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Experiment 1 Data exploration

1.Installation of Python
(1) Download python 3.7.4 from the website
Please choose the corresponding version according to your operator system, for
example, my laptop uses windows 64 bit OS, the correct version should be Windows
x86-64 executable installer.
(2) Install Python according to the instruction in Note that there are install
instruction for windows and Linux, please choose the correct one according to your
OS. Once the installation is finished, you can open IDLE from your start menu.

Fig.1 open IDLE from start menu.

Fig.2 python commands can be input here.
(3) Python needs the supports from the third party libraries. In our experiment, the
libraries of numpy, pandas, scipy and seaborn are necessary. They can be obtained
from the website Note that the version
of the third party libraries should be consistent with the version of python. For
example, we installed python 3.7.4, therefore, the compatible version of the libraries
should be as follows:
(4) The third party libraries should be put in the file of Scripts. In my laptop the path
is D:\Program Files\Python\Python37\Scripts. It depends on your installation path of
(5) Installation of the third party libraries.
a. open the command window

Fig.3 command window
b. Switch to the path of python Scripts. Note that “D:\Program
Files\Python\Python37\Scripts” is my python installation path, it may be different in
your laptop.

Fig.4 switch to python Scripts

c. install numpy. Successfully installation will be shown if the library is installed
pip install pandas-0.25.1-cp37-none-win_amd64.whl
pip install scipy-1.3.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
pip install seaborn-0.9.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Fig.5 Install numpy.
d. then install the libraries of pandas, scipy and seaborn sequentially with the same
2.Data exploration with Iris data set.
Please reference the website
A simple example:

Fig.6 An example of Iris data exploration

Please note that the file “Iris.csv” should be put under your python installation path, in
mU tuiy laptop it is “D:\Program Files\Python\Python37”. It may be different in your

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