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INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Abraham A. Bacol Jr., MaRelS

Content Standard:
The learner understands the nature and role of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christ, the Church, the Blessed
Trinity and in his personal life as a Christian. (John 13; Acts 1-2; Gal 4:6,)

Performance Standard:
The learner examines his life and notices how the Spirit moves him closer to Christ
(Nicene Creed; Catechism for Filipino Catholics Chapter 22)

Learning Competencies:
The Learners are expected to…
1. Learn the activity of the Holy Spirit from creation, to the life of the Israelites, to the life of Christ, the
Church and to the personal life of the Christian.
2. Know where to look for the Spirit and what He does.
3. Understand the person of the Holy Spirit in relation to the other persons of the Trinity.
4. Move towards active involvement in the community (Overcome difficulties of recognizing and
relating to the Spirit)


There are few theological truths in the history of the Church that have sparked as much controversy,
disagreement, and schism as the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. From ancient disagreements about Trinity and
“procession” to modern disagreements about the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The doctrine of the Holy Spirit lies at the very heart of the way that we understand who God is and how we
experience his living presence in our midst. The Spirit is sent to empower and lead the Church of God and to give
new life to all those who respond in faith to its message about Jesus.

May the truths that you will learn about the Holy Spirit in this module will not only be “formal lesson” which
helps you to understand God better, but will be also “practical one” which allows you to depend on the Holy
Spirit in ever increasing measure as you journey in the call to become a real Carolinian capable to witness the
Word in the world.


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1. Examine the sketch based on the representations of A, B, C, D
A. The lower circle represents my life before I received Christ. What was my spiritual
condition? What was true of my ability to understand the things of God? Why?
Remembering those days when I did not have Christ, life felt empty and
miserable. I remember living a life full of sin and wretchedness. My soul had suffered in
jail, without hope, and everything that I do, to me, are deemed pointless.
Although the idea of God has been handed to me since I was young, there will
always be a distinction between knowing Christ and understanding the true meaning of
Christ. Before I had accepted Christ in my life his words were just like any of the stories
and fairy tales I have read. Praying was more of a routine rather than a heartfelt
connection between me and the Spirit. My ability to understand His word was never there
because I never really did let Him work on me and my heart, so that he may give me the
wisdom to understand the true meaning of Christianity.
On another note, the bible contains writings taught not by human wisdom but by
the Spirit of God. Thus, it reveals these words, "what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor
the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him" (1
Corinthians 2:9). This tells us that it is not us who finds the way to God, but it is God who
finds its way to us and it is Him who gives us the wisdom of understanding His word.

B. When I received Christ and He entered my life; I became spiritually alive and was given
the gift of the Holy Spirit promised to every true believer. (John 7:37-39)
To be filled with the Holy Spirit, one must be filled with Christ. The Holy Spirit has
come to glorify Christ therefore, one is able to live in the light just as He is the light, and the
blood of Jesus Christ will cleanse those who accept Him and keep him from all
unrighteousness. This is what the second representation implies. It reveals that through
Jesus, we are able to overcome death and conceive eternal life, for we are being cleansed
from the sins.
Jesus Christ is the one who fills the emptiness that I felt when I was without the
Spirit. Through Him my thirst and hunger is now being filled and overflowed. It has given me
gifts that allow me to spiritually be born again, cleansed from sins, and be given the gifts
and wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

