Attestation Tool Kit User Guide: ATK Release Version 4.5.1

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Attestation Tool Kit

User Guide

ATK Release Version 4.5.1

1 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 APPROVING DAYS OR PAY PERIODS ............................................................................................................... 5
2.1 EMPLOYEE APPROVALS AT INTOUCH TERMINALS ......................................................................................................5
2.2 EMPLOYEE APPROVALS IN WORKFORCE CENTRAL UI................................................................................................14
2.3 EMPLOYEE APPROVALS AT 4500 TERMINALS .........................................................................................................20
2.4 OLDER PAY PERIODS APPROVAL............................................................................................................................24
2.5 EMPLOYEE APPROVALS FOR MOBILE.....................................................................................................................26
2.6 USING THE TIME CARD CONFIRMATION TOOL ........................................................................................................27
3 SUBMITTING MISSED PUNCHES ................................................................................................................... 30
3.1 SUBMIT A MISSED PUNCH – NAVIGATOR VIEW .......................................................................................................30
3.2 SUBMIT A MISSED PUNCH – MOBILE .....................................................................................................................32
3.3 SUBMIT A MISSED PUNCH – INTOUCH ...................................................................................................................35
3.4 SUBMITTING MISSED PUNCHES WITH QUESTIONS ...................................................................................................37
4 RECORDING PUNCHES WITH MYTIMESTAMP IN ATK ................................................................................... 39
4.1 MYTIMESTAMP EMPLOYEE FUNCTIONS: NAVIGATOR VIEW .......................................................................................39
4.2 PUNCHING WITH A QUESTION ............................................................................................................................41
4.3 MEAL BREAK RESTRICTION .................................................................................................................................42
4.4 PUNCH WITH PAY CODE ENTRY...........................................................................................................................43
4.5 PROMPT 2 PUNCHES .........................................................................................................................................44
4.6 PROMPT START TIME AND DURATION...................................................................................................................52
4.7 PROMPT FOR MAIN PUNCH ................................................................................................................................53
4.8 PUNCH QUESTION WITH MULTIPLE ANSWERS .......................................................................................................53
4.9 LIST SHIFT PUNCHES ..........................................................................................................................................54
4.10 MYTIMESTAMP REDIRECTION .............................................................................................................................56
4.11 MYTIMESTAMP ON 4500 TERMINALS ..................................................................................................................59
4.12 MYTIMESTAMP ON INTOUCH TERMINALS .............................................................................................................60
4.13 MYTIMESTAMP MOBILE HOME SCREEN ...............................................................................................................64
4.14 MYTIMESTAMP MOBILE VIEWS ..........................................................................................................................67
4.15 EMPLOYEE SELF SERVICE (ESS) AND MYTIMESTAMP...............................................................................................69
4.16 OFFLINE MODE ................................................................................................................................................70
5 QUICK TIME STAMP WEB UI ......................................................................................................................... 72
5.1 PASSWORDS AND QUICK TIME STAMP ..................................................................................................................74
6 MY APPROVALS............................................................................................................................................ 77
6.1 APPROVE/REJECT A MISSED PUNCH EXCEPTION .....................................................................................................77
6.2 ACKNOWLEDGE DAY REJECTION EXCEPTION ...........................................................................................................79
6.3 APPROVE/REJECT MYTIMESTAMP ANSWER EXCEPTION ...........................................................................................80
6.4 MY APPROVALS – MOBILE VIEWS........................................................................................................................81
6.5 MY APPROVALS – INTOUCH TERMINALS ...............................................................................................................82
7 MANAGER REPORTS AND VIEWS ................................................................................................................. 86
7.1 MANAGER SMART VIEWS FOR THE KRONOS TERMINAL ............................................................................................86
7.2 MANAGER REPORTS ..........................................................................................................................................95
8 USING THE SMART VIEW PRINTING TOOL .................................................................................................. 105

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1 Overview
The Attestation Tool Kit (ATK) consists of five different areas:
1. Time Review – allows employees to review, approve or reject time card information by day or
pay period.
2. Missed Punch entry – allows employees to submit missed punch information.
3. MyTimeStamp – records employee times and related information.
4. My Approvals – allows managers and employees to respond to attestation events.
5. Manager Smart Views and Reports – Detailed and Summary Audit Reports in PDF or Excel
format, as well as Manager Smart Views for such things as missed breaks, upcoming breaks, etc.
Most of these functions are available as web applications, Kronos Mobile functions and Smart Views for
terminal devices. Each area is explained in the following sections. For the items that are Smart Views,
they may be configured to display as menu items on the Kronos terminal. How they are placed on the
menu is configurable.
The following menu display is an example of how these items might be configured.

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2 Approving Days or Pay Periods
There is a system setting that requires employees to be on the clock to access Time Review. If this
setting is enabled and an employee accesses Time Review while not punched in, they will see the
following message.

If you are redirecting employees to Time Review following an In punch, the employee may receive this
message if the punch has not yet been recorded and the timecard totalized. Clicking refresh will reload
the timecard and eliminate the message.

2.1 Employee Approvals at InTouch Terminals

There is a single entry point (InTouch icon) for employees using the InTouch Terminal. This icon is
typically labeled “Employee Time Review” but can be labeled differently based upon your preferences.
Once the employee selects this icon and enters his or her badge information (and Touch ID, if so
equipped) then the Select Time Period display shown below is presented.

