Human Rights, Values and Ethics

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Human Rights, values and ethics

What are values?

Values are the foundation of our behavior which make us feel good about our decisions.
These values are a part of our identity as an individual, which guide our actions at home,
at work or any other area of our life.

They are like a compass that helps us behave consistently, regardless of the situation.
When we act guided by our values, we are not bothered by what others will say and
therefore, act according to our conviction.

Values determine what’s good or bad for us. When we’re guided by values, we act without
expecting anything in return except for personal satisfaction. This satisfaction motivates us to
embrace our principles in every situation, allowing us to reflect a persistent personality.

To foster certain principles and beliefs in others, one must practice those principles/beliefs
consistently through our behavior to set examples.

Types of values
Ever since humans have lived in a community, they’ve established principles to guide their
behavior towards others. These principles give rise to universal values such as honesty,
responsibility, etc. However, in order to better understand these values, they’re classified
according to various criteria.
o Personal values: They are important characteristics and behaviors that motivate
us and guide our decisions.
o Family values: These derive from the fundamental beliefs of our parents. They
are the guidelines of our initial behavior in society.
o Social-Cultural values: They are the prevailing values of the society we live in.
They change with passing time and may or may not coincide with our family
values. They are a convoluted mix of different values, and at times differ from
each other.
o Material values: These values allow us to survive. They are fundamental needs,
part of a complex web between personal, family and social-cultural values.
o Spiritual values: They refer to the importance we give to the non-materialistic
aspect of our life. They allow us to feel fulfilled and add meaning to our life.
o Moral values: The attitude and behavior that the society considers essential for
coexistence and general well-being.

Values and ethics

Values and ethics are central to any organization. Both are extremely broad terms but in

terms ethics are some rules; created by an individual, organization or society that are meant
to be followed for maintaining a peaceful environment. Ethics is concerned with human
actions, it determines which values should be pursued, and which shouldn’t.

Importance of Values and Morals

Life is precious and important to humans than anything else. With the importance of life,
comes the importance of values.
Values and morals are the code due to which we’re able to live in a civil and just society.
Our values and morals are a reflection of our character, a guideline according to which we
function our interaction with others.
They are what we hope to model for our children as they watch us to develop their own sense
of right and wrong.

Human Rights
o Human rights are standards that allow all people to live with dignity, freedom, equality,
justice, and peace. Every person has these rights simply because they are human beings.
o These are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality,
ethnicity, language, religion or any other status.
o We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are
all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.

Some of the human rights exercised by the people are:

 Right to speech
 Right to freedom
 Right to live
 Right to expression
 Right to education
 Right to equality

Characteristics of Human Rights

1. Human rights imply that everyone should have them. People don’t enjoy them as the
member of a particular nation or community, rather as a human being. Hence, human
rights are universally applicable to all without any discrimination.
2. Human rights, as a comprehensive whole, include socio-economic, civil, political and
cultural rights which are deemed to be essential for human beings to live a life of
3. Human rights are justiciable. They cover legal rights protected by the law of the state.
They also cover fundamental rights as incorporated in the constitution of the land and
they enjoy judicial enforcement.

4. Human rights are not absolute. Like all rights, they may also be restricted in the interest
of public peace, social decency, political security, etc.
5. Human beings cannot stay without the enjoyment of human rights. All of them possess
these rights as the member of the human society. Since some people are ignorant of
these rights, they must be taught about these opportunities. They only can lead a life of
peace, security and dignity with the growing consciousness of these rights.


Cause of Patriotism?
Human beings have a very strong need for belonging. We as a people have a tendency to form
groups and also favor our group over the others.
This very need to put their group at the top of the tier, motivates some people to discriminate
towards other groups and put them down.
The need for belonging and attachment is one of the strong reasons that lead to development
of patriotism as we know it.
We don’t just want to belong to a group but also want our group or community to do well
than the others.

Fear, survival and Patriotism

Humans have an intense desire for survival, a reason they join groups or communities. This is
because the chances of survival increase when you are part of a group. And survival here just
isn’t about just staying alive but leading a good life.

Another driving force for patriotism is fear. If anything threatens your nation, you feel
threatened as well. You might or might not feel it at a conscious level but the fear is there.
This is the reason people feel more patriotic when their country is in a bad situation, at the
brink of war, for example. The fear is the fuel to your fire of patriotism.

Patriotism and Ego

Patriotism is also connected to a person’s ego. As a person gets raised in a particular country,
he/she identifies himself/herself with it in such a way that any harm to the country feels like a
direct harm to them.
This is why you might find a person, who lives in another country, becoming very patriotic
when his/her country faces any hardship.

Patriotism is something very natural as it stems from many of the basic human needs.

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