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Bioresource Technology 71 (2000) 253±259

E€ects of compost produced from town wastes and sewage sludge on

the physical properties of a loamy and a clay soil
S.M. Aggelides*, P.A. Londra
Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering, 75 Iera Odos, Botanicos,
11855 Athens, Greece
Received 7 May 1998; received in revised form 20 April 1999; accepted 15 May 1999

Organic fertilizer produced by composting 62% town wastes, 21% sewage sludge and 17% sawdust by volume, was applied at the
rates of 0 (control), 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 to loamy and clay soils, in order to investigate its potential for soil improvement. The
experiments were conducted in areas characterised by a semi-arid climate. The chemical properties of the soils were a€ected directly
by the amendment compost. The physical properties of the amended soils were improved in all cases as far as the saturated and
unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, water retention capacity, bulk density, total porosity, pore size distribution, soil resistance to
penetration, aggregation and aggregate stability, were concerned. In most of the cases the improvements were proportional to the
application rates of the compost and they were greater in the loamy soil than in the clay soil. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

Keywords: Sewage sludge; Town wastes; Compost; Soil physical properties; Soil rehabilitation

1. Introduction 1985), compactibility (Ohu et al., 1985; Ekwue, 1990;

Stone and Ekwue, 1993), aggregation (Pagliai et al.,
The continuous decomposition of organic matter in 1981), total porosity and pore size distribution (Walter,
cultivated soils of arid and semiarid regions may lead to 1977; Kladivko and Nelson, 1979; Pagliai et al., 1981;
soil degradation with a consequence of inability to en- Mathan, 1994), soil crusting (Pagliai et al., 1983) and
sure a sustainable production. The application of or- penetration resistance of the soil (Kumar et al., 1985).
ganic wastes, and particularly composted municipal The (partial) reference by several authors to im-
refuse and sewage sludge, could be a way of solving two proving only some of the physical properties at any one
problems, the waste disposal and the correction of the time gave the reason for the present work to be con-
low organic matter content of many agricultural soils. ducted. Therefore, in this work, an attempt was made to
Using wastes in agriculture is an economical disposal of investigate the potential soil improvement related to the
these materials, and it is interesting from an ecological waste application and taking into consideration almost
point of view as it reduces negative e€ects on the envi- all physical properties.
ronment. However, it could lead to phytotoxic levels of
heavy metals in soils.
Among the publications related to waste application 2. Methods
on land only a small percentage deals with the im-
provement of soil physical properties. There are refer- The compost used was produced from a mixture of
ences to improving soil water content (Epstein, 1975; 17% sawdust, 21% sewage sludge and 62% town wastes
Epstein et al., 1976; Kelling et al., 1977), soil water re- by volume, following the Beltsville Aerated Pile Method
tention capacity (Gupta et al., 1977; Morel et al., 1978; (Wilson et al., 1980). The cured compost was passed
Kladivko and Nelson, 1979; Kumar et al., 1985), satu- through a 5 mm mesh screen before soil incorporation.
rated hydraulic conductivity (Epstein, 1975; Kumar et al., The contents of cadmium, zinc, copper, lead, nickel and
chromium were, respectively, 2.3, 1100, 450, 60.6, 104
and 798 ppm. These were below the safe levels for plant
Corresponding author. growth. The germination of seeds (Lepidium sativum L.)

0960-8524/00/$ ± see front matter Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 0 - 8 5 2 4 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 7 4 - 7
254 S.M. Aggelides, P.A. Londra / Bioresource Technology 71 (2000) 253±259