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Employees can be given the option of reviewing/approving individual days (under Daily Approvals) and/or
entire pay periods (such as Current pay period, Previous pay period, Two periods ago or older pay
For each “Approval” situation defined below the employee is may be given the ability to approve or
reject the day or Pay Period.

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2.1.2 DAILY APPROVALS AT THE INTOUCH TERMINAL Daily Approvals - Missed Punch and Daily Edits List

The employee is first presented with a list of the dates needing approval up to and including the current
date. Next to each date may appear one of:
• “Missed” to indicate that Workforce Timekeeper has detected a missed punch on that date.
Missed punches are defined by the Workforce Timekeeper Totalizer. If a missed punch would
show on the employee’s standard Workforce Timekeeper time card then that date appears here.
For Workforce Timekeeper to detect a missed punch, the employee either has to be scheduled or
must have at least one punch for the day that could be interpreted by the Punch Interpretation
• “Edited” to indicate that a punch has been manually edited on that date.
• “Submitted” to indicate that a punch has been submitted and is pending manager approval.
• “Rejected” to indicate that a day has been rejected. This will stay in the list for the rest of the
pay period unless it is subsequently approved.
If neither “Missed” nor “Edited” appears next to a date, then there are no missed punches and no manual
edits on that date – but the employee is still expected to approve that day.
If there is both a missed punch and an edited punch on the same day, the display will show as “Missed”.
This means the employee cannot approve the day until the missed punch has been entered.
If there are no punches, missed punches or pay code edits on a day, then the date is not displayed in the
list at all, and consequently, no approval or rejection needs to be made for that day.
The employee should touch one of the dates for review and further action. After taking appropriate action
for the selected date, the employee is returned to this same screen, which is updated to reflect the action

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taken. On re-entry to the screen, however, it's possible that the BGP hasn’t had time to totalize the
changes. If this is the case a warning like “this list may be out of date” is displayed. The employee can
touch the “Refresh List” button to refill the list of missed and edited punches, again checking whether the
timecard has been totalized. Daily Approvals – Review Edit Smart View

When the employee selects a date not marked as “Missed”, a screen is displayed which shows details of
the employee’s timecard for the day selected. These details can include:
• punch times, with transfer details, if any
• pay code edits (pay code name and duration or money amount)
• shift total and daily total hours
• exceptions
• A list of time card edits for the day (retrieved from the audit table):
o date and time of corrected punch
o type of edit
o username of person who made the edit
o date and time the edit was made
o totals for the day if view totals are enabled
• A message from the Attestation module
• Buttons to approve or reject the time card for the chosen date.

Touch a date cell to see more details, or touch “Continue” to move to the approval/rejection screen.

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The user touches one of the Reject buttons on the right, then may enter a note and submit the form.
Depending on settings, there may be a Reject with no comment button, or there may be only one Reject
When the user submits the form, the following actions occur:
 If there are any ATK-entered pay code edits on the current day from a previous approval or
rejection, these are deleted.
 If there are any Workforce Timekeeper employee approvals on the current day, these are
 A pay code edit is entered into the employee’s timecard to indicate the day has been rejected.
 Optionally, a notification can be sent to the employee’s manager (and others) via KMail/Email.
The manager can view the notification by going to their WFC Inbox.
 Optionally, a My Approvals rejection exception can be generated, requiring a response from a
manager. Employee Approves a Day

If the user selects the “Approve” button (previous screenshot), the following actions occur:
 If enabled, an attestation message is presented to the employee, requiring acknowledgement
before proceeding with the next actions.

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 If there are any ATK-entered pay code edits on the current day from a previous approval or
rejection, these are deleted.
 If there are any Workforce Timekeeper employee approvals on the current day, these are
 A pay code edit is entered into the employee’s timecard to indicate the day has been approved.
 A Workforce Timekeeper employee approval is added for the date.
 Acknowledgement of the attestation message, if any, is recorded in an audit table.

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2.1.3 PAY PERIOD APPROVAL AT THE INTOUCH TERMINAL Entire Pay Period – Approve Timecard Smart View
This display will show all the days and all the edits associated with that Pay Period.
The employee will be given the ability to approve or reject Pay Periods
The options could be
1. Current pay period
2. Previous pay period
3. Previous-Previous pay period
4. Older pay periods

Employee is also able to reject an entire pay period. If rejection reasons are required then the employee
will have to select a reason to reject a particular pay period.

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Employee approves a pay period

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Employee rejects a pay period

2.2 Employee approvals in Workforce Central UI

The features, functions, requirements, and restrictions for the ATK Employee WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER
Web UI module are identical to those described above for the Smart Views. Only the mechanics may be
different, based upon technology differences.
Please refer to the Smart View sections of this Guide for details of these features and functions. The
functionality is similar to the Smart View functionality.

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These are the available options for the pay periods for approval. Depending on the requirement for the
approval process some or all of these selections can be made available in a given system.

