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PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.

Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

Department of Information Technology

First Deliverable

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

First Deliverable

1 Introduction
First part of this deliverable is all about planning and scheduling of project. This
deliverable contain following artifacts:
a. Project Feasibility
b. Project Scope
c. Project Costing
d. Critical Path Method Analysis (CPM Analysis)
e. Gantt Chart
f. Introduction to team members
g. Tools and Technologies
h. Vision Document
i. Risk List

1.1 Project/Product Feasibility Report

Hostel management system is a web based application in which user can access all the
information related to desired hostel and also use functionality like geo location. It
provide a good and user friendly GUI with this website. The website provides the owner
to register, login and submit add about their property with image. Details including the
services they provide. Hostel management system that help hundred of users on a daily
basis find the right hostels that fit their needs and fulfil their requirements with due to this
application user can search and also advanced reservation simultaneously after register
themselves. User can search their hostel by searching it through city through location and
through price which helps them to find best location for residence and they recommend
best one that. Therefore this application removes the manual system. Also hostel owner
can manage their profile by editing or deleting.
There are many types of feasibilities:

 Technical
 Operational
 Economic
 Schedule
 Specification
 Information
 Motivational
 Legal and Ethical

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

1.1.1 Technical Feasibility

The technical feasibility in the proposed system deals with the technology used in the
system. It deals with the hardware and software used in the system whether they are of
latest technology or not and if it happens that after a system is prepared, a new
technology arises and the user wants the system based on that technology. This system
use windows platform, apache server, SQL for database, php as the language and html or
xml as user interface. Thus, HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is technically feasible

1.1.2 Operational Feasibility

Proposed ventures are gained just in the event that they can be transformed into
data frameworks that will meet the associations working necessities. Basically
expressed, this trial of plausibility inquires as to whether the framework will work
when it is created and introduced are there significant obstructions to execution.
Here are questions that will help test the operational attainability of a venture. Is
there adequate help for the venture from administration from clients?

1.1.3 Economic Feasibility

Justification for the benefit/cost analysis relative to the project is to be measured in
economic feasibility. Therefore, economic feasibility can be divided into two parts; cost
estimates and benefit estimates. Cost estimates can further be alienated into development
or acquisition costs (one time) and maintenance and operation costs (ongoing). In order to
find development costs, break the project into tasks and use the lifecycle cost models.
Experienced costs gained from similar projects should then be used to make estimates.
Benefit estimates enclose tangible benefits and intangible benefits. Tangible benefits
would include reduced costs and increased revenues. However, information quality, job
satisfaction, and external standing are examples of intangible benefits.
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of
a new system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis. Php, html, xml and sql
data base are easily available on internet.

1.1.4 Specification Feasibility

Requirements are the features that the system must have or a constraint that must be
accepted for the customer. The question arises as to whether the requirements are clear
and definite. The scope boundaries must also be assessed. A project will fail if it takes too
long to be completed before it is useful. Typically this means estimating how long the
system will take to develop.

Over hostel management system project is not schedule wise feasible as the develop of
the S/W is done within the time bound assigned and is completed according to the time
table. Time is an important factor. The assessment and evaluation of the completion of a
project with the available staff and resources within time is very essential. Meeting
deadlines and milestones should always be kept in mind.

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

1.1.5 Legal & Ethical Feasibility

It includes study concerning contracts, liability, violation and legal other traps frequently.
Our HOSTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project is legally feasible as all the licenses.
Required for this project development and working are already taken from the authorities.

1.1.6 Specification feasibility

Specification feasibility is a essential period of any system improvement process.
The system is seen all in all the information sources are recognized and the framework is
subjected to close examination to distinguish the issue ranges. The proposal is checked on
client ask for an appropriate changes are made.
In this u not need to go to the search hostel manually user can search it by Smartphone

1.1.7 Information feasibility

The application provide the owners to registered login and submit add about their
property with image. Details including the services they provide. Hostel recommender
system that help hundred of users on a daily basis find the right hostels that fit their needs
and fulfil their requirements with due to this application user can search and also
advanced reservation simultaneously after register themselves. The main objective of the
feasibility study id to test the technical, operational and economical feasibility for adding
new modules and debugging old running system. All system is feasible if they are given
unlimited resources and infinite time.

