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St. Mary's
County Times


Counting The
2 The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020










IN THE MAIL? County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County

Burris’ Olde Towne Insurance

Auto • Home • Business • LIFE
301-475-3151 301-743-9000
AN INDEPENDENT AGENT REPRESENTING Information provided by St. Mary's Health Department
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Endorsement 3

County Times Endorses

Chris Palombi
Steny Hoyer is the majority leader the economic and military envy Xi Jinping was aware of the lethal of himself. We would like to think
of the United States House of Rep- of the world once again. Nations threat to the elderly and others with Hoyer would go back to Washington
resentatives. We are proud here taking economic advantage of the certain respiratory illnesses, but that and stand up against the radical left
in the 5th Congressional District of United States were having to com- would be a rather small price to pay, wing of his party. We would like to
Maryland to have our congressman pete honestly, with China paying the at least among his own people as think Hoyer would bring common
achieve such a lofty level of lead- highest price. those were the least productive and sense back to the Democratic Party.
ership. We sometimes take it per- Nations that were threaten- most costly. The Chinese people are We would like to think Hoyer
sonal, and sometimes are selfish ing global peace were sanctioned exceptionally good people; the Xi would speak out against Supreme
as we hope his leadership position and pressured to create new peace Jinping regime is barbaric. He was Court packing and phony Russia in-
will provide our community with alliances and restraint against able to take America down without vestigations. That he would be an
benefits, we may not get with just a aggression. firing a single bullet. advocate for integrity on both sides
“regular congressman”. Meanwhile Pelosi, Hoyer, Schiff, America will recover, and the of the isle. That he would speak
Some like to think he provides a Nadler and the entire Democratic course Trump laid out will return, out against stoking the f lame of
higher level of protection for the pro- Party in Washington would spend and China will pay a huge economic racial divide and speak up for all
grams and assets related to Patuxent the next four years with one politi- price for their actions. And our cit- Americans.
River Naval Air Station as well as cal distraction after another. First ies that have been destroyed by the But he will not. And that is why
other federal assets throughout the a phony investigation into Trump rioters will be largely rebuilt, al- we are endorsing Chris Palombi for
5th Congressional District. Maybe collusion with Russia; there was no though not all as some Democratic Congress.
he does. evidence that it ever happened, the mayors and councils will be left Palombi is a man of high integ-
Hoyer most likely will win yet collusion was with the Clinton cam- holding the bag for their loyalty to rity. A former police officer, a high
another term in this upcoming elec- paign. They all knew it, but Trump the rogue democratic establishment school coach and a well-rounded en-
tion. His gerrymandered district is had to be stopped. rather than the people they were ergetic individual. What he would
built to protect him even more than Next was the phony impeachment. elected to serve. bring to the job may not be exactly
he protects us. Another hoax yet an extraordinary Pelosi, Hoyer, Schiff, Nadler, what the 5th Congressional District
We believe through most of his effort to disrupt Trump using the Schumer, they all will continue their may need right now, what he brings
political career Hoyer, while we most powerful tool they had, cor- efforts to stop Trump at all costs. to the job is exactly what our nation
may not agree with his policy deci- ruptly. The Democrats were going We would like to think Hoyer is the needs right now, common sense and
sions, has been an honorable pub- to destroy the elected President of one who would put his country ahead America first.
lic servant who has worked for his the United States no matter the cost
district. Deep inside, in the past we
have been proud to have the majority
leader hail from our hometown.
to our nation.
While Pelosi, Hoyer, Schiff,
Nadler and the entire Democratic
Sell it - Buy it
This election however is not about
Steny Hoyer, this election is about
Party were busy keeping Trump in
the middle of distraction after dis-
America. Steny Hoyer and the Dem- traction, our enemies were busy pre- Real Estate │ Business & Inventory │ Personal Property/Estates
ocratic Party have spent the past 12 paring for the final take down. │ Farm Equipment & Machinery │ Livestock │ Storage Units │
years attempting to embolden the A cabal against freedom, led by Benefits/Fundraisers │ Certified Personal Property Appraiser
radical left wing of the Democratic George Soros, was raising money,
Party and now, they are in control of recruiting people, and providing Mechanicsville Building Supply
the Democratic Party. the roadmap for an outbreak of riots Retirement Auction●
Actions by the democratic party across America. EXCITING FUN ● FAST ● EFFICIENT
over the past four years, along with At the same time, while not in Business Inventory Liquidation
recent statements by Nancy Pelosi concert with Soros, China’s Presi- SATURDAY – NOVEMBER 7th @ 9 AM
and Adam Schiff are shameful and dent Xi Jinping was preparing a (Registration begins 7:30 am day of auction)
appalling. She and her leadership most barbaric act. Knowing full
team are a disgrace to our nation, well his vision of a new world order
28155 Three Notch Road – Mechanicsville, MD
and by his own choosing, this in- lead by China had been set back by Liquidation of Remaining Inventory: Hand Tools; Electrical & Plumbing
cludes Hoyer. the US President who was under at- Supplies; Fishing Items; Home, Lawn & Garden Items; Carpentry Tools;
Four years ago, America elected tack at home, he would take his own Selection of Hardware; Bolt Bins; Shelving; Paints; Many Other Items
a new kind of president, one who actions. Subject to additions and deletions. Please adhere to health/safety guidelines.
promised to bring back the Ameri- Xi Jinping could not challenge the
can pride, the American ingenuity, US with a military fight, he would Mechanicsville Rescue Squad Auxiliary On Line
the American strength, the Ameri- lose even more. However, as Amer- Auction Event (and Bake Sale)
can worker. The leadership of the ica was consumed with a phony im-
Democratic Party (and many in the peachment trial bought on by the Online Bidding begins Nov. 5th
Republican Party) were pressured by Democrat’s leadership and support- and will begin to close Nov. 10th at 7 pm
the international community of large ed by the entire rank and file of the Auction Preview and Bake Sale Friday, Nov. 6th, 5 – 7pm
businesses, banks, and governments Democratic Party, Xi Jinping saw an Westfield Farm Arena
to stop Trump at all costs. opportunity and he took advantage
The Obama “American Apology of it. 26689 Laurel Grove Road, Mechanicsville, MD
Tour” which took place immediate- He released upon the world, in- For more information regarding online bidding go to:
ly after his election was now being cluding his own people, a virus that
threatened. Trump would make no would bring the world economy, in-
apologies for America; in fact, he cluding the United States economy A Southern Maryland Professional Auction Company
would demand a more level playing to it knees. It was just the perfect
field. He had to be stopped, at all bioweapon, not enough to cause un-
costs. controlled death among most people,
Yet Trump did exactly what he but enough to create a worldwide 301.904.3402
said he would do, and America was panic.
4 Local News The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Rescue Assistance
EMS Billing
50 %OFF
Green Velvet Green Luster Blue Rug Dwarf Burford
Winter Gem Compacta Procumben Nana Carissa
Wintergreen Helleri Blue Pacific Needle Point
Baby Gem Soft Touch Blue Star
Green Mountain Steeds Gold Mop Cypress
Blue Angle Glabra Compacta Gulf Stream Manhatten
Nandina Domestica Emergency Management Director Steve Walker briefs commissioners on plans to support rescue squads.
Blue Princess & Prince
Blue Girl & Boy Fire Power By Guy Leonard said. “What happens in December? I
Staff Writer don’t know that yet, we’ll figure that out.
pay for contract medical assistance for
“We’re looking at EMS billing to
all the county’s rescue squads will last The current assistance plan will cost
through the end of the year but once that about $110,000 a month, Walker said.
money runs out, the Commissioners of “That’ll take us into February… EMS
St. Mary’s County began to look for oth- billing is an important part of this,” he
er revenue sources to keep the contract said.
personnel in place. That could mean hiring a contrac-