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Once a day has been approved it is removed from this list of days requiring daily approvals.
Any dates that have (E) tells the user that the date has been edited by someone other than the
Any date with the text (M) following the date indicates that a punch is missing on that date.
Any date with the text (R) following the date indicates that the date has been rejected by the employee.
Any date with the text (S) following the date indicates that a missed punch has been submitted by the
employee for that date.
Any date that is listed plain is a date that has punches but is not approved or rejected.

The transfer column displays if there is a transfer associated with the punch and hovering over the
transfer icon will display the transfer details.
- indicates a comment and hovering over the comment icon displays the comment details.

- Indicates an exception and hovering over the icon displays the exception details.

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To submit a missed punch, select the day and click the Fix Missing Punch button.
Navigator View/Web View

Mobile Home Screen View

The input fields displayed in the dialog can vary, based on Time Review settings. These may include time,
date, comment, notes, punch type.

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To submit a missed punch, select the day and select Fix Missing Punch.
Missed punches entered will be entered into the timecard with the selected comment and/or a note.
Depending on the setting for the missed punches, entering of missed punches might be disabled in the
system or might need supervisor approval.

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On the daily approvals screen, the user must select one or more days before approving, rejecting of
fixing missed punches. The following rules apply:
 Each click on a row selects or de-selects all rows for that date.
 The buttons at the top of the page appear or disappear depending on the rows that are selected.
 The Approve button is available if one or more dates are selected and none of those dates
contain a missed punch.
 The Reject button is available if exactly one date is selected and it does not contain a missed
 The Fix Missed Punch button is available if exactly one row is selected and it contains at least one
missed punch.
 The availability of the Approve and Reject buttons can be further affected by Time Review
settings and extensions.
If rejection reasons are required, the employee will have to pick a reason before rejecting.

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When the employee selects a pay period from the drop-down list at the top left, the available actions are
“Approve” and “Reject”. Either or both of these buttons may be hidden for various reasons, including the
presence of missed punch exceptions in the period or other custom reasons. If so, a banner will be
displayed at the top of the screen giving the reason.

When Pay Period Approval is used, the entire Pay Period is marked approved by the employee in the time
card. A Pay Code Edit is inserted in the employee’s time card showing the approval. On clicking the
Approve button, the employee may be prompted with an attestation message.
When Pay Period Rejection is used, the employee may be prompted to choose a comment and enter a
note. On rejection, any Workforce Timekeeper employee approval for that period is removed and a pay
code edit is inserted into the time card showing the rejection.

2.3 Employee Approvals at 4500 Terminals

Punch times are taken from the terminal’s local time adjusted for the time zone configured for the device
in WDM. Functionality on 4500 terminals is similar that on InTouch devices. See section 2.1 for more

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Screen for the time period approval

Daily approvals

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Missed punch on 4500 terminals: missed punch on 4500 terminals are accessed through single day/daily
approvals. Select the date that is listed as missed and follow the prompt on the screen.

Alternatively the missed punch screen can have the time entry to be AM/PM instead of military time.
Another box will be configured and you can enter 1 AM for 2 for PM

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Full pay period approval

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2.4 Older pay periods approval
You may wish to enable employees to approve or reject older pay periods. The below screen shots show
selecting an older pay period (there is a configuration option to control what pay periods may be
Navigator view: select Older Pay Period from the drop-down box.

When prompted, select a date from the calendar that needs approval.

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Mobile Home Screen View

Once the date is selected the pay period containing that particular date loads.
The employee will then be able to approve or reject that pay period.

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2.5 Employee Approvals for Mobile
On the mobile device home screen menu, select Time Review

Note: On the mobile Time Review screen will be displayed only in landscape mode. When the device is in
portrait mode, the user will be prompted to change the device orientation to landscape.
Select a pay period to approve or reject.

Select the Approve or Reject button to approve or reject a pay period. Rejection of pay periods may
require entering a rejection reason and notes.

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Select the Reject button, then select a rejection reason and enter notes. Hit Submit.
The employee can view audit data and totals if that is enabled.

2.6 Using the Time Card Confirmation Tool

The Time Card Confirmation Tool (TCC) provides the ability for the employee to attest to the accuracy of
all time changes and totals as presented on the timesheet, before the actual Approval is accepted. The
TCC is used by employees who have access to their timecard, and have functional access to perform
edits in their time card. There is no Reject option using TCC.
TCC supports both the Professional and Hourly View Timecards and the Approve Timecard Online Smart
View. The following provides an example of TCC once the Approve Menu Item has been selected. The
examples provided earlier in this document show how the Attestation text appears in the ATK specific
Hourly View Timecard:

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Once the employee selects the Approve Timecard button they will be presented with a pop-up window
with your specific Attestation Message. The employee will be required to select the “Approve” button to
proceed. If the employee selects the “Cancel” button the employee will be returned to the timecard and
the Approval will not be processed.

Approve Timecard Online Smart View for 4500 Terminal:

After scrolling past the timecard data, the user will be presented with Attestation Text followed by the
Approve button.
Approve Timecard Online Smart View for InTouch Terminal:

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3 Submitting Missed Punches
Missed punches are submitted from within Daily Approvals in Time Review.

3.1 Submit a missed punch – Navigator View

Navigate to Time Review, and then select Daily Approvals as shown below.

