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How To Overcome Your Fear Of Public

Speaking In Less Than 30 Days And Become A

Recognized Expert In Your Field

I did it… you can too!

By Vicky Heron

In December Bob and I were visiting Joe Vitale and his lovely life-mate Nerissa Oden at their
Wimberley Estate. We had been to a meeting earlier that day regarding a new venture we were
working on together.

As we were all sitting around their kitchen table and visiting and having a good time Joe
suddenly asked me if I’d like to be a guest speaker at his first ever Joe Vitale Spiritual Marketing
Super Summit in Austin, Texas (which occurred on January 15-18, 2004 and was a smashing

I knew this was a heck of an opportunity to get my name out there and to be recognized as an
expert in my chosen profession, copywriting. I also knew I always wanted to speak about my
passion for copywriting but I was petrified at the thought of getting up and actually doing it. Just
the thought of getting up in front of all those people would make me shake uncontrollably.

So when Joe asked me if I was interested I did three things immediately:

1. I dropped the pen I was using and said “yes”

2. I asked my husband (Bob) where the Valium was
3. I ordered Public Speaking Mastery ASAP!

Public Speaking Mastery is a hypnosis set that contains 4 CD’s worth of hypnosis sessions that
are guaranteed to put you at ease with speaking in front of people. Wendi Friesen is the creator
of this valuable “must have” confidence tool.

As luck would have it the Universe was watching out for me when Joe popped the question. Two
days later I received an email from another copywriter advertising the Public Speaking Master
hypnosis product. As I read the email I found myself saying, “That’s exactly what I need and

Before I continue, let me explain how I was so sure hypnosis would work
so well for me? I knew beyond all doubt because hypnosis was the only thing
on this planet helped me EASILY give up the smoking habit. I was a smoker
for over 25 years and had tried every product and prescription out there.
Nothing worked.

Finally, out of shear desperation, I tried hypnosis and it worked like magic.
After one session I was a non-smoker and I’ve never felt better in my life.
As a result, when I was faced with this speaking challenge, I had confidence
that I could easily reprogram myself using hypnosis.

So I got on the Internet and ordered Public Speaking Mastery at
So I got on the Internet and ordered it. For the next 30 days I listened to these CD’s several times
a day. And when the big event arrived, I felt 100% ready. I was actually looking forward to it.
Now I did feel small butterflies in the pit of my stomach just before I went on stage, but I used
the post-hypnotic suggestions I learned in Public Speaking Mastery, did some deep breathing and
soon the butterflies were history.

After my speech, I had so many wonderful people come up to me and congratulated me on the
great job I did. They said if I had not told them this was my first speaking engagement, they
would have never known it.

Now ask yourself – How confident do you want to feel?

Just like me, Wendi Friesen – creator of Public Speaking Mastery –

struggled with this same number ONE fear. She overcame it by discovering
some very powerful techniques for banishing her fear of public speaking.

Here’s more of Wendi’s story:

Oh, sure, the excitement is still there... you know that feeling... the wonderful anticipation that
you feel just before you speak? But I have to tell you, that there is no more fear. This feels great.

Now I want to help you feel this good!

You probably know how much money you could make if your presentations were knockout
performances- with your audience feeling happy and excited when you speak. Your seminars and
presentations will be in demand and will leave people talking about you.

You also know that it would increase your business and your credibility.

You know that your confidence would inspire others to be part of your business and want to
promote you.

My success is largely due to the speaking skills that I learned. People talk about my seminars!
They write wonderful testimonials. It is because I forced myself the learn the hypnosis and NLP
skills that virtually changed my life. Becoming a powerful speaker is an art. It is not something
you learn consciously, like most skills. This is learned from within.

You know you want to succeed, yet you have a fear of success. One part of you is trying like
heck to work hard, make all the right moves, and get that competitive edge...
While at the same time, another part of you is trembling with fear doing everything possible to
sabotage your efforts. The harder you try to get over the fear of public speaking- the harder this
sabotage rears its head, cutting you off at the knees once again.

How can this happen? You know your life will improve if you are more confident, able to
create wealth, be powerful and persuasive in front of an audience.

Many powerful and successful people have come to me for therapy because their fear is too
great. They are able to give decent presentations, but they are petrified, lose sleep, have panic
attacks, and just can’t get over it. Many are so afraid of public speaking that they have lost their
desire to succeed, and are sabotaging all their efforts.

No matter how successful you are, or what you  have accomplished, if you have a deep seated
belief that you are unworthy, your subconscious mind will help you comply with your deepest
belief that you are not worthy of that kind of success.

Even though you consciously want to be a great speaker for all the right reasons, your
subconscious mind probably has a ton of evidence that you are not good enough that is deeply

*Your are not worthy

*You do not deserve wealth
*Nobody wants to hear what you have to say
*They will laugh at me

Where did these beliefs come from? Why are they so hard to shake? You may know, on a
conscious level, that you are good enough, educated enough, smart enough. But your inner mind
is not convinced. When you were very young your mind was an open slate. You had no evidence
to the contrary when you formed your first, and most profound beliefs. Now you can change all
that. In a very short time. Hypnosis cuts through the crap. NLP creates powerful new beliefs
about your inner state. Are you ready?

Or  do you want to read yet another book about imagining your audience naked, as a public
speaking technique? Give me a break... click here –
wendi&1300 to start creating your success from within.
Vicky Heron is the owner of Success Strategies Unlimited, specializing in Direct Response Copywriting
and Professional Success Coaching. She’s an Executive Board Member of the Hypnotic Marketing
Institute, Inc. and a Board Member of the In Search Of Heroes, Inc. non-profit organization. She writes
articles, web copy, sales letters, direct mail packages, and has been published in several magazines and
other projects too numerous to mention here. Recently, Vicky was a guest speaker at the Joe Vitale
Spiritual Marketing Super Summit in Austin, Texas. She also publishes a fr.e.e monthly E-zine called
“Writing For Success.” Be sure to up for it at and receive a
fre^e g-ift.

This article may be reprinted, distributed, and posted freely as long as the entire byline is included.
Copyright © 2004 Success Strategies Unlimited - All Rights Reserved

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