Emergency medical services billing tor to do the billing work, according to
could be one of those sources, something Walker, or hire a coordinator to track
never before instituted in St. Mary’s. billing.
Wentworth White Starter Fertilizer The commissioners authorized the “Will it pay for everything? I don’t
House Grass Seed Good for new lawns, installing sod & use of $550,000 in CARES Act funding know that,” Walker told commissioners.
reseeding. Promotes rapid root growth. to pay for the contract medics as well as “We’re trying to come up with some so-
50 lb. bag ONLY
5,000 sq. ft. the purchase of an additional ambulance lutions if that need is still there.”
119 88
When you Buy 3
ONLY2188 $ that will operate out of the county’s De-
partment of Emergency Services.
Commissioner Eric Colvin sounded
his support for some kind of EMS bill-
15,000 sq. ft.
or more 50 lb Bags $ 88 That ambulance will be staffed and ing in the future.
5lb and 25lb Bags Available driven by qualified emergency medi- “EMS billing… we’ve to move for-
cal technicians (EMTs) stationed at the ward with that to make this work in the
Totes of Colonial Gray & Natural emergency department to fill any gaps future,” Colvin said.
Leafgro Stone Pallets in service, Walker said. The current solution costs $40,000 a
Full Pallet This funding will also pay for four week, Colvin said, noting just how much
The equivalent of ONLY contract paramedics to support the the volunteer first responders saved the
approximately 35 bags. $
299 00 county’s Advanced Life Support Unit. county in costs.
$ 99 When you buy
COVID-19 has caused many volun- “If we come to have some kind of paid
ONLY teers in the seven rescue squads locally service, we can never do without them,”
2 or more pallets
to stop running call for fear of contract- Walker said of volunteers. “It just can’t
OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE ing the virus; many of the most stalwart
volunteers are in higher risk groups be-
Commissioner John O’Connor said a
cause of their age. meeting of the county’s Emergency Ser-
Steve Walker, director of the emer- vices Board last week had pointed dis-
gency services department, said the cussions about the situation, one of them
problem with getting enough volunteers was to assure volunteers that what the
to answer calls during the day predated county was doing was necessary.
COVID-19, but the virus had exacerbat- “We’re addressing it now as a stop
BIG GREEN EGG ADIRONDACK CHAIRS ed the problem. gap,” O’Connor said. “What we stressed
“We’re having a very tough time,” is that no matter what, the county is here
NOW SCHEDULING Walker said. “Since January 1, 1,400 of to support the volunteer system that’s in
our calls [for EMS services] have gone place, not to control the system, not to
Fall Landscaping and Hardscape Projects. over 15 minutes.” intercede.
CALL TODAY for an ESTIMATE: 800-451-1427 Years ago, 14 minutes was established “It’s the same relationship we’ve al-
or visit as a baseline by the county for an ac- ways had.”
ceptable response time, though Walker The objective, O’Connor said, was to
admitted it was not ideal. get volunteers back into ambulances so
“Many of those calls are over 20 min- the county would not have to provide ca-
Charlotte Hall Prince Frederick Oakville
5 minutes North of Hollywood
utes, over 30 minutes,” Walker said. reer assistance in the long term.
30315 Three Notch Rd, 1700 Solomon’s Island Rd,
Charlotte Hall, MD Prince Frederick, MD 41170 Oakville Road “Some are over an hour.” “That is the eventual goal,” O’Connor
301-884-5292 410-535-3664 Mechanicsville, MD EMS billing was a solution emergen- said.
800-558-5292 866-535-3664 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427 cy services was considering.
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 10-4 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-6, Sat. 7:30-5, Closed Sundays “This is a short-term fix,” Walker
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Local News 5

