Directions: Follow The Journal Format Below For Each Journal Entry You Write. Each Entry Should

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HIS 315K


Directions: Follow the journal format below for each journal entry you write. Each entry should
be about 75 words in length. Write all journal entries in one document for the entire semester.
Each new journal entry goes on top of the previous one. Do not delete old entries from the
document. Once you have written a journal entry, save the document and upload it to the
correct journal entry assignment on Canvas. The first entry in your journal should match the
journal entry assignment you are submitting on Canvas.

Journal entry 3.3:

October 23, 2020

Describe what is meant by the great awakening be sure to discuss the term in reference to the
events of the early 19th century.

I think it’s considered a second great awakening because people started to realize what it was
to be a truly good person. Finney started testing people on the anxious bench where people
would publicly confess, and that would guide them to leading a changed life. And as more
people saw this they began to realize who the good people actually were, they weren’t the rich
classy people but the humble ones. I feel this is significant because people started to look for
the actual good people to lead them.

Journal entry 3.2:

October 23, 2020

List five significant transformations the U.S. underwent during the period from 1800 to 1845.
Write one descriptive sentence for each transformation. Each sentence must be a “complex
sentence”. This means that it will explain a paradox, sequence, a cause and effect, or in
someway demonstrate the complexity of the issue. You’ll need to use a comma or two to
accomplish this.

1)The cotton industries expanded heavily, with the release of the cotton gin that made it easier
to prepare the cotton to be sold the effectiveness of cotton production increased which
eventually led to more slaves. 2) Black population increased, with the emancipation slowly
proceeding the more black people became free and therefore had free or almost free children.
3) marriage changed over the years, there were more jobs than farmers and merchants, so the
new generations didn’t value having land as much as they valued personality and status.
4)many women fought for better working conditions, they wanted the work day to end at ten
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hours, and even thought they only got partial success, it was a start. 5)child labor began to
change, children were only allowed to work ten hour days, but this led to child protection and
assurance of education

Journal entry 2.8:

October 2, 2020

How did Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana simultaneously contradict his theory of government
and also support his idea of republicanism? (This may seem like a tough question, but I think
john green offers some good clues.)

When he went through with the Louisiana purchase he went against his belief that government
should follow the constitution to the word in order to not give it too much power. But the
constitution didn’t say anything about the president purchasing land to expand america. Yet if
he bought the land it would’ve reassured that every white family would be blue to have their
own small farm and be able to live individually without much help form the government.

Journal entry 2.7:

September 30, 2020

Following the Revolution, the nation’s founders discovered that they had differing notions
about what would be best for the new republic.  After reading and reflecting on your work to
date, describe what you see as the major differences that are emerging.

I believe that the main difference between the federalist and the anti federalist is fairly simple.
The federalists fear that the government will become tyrannical and have too much power,
which would’ve been no different than what they came from (Britain and the much too
powerful parliament). The anti federalist fear that if they’re government is weak and lenient it
will end up just like the articles of confederation did (shays rebellion, nothing really got done,
debt wasn’t getting paid, etc).

Journal entry 2.6:

September 28, 2020

List three ways in which the new state governments remained quite similar to the ways they
were governed as colonies
HIS 315K

o They had executive powers

o They had legislature
o Not everyone had representation in politics (though more people were allowed to)
List three ways in which the new state governments changed, often altering old power

o More people were allowed to vote

o Government didn’t have much power
o Each state had their own constitutions & bills

Journal entry 2.5:

September 28, 2020

What did zinn mean by “a kind of” revolution? Do you agree with his argument? Provide
reasons (evidence) for your opinion.

I believe that by “ a kind of revolution he meant that there wasn’t much of a choice, or that it
didn’t really start as a Revolution. I say this because in the article it says they didn’t have a
choice to fight or not. Either they were drafted or the people were looking to get some money I
say it didn’t really start as a revolution because it started as a an issue between the classes. The
poor would revolt against the rich because the differences in representation or rights was

Journal entry 2.4:

September 24, 2020

Conduct an internet search to locate a reputable, reasonable, and brief, account of the
American revolutionary war. try to void the first hits which re the sources everyone reads

Boston tea party ship
date accessed: September 23, 2020
author: sponsored by history com
(Secure website)

The American revolution was expected by both the British and the colonists. It started in Boston
when a militia only wanted to intimidate the red coat, but a shot was fired and thus began the
HIS 315K

revolutionary war to independence. The colonists army was nothing fancy but they were
whipped into shape. And somehow led the colonies through wins and losses but eventually
they gained their independence at the surrender of Britain’s general to surrender Cornwallis

Journal entry 2.2:

September 22, 2020

Prepare a list of the five most important causes (events, preconceptions, conditions, etc.) that
you believe created the conditions an/or impulse for revolution. As you create your list think
about what you are leaving out—and the reasons you rejected certain events

o America was becoming independent, but the English wanted the colonists money
o The proclamation of 1763 didn’t allow the growing population of colonists to expand
o All the taxes that were imposed on the colonists made them mad, especially the poorer
o The troops living in the colonists homes without permission no matter how rude they
o The Boston Massacre