C.God intends for me to continue growing in my relationship with Him, learning how
to live the Christian life and relying on His Spirit to work within me to give me
power and understanding. According to Galatians 5:22-23, what would be the
Just as how real fruits take time to grow, the fruit of the Spirit will not ripen
immediately in our lives. Just as good gardeners, one must also fight against weeds in
order to reap the sweet fruit that they want. Thus, we must actively strive to get rid
from our lives the weeds of our old sinful natures that hinder the strive of the Spirit.
Hence, the Holy Spirit gives us the strength that we need to deny the old sinful
God’s purpose for all His children is that we can be like Jesus, the Holy Spirit
works tirelessly for us to get rid of our actions of immoral nature and to show His fruit
instead. The appearance of the fruit of the Spirit is also proof that our behavior is
becoming more like that of Christ.
Through the Holy Spirit, I am able to receive power, understanding, and was
able to produce His fruits which are, love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
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D. But there is another possibility. I could fail to grow in my Christian life and never
learn how to experience the power God has given me by His Spirit. What would my
life be like then?
Though I have known and received Christ, there is a possibility that I may fall
away or commit apostasy. Reverting to pre-conversion habits and falling unto sin will
be the life I will be living again. I will remain an infant and would not look that much
different from those who have not yet met Christ. This would cause me to fall back to
my sinful nature and instead of pursuing Christ, I become someone who pursues her
own desires.

2. Come up with a Personal Reflection. (one page)

Journey Towards Faith

Without Him there is no hope. We do not have the life as God meant it to be until
Christ resides inside the individual who surrenders to Him. Not understanding Christ is living
a life without sympathy; Thus, you cannot find someone else who has been, and who will be,
touched by the feeling of your infirmity: always tender; always capable; always wise; and
always kind. Thus, this is not granted to any individual on earth but to Christ only.
This activity has revealed to me, how the Holy Spirit changes people and how
Christ works as the mediator between humanity and the Holy Spirit. It has taught me how
God finds his way for us to be able to receive eternal life. Thus, it has given a grounding in
me that for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we must be filled with Christ. Through this, we
are able to live in the light just as He is the light, and we will be cleansed from all
unrighteousness. It has revealed unto me that through Jesus, we are able to overcome death
and receive eternity. Through this, I was able to understand that it is important to recognize
that we are all nothing without God. Thus, it is not through good works that we are saved
but rather through faith. This shows that it is not us who finds our way to God, but it is God
who works in us, so long as we let him.
Furthermore, I was able to grasp about how I am saved by the Holy Spirit though
Christ. I believe that I am alive because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died to buy my
redemption. Thus, this is the salvation work of Christ. Through Him, the Spirit is able to rest
upon me and bestowed gifts such as power, understanding, love, joy, peace, forbearance,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
On another note, I was also able to recognize the difference between true faith.
Thus, true faith is identified whether we obey His commandments. Those who say, “I know
him”, yet do not keep His commandments have no honesty in Him, for knowing God means
turning away from sin and continuously seeking more of His glory each day.
These things above signifies that if you are a true believer of God, you are able to
keep yourself away from the possibility of reverting to your old sinful habits. When you have
Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and Savior, it is not you but the Spirit that works in you
that radiates a glorified being to the people around. You now become a light to the world as
you speak with love, joy, and goodness to people. You are changed and spiritually born
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ACTIVITY 2.2 VIDEO VIEWING 1 (Who is the Holy Spirit) (25 pts)