State’s Attorney’s Staff Training

Trip Cost Thousands
By Guy Leonard been held,” Fritz said, declining to go el expenses from county government
Staff Writer into specific details about the kind of in the amount of $204, plus meals at

Bowles Farms
It cost more than $11,000 to send training offered at the meeting. $561 and $4 for bridge tolls.
seven staff members, including State’s “We were training, that should be The total county assistance Fritz
Attorney Richard Fritz, to Ocean City sufficient,” Fritz said. “I think it’s received for those three categories
for what the county’s chief law en- sufficient to say we were training in of expenses was $769.70, the same as
forcement officer called “in-house the law. Womack and Cusick.
training,” even though the events for “The money was all authorized, we Joseph’s full expense total was

Bowles Farms
which the money had originally been went there for training and that’s what $565, while each of the three attor-
set aside, had been cancelled. we did.” neys’ total expenses, including acco-
Each year the Maryland State Bar According to county finance re- modations were $1,129
Association and the Maryland State’s cords obtained through Freedom of County records show they made
Attorney’s Association hold confer-
ences and both were set to take place
in Ocean City between the dates of
June 9 and June 17.
Bowles Farms
Information Act requests made by
The County Times, the entire cost of
the trip was $11,567.36
The seven members of the staff who
their requests to the county finance
office in March for expense assistance
and were approved in anticipation of
the two conferences moving ahead.
Both events were cancelled in April attended the in-house training, ac- Neither Cusick nor Joseph drew any The Clarion Resort, Ocean City, MD
due to concerns over COVID-19. cording to Fritz, in lieu of the confer- accommodation expenses but shared
When asked if he had considered City from June 10 to June 17, records
ences were Fritz, Dena Womack, of- living space with Fritz, records show.
cancelling the trip to the Eastern show.
fice manager, Andrew Cusick, chief The other staff members stayed at a

Sept 28th to Oct 27th

Shore Fritz said: “Why?” The trip to Ocean City by Fritz and
investigator, Philip Joseph, investiga- nearby Clarion Resort.
He defended his decision saying his staff came to light last week, when
tor, John Pleisse, Michael Kane and Womack’s accommodations ex-
that at the time the court house was a former employee who had recently
Sarah Proctor, all assistant state’s penses totaled $1,902.60, finance re-
closed due to COVID-19 and that the resigned claimed that she had suffered
attorneys. cords show, and both she and Fritz
time was advantageous to engage in from a hostile work environment; Bar-
County records show that Fritz attended the training sessions from
bara Rivera, a former office manager