Project/Product Scope:
The scope of this research work is centered on the development of hostel management
system. This project which is web-based, automates the student’s hostel application
process, allocates rooms to students, notifies students of their application status anytime
they log onto the portal and also maintains the integrity of the information being
processed by using password to limit access to only approved individuals. The system
also creates automatic database for the storage of students and staffs information.
This need the s it properly for smooth functioning of the hostel. Hostel warden can easily
maintain the data system which has an ability to capture all kind of data and information
and analysis
This system use web based application concept. The software to be used in developing
this system is Hypertext Preprocessors (PHP) language,
The module of this system are :-
a. Setup the information of hostel
Add the information of hostel, block, and dorm and capacity of dorm
b. Hostel allocation
Assign the student room based on their form

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

1.3 Project/Product Costing

Amount required for the development of this project is approximate 20,000.
For domain purchase we need 2000 or more.
Hosting purchase is required. It is an online system. Domain and hosting requires cost,
we also need money for database collection.

1.4 CPM - Critical Path Method

 Provides a graphical view of the project.

 Predicts the time required to complete the project.

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

1. Specify the Individual Activities

4. Estimate Activity Completion Time

The time required to complete each activity depends on the team work. Estimate
completion time is 6 month or more.

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

1.5 Gantt chart

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

1.6 Introduction to Team member and their skill set

Project Title:
Hostel Recommendation System
Group Leader:
Project Members:

Name Roll.num Skills


1.7 Tools and Technology with reasoning

Hardware and Software Specifications
Hardware Requirement
 Processor : Intel
 RAM : 4GB
Software Requirement
 Language: Html ,CSS ,JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP,API’s
 Tool: Sublime Text
 Database : MySQL

Different tools are being used for developing this project which is as under:
The details of the languages, tools and technologies we used are as follows:
JavaScript a reverse-engineered implementation of Netscape’s JavaScript was part of
internet Explorer. JavaScript was also available for server-side scripting in internet
Information service.
Internet Explorer 3 also included Microsoft’s first support for CSS and various
extensions to HTML but in each case the implementation was noticeably different to
that found in Netscape navigator at the time. These differences made it difficult for
designers and Programmers to make a single website work well in both browsers,
leading the to the use of “best viewed in Netscape” and “best viewed in internet
Explorer” logos that characterized those early years.

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

JavaScript began to acquire a reputation for being one of the roadblocks to a cross-
platform and standards-driven web. Some developers took on the difficult task of trying
to make their Sites work in both major browsers, but many could not afford the time.

Code may be embedded into HTML or HTML5 markup, or it can be used in
combination. With various web template system, and web management system.
PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in the
web server or as a common Gate Interface(CGI).The web server software combines
the result of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any type of data,
including images, with the generated the Web page. PHP code may also be executed
with a command-line interface (CLI) and can be used to implement standard alone

Bootstrap is any test or metric that relies on random sampling with replacement.
Bootstrapping allows assigning measures of accuracy (defined in terms of bias, variance,
confidence interval, prediction error or some other such measure) to sample estimates.
This technique allows estimation of the sampling distribution of almost any statistic
using random sampling methods.
Generally, it falls in the broader class of re sampling methods.

Hypertext Markup language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web
pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript it forms a
triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers receive HTML
document from web server or from local storage and render them into multimedia web
pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included
cues for the appearance of the document.

Cascading style sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language. Although most often used to
set the visual style and user interfaces written in HTML and XHTML, the language can be
applied to any XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL, and is applicable to
rendering in speech, or on other media.
Along with HTML and JAVASCRIPT, CSS is a cornerstone technology used by most
websites to create visually engaging websites, user interfaces for web applications, and
user interfaces for many mobile applications.

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.
PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

JQUERY is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript Library. It makes things like HTML
document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much
simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.


Functions and features delivered to the end users. The end users of the proposed
system are:
This helps the administrator and user to login to homepage only if password and
user name matches.
Allows the user to change the password.
This module is used to store student details i.e. information like profile details,
contact information, educational details etc. Users can search according different
criteria such as name, course, room number etc.


This deals with allocation of room to students according to education details, section
or course. Rooms will be allocated to students and an ID will be generated for it. It
will display details students staying in the room or rooms. When a student leaves
the room after the semester, the left date will be also saved.

