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Soran University
Faculty of Engineering
Chemical engineering department

Oil and gas industry in Kurdistan

Supervised by:
Professor Ibtsam kamal
Prepared by:
Muhammad Najmadin
Oil and gas have been discovered in Kurdistan region of Iraq for the first time in 1920s.
The Kirkuk Field was found in 1927 by the Turkish Petroleum Company (later to turn
into the Iraq Petroleum Company, IPC). The revelation well (Baba Gurgur-1)
experienced oil in the Cenozoic and
smothered, taking various days to control.
The disclosure all around was situated on
a surface anticline and near a flammable
gas leak: "The Eternal Fire of Baba
Gurgur" (father of fi re), which is accepted
to have been dynamic for over 4,000 years.
And since after that oil and gas developed
and became one of the best sources of
energy oil industry and also developed in
Kurdistan and discovered a lot of field
after that like (Tawke Field (Carstens,
2006) ,Bina Bawi, Sangaw, Chia Surkh,
Kurdamir and Qara Dagh).
Map of Iraq showing the location of major oil and gas fields

Production oil and gas industry

Oil and gas industry lately became very important source of economy in Kurdistan
almost all economy depend on it so discovering oil and gas is on of the most imports
that Kurdistan government do it. Some 40 new fields wildcat hydrocarbon discoveries
have been made in Kurdistan with two-thirds of these being located in the northern half
of the Kurdistan Region. Of these disclosures, 12 have endorsed improvement plans
and four of these (Tawke, Taq, Kor Mor and the Khurmala Vault) have signifi cant
creation narratives. The greater part of the found assets are considered to dwell in
Cenozoic, Cretaceous and Jurassic layers with the Triassic layers so far are considered
to make a little, yet significant, extent of generally found assets (Figure 13). Practically
the entirety of the hydrocarbons found in Cenozoic layers in Kurdistan are in the
southern aspect of the locale. Other than the Kor Mor and Chemchemal fields there
have not been so far any endorsed improvement plans for as of late found fields in the
southern piece of Kurdistan. The majority of found oil holds have been made in the
northern aspect of the district between the Taq and Tawke fi elds. This is believed to be
because of the development of the Jurassic source rocks, which are ideally developed
in the northern piece of Kurdistan however viewed as more profoundly covered and in
the light oil to gas window in the southern aspect of the district due to the significant
thicknesses of Cenozoic layers around there (English et al., 2015). The northern
territory is likewise a palaeohigh (the Mosul High) so repositories are shallower and
carbonates are maybe bound to be in shelfal facies (Aqrawi et al., 2010). Various
organizations are proceeding to investigate and assess their fi elds while improvement
is continuous. DNO as of late found extra assets in Jurassic layers beneath the current
Cenozoic also, Cretaceous field (DNO, 2013a). Investigation penetrating is progressing
in the Taq Field (a Cenozoic also, Cretaceous amassing) for more profound imminent
zones in the Jurassic and Triassic. It was as of late declared that the Taq profound very
much had experienced 300 m of gas condensate shows in the
Jurassic (Genel Energy, 2014b). Given the ongoing section of
certain players various investigation crusades have just barely
started (for example ExxonMobil). It is plausible subsequently that
comparative degrees of investigation what's more, examination
action will proceed for years to come with extra assets conceivably
found in more profound stratigraphy. Amount of oil in Kurdistan
according to OPEC is 43.7 billion barrels that have proven and
25.5 billion of unproven oil and (3-6) trillion meters of gas
account. And those dates put Kurdistan among top 10 richest
country in the world if Kurdistan was a independent country

-And oil production in Kurdistan In 2014 was (400bbr per day) and according to
ministry of natural resources the production of oil I Kurdistan region is expected to
grow and reach 2 million barrels per day by 2035

Kurdistan oil production forecast up to 2035.

Source: MN Reports; Wood Mackenzie; author’s estimates

By time oil and gas industry will grow and more field will be founded and more
company look for working in those field and there is some example and companies that
work in Kurdistan's fields

Kurdistan area of Iraq sits on head of a fluid gold mine.The endeavors and progress did
in investigation and creation joined with improving the foundation all through a decent
the executives of oil and gas industry will bring about amplifying the locale incomes
from the delivered oil and gas. On another hand, utilizing the incomes in right manner
will involve success and progress specifically when centers around building up the oil
business. Every one of that things structure a solid base and effective course to go
towards permitting Kurdistan Region of Iraq to set up itself as a noteworthy factor on
the world stage



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