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Characterization of solid residues from municipal solid waste incinerator

Min Li*, Jun Xiang, Song Hu, Lu-Shi Sun, Sheng Su, Pei-Sheng Li, Xue-Xin Sun
State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Power Engineering, 430074 Wuhan, Hubei, China
Received 28 December 2002; revised 29 September 2003; accepted 4 January 2004; available online 23 January 2004

In China, the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration solid residues is expected to increase significantly in the future.
Because of ever-increasing generation rates and the concentrations of potentially hazardous heavy metals, which may endanger the ambient
environment, these solid residues are of particular concern. Thus, such issues have necessitated the study of the characterization of these solid
residues. A detailed characterization of five samples of different type of ashes, collected from two types of MSW incinerators located in
Shenzhen (southern China), was carried out in terms of chemical composition, morphology, mineralogy and leaching behavior. Results of
chemical analysis and leaching tests suggest that the MSW incineration fly ash must be classified as hazardous waste and should be properly
managed. Therefore, the results of this characterization would contribute to the development of adequate waste management strategies.
q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Solid residues; Municipal solid waste; Chemical composition; Morphology; Mineralogy; Leaching test

1. Introduction addition, these methods have been technically proven as an

effective waste treatment approach [8]. Therefore, many
In China, municipal population growth, economic big- and medium-size cities in China have constructed, or
development and living-standard improvement have are constructing and/or plan to install MSW incineration
brought about a soaring increment of about 8 –10% in devices. For instance, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai have
municipal solid waste (MSW) year after year. The ever- constructed mass-burning incinerators and/or pyrolytic
growing MSW load has a great impact on the ambient incinerators, while Wuhan, Guangzhou and Shenyang plan
environment and people’s health, such as malodors from to construct incineration devices. The Japanese-built MSW
MSW landfill sites, explosion resulting from combustible incinerator in Shenzhen is the first MSW incineration device
gases of MSW, and contamination of groundwater and soil in China.
by hazardous organics and heavy metals in MSW [1 – 3]. Incineration of MSW not only produces significant
Consequently, disposal of these MSW has become a serious pollutant flue gases, but also gives rise to considerable
problem with which China is currently confronted. amount of solid residues (bottom ash, grate siftings, heat
Landfill accounts for more than 80% of the MSW in recovery ash, fly ash and air pollution control (APC)
China, and compost ranks the second. Enhancement of residues) that are generated at different points in the process
people’s environmental awareness, continuing increments of MSW incineration. With improvements in APC systems,
of landfill costs, sharp scarcity of landfill sites and slowness
modern MSW incineration plants emit practically no
of compost process have led China to take alternative
pollutants into the atmosphere, which results in the World
disposal methods into account.
Health Organization’s statement that it no longer considers
Incineration of MSW has many advantages such as
the emissions from modern, well operated and maintained
significant volume reduction (about 90%) and mass
MSW incinerators to be a hazard to human health or the
reduction (about 70%), complete disinfection and energy
environment [9]. However, the hazardous fractions in MSW
recovery [4 – 7]. Thus, incineration meets the requirements
are concentrated in the solid residues. Indeed, pollutant
of detoxification, decrement and resource recovery. In
elements such as As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn have
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: þ 86-27-87545526. been described in such residues [10,11]. Release of such
E-mail address: (M. Li). elements during storage will have a potentially negative
0016-2361/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

