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Words I learnt:

Temperature: The measured amount of heat in a place or in a body

Humidity: Amount of water vapour present in air

Altitude: The height above the sea level

Q.1A Fill in the blanks:

1. Weather can be understood as a part of climate.
2. Temperature governs the flow of winds .
3. Equatorial region receives direct rays of the Sun.
4. Prairies experience moderate climate.
5. Frigid zone is the coldest because it receives extremely slanted rays of the Sun.

B. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these factors does NOT affect climate?
a. Altitude b. Moisture c. Customs d. Wind
2. The wind that blows from the sea to the land is known as ________.
a. sea breeze b. evening breeze c. land breeze d. dusk breeze
3. Moisture causes ________ and makes a place cooler.
a. temperature b. humidity c. wind d. breeze
4. What kind of climate does the Torrid Zone experience?
a. Moderate b. Freezing c. Pleasant d. Hot
5. The temperate zone receives ________ sun rays.
a. direct b. no c. slanting d. extremely slanting

1. As distance from the Equator increases, the temperature increases. False

2. Wind always blows from an area of hot climate to an area of cold climate. False

3. Humidity lowers as distance from the sea increases. True

4. As altitude increases, temperature increases. False

5. New Delhi is located in the Torrid Zone. False


1. Differentiate between climate and weather:

Climate Weather

• Climate of a region is the atmospheric • Weather refers to the atmospheric

conditions experienced over a long conditions at a place for a short period.

• Climate remains stable over a long • Weather is temporary and changes often.

• Climate prevails over a large area, like a • Weather prevails over a small area, like a
country. city.

2. Name three factors affecting climate of a place.

Ans: Factors affecting the climate of a place are temperature and latitude, prevailing winds ,
moisture,and altitude.
3. Name the heat zones of the world .
Ans: The heat zones of the world are Torrid Zone, Temperate Zone and Frigid Zone.
4. Why does Nainital remain cool when New Delhi faces scorching heat?
Ans: The mountainous regions enjoy a cooler climate as compared to the plain region throughout the
year. Nainital is a hill station whereas Delhi lies in the plains. Nainital lies at a higher altitude.
Therefore, Nainital remains cool when New Delhi faces scorching heat.
E. Answer the following in detail.
1. What does the latitude of a place tell you about the climate of that place?

Ans: a)The latitude decreases in length as we move away from the equator to the poles.

b) The lower latitude receives more heat than the higher latitudes.

c) As the sunrays falls directly ,slanting and extremely slanting depending on this the climate of a

place changes.

2. Why is temperature one of the prime determinants of the climate of a place?

Ans: i)Temperature is one of the prime determinants of climate.

ii) Temperature depends on the heat received from the Sun.

iii) The more exposed an area is to the rays of the Sun,the higher is its temperature , and vice versa

3. How does distance from the sea affect the climate of a place?

Ans: a) Places near the sea are neither very hot nor too cold. As the moisture causes humidity and
makes the place cooler and the climate here is humid. Eg: Mumbai

b) Whereas those places are far away from the sea so they have extreme climate that is very hot
in summer and very cold climate in winter. Eg: Delhi

4. Explain the heat zones of the Earth and their climate with the help of a diagram.

Ans: Torrid Zone: Torrid Zone is the hottest zone on Earth. It is because it receives direct rays of the
Sun throughout the year. This makes the weather hot, humid and rainy throughout the year. Sahara
Desert and Amazon rainforest are located in this belt.

Temperate Zone: This belt has a moderate climate which is neither too hot nor too cold. It is
because it receives oblique rays of the Sun. Prairies in North America, pampas in South America, the
steppes of Europe and Asia, and veldts in Africa are a few grasslands that are found in this zone.

Frigid Zone: These zones are extremely cold. It is because these areas receive extremely
slanted rays of the Sun throughout the year. These regions are covered with permanent ice and
experience six months of day and six months of night in summer and winter respectively.

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