Select a row which has a missed punch and select Fix Missing Punch.
Navigator View/Web View

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Mobile Home Screen View

The Submit Missed Punch dialog box is displayed. Enter the missed punch along with a comment and
any notes.
Navigator View/Web View

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Mobile Home Screen View

Press Submit. The Punch Submitted message will appear.

3.2 Submit a missed punch – Mobile

Go to Mobile Views > Time Review and select Daily Approvals.

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Select a missed punch.

Enter a missed punch. Tap Submit. The “Punch Submitted” message will appear.

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3.3 Submit a missed punch – InTouch
The employee views the ATK Time Review smart view and selects “Daily Approvals”.

The list of missed and edited punches is displayed. Select a missed punch.

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The missed punch entry screen is displayed.

Enter the missed punch.

Hit Review and submit. The “Punch Submitted” message will appear.

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3.4 Submitting Missed Punches with Questions
When entering missed punches in the system, if the Missed Punches are using the MyTimeStamp
approval, then the same information that is collected during the live punch process can be collected with
missed punches.
If you have the option enabled, when the employee clicks on Fix Missing Punch, the punch entry dialog
appears with an additional column, where the employee selects the button they would have normally
used when punching.
Web UI with Punch Button drop down selection.

After selecting the appropriate button, the employee is redirected to MyTimeStamp to answer the
questions associated with that button.

The questions presented for a button during the missed punch process may vary slightly from the
questions asked during the regular punch process. For example, you can see in the questions above, we
have included the date of the shift for the missed punch to remind the employee they are entering a
missed punch.

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After answering all the questions, the employee will receive a confirmation screen. The employee will
need to click the refresh icon in the Time Review tab to return to Time Review.

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4 Recording Punches with MyTimeStamp in ATK
MyTimeStamp is a highly configurable application designed to allow employees to enter punches into
Workforce Timekeeper. The application can provide multiple punch types for employees to use at
different times of the shift, for example:
 Start of shift
 Meal break in/out
 End of shift
Alternatively, a single punch button can be used for multiple punch events.
Items that can be assigned to punches include:
 Button label
 Punch override type
 Transfers
 Punch comments
 Short break options, eg lunch lockout
 A question to ask the employee, with different actions taken, depending on the employee’s answer.
 Cancel deductions
 California meal penalty
 Manage notifications
 Receipt printing

4.1 MyTimeStamp employee functions: Navigator

MyTimeStamp employee functions are available from “my links”, quick timestamp, employee self-service,
from InTouch terminals, from 4500 terminals or from mobile as Home screen menu (WTK 7.0.7+) or as
mobile views.
These punching screens can be configured to allow transfers as shown in the screen below.

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If the Transfer box is checked, the employee will be presented with a transfer screen on the in punch and
the Sign-Out button will be greyed out

Here is a standard transfer selection screen.

In this case the employee can transfer any or all of the 5 labor levels. This is controlled by the employee’s
Function Access Profile and the transfer sets. As displayed, there are too many Department and Work
Order entries to be presented as a drop-down list, so the employee must type in the values if those labor
levels are to be included in the transfer.

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If the employee’s labor transfer set is configured for valid labor accounts, then the transfer dialog will
only display the short names for the valid labor accounts the employee is authorized to transfer to.

4.2 Punching With A Question

The “sign in” or “in punch” can be a simple punch or transfers might be enabled. The out punch or “sign
out” might present the employee with a question:

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Below is a punch confirmation screen. In this example, the employee has confirmed the meal was taken.

4.3 Meal Break Restriction

MyTimeStamp can be configured to check if an employee is attempting to punch in before a mandatory
lunch break is complete. It can also be configured to allow the early punch in after giving the employee a
warning message.

For example, if an employee clocks out for a 30 minute lunch, then attempts to clock back in after only
16 minutes, they will see something like the following:

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4.4 Punch With Pay Code Entry
MyTimeStamp can be configured to ask a question and require an answer on any punch (e.g. in punch,
out punch, meal punch). In this example the employee is being asked a question about receiving tips
when punching out. The employee can then enter the amount which can be added to the timecard as a
pay code edit.

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4.5 Prompt 2 Punches
MyTimeStamp provides the ability to enter a pair of punches. The punches are either submitted
automatically or after manager approval.

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User selects the punch button and the question is displayed.

After selecting Yes, the user will be asked to enter first punch date/time and second punch date/time.

Enter the details and click submit to see the confirmation screen.

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Once the user swipes the badge, the question will be displayed.

After selecting Yes, the user will be prompted to enter punch times and dates.

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Once the user selects the Second punch date, the review screen will appear.

Select Submit to see the confirmation screen.

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4.5.3 4500
The question is displayed to the user:

After selecting yes, the user will be prompted to enter the punch times and dates. The time should be
entered in military format. So if you want to enter the time as 8pm, then it should be entered as 20.00.

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Select Submit to display the confirmation screen.

4.6 Prompt Start Time and Duration

MyTimeStamp provides the ability to enter a start punch time and duration. This results in two punches
exactly like section 4.5; only the method changes slightly. The Navigator view is shown here.