Journal entry: 1.9

September 14, 2020

Using outline, TAY, and any other appropriate sources as references, make a list of the
assumptions colonists might have made that confirmed they were British. Bring a hard copy of
your list, as you will need to contribute this information to a team IQ.

o Political thoughts
o Thoughts on government involvement
o Society norms
o Democracy labels (oligarchy or republic)

Journal entry: 1.8

September 10, 2020
HIS 315K

Write an explanation about what the terms “old” and “new” religion meant in the early 18 th

The old religion was kind of seen as the rugged and strict religion that was very dull, this made
it less popular with in the new generations. On the other hand the new religion was this great
awakening that helped people feel like they were part of something. The great awakening that
started this era of the “new” religion also began the uprising of new religiousness which made it
easier to find a religion that best fits certain people.

Journal entry: 1.7

September 10, 2020

Journal entry: 1.6

September 8, 2020

What does Zinn’s chapter suggest about the social mobility in colonial America? Who had the
best chances to get ahead? The worst? What is his best evidence?

In the colonial era of the United States, social mobility was at a limbo, and at 1770, the 1% of
rich owned 44% of land. Those whose parents originally came to America and settled land early
were the best off. With corn to eat, and tobacco to export, there was money to be made which
was spent on fancy home decorations, self portraits, and of course, servants and slaves. Those
who migrated to the Americas later, had less chances of getting ahead. Many would be poor
and hungry from the long ship ride, and would need work. These would be picked up as
servants, and were known as "poor whites." Howard uses original passages and work in order
to prove his points.

Journal Entry: 1.5

September 8, 2020
HIS 315K

Locate a reputable website that provides details about the Salem witchcraft crisis. Write the
title of the website, create a url link to that site, and write the date you accessed the site. (This
is important, as it shows the rebased where you got your information,) summarize the main
ideas and events you found.

HISTORY,, September 8th

In this article the main ideas that were pointed out were the reasons why the Salem witch trials
started and lists some of the things the accused would do as to survive. Some ladies would
plead guilty and begged for forgiveness, others would refuse that they were guilty and were
most likely killed. The article also stated the significance of the witch trials, which was that the
court system began to disregard spectral evidence  because “It would better that ten suspected
witches may escape than one innocent person be condemned.”

Journal Entry:1.4
September 4, 2020

Describe the puritan ideas of a “city upon a hill.” Why is this an important idea? What could go
wrong? Be specific. Use complete sentences.

City upon a hill is what John Winthrop visualized and hoped the place the people from the
Arbella ship would establish. It was a peaceful place where the wealthy wouldn’t steal from the
poor but help and give charity to those in need. This idea for a city is important because they
believed they would set the example for the perfect puritan life. I believe that many things
could go wrong with this, one being that the people (mainly the leaders) could become
obsessed with the idea of a utopia that they loose the balance between right and wrong.

Journal entry: 1.3

September 1, 2020

The first slave codes were not enacted until the 1660s. What were the definitions of slavery set
out in the slave laws? Why weren’t there laws defining the conditions of slavery until more than
forty years after the first Africans were imported into the British North American colonies?

When African Americans first came to the colonies, specifically Virginia they came as slaves.
The excerpt states “It seems clear that most of the Africans, perhaps all of them, came as
HIS 315K

slaves, a status that had become obsolete in England”. Slavery wasn’t as popular in England at
the time so when the colonies were formed slavery was present but as the expert stated there is
no proof that they had more severe discipline for slaves as there was for servants. Aside from
that it was very common for African Americans to gain their freedom and become landholders
homeowners. I believe that slavery being obsolete in England at the time the colonies were
formed played a big part in there not being set slave laws during the late 1600’s

Journal entry: 1.2

September 1, 2020

Zinn discusses a number of ways in which the ideas of owning Africans became an accepted
part of the colonial American culture. List at least six.

Black people were extremely degraded to whites and because of these feelings they were hated
and belittled(1). Africans had been known to be slaves for the past hundred years, so the black
men and women that were taken to Jamestown were expected to be slaves and it would’ve
been strange to think otherwise(2). They had been stolen from their homes and were forced to
live somewhere that had a completely different way of life, from the clothes to the language
this made them seem inferior(3). Slavery existed in Africa as well, Europeans used this as an
excuse which also normalized slavery(4). The torture and suffering from the trip alone made
them seem fit for the role of a slave(5).them having a different manner of living than the whites
wasn’t the only thing that was demeaning to them, the color black itself was frowned upon too.
It was perceived as dirty and foul(6).

Journal Entry: 0.3

August 21, 2020

What was the most (shocking, revelatory, puzzling - - or choose a verb that better fits your idea)
insight gained in reading the Silas Deane essay

The most shocking thing about the Silas Deane essay was the fact that Bancroft was a double
spy. This gave the essay an interesting turn, and it supported his main idea greatly. This truly
made me question wether or not Silas Deane committed suicide or not.

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