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The 10 Richest People in the World 2007

Rank Name Age Wealth ($bil) Wealth per year

1 William Gates III 51 56 1.10
2 Warren Buffett 76 52 0.68
3 Carlos Slim Helu 67 49 0.73
4 Ingvar Kamprad & family 80 33 0.41
5 Lakshmi Mittal 56 32 0.57
6 Sheldon Adelson 73 26.5 0.36
7 Bernard Arnault 58 26 0.45
8 Amancio Ortega 71 24 0.34
9 Li Ka-shing 78 23 0.29
10 David Thomson & family 49 22 0.45

Total 5.39
Average 0.54

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