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Teleportation also
called, as Quantum
Teleportation is a
technique, which
involves the duplication
or re-creation of physical properties using light beams. Teleportation
involves the transfer of “quantum sates” between two separate atoms.
It relies on a strange behaviour that exists at the atomic scale known
as "entanglement", whereby two particles can have related properties
even when they are far apart.

Entanglement allows particles to have a much closer

relationship than is possible in classical physics. If two particles are
entangled, we can know the state of one particle by measuring the
state of the other. For example, two particles can be entangled such
that the spin of one particle is always "up" when the spin of the other
is "down", and vice versa. An additional feature of quantum
mechanics is that the particle can exist in a superposition of both these
states at the same time.

The landmark experiments are being viewed as a major advance

in the quest to achieve ultra-fast computers, inside which teleportation
could provide a form of invisible "quantum wiring".

These machines would be able to handle far bigger and more

complex loads than today's super-computers, and at many times their

Here in this paper we are going to discuss about the technique

involved in quantum computing, quantum cryptography and quantum
teleportation and in specific Quantum Computers along with its
advantages and disadvantages.

ROLL NO: O7N71A0450

Above date,time,place is not the birthday celebration day of any noble

person.But it may be going to be the deadday of many many innocent
people.yes,this is planned schedule of terrorist to destroy AIIMS and all these
informations collected before their attack from a suspected person by reading
his mind using a mind blowing technique called”MIND READING PHONES”.
Mind reading phones is an amazing trick or technology that can read someone’s
mind with a mobile phone.The mobile phone can detect the transmission of
brain waves of a human being and can detect what is going on his mind.


ROLL NO: 07N71A0450

1. Introduction

2. What is Mind Reading Phones ?

3. History

4. Graphical representation

5. Terms affecting the brain wave

6. Effect of electromagnetic waves on brain

7. Transmission of bioelectricity to mobile phones

8. Application area

9. Disadvantages

10.Future scope

11.Demo on my mobile

Human brain, the most valuable creation of God. The man is called
intelligent because of the brain.
• It is very difficult to know someone or to read someone’s mind, what is
on in his/her mind.
• But science has come to such a level that it can read someone’s
mindwith100% accuracy.
• So this topic based on how we can read someone’s mind using a mobile
• Nathan Eagle and Sandy Pentland at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology are working on a "mind-reading" software for mobile phones
that will get to know you as well as your friends.
The software prompts you to enter your location and activity every time
the phone moves into the range of a new cell mast- so it can associate
activities like socialising, or working with certain locations.

What is Mind Reading Phones ?

 Ans:-
 It is an amazing trick that will teach you how to perform mind reading or
mental telepathy with a normal mobile phone…….
 SAN FRANCISCO – How smart do you want your smart phone to
actually be? Do you want it to read your mind, even a little bit?
 Intel Corp.'s research chief, Justin Rattner, says that technology has
advanced to the point that "context-aware computing," an idea that's been
around for two decades, is becoming more of a reality with the rise of
mobile devices.
 That could lead to phones that act as psychics in your pocket. Rather than
simply amass secrets about you, the devices could be doing things with
that information, such as predicting what you might do next and offering
 Rattner showed a few examples during his keynote speech Wednesday at
Intel's annual developer conference in San Francisco.
 Among them: a prototype application Intel worked on with Fodor's
Travel. It learns what types of foods you like to eat and what types of
attractions you like to visit, based on searches you type into the phone or
locations identified using GPS. The software makes similar
recommendations when you visit a new city.
 Tech companies are already working to predict what people want, but
only in pieces.

