity. (2.70 bbl) loss per trip.
8 IADC/SPE 99068

Conclusions development of cesium formate brine as a HPHT drilling and

The many papers written by operators, over a period of 10 completion fluid. The authors would also like to offer their
years, on their experiences of using formate brines have sincere thanks and congratulations to everyone who has been
indicated that these fluids can add significant value to difficult involved in the development, production, approval and field
well construction projects by: testing of cesium formate brine.
- Improving well control
- Reducing NPT Nomenclature
- Improving well productivity CRA = Corrosion Resistant Alloy
- Improving well integrity and lifetime ECD = Equivalent Circulating Density
- Enabling complex well constructions HPHT = High Pressure, High Temperature
- Facilitating access to difficult reserves OBM = Oil-Based Mud
- Reducing waste disposal costs ROP = Drilling Rate of Penetration
- Reducing waste liability SG = Specific Gravity

The development of cesium formate brine began 15 years References

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This paper is dedicated to Tony Clarke-Sturman and Philip 13. Downs, J.D.: “Formate Brines: Novel Drilling and Completion
Sturla, whose original invention in 1986 sparked the Fluids for Demanding Environments,” SPE 25177, 1993 SPE
IADC/SPE 99068 9

International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, New Orleans, 28. Byrne, M., Patey, I., George, E., Downs, J.D. and Turner, M.:
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26. Downs, J.D., Benton, W., Carnegie, A. and Leth-Olsen, H.:
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27. Downs, J.D. and Leth-Olsen, H.: “Effect of Environmental
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to Stress Corrosion Cracking in High-Density Completion
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Aberdeen, UK, 30 May 2006.
10 IADC/SPE 99068

2 3
6 16
Comp/WO- brine


Stand-by KF

Well test

Stuck pipe pill


Figure 1 – Segmentation of caesium formate brine use by application, 1999-2005

2 1 11 1
6 Statoil
13 Walter

Figure 2 – Segmentation of caesium formate brine use by operator, 1999-2005

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