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My nc,t door neighbour . .lclTrcy O'Cl11111or. has n ver) unusual orpcornnce. I le hos long hai r with o parting in the middle. u long
beard and usually wears an l,ld pair ofjenns und 1111 orungc shirt .
His clothes arc nol ver) suitable !'or working in u bunk. hul that is what he docs! Unless he undrcsc;c~ when he gets to work and
changes his clothes! lli s clothes arc usllltl ly lilthy and I' m sure he ne ve r washes them . /\II his clothes look old and worn -out.
The funny thing is that his son is very elcgn nt. I le is a tnll young man . his hai r is short and neat, he i~ always shaved and he ne ver
wears casual clothes. only line qunlity suits . ..:lcun shirts and blat:k runts. even on an informal occasion .
- - - - - --------------------------------------------------------------------
..1 have to ask you u favour. Could yuu pick my brother und his wife up frurn the airport tomorrow at 11 a.m.? I"m afraid f can·t leave work :·
··or course. What is their appcarnnccT
.. Well. he is tall with dark brown hair. He has a thick moustache and wears glosses. lie is handsome and he is 37 years old. lf is wife has
long curl y blonde hair and blue eyes. She is u slim lady. They urc u good- looking couple:·
.. And what are they liker
··wc11 he is easy-going. good sense of hu mour. but he is a bi t shy wit h people al first. llis wife is pleasant and friendl y:·
..Thank you for your help:·
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------------------------ -- -
·•sue. can you describe your seminar room?"
--The seminar room is bright. large and clean. The walls are white. The ceil ing is also white. The floor is light brown:·
'·What can you tell me about the objects in the room?"
..The desks are rectangular. They are made of wood. There are many books on the desks. They are made of paper. My bag is made of
leather. It is an expensive bag, you know."
''Thank you, Sue. That is enough."

Describing objects
Colours Size Material Shape
white small paper rectangular
black medium wood round
blue big steel circular
green large leather curved
red enormous gold square
violet/purple huge sil ver oval
orange narrow concrete triungular
grey high stone pointed/sharp
brown low china blunt
ye ll ow wide/broad plastic
dark bl ue metal
light blue cotton
yell owish glass

Describing people

Height Age Body-build Eyes

tall teenager fat/overweight blue
talli sh yo un g plump green
short middle-aged slim/thi n black
shortish elderl y well-built brown
of medi um height old skinny

Hair Face/Comple:cion Appearance Clothes

blonde/fa ir round beauti ful (women) casual
brown/brunette oval handsome (men) lilthy/dirty
black squa re nice/pretty (girls) worn-out
red freck led good- looki ng old-fashioned
grey suntanned ugly elegant
bald pule attructi vc tidy/clean
curl y dark neat
straight wrin kled messy
sho rt
, ,11c c., ,,. c,,11 rn1os11c 111 Clcscncrrit 011111rn ilor/ohlcctclor:
• What is I!l!JJ. li kc?/ What Jocs Tum look like? = Cum urnll\ .. llll!l.'7 (numclc pcrsoanei)
• What is jJ_ likc?/ Whnl J ocs jJ_ look like? = Cu111 arulll ... (ubieclul)'/
• What size is it? = Cc mari111e arc? / What shupc is ii? = Cc l'ormfi arc?
• What is it made ol'/ = Din c.: cste ll!cut? / Whul colour is it? = Cc culunrc arc?
• to lik.:/10 lu, c = a pll'\cca f. tu disl ike/to hate = a di spll\ccu

I. A re these sentences true or fitlse?

I. Jeffrey O"Connor hus a commun uppcuran..:c.
2. Jeffrey always wears an old pair ufjcuns und an orange shirt.
3. He works in a shop.
4. He washes his clothes every day: lhey are always clean.
5. Jeftrey's sun is very elegant.
6. He wears casual clothes even on a fom1al occasion.

II. Insert the correct word:

1._ She·~ got blonde ................................ . 2. He's got very pale ................................ . 3. The twins have got curly ........................... .
- I thmk he is of medium .............................. 5. Her brother has got blue ................................ 6. The girls in our university are very
...:....... ................. • 7. Old women have .......................... faces. 8. What ........................... is his beard? It is black. 9. My necklace is made
of ........................... • 10. Her T-shirt is made of ........................... . 11. Our house is made of .............................. 12. Her hair is not curly.
it is ................................ 13. You like people, you are very ................................... 14. What ............................... is this table? It is square.
15. How is this room? The room is .............................., it isn' t dark. 16. What shape is the Earth? It is .. .............. ........ ... 17. Your
shoes are made of .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 18. Furniture is generally made of .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 19. The colour of the sky is
........ ........... blue. 20. ls your ring made of .. ...... .. ...... ... or of .. ...... .................... ?