History Of Experiments On
Mind Reading Phones
The first, led by Rodney Croft,of the Brain Science Institute ,Swinburne
University Of Technology in Melbourne,Austrailia tested whether the cell
phone transmission could affect brain waves.
The researchers monitored the experiment on brain waves of 120 healthy
men and women with a Nokia 6110 cell phone.
They got the result from EEGs(Electro Encephalogram)
of their brain waves with a mobile phone on transmission
mode and without the mobile.
Horne and his colleagues controlled a Nokia 6310e cell phone—another
popular and basic phone—attached to the head of 10 healthy but sleep-
deprived men in their sleep research lab. (Their sleep had been restricted
to six hours the previous night.) The researchers then monitored the men's
brainwaves by EEG while the phone was switched on and off by remote
computer, and also switched between "standby," "listen" and "talk" modes
of operation for 30 minute intervals on different nights. The experiment
revealed that after the phone was switched to "talk" mode a different
brain-wave pattern, called delta waves (in the range of one to four Hertz),
remained dampened for nearly one hour after the phone was shut off.
These brainwaves are the most reliable and sensitive marker of stage two
sleep—approximately 50 percent of total sleep consists of this stage—and
the subjects remained awake twice as long after the phone transmitting in
talk mode was shut off. Although the test subjects had been sleep-
deprived the night before, they could not fall asleep for nearly one hour
after the phone had been operating without their knowledge.
Graphical Representation Of
The Brain Wave
 The blue line in graph shows the brain wave without the
mobile phone.

 The black boosted line shows the significant increase of

the brain wave due to presence of mobile phone on
transmission mode.

 They got to know that brain waves get boosted

with the mobile phone due to presence of some kind

of waves called ALPHA waves.

 They conclude that they can detect the brain behaviour or
can read the mind of a person through mobile phones…

 After that James Horne and colleague from Lough Borough

university in England gave many theories about Mind
Reading Phones.

Lab pictures
He was the great scientist Rodeny Croft in his lab
 The key term by the help of which we can detect the brain behaviour is
Electromagnetic wave.

 Cell phone in talking mode can affect the brain wave actively due to
presence of electromagnetic wave.

 The exciting thing about it is that it can modulate brain function.

 Brainwaves change with a healthy person's conscious and unconscious

mental activity and state of arousal. But scientists can do more with
brainwaves than just listen in on the brain at work-they can selectively
control brain function by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This
technique uses powerful pulses of electromagnetic radiation beamed into
a person's brain to jam or excite particular brain circuits.
Effect of electromagnetic
waves of phones
It has many more effects in various fields,thats why mobile phones are
restricted in many places.
Aeroplanes and hospitals banned the use of cell phones because their
electromagnetic radiation can affect the electrical devices and can make the
plane crash.
Alpha waves fluctuate at a rate of eight to 12 cycles per second (Hertz).
These brainwaves reflect a person's state of arousal and attention. Alpha
waves are generally regarded as an indicator of reduced mental effort,
"cortical idling" or mind wandering. But this conventional view is perhaps
an oversimplification. Croft, for example, argues that the alpha wave is
really regulating the shift of attention between external and internal inputs.
Alpha waves increase in power when a person shifts his or her consciousness
of the external world to internal thoughts; they also are the key brainwave
signatures of sleep.

If cell phone signals boost a person's alpha waves, does this nudge them
subliminally into an altered state of consciousness or have any effect at all
on the workings of their mind that can be observed in a person's behavior? In
the second study, James Horne and colleagues at the Loughborough
University Sleep Research Centre in England devised an experiment to test
this question. The result was surprising. Not only could the cell phone
signals alter a person's behavior during the call, the effects of the disrupted
brain-wave patterns continued long after the phone was switched off.

"This was a completely unexpected finding," Horne told me. "We didn't
suspect any effect on EEG [after switching off the phone]. We were
interested in studying the effect of mobile phone signals on sleep itself." But
it quickly became obvious to Horne and colleagues in preparing for the
sleep-research experiments that some of the test subjects had difficulty
falling asleep.

From the above example one question comes to our mind that is…..
Could the brain can fall into this category
yes of course our our brain is under this category.Because all our thoughts ,
sensations and actions arise from the BIOELECTRICITY .So our brain can acts
like an electrical devices . And this bioelectricity is generated from the living
cells ,tissues or organism like neurons.

That’s why the electromagnetic waves of mobile phones can affect our brain or
can detect our behaviour of brain waves.
Transmission of Bioelectricity
to Mobile phones
The generated bioelectricity is transmitted through complex
neural circuit inside our brain.

• Electrical signals between neurons generates electric field

that radiate out of brain tissue as electric waves.

• And these waves are picked up by mobile phones touching

a person’s brain.

Bluetooth short-range radio links determines who you

associate with.
Software prompts to enter your location and activity every
time the phone moves into the range of a new cell mast.
So it can associate activities like socialising, or working with
certain locations.
Makes suggestions based on your habits and diary.
Analyses how good a relationship is by how often the user
calls a certain friend

Maintaining a database of
brain waves
 We can store the brain waves of a normal human in
different situations.

