My Expectations:: "Education Is Not The Filling of A Pail, But The Lighting of A Fire."

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English 9- Introduction to Literary Forms

Mr. Bavisotto (
2020-2021 St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute Course Syllabus
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."
William Butler Yeats

Welcome students and families! Despite the chaos of 2020, I am looking forward to a fantastic
year. Through class discussion, close reading, research, and writing, we will be exploring and
analyzing many different works of literature and their relevance to our lives. We will also be
building on our analysis, critical thinking, composing, listening, and speaking skills through our
daily activities and writing assessments. It is my goal to help students unlock the power and joy
of reading and writing so they may better appreciate, observe, interpret, and interact with the
world around them.

Current paperback book
Spiral Notebook

All supplies should come with you to class daily!

Units of Study:
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian- Sherman Alexie
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

My Expectations:

1. Be Prepared

● Bring your book, composition notebook, folder, laptop, and pen to class every day
● Assignments should be neatly completed and turned in on time
● No late assignments will be accepted for full credit
● Being absent does not excuse you from missed work
o If you are absent you are still required to submit homework assignments
and get any homework assigned during class
● If you know you are going to be absent ahead of time, please see me beforehand
to get work you will miss

2. Be Responsible

● Be in your seat, with materials and homework ready, before the bell rings
● If you are late, you must have a pass signed by a teacher
o If you do not have one detention will be assigned
● Contribute to a productive learning and working environment
o Do not create verbal or visual distractions
● Participate in class discussions
o Even if it is to say you are confused and ask questions→ That is what
learning looks like!
● Do your own work to the best of your ability. This includes asking for help when
o Plagiarism will not be tolerated

3. Be Respectful

● Show respect for yourself, your peers, your teachers, your classroom, and your
learning materials at all times
● Listen (and do not talk) when others are speaking
● Contribute to a welcoming classroom environment for all students
o The usage of slurs of any kind will not be tolerated
● Do not expect everyone to be, learn, act, or express the way you do
● Regard other students and their ideas as you would want yourself and your ideas
to be regarded

Homework and Grading:

All grades given in my class will be based on a Total Points scale. Each assignment will be
worth a specific amount of points.

When homework is assigned, it is to practice skills learned in class or reinforce the habit of
reading and writing which is essential to improvement and sophistication. All homework/reading
assignments must be handed in on the due date. Homework will be posted to Schoology daily.
If a student is absent, he is still responsible for the homework due the following day. It is YOUR
responsibility to email a friend or myself to find out what was missed during class. If a student
requires a reasonable extension, he must see me before the due date and it will be granted at my
discretion. I will most likely say yes so please ask!

You will have up-to-date access to your current grades so you are well aware of where you stand
in class. There is absolutely nothing embarrassing or shameful about asking for help. Please
be proactive and avoid falling behind before you reach out to let me know that you are

To encourage participation for class, each quarter will include a twenty point grade for
preparation and responsibility. Each time a student is unprepared; this preparation grade will be
reduced. Keep in mind that a student who is not on time, frequently causes disruptions, uses his

cell phone or iPad inappropriately, etc. is not acting responsibly for this class. These behaviors
will result in a lower participation/responsibility grade.

Reading Assignments:

Think of this class as a formal book club. Don’t let your classmates down by showing up to class
unprepared without having read. Not only are reading assignments enormously important in this
class, but you can expect a quiz which asks you to discuss your reactions to most reading
assignments! One cannot be successful in this class without completing all assigned readings
because reading stamina and comprehension is like a muscle that you must repeatedly and
habitually exercise. Furthermore, we all learn from each other's life experiences, ideas, and
perspectives. When you don’t read, you miss out on an opportunity to expand your knowledge
and contribute to a community of learners. We want your perspective too!