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4.7 Prompt for Main Punch
MyTimeStamp normally uses the current time for the main punch being entered. Under certain
circumstances, it may be useful to allow the employee to enter the punch time. The administrator can set
restrictions on what times can be entered and whether the punch needs to be approved by a manager or
not. On Navigator, the prompt for punch time might look like this:

4.8 Punch Question With Multiple Answers

The employee can also be presented with multiple answers to a question when punching. The employee
can select only one answer. An example screen will look like the following:

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When submit is selected, the punch is recorded and, depending on the configuration, actions can be
taken (e.g. sending an email, a comment, a cancel a meal break or even a work rule transfer.)

4.9 List Shift Punches

MyTimeStamp has the ability to list shift punches. This option will display the list of punches since (and
including) shift start along with a question. This list will also include the punch time about to be inserted,
which may be marked “(approx)”, since it hasn’t actually been recorded at the moment the dialog

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4.10 MyTimeStamp Redirection

MyTimeStamp provides the ability to redirect the employee to other screens after a successful punch.
Useful destinations include:
 ATK Time Review to approve edits or fix missed punches.
 All My Approvals to respond to notifications.
 Arbitrary web sites, such as a company’s intranet.
The user is redirected only if the punch is successful so there is no separate confirmation message for the
submitted punch. If the punch fails due to system error (e.g. duplicate punch) the error message will be
displayed to the user and no redirect will take place.
Redirection can depend on certain conditions, such as unapproved timecard, or on employee responses
to questions. See the configuration guide for more details. Some examples of redirecting to Time Review
are shown.

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Click on the punch button to start the transaction.

Select an answer and hit Submit. The Redirecting message will appear before redirecting to the ATK
Time Review Daily screen.

The ATK Time Review screen appears after a moment.

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Select the appropriate soft key and enter your badge number.

Tap Yes to see the ATK Time Review Smart View.

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4.10.3 REDIRECT ON 4500
Select the appropriate soft key and enter your badge number.

Hit Yes to see the ATK Time Review Smart View.

4.11 MyTimeStamp on 4500 Terminals

The default transaction can be assigned to one of the MyTimeStamp Smart View™ Transactions, if
Punch times are taken from the terminal’s local time adjusted for the time zone configured for the device
in WDM.
Punching using Smart View™:

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4.12 MyTimeStamp on InTouch Terminals
All of the notes pertaining to 4500 terminals also apply to InTouch terminals. However, there are some
spacing limitations on InTouch. Questions presented to employees on InTouch may appear in several
different styles, selected by the administrator to suit different purposes.

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4.13 MyTimeStamp Mobile Home Screen

MyTimeStamp screen can be accessed on Mobile Home Screen using the MyTimeStamp menu in Kronos
Mobile, as seen in this screenshot. This feature is available only in WTK 7.0.5 or greater. When the
mobile device is in offline mode this menu option will not be displayed to the user and they would have
to use a mobile view configured with an offline puncher to submit their punch.

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Choose a punch button from the list

Answer any configured questions

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The confirmation screen will be displayed

4.14 MyTimeStamp Mobile Views

MyTimeStamp screen can also be accessed on Mobile using Mobile Views, as seen in this screenshot.

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Choose a punch button from the list.

Answer any configured questions

The confirmation screen will be displayed

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4.15 Employee Self Service (ESS) and MyTimeStamp
MyTimeStamp is available to web users via “My Links”. This opens up another single page with an action
button for each active Puncher.
If a punch error occurs a message will be displayed and the user will not be logged out.
Punch times are retrieved from the application server.

Clicking one of the buttons causes the actions associated with the Puncher to occur.
All of the functionality remains the same as the Navigator version described in the sections above.

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4.16 Offline Mode
An Offline version of the Smart View for punching functionality described above is provided. For example,
if an employee selects the End of Shift soft key and the terminal is offline (i.e. not communicating with
the WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER application server) the employee will be presented with a confirmation
screen that the terminal is offline and that the data is being saved for future submission.
If the server is offline and the End Of Shift key is pushed the following steps will occur (this is an
example only; question and answers can vary according to ATK configuration):
1) The employee is prompted to enter their ID.
2) The offline End Of Shift question form is displayed. This form prompts the user to key in 1 for a
positive response or 2 for a negative response, then press the Enter key.
3) The employee ID, date and time and employee’s answer are stored in the clock. And a
confirmation page is displayed.
4) When the clock comes back online, all stored punches are submitted with the appropriate
deductions and comments. If configured, notifications for negative responses are also sent.
The example offline End Of Shift question form is shown here:

NOTE: The User will be required to select 1 or 2and then press ENTER on the terminal to store the punch
during offline mode.
If the user fails to enter 1 or 2 then ENTER, the punch will NOT be stored. This is a requirement of offline
mode processing.
This is different from the online processing where there is the ability to perform additional processing if
the employee does not answer the question. In offline mode the punch will NOT be stored if the user
walks away from the terminal and does not answer the question, or enters anything other than 1 or 2
followed by ENTER.
After the user has made their selection, the following message will be displayed indicating that the punch
has been stored for processing.

