Ali Inggris 2

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Nama : Alie Akbar

NIM : 19808141057

Well, I will tell a story about my first impression study in Yogyakarta State
University ,firstly let me introduce myself,my name is Alie Akbar,some people call
me Ali. My first impression when I study at Yogyakarta State University I’m so proud
and happy,I trust I will have many friends. My first friend is Ale, we shocked because
we have a similiar name then we laugh together. When we met, we feel
comfortable,he ridiculous and funny person. I know him when PKKMB of Economy
Faculty,but he finally move to STAN.
I can adapt to the new place,but when I join to the class I feel can’t adapt cause I
think not many people suitable with me and just some people can be friends with
me,that because I have a bad habt hehe and I tend to silent to keep my image. But at
last I can found many kind classmates. I know a senior and then he introduce me to
his friends and I’m so happy cause his friends are friendly and respected to me and
they often invite me to join their activities
When PKKMB university just began, 1 also meet with some people from another
faculty and majors. I try to find some friend on another faculty, finally I meet some
friends, one of them is edo. Edo was student of mechanical engineering, sometimes I
was invited edo to hangout with his friends
After that,i have many collegemates from other faculty. Without distinguish
firends,I’m so happy and enjoyed to be their friend and I learned to be a good friend
for everyone.Since that impression,i was enjoyed my activities in college and I can
survive until now.

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