test was done following the Zucconi et al. (1981) meth- volume of 226 cm3 (Blake and Hartge, 1986). The sat-
od. The germination index was determined as 51±96, 34± urated hydraulic conductivity (by the constant head
58 and 20±37% for the concentrations of compost ex- method, Klute and Dirksen, 1986) was measured in
tract 2, 4 and 10%, respectively. undisturbed soil samples of a length of 8 cm and a di-
The experiments were conducted in two di€erent ar- ameter of 6 cm. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity
eas. The ®rst experimental ®eld was established on a was calculated using the Jackson (1972) procedure. The
deep clay soil (Humic Fluvaquent) located in the area of water retention curves were determined by modifying
Aliartos in Biotia, characterised by a semiarid climate the Haines Buchner funnel method (Haines, 1930). The
with a mean annual rainfall of about 590 mm. The modi®cation consisted of a removable out¯ow±in¯ow
second was established on a loamy soil (Typic Xeroch- system instead of the hanging burette. The sinter disks
rept) located in the area of Kiourka in Attiki with a of the funnels were of grade 4 (pore 16) and the undis-
mean annual rainfall of about 520 mm. Some properties turbed soil samples were 3 cm high and 6 cm in diam-
of the soils are reported in Tables 1 and 2. eter. The soil penetration resistance at the surface was
The experimental design was a randomised, complete determined in di€erent soil moistures by using a pocket
block with four treatments and four replications. The penetrometer (Bradford, 1986). The pore size distribu-
experimental plots of 18 m2 (3 ´ 6) were separated by tion was obtained from the retention curves by plotting
1 m wide zones. The compost was spread in October their slopes as functions of the pressure potential
1994 at the rate of 0 (control), 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 (Childs, 1969). The aggregate size distribution was de-
(0, 39, 78 and 156 thaÿ1 ) and it was incorporated termined using a rotary sieve equipment and following
(rototilled) into the top 15 cm of the soil pro®le. The dry sieving analysis (Chepil, 1962). The stability of ag-
®elds were rested under grass fallow, without irrigation, gregates was determined by using the concept of the
and the previous year crops had been wheat for the instability index b (Valmis et al., 1988).
Biotia ®eld and barley for the Attiki ®eld. The grass was The experimental data were subjected to analyses of
cut in the end of the spring of 1995. Measurements and variance (ANOVA) tests and Duncan's multiple range
sampling for this study were made in December 1995 at tests estimated statistical di€erences among treatment
the surface soil layer of 15 cm. means.
The particle size analysis of the soil samples was
carried out using the Bouyoucos (1962) hydrometer
method. Carbonates were measured by HCl dissolution 3. Results and discussion
and measurement of the evolved CO2 . The pH was
measured in 1:1 soil and water ratio. The Walkley±Black Chemical properties of the soils were a€ected directly
wet digestion method was used for the determination of by the compost amendment (Table 1). Organic matter,
organic matter. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) pH and CEC were increased with the compost rates.
was determined by saturation with Na (Rhoades, 1982). Physical properties should be a€ected indirectly through
The soil samples for the above determinations were ta- the improvement of soil structure.
ken after mixing the four subsamples (replications) of The e€ects of the treatments on the bulk density of
each treatment. The undisturbed soil samples were taken the two soils are shown in Table 2. Compost signi®-
from the middle of the surface layer. cantly reduced the bulk density of the soils (P ˆ 0.05).
Dry bulk density was determined using the core The highest reduction was 19.7% and 16.7% for the 300
method by weighing the undisturbed soil samples of a m3 haÿ1 compost addition rate in the amended loamy

Table 1
Some properties of the soils treated and untreated with the compost
Soil mixtures Particle size (%) Organic matter (%) CaCO3 (%) pH CEC (meq/100 g)
Clay Silt Sand
Loamy + c0 25 40 35 1.1 0.3 6.8 14.4
Loamy + c75 2.5 1.2 7.1 20.1
Loamy + c150 3.2 2.7 7.2 22.6
Loamy + c300 6.2 3.0 7.2 24.5
Clay + c0 48 31 21 3.2 34.0 7.6 54.2
Clay + c75 4.4 32.2 7.7 55.8
Clay + c150 5.3 30.7 7.7 56.3
Clay + c300 8.2 30.6 7.8 58.2

Compost 31.2 17.5 7.3 61.7

The samples were taken in December 1995.
c0, c75, c150 and c300 represent compost addition rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 .
S.M. Aggelides, P.A. Londra / Bioresource Technology 71 (2000) 253±259 255

Table 2
Some physical properties of the soils treated and untreated with the
compost a
Soil mixtures Hydraulic Bulk density Total porosity
conductivity (g cmÿ3 ) (cm3 cmÿ3 )
(m hÿ1 )
Loamy + c0 0.083 1.37 0.418
Loamy + c75 0.110 1.20 0.464
Loamy + c150 0.127 1.13 0.531
Loamy + c300 0.162 1.10 0.555
Clay + c0 0.038 1.12 0.585
Clay + c75 0.059 1.05 0.617
Clay + c150 0.075 0.98 0.635
Clay + c300 0.102 0.94 0.643
The samples were taken in December 1995.
c0, c75, c150 and c300 represent compost addition rates of 0, 75,
150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 .