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If the punch stored during the offline mode fails the transaction will be written to an offline error table.
This table must be periodically maintained to remove the old transactions.
• During the offline mode the employee will not be able to review their punch status via the View
Timecard Online.
• Biometric verification during offline mode is subject to normal WDM restrictions in this situation,
as the connection to the server is lost. That is, biometric verification can only occur at terminals
where the employee’s biometric template is stored locally. This is generally the employee’s home
terminal only. In online mode, the clock will contact the server to download a temporary copy of
the employee’s biometric template for validation if it cannot find the template locally, but this is
not possible while offline.
• The punches collected during the offline mode will be stored in the clock’s flash memory and a
floppy disk will appear on the top right corner of the clock display. The flash memory storage is
limited to 1MB. If an offline transaction causes the form data file to reach its maximum size, that
transaction and all subsequent offline transactions are rejected by the terminal. A message
indicating that the file system is full appears on the terminal screen when a user attempts to
initiate an offline transaction. After the currently stored data is reconciled with the web server,
the terminal accepts offline transactions the next time an offline situation occurs.
• The text labels displayed during the offline mode cannot be changed while offline. If the question
text is modified via the system settings tab, then the device has to be initialized to download the
new offline page to the terminal when the system is back online.

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5 Quick Time Stamp Web UI
MyTimeStamp functionality can be delivered via a portal or kiosk device using a parameterized URL. This
is only available via a web browser.
A URL link for the Web-based Quick Time Stamp provides the employee with access to this module. The
URL may be placed on a desktop icon for convenience.
When the employee opens the URL in a browser, the Quick Time Stamp form is displayed. The employee
must enter his or her user name and password or badge number.
The specific username and password depends on the Workforce configuration for the users. Users that
are set up for NT Authentication would enter their network password. This same password would be used
with Single Sign-On. If the user is set up for Kronos Authentication in Workforce then they would enter
their Kronos user name and password or their badge number/PIN as per the setup. The user then selects
one of the buttons displayed on the form. The text displayed on the buttons and the presence or absence
of each button is controlled by property settings. Some sample forms are shown below:

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User Name - The user name must be a valid user name.
Password - The password will be validated by Workforce. The text of the password will be hidden with
password characters such as the asterisk (*).

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Badge - the badge id or personal PIN as configured in the employee’s badge number field on their
people record
Punch Buttons - The punch buttons (if present) submit the log-in information to workforce. If the log-in
is valid then the action that is configured with the punch button is displayed. If it is a simple punch then
the punch will be entered into the timecard and a confirmation screen will be displayed. More
complicated button configurations might prompt with question or transfer dialogs.
When this “Log On” button is present the user can enter their credentials and log in to WTK.

If any questions are displayed, the employee must answer them. There is no default selection, and the
submit button is not enabled until the employee has selected one of the radio buttons. If the employee
doesn’t submit an answer, the screen will eventually return to the main display and no punch will be
Once submitted, a confirmation is displayed to the user.

 The actual confirmation text is defined in the system settings.
 The punch confirmation screen will display the server time adjusted for the employee’s time zone
as configured in Workforce.
 The Confirmation form will display for a short period before the main selection form is displayed
again. The time of the delay is configurable in the System Settings.

5.1 Passwords and Quick Time Stamp

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Login errors can occur for reasons such as:
 Incorrect user name or password
 Account locked out
The user’s account lockout status is configured by the standard Workforce Timekeeper Logon Profile
assigned to that user. The setup and configuration of the Workforce Timekeeper Logon Profiles is part of
standard Kronos functionality.
Login errors are reported using the message returned by the Workforce Timekeeper API. The following
screen is a sample showing such an error message:

Note: for employee account lockouts, once the employee’s account is locked it will be unlocked based on
the Workforce Timekeeper Logon Profile settings. For example, if the Logon Profile is configured to
unlock the account after a certain amount of time the employee will no longer receive the lockout error
when using the Quick Timestamp. If there is no time limit configured a system admin may need to unlock
the employee’s account. This is standard configuration that is part of Kronos.

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If the employee’s user account has been set to require a password change the employee will be
presented with the following screen allowing them to change their password.

 Once the employee enters the new password twice and selects “Change Password Now” the
password will be set to the new password. The employee will then be forwarded back to the
main Timestamp logon page to logon with the new password.
 If the employee selects Cancel they will be forwarded to the Timestamp logon page.
 Because their user account credentials have already been validated they will only be required to
enter the new password (i.e. the old password will not be required again.)
 When the user first enters the username and password, the original password will have been
validated before the user is presented with the change password screen. If the user entered an
invalid password initially he or she would have been presented with an invalid logon message.
Note: There are 2 reasons users password may require a change. Both of these are part of standard
Workforce Timekeeper configuration. The Timestamp screen will only determine if a password change is
required based on standard Kronos functionality.
1) A password change will be required if the system administrator selects the “Require password
change at next logon” box under the Person Editor
2) A password change will be required an employee’s password is required to be changed after a
certain number of days in the Workforce Timekeeper Logon Profile.
Note: Security questions as defined in Workforce Timekeeper are not supported by this solution. In
particular, users will not be prompted to change their security questions at password change or logon.