In this module, only the administrator can access. Administrator has a unique
account with much special access and permissions over normal users. Module
allows add, edit, and delete.

The section of hardware configuration is an important task related to the software
development. Insufficient random access memory may affect adversely on the speed
and efficiency of the entire system. The process should be powerful to handle the
entire operations. The hard disk should have sufficient capacity to store the file
and application. Processor: Pentium IV and above Processor speed: 1.4
GHz Onwards System memory: 128 MB minimum (256 MB recommended)Cache
size: 512 KBRAM: 512 MB (Minimum)Network card: Any card can provide
a 100mbps speed Network connection: UTP or Coaxial cable connection Printer:
Inkjet/Laser Colour printer provides at least 1000 Dpi Hard disk: 80 GB
Monitor: SVGA Colour 15”
 Mouse: 104 keys US Key Serial, USB or PS/2

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

A major element in building a system is the section of compatible software since the
software in the market is experiencing in geometric progression. Selected software
should be acceptable by the firm and one user as well as it should be feasible for the
system. This document gives a detailed description of the software requirement
specification. The study of requirement specification is focused specially on the
functioning of the system. It allows the developer or analyst to understand the
system, function to be carried out the performance level to be obtained
and corresponding interfaces to be established. Technology Implemented: Apache
Server Language Used: PHP 5.3 or newer versions Database: My SQL 5.5 or newer
User Interface: HTML, AJAX Web Browser: Mozilla, Chrome or Internet Explorer
8(or newer)
Software: XAMPP or WAMP Server Operating System: Windows XP or higher

1.8 Vision Document

The hostel management system is to improve the services for all the students of the hostel.
This also reduces the manual work of the persons in admin panel and the bundle of
registers that were search when to find the information of an older student.
This system also automates the inventory work of hostel and keeping financial


There are a lot of drawbacks in keeping and maintaining a hostel. Especially with a
manual system. Since most hostels are being run by only one hostel manager, the number
of students in a room is sometimes not known by the officer. He has to go room by room
to ensure that room is occupied or not. Room allocation also becomes a problem as the
officer might not know which rooms are available or not. And some hostels have a lot of
rooms. Also the officer might not know the number of students in a room or know if a
room is full or empty.

a. Lack of analysis for change of requirements.
b. Poor definition of requirements.
c. Impossible requirements.
d. Invalid requirements.
a. Lack of good estimation in projects.
b. The hardware doesn’t work well.
c. Large size of required architecture.
d. Lack of reassessment of management cycle.
a. Inadequate budget.
b. Human errors.
c. Unrealistic schedule.

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

d. Lack of enough skill.

a. Lack of project standard.
b. Lack of design documentation.
c. Lack of testing.
d. Inadequate documentation.

Systems Specifications
In this section we are going to analyze the existing system and provide
solutions to errors or build a new system all together.

The existing system is manual based and need lot of efforts and consume enough time. In
the existing system we can apply for the hostels online but the allotment processes are
done manually. It may lead to corruptions in the allocation process as well as hostel fee
calculation. The existing system does not deal with mess calculation and complaint

More human power
More strength and strain of manual labor needed
Repetition of same procedure.
Low security.
Data redundancy.
Difficulty to handle.
Difficulty to update data.
Record keeping is difficult.
Backup data can be easily generated.

This project is aimed at developing a system for keeping records and showing
information about or in a hostel. This system will help the hostel officer to be able to
manage the affairs of the hostel. This system will provide full information about a student
in the hostel. It will show rooms available or not and number of people in a particular
room. This will also provide information on students who have paid in full or are still
owing. This system will also provide a report on the summary detail regarding fees and
bills students are owing. Also included is a user module for employees or the hostel
officer. There will also be an administrator module which will access by the administrator
and has the ability to delete, add and edit employee records. This system will be
developed based on Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with PHP and My SQL
server. PHP is good for the development and design of web based programs while My
SQL is good for databases because of its security and its advanced features and

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005


1.1 Context Level Data Flow Diagram

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.

PUCIT-Project Coordination Office Version: 1.0
Final Project Proposal Guide Date: 10 May, 2005

© Punjab University College of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab.


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