impact on environmental quality, human health and

groundwater as well as surface-water resources [5,12].
With the incineration method being widely adopted to
cope with MSW, the generation of MSW incineration solid
residues is expected to increase in the future in China. The
large quantity coupled with the potential leachability of high
metal concentrations in the residues has necessitated the
study of the chemical, morphological, mineralogical and
leaching properties of these solid residues. Moreover,
determining safe management alternatives for these types
of solid residues requires extensive characterization. Many
studies have shown the presence of such toxic metals as Cd,
Pb, Cr, Zn and Hg, and have investigated the morphology
and mineralogy, and also have studied the leaching behavior
of these types of solid residues [5,11,13 –17]. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of incinerator A.
This paper describes a comprehensive study of five
samples of MSW incineration solid residues generated by and the waste heat boiler ashes for incinerator B (designed
two different types of MSW incineration facilities in China, as d), respectively.
with the intention of elucidating their chemical, morpho- All five kinds of MSW incineration solid residues were
logical and mineralogical properties as a tool for the sampled in December 2000, and the collected solid residues
prevention of their impact on the environment and on site were stored in the sealed bags for analysis. Before
evaluation of utilization possibilities. In addition, a leaching analyzing, the solid residues were dried at 55 8C for 24 h,
test to shed light on their potential toxicity is also presented. plastic bags, metal wares and big pieces of unburned matter
were removed by hand sorting. Each kind of the dried and
sorted solid residues was ground, and passed through
80 mesh sieve (180 mm) for analyses.
2. Methods
2.2. Bulk chemical analysis
2.1. Sampling
The major elements of solid residues were determined
The solid residues used in this study came from two with a Siemens SRS303 X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
different types of MSW incinerators in Shenzhen, southern spectrometer with Rh Ka radiation. The accelerating
China, which are designated as incinerator A and B, voltage was 50 kV, and the current was 50 mA. Results
respectively. For both incinerators, no attempt is made in were expressed in terms of weight percent of oxide
the pre-treatment of MSW before incineration. Incinerator because solid residues were formed under oxidizing
A handles 1:5 £ 105 kg/day MSW, and incinerator B has a conditions.
capacity of 1:0 £ 105 kg/day. In incinerator A, the feed Loss on ignition (LOI) was done by drying solid residues
MSW is combusted in the grates of the primary combustion overnight at 60 8C, recording initial mass, heating them at
chamber at about 800 8C, then the flue gases produced are 600 8C in a muffle furnace for 6 h, and then recording mass
re-combusted in the second combustion chamber at upon removal from oven.
1100 8C. The flue gases are cooled through heat exchangers,
semi-dry scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators (ESP).
Incinerator B adopts the incineration method of controlled
air oxidation (CAO), i.e. MSW is pyrolyzed to combustible
gases in the primary combustion chamber at 600 8C with
controlled air, and then at high temperature (about 1000 8C)
the pyrolyzed combustible gases are incinerated, thus,
thermal energy is recovered to electricity by waste heat
boilers. In incinerator B, no APC system was installed. The
schematic diagrams of incinerator A and incinerator B are
illustrated as Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. The grate siftings
are the ashes that pass down through the grates of
incinerator A (designed as a), the bottom ashes are the
slags on the grates of these two incinerators (designed as c
and e, respectively, for incinerator A and incinerator B), the
fly ashes are the ESP ashes for incinerator A (designed as b) Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of incinerator B.
To analyze the trace elements, the solid residues were ICP-AES and AAS systems were applied for trace element
digested using an HF/HClO4/HNO3 mixture in an open determinations.
Teflon crucible with the method of wet digestion.
Quantification of these heavy metals was done using
inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy 3. Results and discussion
(ICP-AES) on a Thermo Jarrell-Ash Trace Scan Advantage
ICP-AES spectrometer. However, the volatility of Hg It is reported in many literature sources [19 – 22] that the
required that a different extraction protocol be followed physical and chemical characteristics of solid residues
for its total determination, using HNO3/H2SO4/H2O2 depend on many factors, such as the composition of feed
mixture in a closed tube with a Teflon screw-on cap. MSW, the type of incinerator, the air pollution control
Quantification of Hg was done using cold vapor/atomic devices (APCDs), the operating conditions and so on.
absorption spectrometer (AAS). A similar procedure has Furthermore, as has been described in the International Ash
been reported by Alba et al. [12]. Working Group’s (IAWG) book ‘Municipal Solid Waste
Incinerator (MSWI) Residues’, the quality of the solid
2.3. Scanning electron microscope residues from waste-to-energy conversion is very diverse
[9]. Therefore, it is necessary to make a detailed analysis for
The morphology of solid residues was observed using a better management, control and utilization of solid residues
HITACHI X-650 scanning electron microanalyzer (SEM) from these two types of MSW incinerators.
operated with the typical accelerating voltage of 20 kV. The
Ka peak for Cu was used to correct for drift. 3.1. Chemistry