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6 My Approvals
My Approvals is a feature in the Attestation Tool Kit that addresses exceptions and their handling.
Exceptions in the Attestation Tool Kit can be generated when an employee performs certain actions, such
as submitting a missed punch, rejecting a day or pay period or an answer to a certain question posed
during the punch processing.
My Approvals allows users to address these exceptions that occur in Attestation Tool Kit or
When an Exception occurs, the My Approvals application is called to submit the Exception. Below are the
four types of exceptions that are configured by default.
 Missed Punch Exception: This exception is generated by ATK when an employee submits a
missed punch request.
 Day Rejection: This exception is generated by ATK when an employee rejects a day.
 Pay Period Rejection: This exception is generated by ATK when employee rejects a pay
 MyTimeStamp Answer Exceptions: This exception is generated by MTS when an employee
chooses an answer to a question. Answer exceptions are further classified into subtypes based on
the ID of the question that was answered.
Exceptions are displayed to the managers on the My Approvals screen. In each case, when the screen is
displayed, it will show all pending requests for all employees in the manager’s Employee Group defined in
Job Assignment tab > Manager Role > General section of the People Editor, within a certain time frame.
The navigator-based My Approvals screen is accessed via an entry under the My Links menu or right
clicking on a genie or using the GoTo control in navigator (WTK 7.0.7 +). On the mobile device, My
Approvals can be accessed via “My Approvals” menu on the home screen (WTK 7.0.7+). The same
screen on the navigator/web is accessed on the mobile home screen. On entry, the My Approvals screen
appears as such:

6.1 Approve/Reject a Missed Punch Exception

The Manager can approve or reject missed punch exceptions submitted by the employee via the ATK
Daily Approval
In the My Approvals Screen, the drop down list is populated with all pending requests submitted via ATK
and MTS for the manager’s employee group.

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When the manager selects a missed punch request, the details of the request are shown as in the
example below.

If the manager chooses to approve the request, then the approval message is displayed and the manager
can proceed to select other requests for processing:

If the manager chooses to reject the request, then the rejection message is displayed and the manager
can proceed to select other requests for processing:

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6.2 Acknowledge Day Rejection Exception
A manager can acknowledge a day or pay period rejected by the employee via ATK.
From the drop down list in the My Approvals screen, select a Day Rejection or Pay Period Rejection
exception request.
Below is a sample.

The manager can review the request by selecting the Acknowledge button. The confirmation message
will be displayed.

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6.3 Approve/Reject MyTimeStamp Answer Exception
A manager can approve/reject a MyTimeStamp answer exception submitted by the employee via
The screenshot below shows the Acknowledge button only. Please note that the Approve/Reject
functionality can also be configured. (Please refer to ATK Configuration Guide – My Approval
configuration section for more information).

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6.4 My Approvals – Mobile Views
The mobile My Approvals screen is accessed via the Mobile Views menu in the Kronos Mobile App. Go
to MobileViews > Mobile My Approvals. Choose a request to approve.

1. Tap Submit to go to the Calendar view to see the exception details.

2. Tap Continue to approve or reject the request. The Reject button can be configured in the KSS
Approvals Editor. Please refer to the configuration guide to configure the reject button.

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3. Select the action.

4. Tap Submit In this case, the selected action is to approve the request. The confirmation
message will be displayed.

6.5 My Approvals – InTouch Terminals

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The INTOUCH My Approvals screen is accessed via Smart View link same as that of mobile.
The request type in the example below is MyTimeStamp Answer exception.
Please choose a request to approve.

Select an exception request to go the Calendar view below:

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Choose the date to review the exception details. Click Close to close the window.

Click Continue to process with the request.

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If the manager chooses to Approve the exception request, the approval message will be

If the manager chooses to Reject the exception request, the rejection message will be displayed.
Manager may choose Rejection reason and enter Rejection note, if configured. Please refer to the
configuration guide section My Approvals Configuration.

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7 Manager Reports and Views

7.1 Manager Smart Views for the Kronos Terminal

There are three Smart Views provided with ATK to give the manager additional visibility into his or her
current operations when using the Kronos terminal. Each of these Smart Views is described below and
might be configured on the terminal as shown in this example.

These Smart Views display employees who work for the manager. Employees who work for a specific
manager are defined by the WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER Employee Group configuration for that manager.
These Smart Views display information only for today. “Today” is defined as the calendar day from
midnight to midnight local database server time.
For the three Smart Views that are presented below there are two situations that may result in a different
Nothing to Display – This would result in a message such as:

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Not Authorized – If someone other than a manager attempts to access one of these displays this
would result in a message such as:

 Printing Smart Views

If the Smart View Printing Tool is being configured as part of the ATK installation then a “Print”
button will appear on all printable displays as shown circled in red below. See the Smart View Printing
Tool section of this document for more information on printing capabilities.

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InTouch terminals will not have the printing buttons. Missed Punch Smart View

This display shows the manager’s employees who have missed punches for today. Missed punches are
defined by the WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER Totalizer. If an employee shows a missed punch on their
standard WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER timecard then that employee will show up on this display.
For the WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER Totalizer to see a missed punch the employee either has to be
scheduled or has at least one punch for the day that could be interpreted by the Punch Interpretation

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This display shows the manager’s employees who currently (for today) meet the requirements, below:

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This list shows employees reporting to the manager, whose last punch was an in-punch and the time
difference between that punch and the current system time (converted to the same time zone as the
punch) is greater than a specified duration. The duration is configurable via a property setting and
defaults to 5.5 hours. This list does not consider scheduled breaks.

