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Urban Combatives Work Out of the Day.
General Warm up:
Bounce on the spot to gentle sprints in place, high knees, butt kicks, hip
rotation L/R arm rotation back/forward to torso bends and rotations L/R
Shake out wrists and ankles then take 3 deep diaphragmatic breathes 3 secs
in through the nose-3 secs hold-3 secs out through the mouth!
Task Specific Warm up:
SOLO PAD Tool Development drill, Perform 2 full reps Dominant side
and 2 full reps non-dominant side of the next 2 solo pad drills. Focus is
on form, movement and body mechanics. Keep the Intent high but
speed/power down! 25 percent to 50 percent overall intensity is plenty
Unarmed Hard Skills:
SOLO PAD Tool Development drills:
KIT required 1 to 2 Focus Pads 5 reps total, 3 dominant side, 2 non-
dominant side at current 100 percent with visualisation and INTENT!
1. BLITKRIEG; is the staple UC drill to work first! Palm-HF-Elbow-Knee
-simulate Snatch TD to Stomp. Work 3 reps only dominant side em-
ploying CM verbal interaction with visualisation, see THREAT
DOWN in your Mind’s eye then disengage towards an Exit! Repeat 2
reps non-dominant side to finish!
2. ECQ Wall drill; work with 2 pads from a compressed NVP. Start with a
fast dynamic clinch (PULL) then (POP) with inner bicep, then (HIT)
and smash with an Elbow. From here continue by slamming the Pads
into a wall structure, turn one Pad for (BEAT DOWN) to the floor,
Cycle 2 HF’s-Elbow to Knee! Again 3 and 2 reps dominant-non-
dominant sides!
Cosh & Stick Skills: Carlos Hermanos Influenced
KIT required Cosh Trainer small rubber ball in a trainer sock is good,
along with any Stick-like tool for practice. For impact use an old tyre,
Heavy bag, BOB or something improvised that you can beat the shit
out of!
Task Specific Warm up:
Take a training stick and shadow strike air with OH and BH strikes for ten
reps L/R work about 25 percent speed/power but keep Intent high. Then
work OH-BH but now add the Vertical circular strike. Again hit only air
with 3 strikes for 5 reps L/R working up to 50 percent!

Stick & Cosh Tool Development drills: Work Dominant side only today.
1. BLITKRIEG with a stick; Put combination together working 10 reps at
your current 100 percent speed and power with hateful INTENT!
Overhand to Backhand to Vertical strikes! Finish the set with 3 vertical
circular strikes using a Cycling motion! Visualise subject DOWN as
you move toward an exit prepared for any secondary threat that may
2. BLITKRIEG with a Cosh; Start with tool to hand concealed, put in a
fast vertical BH strike to the facial area, follow immediately with a
Palm strike/check to the same target line. As the palm lands the next
OH diagonal strike is chambered. Strike OH to BH horizonal as the
check hand comes forward again to chest area. Finish set with 3 verti-
cal circular strikes. Work entire sequence for 10 reps at your current
100 percent Intensity. Be sure to employ visualisation of ‘Subject
Down’ on each and every rep!
KIT required Training fixed blade. Ideally a replica of the Blade you
carry (where legality allows) or the kind of tool you favour, but any
knife trainer will work! DO NOT USE LIVE BLADES!
Task Specific Warm up:
Take your trainer and shadow fight with it as you move around! Use a
Reverse grip and practice Eye Spike to palm check to neck pluck as an
BLADE-COM Entry drills: Work Dominant side only today.
1. ENTRY ONE; Eye Spike to Palm check to neck pluck. Build up the
cadence on a target. BOB, Bag, face mit, drawn target on a wall,
whatever improvise if kit is thin on the ground. Work precision of
movement, targeting and fluidity from 25 to 50 percent first. Then-
go for 10 reps at current 100 percent speed, power and INTENT
without sacrificing form!
2. ENTRY TWO; Work slightly closer range almost ECQ. Starter for ten
is a fast Power stab to the lung followed by a Spiked elbow to check
the body, driving subject into a wall structure finish with 2-3 fast
stabs into the neck area! Alternatively, just one neck stab but rachet
and rip out to wound aggravate!
10 second all-out sprint on the spot, drop for 5 push ups, back up for Un-
armed 5 sec BLITZKRIEG on KIT. Repeat 5 second all-out sprint drop for
5 squat thrusts, back up 5 sec Blitzkrieg on KIT with stick or cosh. Finally
repeat 5 sec all-out sprint, drop for 5 burpees to 5 sec Blitzkrieg on KIT
with a bladed trainer. STAND TALL, Manage State hiding your fatigue for
5 seconds then relax. Replicates RUN-FIGHT-RUN-FIGHT-RUN!
Warm Down:
Mobility movement, light, gentle stretching and 3 deep tactical breaths to
lower HR. inhale for 3, hold for 3, exhale for 3, 3 times!

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