2.4. X-ray diffraction Table 1 shows the ash composition and LOI of solid
residues. Compared with coal ash, the content of SO3, Cl,
The crystalline minerals present in the solid residues P2O5, CaO, Na2O, K2O is significantly higher except for
were identified using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) SiO2 and Al2O3. Among all these solid residues, SiO2 and
measurements in a D/max-IIIC diffractometer from Rigaku CaO are the main constituents. In the fly ashes of these two
Co. with Co Ka radiation and a position sensitive detector. incinerators, the components of SO3, Cl, Na2O and K2O also
The accelerating voltage was 32.5 kV, and the current was account for a large percent as can be seen for sample b, and
30 mA. A divergence slit of 18, a scattering slit of 18, a in the case of SO3 for sample d. The increment of these
receiving slit (crystal) of 0.88 and a receiving slit compositions is contributed to the factors described above
(monochromator) of 0.68 were used to produce the best [19 –22], which will be discussed below.
peak definition and the lowest background. Scans were The results show that the less volatile elements with high
conducted from 15.00 to 105.008 at a rate of 0.018 2u/min. boiling temperature remain in the bottom ashes and grate
Data were recorded digitally, and peak position and siftings, while more volatile elements with low boiling
intensity were determined either on screen or using the temperature are captured as residues in the APCDs, such as
peakfinder feature in the software. Identification of the ESP ashes (incinerator A), and the waste heat boiler ashes
compounds was made by a manual search of the JCPDS (incinerator B). For example, the elements of Si and Fe enrich
database as a source of reference data.
Table 1
2.5. Leaching test Ash composition and LOI of solid residues

Component (wt%) Sample

The leaching test was conducted according to the Chinese
national standard of ‘Test method standard for leaching a b c d e
toxicity of solid wastes—Horizontal vibration extraction
SiO2 32.83 8.57 28.29 13.35 40.03
procedure’ (GB5086.1-1997) [18]. The distilled water, with a
Al2O3 4.37 3.90 1.70 7.10 8.40
liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) of 10, was used as leaching solution. Fe2O3 3.39 2.58 4.09 3.68 5.83
It is noted that the pH of the distilled water should keep in the CaO 27.93 13.90 33.52 14.37 14.86
range of 5.8 and 6.3, which can be adjusted by adding NaOH or MgO 5.40 3.16 6.35 3.95 2.24
HCl. Close contact between the solid residue particles and the Na2O 3.18 14.00 1.39 4.27 0.96
K2 O 2.42 8.77 1.38 4.44 1.47
distilled water in a PVC plastic bottle was ensured by a shaker
TiO2 0.78 0.76 0.59 1.24 1.13
with its frequency of 120 run/min and swing amplitude of P2O5 5.03 2.81 7.96 1.28 1.14
40 mm. After being swung for 8 h, the mixture was quiet for MnO 0.13 0.12 0.17 0.16 0.17
16 h. Then the mixture was filtered through a f0.45 mm SO3 5.97 15.36 3.95 22.50 2.52
membrane filter. Thus, the resulting leachate was obtained. Cl 2.80 12.47 1.54 1.39 0.44
LOIa 6.22 3.12 11.17 3.60 15.53
The resulting leachate was analyzed for pH and eight
trace elements (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, As, Hg). The same LOI, loss on ignition.

