Instructions For Writing Project

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1. The project for Law of Crimes – I shall be evaluated on the following parameters:

a) Footnotes
b) Research Methodology
c)Review of Literature,
d) Substantive discussion and analysis
e) Cases, Statutes, Rules and Regulations
f) Presentation style
g) Conclusion and Suggestions
h) Originality
i) Bibliography

2. The following are the contents of Research Methodology:

a) Statement of Problem: It is a statement where the researcher states the
lacunae or loophole in the subject area which is worthy of researching. 
b) Objectives of study: They refer to the accomplishments a researcher
wishes to achieve through the project and provides direction to the study. Before
forming research objectives, it is essential to read about all the developments in the
chosen area of research and to have an idea about the gaps in knowledge that need to
be addressed. This in turn will help in the formulation of suitable objectives for the
research project. 
c) Hypothesis:  A hypothesis is a statement that contains an assumption on
the subject which may be proved or disproved through the research.     
d) Research Questions: It refers to a minimum of two questions that the
researcher intends to find answer to by the end of the research work.
e) Pattern of chapterization: The total number of chapters shall not be
MORE THAN FOUR in addition to Introduction and Conclusion. The title of each
chapter has to be mentioned here. The contents of your synopsis forms
3. Review of Literature: This is not a chronological list of sources alone. For each
source, a critical analysis of each source stating what is missing or not covered in it is
where review happens.
4. The word limit of the project made shall not exceed 7000 words with 1.5 spacing
excluding footnotes.
5.Every project must contain the theory on the topic chosen (ingredients of the
provision, the legal development (legislative or judicial or both including references to
Law Commission reports or other Law Reform committees if any). For those allotted
with the project having comparative analysis, restrict yourself to the topic alone. You
MUST refer to articles, books and case law relating to the topic. If the topic in
question has scarce materials, then rely more on cases.
6. A minimum of TWO and a maximum of FOUR relevant case laws on the
topic must be done in detail by the student. The following must be present for cases
to be analysed; Material Facts, Issues and Decision.
7. For students given comparative analysis (Eg: between India and the United
Kingdom and such), a minimum of two cases and a maximum of three cases
MUST BE done from each jurisdiction.
8. While selecting case laws, attention has to be paid to ensure that the chosen case
has issues and discussion pertaining to substantive criminal law and not procedural
and evidentiary aspects of the topic. For this, it is advised that the cases must be read
at least once before finalizing them.
9. Foot notes shall be in accordance with the 20th Edn of Bluebook.
10. The standard format of the body should be typed in the following format:

i) Heading: Bold, Font: Arial Black, Font Size: 16

ii) Sub- heading: Normal, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 14
iii) Body: Normal, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12
iv) Spacing shall be 1.5
11. Failure to adhere to the above instructions will be treated as compliance non est
leading to the rejection of the project summarily.

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