If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to make up any missed work. Any physical
homework that was due the day you were out is expected to be turned in the day you return to
school. Electronic homework is still due on the original due date unless you contact me about
an extension prior to the due date or you are missing materials handed out in class necessary to
complete the assignment. If you know in advance about a vacation or other long absence, get in
touch with me ASAP to make preparations. Expect to take tests and quizzes the day you return as
well if any were given when you were out. See me at the beginning of class to ask for the

Academic Integrity:

“As a sign of our Christian values, and our personal integrity, we, the community of St. Joseph’s
Collegiate Institute, expect and demand that each member of this community be responsible for
honesty in academic work as well as in all areas of school life.”

In all situations, it is expected that you do your own work and be trustworthy. If you cheat by
copying, stealing, or claiming someone else’s work as your own, you are violating the
principles that make academic spaces powerful and meaningful. See Student Handbook for
further information on how instances of plagiarism will be handled.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices:

Cell phone use in my classroom is prohibited because all students have access to a laptop and
will not need their phone for academic purposes. All electronic devices besides your school
issued laptop must be put away upon entering my classroom. If you are seen texting, heard

talking on the phone, or if your cell phone rings/vibrates in class, it will be given to the VPSA
(Mr. Folts) and must be picked up by a parent. Our phones are both wonderful, intentionally
engaging, and addictive. Being able to put your phone away and focus on a task without
distractions or interruptions is an important skill that requires practice. This is a skill you
must have to be successful in a college and/or a professional work environment, and therefore it
will be practiced in my classroom.

Laptop Acceptable Use Policy:

If you are caught using the laptop inappropriately or when you are not instructed to do so, you
will be asked to put the laptop away. This includes but is not limited to, playing games, watching
sports/videos, looking at explicit images, etc. If the laptop continues to become a problem and
you are not able to use it appropriately, you will no longer be allowed to use the laptop
during my class. Inappropriate background images are also unacceptable and will result in a loss
of laptop privileges.


All students deserve to be able to access a quality education. My classroom is a place for
students of all abilities and disabilities, and it will always be my intention to create an
environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive. If any student should find
himself in need of any accommodations to be able to participate fully in my class, I ask that
he please come speak to me ASAP. There is absolutely no shame in asking that your needs be
met; we can work together and consult experts to find solutions that alleviate barriers to your
education, whatever they may be.

I have read and agree to Mr. Bavisotto’s expectations for English 9:

Student Electronic Signature: _


Dear Family Member,

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for making the choice to be involved
in a young person’s education. My name is Dean Bavisotto and this year I have the honor of
teaching 9th grade English to a freshman in your care. Research tells us that family involvement
is an extremely important component of any young person’s schooling, and greatly contributes to
educational success. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge that you know your student well,
and have taught him many things. It is my hope that you will share with me anything that might
help me to be the best possible English teacher for your student.

It is more important this year than ever that we are in touch because of the high
probability that school will need to be virtual at some point. My goal is to establish procedures
and expectations early on so that students feel confident about our routines should we transition
to virtual learning. I encourage you to read through the syllabus above and review the
expectations I have outlined. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to
contact me via email at to schedule a phone call or zoom meeting; I would
be happy to discuss any part of the course with you. I also ask that you provide your name and
contact information below. I would like to be able to update you with student progress and
success as well as reach out should I have concerns about behavior, performance, or emotional

Lastly, please be advised that I am currently covering the maternity leave of Mrs. Kristina
Billoni. I am a qualified English teacher, and will remain in this position until she returns after
Christmas break. In order to make the transition from my classroom to Mrs. Billoni’s smooth, I
have implemented procedures and expectations that will be consistent across the year. Should
she decide to remain out for the remainder of the school year, I will continue to teach English 9.

Thank You!

Type responses below!

Parent/Guardian Name: _Alissa Atak__________________________________________

Relationship to student:___Mother______________________________________________

E-mail address:


Cell Phone:

*716 5077811*__________________________________________________________

*Please indicate the best way in which you may be reached by starring contact*

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