in the bottom ashes and grate siftings as regarding the Table 2

elements of less volatility. Especially, Si accounts for The concentration of heavy metals in solid residues
approximately 30% in the bottom ashes and grate siftings Sample Heavy metal (mg/kg)
of incinerator A, and 40% in the bottom ashes of incinerator
B, while in the fly ashes of incinerator A, the content is only Cd Zn Cu Cr Ni Pb Hg As
8.57%. Moreover, in the fly ashes of incinerator B, the
a 23.29 2809 858.2 366.6 178.2 660.6 0.012 38.15
content is higher, but only 13.35%. Other less volatile
b 289.7 5622 1286 366.2 74.85 4451 0.435 130.7
elements such as Fe, Mg and Al all have the same tendency. c 24.80 3378 804.6 189.6 90.04 647 0.046 28.97
However, Na and K, which belong to volatile elements, show d 1596 7118 2641 1657 554.9 6793 0.123 295.1
enrichment in the fly ashes. The contents of these two e 48.87 3979 2123 1564 718.1 2223 0.004 39.79
elements in the fly ashes are four times higher than those of
bottom ashes and grate siftings. In addition, for incinerator A, there is no enrichment. For example, in view of the low
lime is added into the MSW in the process of the storage to boiling temperatures of Cd and Hg such as 767 and 357 8C,
reduce pollution, resulting in the higher Ca content of the respectively, they are concentrated in the fly ash. The
bottom ashes and grate siftings. Forestier and Libourel [17] database presented by the IAWG was used to compare with
also considered that the Ca content of MSW incineration the analytical results obtained [9]. In that database, the
solid residues varies with the treatment process. The contents concentration of Pb varies from 5300 to 26,000 mg/kg, and in
of Cl and SO3 in the fly ashes also correlate with the lime our study, the concentration of Pb ranged between 650 and
added into the semi-dry scrubber. The higher contents of Cl 6800 mg/kg, somewhat lower than the data in the database.
(12.47%) and SO3 (15.36%) suggest that there is a higher Moreover, the concentrations of some toxic heavy metals in
efficiency for adding lime to neutralize the acid gases such as the fly ashes are very high, such as Cd (1596 mg/kg), Pb
HCl and SO2 of flue gases. Similar conclusions have been (6793 mg/kg), Hg (0.435 mg/kg) and As (295.1 mg/kg). If
drawn by Forestier [17]. Typically, Cl contents as high as these ashes are handled improperly, the heavy metals in them
11,000 and 156,000 mg/kg were found in MSW incineration will immerge into the environment, and pollute the soil and
bottom ash and fly ash, respectively [23]. The high Cl content groundwater, which makes a serious impact on the people’s
can be considered as a major characteristic of MSW health. In that case, before these MSW incineration solid
incineration solid residues, 40– 50% of Cl originating from residues (especially the fly ashes) are directly landfilled and
the plastic fraction, mainly from PVC [17]. Unlike utilized, a pre-treatment is required in order to decrease their
incinerator A, no measure is made in the process of storage hazardous nature.
and flue gas scrubbing for incinerator B. Thus, there is equal As described previously, the MSW incineration process
distribution of the Ca content between bottom ashes and fly has an important effect on the participation of the elements
ashes. Because of the high volatility of S and Cl, their higher in the incineration solid residues. The phenomenon of
contents in the fly ashes than those of bottom ashes are relative enrichment is probably due to the high combustion
observed. temperature and excellent burnout at the MSW incinerator
Compared with the bottom ashes, the grate siftings [11]. In detail, when MSW is incinerated, less volatile
combust more completely, contributing to the low LOI. elements are retained in the bottom ashes and grate siftings,
Because these two incinerators both adopt grate incinera- while volatile elements of low boiling temperature are easy
tion, the feed-in MSWs mix uniformly mainly by the push to volatilize at high temperature, and come into the gas
of the grates and the agitation of the primary air down from phase, then enter the rear flue with the flue gases. During the
the grates, causing the poor incineration efficiency, which above process, with a decrease in the flue gas temperature,
can be seen from the visible combustibles such as cloth and the volatile elements condense onto the fly ashes. The fly
