Практическое задание

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Практическое задание

Упражнение 1. Напиши форму 3-го лица ед. числа Упражнение 6. Поставь правильную форму
следующих глаголов глагола to have в Present Simple
do, go, read, collect, hate, play, study, tidy, wash, watch, 1. We ________ (not) any fruit.
brush, teach, have, play, drink, arrive, pay, buy, pass, sell 2. They ________ (not) much money.
carry, catch, 3. They ________ a lot of happiness.
4. We ________ (not) a new computer.
5. Málaga ________ many nice hotels.
6. He ________ (not) any problems.
7. Madrid ________ many old buildings.
8. ________ you ________ an aspirin?
9. I ________ (not) any cigarettes.
10. ________ you ________ brothers and
11. Kim ________ a new watch.
12. ________ you ________ you plane
Упражнение 2. Составь предложения, используя Present Упражнение 7. Поставь правильную форму
Simple глагола have got в Present Simple
1. football / play / he / everyday 1. I _________ some apples.
2. Irina / nice clothes / always / wear 2. I _________ (not) any shoes.
3. have / we / breakfast / at 7 o’clock 3. He _________ a new car.
4. never / I / drink / coffee 4. They _________ (not) a new car.
5. How many children ________ he ______ ?
6. We _________ (not) a dog.
7. I _________ (not) any food.
8. They _________ some fruit.
9. She _________ (not) any friends.
10. I´m busy, I _________ (not) a lot of time.
11. This flat is great, it ________ a lot of space.
12. What ________ you ________ ?
13. ________ you ________ a pencil?

Упражнение 3. Поставь глагол в правильную форму. Упражнение 8. Употреби правильную форму

глаголов to be и to have в предложениях:
1. Kate (to drink) tea every morning. 1. You … welcome.
2. We (to play) football every day. 2. The metro station … far from my house.
3. My sister (to get up) at 7 o’clock. 3. Mary and Nelly … friends.
4. They (to leave) home at 8.30 every morning. 4. She … out.
5. We (to arrive) home late. 5. It … 5 o’clock now.
6. The children always (to do) homework. 6. She … a nice flat.
7. They (to read) the newspapers every evening. 7. We … a little child. She … four.
8. We often (to drink) tea together. 8. They … a big car. It … red.
9. How … you? 1
10. How old … Mary?
Упражнение 4. Составь отрицательную и Упражнение 5. Переведи на английский язык
вопросительную форму предложений. с Present Simple.
1. I run very fast. 1. Я учитель
2. He runs very fast too. . 2. Это красное яблоко
3. We often sleep in the garden. 3. Ирина играет на гитаре
4. Her sister leaves home early. 4. Они любят животных
5. Sally opens the window in her room when it is hot. 5. Она живет в Париже
6. Mr. Bay often goes to the cinema with his son. 6. Мой отец никогда не читает газеты
7. My Mammy swims very well. 7. Анна всегда врет
8. We swim well too. 8. Это твоя собака
9. She always makes a lot of mistakes. 9. Мне нравится ее улыбка
10. The Olympic Games take place every 5 years. 10. Обычно я гуляю в парке (park, walk)

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