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Name: Jerome Figuracion

Section: CCR3 – B1

Quiz No. 2


A lady was found dead in her bed and noticed that she has a stab wound on her chest.
Living with the lady is her nephew and a boy. She has also a boyfriend who visits her
regularly. The room of the lady is in disarray. Upon investigation, stains were found on the
floor leading to the kitchen. The clothing of the lady had a reddish brown stains. A knife with
reddish brown stains was also found in the garden. The shirt of the boyfriend was noticed to
have reddish brown stains but he claimed that he had a nose bleed.


1. Collect at least 8 physical evidences that can be collected and submitted for

 Kitchen Knife

 Clothing of the Lady

 Shirt of Boyfriend

 Stains in the floor leading to kitchen

 reddish brown stains was also found in the garden

 The gown of the lady

 Stab wound on the lady’s chest

 Nephew

 The boy

(4 points each answer)

2. Give your observation and conclusion on the following examinations conducted.

(6 points each)
a. The blood of the lady did not agglutinate or negative both with anti A and Anti B.

Therefore, during the primary test it reflects that the blood in the lady appears
negative does not appear positive.

b. The blood of the boy agglutinated or positive with anti A but negative with anti B.

Therefore, during the primary test it reflects that the blood from the boy appears
negative with Anti- B

c.   The blood of the boyfriend agglutinated with anti B only. Therefore, during the
primary test it reflects that the blood from the boyfriend appears negative with
Anti- A

d. The bloodstains found  on the floor and blood stains on the knife found in the
garden gave positive results with benzidine, Takayama and precipitin test.

Therefore, using microchemical test this is same result from 1 st test (b) confirmed
blood of of boy positive result

e. The blood stains in (d)  agglutinated with A cells and B cells.

Therefore, using microchemical test confirmed blood of of nephew positive


f.        The blood stains found on the shirt of the boyfriend agglutinated with A cells but not
with B cells. – Confirmed that blood is from Boy

g.       The stains found in the gown of the lady gave crystals of choline periodide with the
Florence test and presence of spermatozoa were observed  under the microscope.

that confirmed blood is from her nephew

h.      The reddish brown stain found on the gown of the lady agglutinated with B cells but
not with A cells. – confirmed blood of human

3.       Who was the assailant? Explain your answer.(20 points)

To conclude assailant is the boyfriend of the Lady, base on the evidences it appears that blood is human
blood of Lady, the boy and nephew.
Assumed that the boyfriend is the prime suspect who killed Lady, the boy and nephew, assumed due to

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