Ill. Write antonyms for:

• ugly i- • white f. • cheerful f.
• plump f. • young f.
• square-faced f. • nervous f.
• dark i- • polite i-
• neat f. • high i- • bad f.
• short f. • generous f. • honest f.
• brunette f. • shy i- • elegant f.
• narrow f. • patient f. • silly i-
• small f. • hard-working f. • happy f.
• friendly f.

IV. Describe a friend/ a colleague/ a teacher (name. height, appearance. personality).

V. Answer the questions:

I. What does a classroom look li ke? 5. What personality does your mom have?
2. What does your best friend look like? 6. How does your father look like?
3. What does your cousin look like? 7. What does a car look like?
4. What does your hair look like? 8. What does a pencil look like?

VI. Make sentences with: curly hair, Jal/ boy, neal clolhes, good-looking, bmneUe, yellowishfurnilure, /a_-y leacher, a worn-0111 shirl.

VII. Conjugate the verb TO HAVE in the present simple (affirmative and negative form). Talk about people.

VIII. What are these objects made of?

• What is furniture made of'? -+ ............ ......................... ................................................................................................................. ..
• What is a laptop made of? --+ .................................................................................................................................. ...................... .
• What is a block of apartments made of? --+ .............................................................................................. .................................... ..
• What is a car made of ?--+ ........................................................................ ..................................................................................... ..
• What is your bag made of'?--+ ......... .............................................................................................................................................. .
• What is a computer made of?--+ ...................................................... .... .. ......... ............................................................................... .
• What is a cup of tea made of? -+ .................................................................................................................................................. ..
• What is a window made of?-+ ................................................................................................................................. ................... ..
• What is your notebook made of?--+ .............................................................................................................................................. .
• What is a wedding ri ng made or? --+ .. ......................... ............. ........ ........................................................... ................ .... ............. ..
• What is a scarf made of'? -+ ................................................. ................ .................................. ........................................................
• What is a blouse made of? _
What is a pullover made of'?~··························· ......... ... ... ....... ....... ..................... ..... .... ....... ....... ..................... ................. .... .... .... .
• ....................................................................................... ······· .. ··········· ··· ···· ········ ········"•'''''''''''' '"'
• What is a house made ul'? _,. .......................................................................................................................................................... .
• What is a pen made ol'? _. ....................................................................................................... , ..................................................... .

IX. Translate the sentences below into English:

a. Aeeste !etc sunt inalte ~i au pt\rul lung ~i carlion\al.

b. Tuai o veri~oarl'I scund:1 ~i durdulic.
c. Unele strazi din ora~ul meu sunt inguste. iar altelc sunl late.
d. Ace~ti adolescen\i sunt tincri. frumo~i. intcligcn\i ~i curujo~i.
e. Cei doi baie\i nu sunt arato~i, dar sunt foartc amuzan\i.
f. Tata! lui este scund. gras. chel ~i are o musta\a lung!\.
g. Copilul lor este slab, palid ~i timid.
h. Cel mai bun prieten al meu este bine-facut, de~tept, elegant ~i brunet.
i. Aceasta doamna este supraponderala, scunda ~i rea; ea este nu este actri\!I.
j. Aceste camere sunt spatioase, luminoase ~i curate.

k. Blugii lui Ken sunt ponosi\i, vechi ~i foarte murdari.

X. Write sentences with these adjectives using different degrees of comparison (comparative/superlative) :
young, beautiful, interesting, old, big, attractive, tall, good, serious,funny, shy, bad
Model: My mother is younger and more beautiful than your aunt.

XI. Bl Listening: Describing people:

Listen to two students talking about the teachers al their college. Match the teacher's names to the photos.

• Mr Parker • Mr Chandler
• Mrs King • Mr Joseph
• Mr Willis • Mrs Brighouse
• Miss Wood • Mrs Amos
• Mr Johnson • Ms Tully


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