plastic bags in the bottom ashes. The LOIs of the bottom ashes, containing condensed volatile elements, are captured
ashes are higher, both above 10%. Incinerator B adopts the by the filter (ESP or fabric filter), which causes the
method of first pyrolysis then combustion, resulting in enrichment of volatile elements. Meanwhile, some minerals
higher LOI of the bottom ash, even to 15.53%. The LOIs of (such as lime, the Ca-containing compound) are added into
the fly ashes are relatively low, about 3% for these two the flue gas scrubber to remove the acid gases of the flue
incinerators, suggesting complete combustion. gases, for instance, HCl and SO2. That is the reason why the
Table 2 shows the concentration of heavy metals in solid concentration of the corresponding elements (such as Ca, Cl
residues. For the heavy metals, a similar phenomenon as and S) in the fly ashes increases significantly.
the ash composition variation occurs. Cd, Pb, Hg and As are According to the Chinese standard of ‘Coal ash utilized in
the higher volatile heavy metals, resulting in the enrichment the cement and the concrete’ (GB1596-91) and ‘Coal ash
in the fly ashes. Ni, a less volatile heavy metal, is more utilized in the silicate construction products’ (JC409-91), it is
concentrated in the bottom ashes and grate siftings than on clear that the LOIs of the bottom ashes in both two
the fly ashes. The elements of Zn, Cu and Cr have a moderate incinerators are too high to be utilized directly in cement.
volatility, which results in average distribution between the However, although they may be utilized in cement
fly ashes, the bottom ashes and the grate siftings, meaning and silicate construction products, their grade is also low.
In general, the SO3 content in the solid residues is so high that that there are many ash granules in the grate siftings of
they are unfit for any possible utilization, especially for these incinerator A (Fig. 3a). In the fly ashes of incinerator A
two fly ashes. Furthermore, the Cl content in the solid (Fig. 3b), many agglomerates are present, which are high
residues is a more serious issue. Whereas ordinary Portland temperature sintering products. There are some elongated
cement (OPC) specifies that the Cl content in MSW materials in the bottom ashes of these two incinerators.
incineration solid residues should be less than 200 mg/kg. Energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis shows the
This implies that the high Cl content in the solid residues has elongated materials contain a high quantity of carbon, such
to be removed prior to their recovery and reutilization [24]. In conclusions confirm that they are unburned combustibles. In
conclusion, if the MSW incineration solid residues are not addition, in incinerator B (Fig. 3e), the amount of the
pre-treated to remove some hazardous materials, they will elongated materials is more than that of incinerator A
not be directly used. This is a disadvantage for the integrated (Fig. 3c). This examination correlates to the LOI content in
utilization of the MSW incineration solid residues. Table 1. Further, the particle size distributions of the fly ashes
in both incinerators are more uniform than that of the bottom
3.2. Morphology ashes [26]. The bottom ashes of these two incinerators are
obviously heterogeneous matrices because of the different
It is clear that the ash particle properties are linked to its nature of MSW burn in the incineration system, as previously
leaching behavior. For example, the presence of non-porous described by Chang et al. [27].
continuous outer surface and dense particle interior may Fig. 4a – e illustrates a more vivid SEM photograph of the
prevent heavy metal leachability from the ash [25]. In this solid residues from these two incinerators. In Fig. 4, the
regard, the study of the morphology of the MSW irregular shapes and concave surfaces of the fly ashes suggest
incineration solid residues and its influence on the that the crystals of the fly ashes are generally better than those
leachability of heavy metals is of practical importance. of the bottom ashes. This is probably because the particles of
Fig. 3a –e illustrates SEM photography of the solid fly ashes usually experience higher temperatures over the
residues of these two incinerators. From Fig. 3, it can be seen pathway in the flue gas stream [26]. One can also observe that