Based from the video, fill up the table below

How Jesus Describe the Holy Scriptural Passage/ verse Events

Teacher John 14:25-26 Jesus described the Holy Spirit as
25 “These things I have spoken the other teacher who is going to
to you while being present with teach us what Jesus has not taught
you. 26 But the Helper, the and he is going to bring everything
Holy Spirit, whom the Father that Jesus has taught to our
will send in My name, He will remembrance. He described the holy
teach you all things, and bring spirit as a teacher and a reminder.
to your remembrance all things
that I said to you.
Comforter John 14:15-16 Jesus said that he is going to ask the
15 “If you love Me, keep My Father that as he goes away, the
commandments. 16 And I will spirit will be another comforter in his
pray the Father, and He will place. The Holy spirit will work as
give you another Helper, that an encourager that whenever we sin
He may abide with you forever He proves us on the things we should
— do but never discourages us.
Spirit of Truth John 14:17 Jesus described the Holy Spirit as the
17 the Spirit of truth, whom the Spirit of Truth. He said that the
world cannot receive, because it world cannot accept Him because he
neither sees Him nor knows is not seen nor heard. However, one
Him; but you know Him, for He who is in Jesus will know him for he
dwells with you and will be in is within them. This means that only
you. those who are born again will be able
to receive Him, not sinners because
they are not in contact in Him.
Ever-Present Provider John 14:17-18 Jesus said that he will not leave us
17 the Spirit of truth, whom the like orphans. Without the Holy
world cannot receive, because it Spirit, we will be like orphans. Jesus
neither sees Him nor knows promised to never leave us without
Him; but you know Him, for He anybody to care for us, teach us,
dwells with you and will be in comfort us, and provide for us.
you. 18 I will not leave you Through the Holy Spirit, we will not
orphans; I will come to you. be orphans if we accept Jesus’
provision. Jesus has been with his
disciples for only a few years but He
said that the next person who comes
will never leave them and would
come to stay forever
Exchange of Persons John 15:26 Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would
26 “But when the Helper come to take his place. Before, on a
comes, whom I shall send to festival, Jesus as well said that
you from the Father, the Spirit anyone who is thirsty may come to
of truth who proceeds from the Him and that whoever believes in
Father, He will testify of Me. Him shall receive rivers of water
flowing from within them. By this,
John 7:37-39 he meant the Spirit. Those who
37 On the last day, that great believe in Christ will receive the
day of the feast, Jesus stood and Spirit. This implies that the Spirit
cried out, saying, “If anyone will be available when he is glorified
thirsts, let him come to Me and and will take his place in order to
drink. 38 He who believes in help us and comfort us with His
Me, as the Scripture has said, peace.
out of his heart will flow rivers
of living water.” 39 But this He
spoke concerning the Spirit,
whom those believing in Him
would receive; for the Holy
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Spirit was not yet given,
because Jesus was not yet

ACTIVITY 2.3 PICTURE ANALYSIS (Gifts of the Holy Spirit) (15 pts)

The Holy Spirit has been given to us as a gift, yet few of us choose to use it. Sometimes it is due to lack
of knowledge about what the gifts are and other times it is because we simply forget. The Holy Spirit is
not just some ancient, nebulous being.

The Spirit is here to empower, enlighten, and instruct us so that we may live out our faith in the
everyday world. Take a moment to see the comic pictures presented below.

a. Identify what gift of the Holy Spirit is referred to

b. Define the identified Gift of the Holy Spirit
c. Give short explanation/ justification on the relevance of this gift.

1. Gift of counsel

The gift of counsel allows one to see and distinguish what is good, what makes us happy and what is most
convenient for us.

In our lives and the lives of others, we are frequently faced with crucial choices. When they ask for our
assistance, sometimes we do not know exactly what to do, what to say, and much less how to behave. This is
the very moment that we can give ourselves up to the Holy Spirit that lives inside us. This gift is important
because through this transparency, we will be able to see, offer sound advice, and know how to act.
2. Gift of Wisdom

The gift of wisdom refers to the unique potential to determine other events by God, by the light of Heaven.

Through this gift, we are able to be in position to dig further at the facts that surround us. We are able to
experience things on our own, not necessarily what we expect them to be for us. Thus, we no longer judge on
the basis of our passing, shallow and vain standards, but on the basis of the principles that we find in the

3. Gift of fear of the Lord

Fear of the Lord does not mean to be scared of God, because he is who is looking to execute those who are
sinful. It means possessing a wise heart who is mindful of our remorse and the weight of our sins; it also means
believing in His grace.

Fear of God means that in our life we give what is due to God, that He takes the role of God, and no one else.
This means that we understand the weight and importance of our acts, particularly those that separate us from
Him. A wonderful way of carrying out this privilege is the regular use of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As
Christians, these are very important things we should take into account in order to rid ourselves from the
sinfulness we are being chained upon.

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