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The Effect of Urbanization on the Agricultural Sector

In a world where change is constant, some things can’t remain the way they used to be. With the
growing population every year and capitalists eyeing some properties to enhance, urbanization of some
places cannot be helped thus minimizing the space for a potential agricultural land.
Acres of land that used to be rice paddies, sugarcane plantations, and farms are being converted
as power plants, subdivisions, and big establishments throughout the past years till the present time. It is
known that with the fast paced improvements happening throughout the world, we need to keep up at
some point but that does not mean that we need to obliterate the lands for farming and other agricultural
Skyscrapers to attract tourist, commercial buildings for businesses, and high rise condominiums
where one of those real estates that helps the country’s economy but can destroy agriculture as well. We
keep up with all the trends that we forget about the traditions.
Urbanization doesn’t end and affect just the land as well. With all those factories in the cities
used to manufacture goods and established near the sea, our fishes are also affected especially when toxic
waste reached the bodies of water. Agriculture does not only involve plants. It is a broad industry engaged
in the production of both plants and animals and that includes those living in the water. Stereotyping
agriculture is where everything goes wrong.
The agricultural sector receives damage with these continuous urbanizations no matter how many
times capitalists deny it. Positive feedbacks on televisions and newspapers are given much more attention
than the cries for help of farmers because most people seek comfort and relief. How it somehow doesn’t
affect agriculture on a one sided point of view does not mean it is all true. People who rely on agriculture
for their living are being deprived of their opportunities to make use of their lands because they are forced
to sell it. People are suffering, especially the poor. They have no choice and will to go against those
people with wealth and power.
Those were the product of urbanization that generates income but results in the sky rocketing
price of our daily needs. With the shortage of lands to plow, supply lessens and with the rise in
population, the demands increase. It is a never ending cycle. If this continues, it is not just the agriculture
sector that is most likely to suffer the effects of urbanization in the near future. Agriculture is supposed to
be the backbone of the economy, or of the country. Imagine one of the vertebra of that backbone gets
broken. It can result to the paralysis of an entire nation because people obviously can’t live without food.
The rich may survive, but how about those who are already striving for survival. The effects of
urbanization in agriculture are mostly viewed negatively because the term itself has a different ring to it
but at some point, if urbanization is to be dedicated in the improvement of agriculture, it might create
another story, and that story might give a good and satisfying end.

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