Fig. 3. SEM photographs of solid residues ( £ 50).


Fig. 4. SEM photographs of solid residues ( £ 10,000).

the MSW incineration fly ashes have various forms, unlike precipitation, which occur during combustion and treatment
coal fly ash that is composed of spherical particles. Some of the flue gas [29].
MSW incineration fly ash particles are spherical (Fig. 4d), The abundance of the different compounds identified by
elongated (Fig. 4b) and needled (Fig. 4b) particles. Remond XRD is estimated from the height of the corresponding
et al. [28] and Forestier [17] also observed the similar forms peaks in the XRD diagrams (Fig. 5) [28]. Table 3 shows the
in the investigation of MSW incineration fly ash and flue gas main crystalline compounds and their relative importance.
residues, respectively. Forestier and Libourel [17] con- The symbol ‘X’ indicates the relative quantity. It can be
sidered that spherical particles, partially or completely seen that, the fly ashes of incinerator A are characterized by
glassy, with or without bubbles, indicate that melting and a large quantity of NaCl and KCl. Also in them, a small
degassing occur in the combustion chamber. amount of cristobalite and CaCO3 is present. In the
investigation of the mineralogy of MSW incineration ESP
3.3. Mineralogy ashes by Forestier and Libourel [17] and the mineralogy of
MSW fly ashes by Mangialardi and Paolini [30], the
Mineralogy is the main way to understand the coalescent presence of CaCO3, CaSO4, NaCl, KCl and SiO2 was
status of elements in the ashes. Toxicity of MSW observed. The mineralogy of the grate ashes in incinerator A
incineration solid residues is dependent not only on the and that of the bottom ashes in these two incinerators is
polluting elements concentration, but also on the speciation certainly alike, they are composed of a great number of
of the pollutant elements and nature of the host phases [17]. hexahedral crystals, a-SiO2. However, some CaSO4 is
Therefore, a detailed knowledge of the mineralogy of these observed in the bottom ashes of incinerator A. The CaSO4
solid residues is required. content of the fly ashes of incinerator B is especially high,
Fig. 5 is the XRD analyses of the MSW incineration and a small amount of hexahedral crystalline a-SiO2 and
solid residues. As shown in Fig. 5, the mineralogy of solid CaS is also obtained.
residues is very complex. This complex mineralogy of solid Determined compounds by XRD are in good agreement
residues results from several processes, including vaporiza- with chemical analysis results [31]. In this regard, the SiO2
tion, melting, crystallization, vitrification, condensation and content of the grate ashes and bottom ashes in incinerator A,
Fig. 5. XRD diagrams of solid residues.

as well as the bottom ashes in incinerator B, is very high in It should be noted that the change of the formation of
Table 1. Then the XRD diagram shows the peak of a-SiO2 is SiO2. The grate ashes and bottom ashes of incinerator A,
also very high, much higher than other compounds. All and the fly ashes and bottom ashes of incinerator B, show
kinds of solid residues from incinerator A have high CaO hexahedral crystal a-SiO2, which is a fuel component, while
contents, resulting from the added lime in the process of in the fly ashes of incinerator A, only cristobalite is present,
storage and flue gas treatment, thus the presence of CaCO3
is found. In addition, large fractions of Na2O, K2O and Cl Table 3
are present in the fly ashes of incinerator A, correspond- Main compounds and the relative quantities in the solid residues detected
by XRD
ingly, a large amount of NaCl and KCl is found in the XRD
diagram. In our results, the chlorides are mainly presented in Compound Sample
the forms of NaCl and KCl. However, it is possible that their
a b c d e
presence is in the form of CaCl2 (calcium chloride) in small
quantities. It is a known fact that below a mass percentage of
5%, compounds are difficult to be detected by XRD [28], CaCO3 XXX X XXX – XXX
and because of this, the heavy metals of concern and CaSO4 – – XXX XXXXX –
dangerous to the environment are not shown in the XRD CaS – – – X –
diagram. The high SO3 content of the fly ashes of KCl – XXXXX – – –
NaCl – XXXXX – – –
incinerator B (Table 1) is in accordance with the large
Cristobalite – X – – –
quantity of CaSO4 observed in Fig. 5d.