and clay soils, respectively. Tester (1990) stated that in a

loamy sand soil amendment with sewage sludge compost
signi®cantly reduced the bulk density by 45% for the 240
Mghaÿ1 compost rate.
The total porosity was improved by the use of com-
post (Table 2) the increase over soil alone being 11.0,
27.0 and 32.8% in the loamy soil, and 5.4, 8.5, and 9.9%
(P ˆ 0.05), in the clay soil for the 75, 150 and 300 m3
haÿ1 compost rates. Mbagwu (1989) noted that organic
wastes incorporated into the soil at the rate of 10% in-
creased the total porosity by 23%.
The saturated hydraulic conductivities, Ks, of the Fig. 1. Hydraulic conductivity (K) as a function of soil water under the
di€erent treatments of loamy soil. Curves c0, c75, c150 and c300 cor-
treated soils are also presented in Table 2. There was a respond to the loamy soil amended with the compost at rates of 0, 75,
statistical-signi®cant treatment e€ect (P ˆ 0.05). Ks was 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 .
increased 32.5, 53.0 and 95.2% in the loamy soil and
55.3, 97.4 and 168.4% in the clay soil for the rates 75,
150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 of compost. water content of 0.2 cm3 cmÿ3 were 124.7, 113.5, 104.6
The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, K, and re- and 88.3 N cmÿ2 in the loamy soil for the compost rates
tention capacity of the soil water are the most important of 0, 75, 150, 300 m3 haÿ1 . At low water contents, in the
hydraulic properties governing the transport of ¯uid and loamy soil (Fig. 3), the high compost rates gave smaller
solutes in soil. K was a€ected by the compost but in an SRP values than those with lower rates, up to some
opposite way. K as a function of soil water content, h, is values (22±25 N cmÿ2 ), after which soils with high
presented in Figs. 1 and 2. K(h) was reduced in the soils compost rates had greater SRP than those with lower
amended with high compost rates compared with those rates. Similar soil behaviour, after addition of organic
with low, or no, compost. The reduction was smaller in matter, has been reported by other researchers including
the clay soil than the loamy soil. Ohu et al. (1985); Ekwue and Stone (1995), in soils
The soil resistance to penetration (SRP) in relation to where SRP was measured after the soils had been
soil water is shown in Figs. 3 and 4. SRP as measured by compacted in the laboratory using standard proctor
a penetrometer, accurately re¯ects the resistance en- blows.
countered by roots (Phillips and Kirkham, 1962). The SRP in clay soil (Fig. 4) showed almost the same
relationship between SRP and soil water was a second- behaviour. The slopes of the curves representing SRP
order curve for each treatment. The correlation coe- versus water contents for the clay soil treatments gave
cients (R2 ) were 0.973, 0.889, 0.921 and 0.963 in the lower values than the corresponding values of loamy soil
loamy soil and 0.963, 0.99, 0.94 and 0.856 in the clay soil treatments. As in the case of loamy soil, at low water-
for the compost rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 , contents the high compost rates gave smaller SRP values
respectively. Generally, SRP decreased as the soil water than those with lower rates up to some values (7±12 N
was increased. As the compost rates were increased, the cmÿ2 ) after which compost a€ected SRP in an opposite
slopes of the curves giving the relationship between the way. An observation that di€ered in clay and loamy soil
SRP and soil water were decreased, e.g. the slopes at the treatments was that in clay SRP increased as the soil
256 S.M. Aggelides, P.A. Londra / Bioresource Technology 71 (2000) 253±259

Fig. 4. Soil penetration resistance as related to the soil water. Curves

c0, c75, c150 and c300 correspond to the clay soil amended with the
compost at rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 .

``critical''. The latter has been observed in soils previ-

ously compacted in the laboratory (Ayers and Per-
umpral, 1982 Ekwue and Stone, 1995).
The experimentally determined soil water retention
curves under the di€erent treatments of the loamy and
clay soils are presented in Figs. 5 and 6. The curve of
each treatment represents the mean curve of four repli-
cates. The addition of compost increased the water re-
Fig. 2. Hydraulic conductivity (K) as a function of soil water under the tention capacity of the soils in all treatments as any
di€erent treatments of clay soil. Curves c0, c75, c150 and c300 cor- particular soil water content corresponded to a higher
respond to the loamy soil amended with the compost at rates of 0, 75, negative soil water tension. The retention capacity was
150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 .
higher in the soils amended with high compost rates
than those in soils receiving low rates, except in the case
water increased, up to some peak value, after which the of the curve belonging to the loamy soil amended with
value of SRP declined with further increase in water 75 m3 haÿ1 compost (Fig. 5). This curve, for the water
content. This is a typical soil behaviour and the water contents between 0.365 and 0.305, overlapped the re-
content at which this maximum SRP occurs is called tention curve of the control treatment and for a water

