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Juan Diego Urbina Vilchez

An effort

Cesar, the las surviving son of a widow, who is a Young boy, he enrolled to
the service military. Cesar Romero was not a real fighter, rather he looked
like a scarecrew. The young boy is a lover of the music, always with his
guitar played boleros and traditional music of his town.
He wishes he were a general of the armed forces and so the doughter of
the principal officer of the army will be in love with him. He was always
called for Timana because his hability to play the guitar was amazing and
heard sing was like heard to angels sing.
The roommates pf cesar felt envy that he hada ll the attention of the
officers for his skill, so they guys made a attack to the boy in the night
when he arrive to eat the dinner and doing that cesar vomit. They knocked
him and his body has been bruised. Next day a sargent entered to the
room of the guys and found to cesar with bruises and asked him for who
attack him and his answer was that he felt of the bed, the roommates
were in shock that they were not revealed.
The war broke aut and everyone were sent to flight, they were afraid
because they never thought that they will go to the war. A few brave men
went their heads up for the honor of honoring their homeland and one of
them was to cesar. Who was decided to give his life in combant.
The war lasted a few months and the survivors were happy to win it but
their sadnees were reflected in their eyes because they have lost friend in
that war, cesar thought that his life is over, with his mother dead and his
friend whom gave their life in combat.
When the soldiers to be back their families have been waiting to them,
but cesar was alone without family, so some inesperated happened, star,
the girl that cesar felt in love have been waiting for him.
She was there to say him that she was in love with him too, but she was
scary, bacause she did not want to arruin the Friendship that he had with
her father. Now she was decided to be with him and begin a life to his
side, get married and walking take his life. They lived a life without regrets
and happily forever.

Juan Diego Urbina Vilchez

Juan Diego Urbina Vilchez

1. I do not want to real actor, I would like to the movie to be anime


Juan Diego Urbina Vilchez

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