probably formed as high-temperature condensation product described previously, there are great amounts of CaO in the
[32]. Thipse and Schoenitz [32] also found the largest solid residues of incinerator A (Table 1). CaO dissolves in
fraction of MSW incineration fly ash showed only quartz the leachate when the solid residues are in contact with
while the finer fractions showed cristobalite, this fact further water, causing the pH to increase and the resulting leachate
confirms the above conclusion. Moreover, as far as the fly is highly alkaline, especially for the bottom ash of
ashes of both incinerators are concerned, different forms of incinerator A. For incinerator B, the leachates of the bottom
SiO2 are observed, i.e. hexahedral crystal a-SiO2 in ashes and fly ashes are both moderately alkaline.
incinerator B and cristobalite in incinerator A, respectively. According to the standard of GB 5085.3-1996, the
Compared with incinerator B, it is found that the flue gas concentration of Pb and Cd in the leachates of the fly ashes
temperature of incinerator A is about 1100 8C, and although of these two incinerators is much higher than the standard.
the designed flue gas temperature of incinerator B is Furthermore, the concentration of Cr in the leachate of the
1000 8C, but in practical operation, the flue gas temperature fly ash of incinerator B is a little higher than the standard.
is maintained at about 900 8C. This implies that temperature Ibanez et al. [34] investigated the leaching behavior of solid
is an important factor to affect the formation of SiO2 in the residues of MSW incineration and hospital solid waste
incineration system [26]. incineration, and found that Pb, Cd, Cr and Zn were present
in concentrations higher than the hazardous range. This
result confirms the results observed in our tests. As a result,
3.4. Leaching test
the fly ashes of these two incinerators are both considered as
hazardous wastes, which means that proper treatment must
The solid residues from MSW incinerators are subject
be done prior to landfill and disposal. For the grate sifting
to weathering and other natural processes during storage,
and bottom ashes of these two incinerators, they will be safe,
disposal or utilization. Contaminants can be leached from
and can be directly landfilled, as the concentrations of heavy
the solid residues and may be released to groundwater and
metals in their leachates are much lower than the standard.
surface waters [13]. Different leaching tests, therefore,
have been developed to determine the interaction of
residues with the surrounding environment. For instance,
4. Conclusions
leaching tests can provide a good insight into the mobility
of heavy metals [33]. In addition, leaching tests play a
Detailed characteristics of the solid residues from two
major role to assess the possibility of use and treatment MSW incinerators located in the city of Shenzhen (southern
within regulatory limits [34]. China) were performed in this paper. Our conclusions are
In our study, a Chinese national standard of GB5086.1- that the physical and chemical characterization of solid
1997 (described before) was used as the method for leaching residues depends on facts such as the composition of feed
tests. The leaching results of the solid residues obtained with MSW, the type of incinerator, the APCDs, the operating
such methods are listed in Table 4 along with the Chinese conditions and so on. Chemical analysis showed that in the
national standard of ‘Identification standard for hazardous solid residues, less volatile elements with high boiling
wastes—Identification for extraction procedure toxicity’ temperatures remained in the bottom ashes and grate
(GB5085.3-1996) [35]. During the leaching process, the pH siftings, while more volatile elements with low boiling
of the leachate increases as basic metal salts dissolve. temperature were captured by the fly ashes. Especially, the
Moreover, the equilibrium pH is determined by the amount concentrations of some toxic heavy metals in the fly ashes
of CaCO3, CaO and Al2O3 in the solid residues, and the were significantly high, which caused potential hazards.
dissolution of CO2 in water [36,37]. As the same reason Moreover, some hazardous materials in the solid residues
Table 4 made them unfit for direct utilization, unless these materials
Leaching tests of solid residues and the identification standard were removed. This was a disadvantage for the integrated
utilization of the MSW incineration solid residues. The
Sample Standard
morphology observations found that the crystals of the fly
a b c d e ashes were generally better than that of the bottom ashes.
Meanwhile, the bottom ashes of these two incinerators were
pH 11.2 9.7 12.1 8.4 8.9 – obviously heterogeneous matrices because of the different
Cd 0.012 1.106 0.013 5.465 0.027 0.3 nature of MSW burned in the incineration system. XRD
Cr 0.274 2.622 0.151 10.97 0.968 10
analyses suggested that the mineralogy of solid residues was
Cu 0.331 3.721 0.283 6.634 0.654 50
Ni 0.059 0.177 0.032 0.969 0.182 10 very complex, and the compounds identified by XRD were
Pb 0.287 16.04 0.259 22.79 0.863 3.0 in good agreement with chemical analysis results. The
Zn 0.719 10.11 0.681 11.61 0.923 50 leaching tests performed on the solid residues further
As 0.024 0.685 0.019 1.368 0.023 1.5 validated that the fly ashes of these two incinerators should
Hg ,0.001 0.002 ,0.001 ,0.001 ,0.001 0.05
be classified as hazardous wastes because of their high
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