Fig. 3. Soil penetration resistance as related to the soil water. Curves Fig. 5. Soil water retention curves under the di€erent treatments of
c0, c75, c150 and c300 correspond to the loamy soil amended with the loamy soil. Curves c0, c75, c150 and c300 correspond to the loamy soil
compost at rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 . amended with the compost at rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 .
S.M. Aggelides, P.A. Londra / Bioresource Technology 71 (2000) 253±259 257

Fig. 6. Soil water retention curves under the di€erent treatments of Fig. 8. Di€erential curves of the retention curves in Fig. 6. Curves c0,
clay soil. Curves c0, c75, c150 and c300 correspond to the clay soil c75, c150 and c300 correspond to the clay soil amended with the
amended with the compost at rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 . compost at rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 .

content lower than 0.280 overlapped the retention curve the low retention range following an addition of organic
of the soil amended at the rate of 150 m3 haÿ1 . Perhaps, wastes.
this was due to experimental error. The standard error Aggregate size distributions and mean weight diam-
of the data was 0.44±3.13. For the clay soil the di€er- eters (MWD) of the amended soils are shown in Table 3.
ences between the treatments were not statistically sig- The values in Table 3 represent the mean values of each
ni®cantly (P ˆ 0.05). The standard error of the data was treatment.
0.19±1.28. MWD was calculated by using the equation (Kemper
Di€erentiating the retention curves of Figs. 5 and 6 and Rosenau, 1986)
can reveal pore size distribution (Childs, 1969; Agge- Xn
lides, 1987) and results are presented in Figs. 7 and 8. MWD ˆ xi  wi ;
From these ®gures it can be seen that the addition of iˆ1
compost increased the large pores, especially the pores where xi is the mean diameter and wi is the weight of the
gathered around the water tension of ÿ5 kPa. The in- corresponding aggregate class. MWD for both soils
crease of large pores was greater in soils amended with decreased signi®cantly with the compost addition rate
large compost amounts, than in soils amended with low (P ˆ 0.05).
compost amounts. Similar behaviour has been observed Aggregate stability was determined by using the
(Khaleel et al., 1981) with water retention increasing in concept of the instability index b (Valmis et al., 1988)
which decreased as the stability of the soil increased. The
values of b were 0.46, 0.40, 0.37, 0.32 and 0.29, 0.27,
0.27, 0.24 in the loamy and clay soils, respectively, for
the compost addition of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 . The
decrease of b in both soils indicated the increase of the
soil stability.

4. Conclusions

The amendment compost improved all physical

properties under consideration in the two soils. The
improvement was proportional to the compost rate. The
results supported the following conclusions:
Bulk density and penetration resistance were reduced.
The reduction was greater in the loamy soil than in the
clay soil.
Fig. 7. Di€erential curves of the retention curves in Fig. 5. Curves c0,
Total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity
c75, c150 and c300 correspond to the loamy soil amended with the were increased. The increase of total porosity was
compost at rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300 m3 haÿ1 . greater in the loamy soil than in the clay soil, and sat-
258 S.M. Aggelides, P.A. Londra / Bioresource Technology 71 (2000) 253±259

Table 3
Aggregate size distribution and mean weight diameter of the treated soils
a a
Mean diameter Loamy Clay
c0 c75 c150 c300 c0 c75 c150 c300
6.34 16.38 14.32 13.29 10.17 26.38 27.94 21.53 21.00
4.05 14.10 12.13 12.55 15.48 17.22 15.80 16.15 15.31
2.68 14.72 13.46 15.27 14.37 22.67 21.77 20.64 18.74
1.5 18.29 16.53 15.42 16.12 19.56 20.36 19.37 18.03
0.75 15.65 18.74 17.33 17.25 8.95 9.14 9.02 12.18
0.375 12.95 15.95 14.41 15.84 4.14 6.20 8.21 9.04
0.125 7.91 8.87 11.73 10.77 1.08 2.15 5.08 5.70
MWD 2.451 2.219 2.190 2.101 3.352 3.204 2.967 2.856
c0, c75, c150 and c300 represent compost addition rates of 0, 75, 150 and 300.
MWD is the mean weight diameter.

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