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This list is only for employees with scheduled breaks. This list shows employees reporting to the
manager, who have breaks scheduled to occur within a certain time duration. This duration is
configurable via a property setting and defaults to 8 hours. A scheduled break is simply defined as a
scheduled shift segment of type “Break”. Optionally, the list may display only those employees who have
punched in for the shift (also determined by a property setting).

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This display shows the manager’s employees who are currently in an overtime condition for today and/or
for the current Pay Period. Overtime is defined by the WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER Totalizer. If an
employee’s timecard includes the defined overtime Pay Code(s) for the current Pay Period then that
employee will show up on this display.
To qualify for this list, an employee must have a positive total time value for a specified overtime pay
code in the current pay period.
The Pay Code(s) to be considered as “overtime” is configurable as part of the ATK installation. The pay
code name is controlled by a properties setting and may include SQL wild cards. For example,
 “Overtime Worked” specifies just that pay code name.
 “OT%” specifies any pay code name that begins with OT.
The matching pay code names may be individual or combined pay codes. To avoid duplication of hours,
care should be taken in specifying the overtime pay code name pattern.
Along with each employee name, the total hours matching the given pay code(s) in the current pay
period are shown.

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7.2 Manager Reports
There are several reports available for the managers to view. The general guidelines for running the
reports are the same
 Based on Excel output requirements, the report may need to be run in small groups to prevent any
performance issues as well as to not exceed the current Excel row limitations when outputting to
 For sorting to work correctly in Excel format, the Department summary should be suppressed
 The reports will be in landscape orientation
 The user may specify any available timeframe for the reports

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This report lets the manager know which of his employees are attesting daily or how many employees
have rejected their timecard. The results are sorted by department.
The following options can be set before the report is run:

(Note: the blank field is for AD-HOC entries, which are not supported for the reports at this time. Please
leave that field blank)
ATK_Show_summary: this is the Department Totals Summary (Suppress or Show) – this option will allow
the Department totals to be visible or hidden.
The header record will contain the following:
a. Daily Attestation Compliance Report or Pay Period Attestation Compliance Report
b. Time Period: (will display date range used for report)
c. Query: (will display hyperfind query used for report)
d. Printed: (will display date/time report was run)
e. Printed For: (will display name of user that ran report)
Report columns will contain the following:
a. <LL name property> – employee’s “department” (current “department” regardless of report run
b. Employee Name – employee’s full name
c. Manager Name – employee’s manager at report start date
d. Number of Days Approved or Number of Pay Periods Approved – number of days or pps employee
approved during timeframe
e. Number of Days or Number of Pay Periods Rejected – number of days or pps employee rejected
during timeframe (Custom ATK Rejected pay code from the period)
f. Total Days or Pay Periods Worked – number of days or PPs employee worked during timeframe

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g. Percentage Attested – ((Total Approved + Total Rejected) / Total Worked))
h. Action Taken/Notes – will be left blank

Department groupings (if not suppressed) will display a footer containing the following:
a. <LL name property> Totals
b. Number of Days or PPs Approved – sum of approved days or PPs for employees
c. Number of Days or PPs Rejected – sum of rejected days or PPs for employees
d. Total Days or PPs Worked – sum of days or PPs employees worked during timeframe
e. Percentage Attested – calculation for (Total Approved + Total Rejected) / Total Worked
f. Action Taken/Notes – will be left blank
Report footer will contain the following:
a. Total for report
b. Number of Days or PPs Approved – sum of approved days or PPs for employees
c. Number of Days or PPs Rejected – sum of rejected days or PPs for employees
d. Total Days or PPs Worked – sum of days or PPs employees worked during timeframe
e. Percentage Attested – calculation for (Total Approved + Total Rejected) / Total Worked
f. Action Taken/Notes – will be left blank
Option with ATK_Show_summary as “Yes”

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Option with ATK_Show_summary as “NO”

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This report has the exact same options as the daily attestation report except for the fact that it is
counting approval for an entire pay period. It looks to see if the selected pay period was approved in its
entirety or the entire pay period was rejected by the employee.
Option with ATK_Show_summary as “YES”

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Option with ATK_Show_summary as “NO”

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This report has the exact same options as the daily attestation report except for the fact that it is
counting the number of days the employee has the yes comment “Meal taken” in this case and “No”
comment “No meal taken” in this case with the out punch.

Option with ATK_Show_summary as “NO”

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Option with ATK_Show_summary as “Yes”

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This is a report for the ATK requests and their status. This report is gathered from the KSS_REQUESTS
table and shows all the rows in the mainframe for the employees chosen.

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This is a report that shows all the ATK Requests/reason combinations and their respective ratios for

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8 Using the Smart View Printing Tool
Smart View Technology allows for additional functionality to be programmed at a Kronos Terminal by
leveraging the terminal’s embedded web browser.
If configured employees can print some/all of functionality provided by the Smart Views.
The Smart View Printing Tool is an add-in tool set which will enable you to print the contents of certain
Smart Views that are normally displayed on a Kronos Terminal. See the Smart View Printing Tool User
Guide for information on other printable Smart Views available.
Note: The ‘Prompted’ Option (view then print) is not available on the InTouch terminal. Only
the Automatic Printing option is available on InTouch.

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