Предлоги места. Практика

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Упражнение 1.

Поставь правильный предлог места (in, on, at)

1. The headquarters (центральное управление) of the United Nations is_________ New York.

2. In the most countries people drive_________ the right.

3. I usually buy a newspaper_________ my way to work.

4. Last year we had a lovely skiing (катание на лыжах) holiday _________ the Swiss Alps.

5. San Francisco is_________ the west coast (западное побережье) of the United States.

6. She spends most of the day sitting_________ the window.

7. The report (статья) about the accident (происшествие) was_________ the front page of the

8. In the theatre we had seats_________ the front row (первый ряд).

9. Write the name and address_________ the front page (на первой странице) of the envelope.

10. It's dangerous (опасно) to play football_________ the streets.

11. I'll meet you_________ the corner (угол) of the street at 10.

12. We got stuck (застряли) in a traffic jam (пробка) _________ the way to the airport.

13. Look at the horses_________ that field (поле).

14. _________ the end of the street is a path (дорожка) to our house.

15. Do you want sugar_________ your coffee?

Упражнение 2. Поставь правильный предлог места (in, on, at)

1. Her brother lives_________ a small town_________ the south coast of Spain.

2. The sports results are_________ the back page of the paper.

3. They got married_________ Birmingham.

4. Vienna is _________ the river Danube.

5. His office is_________ the third floor.

6. Tom is sitting_________ an armchair.

7. The picture is_________ the wall.

8. We meet_________ the station at 7.

9. She was ill and stayed_________ bed.

10. Are there any good films_________ the cinema this week?

11. We went to see a play_________ the National Theatre.

12. She is still_________ hospital and recovers from her holiday.

13. We were_________ sea for ten weeks.

14. Because of delay we had to wait for three hours_________ the airport.

15. I didn't see her _________ the party.

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