 During detection someone’s brain,we can match his/her

brain waves with the stored brain waves.

 According to the matched wave , we can know or detect

what is going on in his/her brain.

 Security purpose in defence line:

detecting the mind of a terrorist to know how,when,where

the next attack will occur.

• In Medical line:

Doctors can detect many diseases using this technique.

• Fraud detector:

it can also detect the frauds like a lie detector.

 For drunkers:

It can alarm you that you have drunk you

should not talk on mobile now.

• Remembering things without any effort.
• Making decision without the presence of a person.

• Using intelligence of a person after the death .

• Understanding the activities of animals .

• Allowing the deaf to hear via direct nerve

• stimulation.


• A new, implantable and wireless brain chip can create artificial

connections between different parts of the brain, paving the way for
devices that could reconnect damaged neural circuits. Scientists say the
chip sheds light on the brain's innate ability to rewire itself, and it could
help explain our capacity to learn and remember new information.

• We have a chance of manipulating and repairing [specific] regions of

the brain that might be damaged. In stroke and spinal-cord injuries, neural
circuits may be damaged, leaving patients with profound problems in
movement or speech. In recent years, scientists have begun developing
brain-cognitive interfaces, which record neural signals and transmit them
either to a computer, to another part of the brain, or to another body part
in effort to get around the neural blockade.

The chip will give these forces the ability to communicate,

and prosecute military operations.

The Implanted Microscopic Brain Chip performs two functions.

First, it links the individual to the IIC (Information Integration

Center), creating a seamless interface between the user and

information resources (in-time collection data and archival


In essence, the chip relays the processed information

from the IIC to the user.

Second, the chip creates a computer-generated mental


based upon the user's request. The visualization encompasses


individual and allows the user to place himself into the selected

space. A highly mobile information operations center created

with the chip-IIC interface makes it much more elusive to



 It can affect our brain more than a normal mobile phone.

 Our secrates may be nomore secrates.

 We become dependent upon the computer .

 Others may use technical knowledge against us.

 Till now the concept is not used. Many experiments are
going on this topic.

 Very soon it will be implemented.

This will be a tremendous achievement for us in many fields after the success.
We will be able to transfer ourselves into computers at some point.
It will bring both benefits and harm to human society .

 My mobile will tell you which card you have selected by reading your

You need an accomplice for this trick but the effect is well worth the effort. You
also need a simple code system that will convey the name of your card to your
accomplice. It is in fact a clever system that lets your accomplice know the
name of the card through the name you give him.
First of all, let us deal with the suits. These are communicated through his first
The value of the card is communicated through the surname.
• Ace = Anderson
• Two = Brown
• Three = Connery
• Four = Dunlop
• Five = Evans
• Six = Fox
• Seven = Gordon
• Eight = Henderson
• Nine = Irvine
• Ten = Jones
• Jack = Kyle
• Queen = Livingstone
• King = McLeod
The surnames are in alphabetical order and the number of the letter of the
alphabet corresponds to the value of the card.
To perform the trick, you ask a spectator to pick any card from the deck. When
you see the card, you then make up the name that corresponds to that card, For
example, if the card that was picked was the four of clubs, then that would give
you the name CHARLES DUNLOP.
You then tell the spectator that you know a psychic called Charles Dunlop, who
is such a great mind reader, he can read minds over the telephone. You then key
in your friend's number on your mobile and hand the phone to the spectator. You
tell the spectator to ask for Charles Dunlop.
When your accomplice answers the phone he asks the spectator who he is
looking for and naturally the spectator says Charles Dunlop. Your accomplice
then says he is Charles Dunlop.
As your friend has either memorized the code or has it written down, he is able
to quickly tell the spectator that the card he is thinking of is the four of clubs.
When your friend has done this, he just terminates the call.
This is a terrific mind reading trick and will absolutely blow the audience away.
Michael Breck is a professional Magician in Scotland. He also runs an
entertainment agency called The Magic Agency. He has been entertaining at
weddings and booking entertainment for weddings for over twenty years. For
more ideas about wedding entertainment go to Entertainment For Weddings or
Magical Entertainment


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