Sept 28 th to Oct 27 th
training of his staff, attorneys and booked a three-bedroom condomin- June 9 to June 17, while the three
investigators. referenced the trip in her statement.
ium-type suite at the Marigot Beach state’s attorneys attended from June
“It [the money] would’ve been ex- Fritz has denied her claims that she
Suites from June 9 through June 17 at 14 to June 17.
was treated unfairly or disrespectfully.
pended if the two conferences had
Sept 28th to Oct 27th
a cost of $3,402; he also received trav- Cusick and Joseph were in Ocean

l eessFa
Far m
r ss
BBoowwl Fall 2020 Season
September 26 to October 31st
September 28th to October 27th
2 PhaseOCT.
Maze 5-6
SATURDAY • 11-3 • Classic Car Show: Southern Knights Rod
Saturday –10AM to 6PM
& Custom
Fall Season • Cupcake
Car Group will have a display Shop
of classic cars.
Fallth Season
• Giant Day: Slides
No Appointment-10AM September
SUNDAY • First Responders Appreciation
Open Columbus to 3:00).to
5PM 28
Necessary to October 27
Bring your kids outth
Barn Yard AnimalsthRequired).
for FREE Fire

Truck Rides (12:00 Fire & Rescue Members will receive $1.00 off general admission (ID

Phase Maze Pit

9AMto3PM By Appointment Only 2 Phase Maze
Saturday 9AM –10AM to3PM to 6PMGroups Only> • Kid ••• Cupcake CornShop Boxes
2020 Season Friday- 9AM to3PM
<Schools/Daycares/Large Cupcake Shop
Saturday –10AM to 6PM Corn Maze
•• Giant SlidesExpress (Train (Train Ride)
Saturday- -10AM�10.00
10AMtototo per5PM
to5PM guest
6PM • • KidGiant
Barn Slides
Barrel Animals
Saturday- -10AM
10AM 6PM Barn Yard
••• Jumping Animals
and Under Free
Tues-Fri: By Appointment Only Food Straw
& Refreshments
• Jumping Straw Pit
tcc2tt72th371thst Tues-Fri: By Appointment Only • Kid Corn Boxes
Sunday- 10AM
Group Rates Available to155PM
for 5PM
or More
<Schools/Daycares/Large Groups Only>
•• Large
Kid Corn Covered
<Schools/Daycares/Large Groups Only> ••• Corn
Inside Maze
Corn Maze
Restrooms (Train Ride)
Express (Train
Admission: �10.00
Admission: �10.00 per guest per guest •• Kid Barrel Rides
Kid Barrel Rides
(Train Ride)

andUnder Free Special Weekend InsideEvents:
registered service
Must be
service animals.
be properly
properly identified.
••• Food
Food &Restrooms
& Refreshments
Car Show, Fire Truck
Availablefor for15 15ororMore

Rides, TractorLarge Covered
Pulls, Big
• Large Covered Pavilion
Rig Truck Show, etc.
• Inside Restrooms
Contact Information:
Only registered
Only registered service
registered service 301-475-2139
service animals.
animals. Special- Weekend
Events: Car Show, Fire Truck
Must be properly identified.
Location: 22880 Budds Creek RoadRides, * Clements * MD * Truck
Must be
be properly
properly identified.
Tractor Pulls, Big Rig Show, etc.

2020 DESIG Contact Information:

Contact Information: 301-475-2139
301-475-2139 -- email:
N Location: 22880 Budds Creek Road * Clements * MD * 20624
Location: 22880 Budds Creek Road * Clements * MD * 20624
6 Local News The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Controversial Hollywood Brewster: Trade

Development Site Up For Sale Costume Masks for
By Guy Leonard

Face Coverings
Staff Writer
Once slated for a major town center de-
velopment that would include a gas station,
convenience store and fast food services as
well as a car dealership, the 22.4-acre piece
of land nestled in Hollywood is now up for
The land bounded by Three Notch Road,
Sotterley Road and Old Three Notch Road
was to be built out as the Hollywood Com-
mercial Center but earlier this year the
applicants for the project, known as Hol-
lywood Partners LLP, formally withdrew
their plans for the project back in February,
William Hunt, director of the Department it was rejected by the planning commission
of Land Use and Growth Management, largely over traffic issues and access to the
confirmed. site.
The commercial real estate corpora- At one time, the traffic study predicted
tion KLNB is listing the property for $3.7 as many as 10,000 additional vehicle trips a
million. day in the community in and out of the site,
The property is still zoned as a mixed- to include tractor trailer traffic.
use property and available for development, The project was broadly opposed in the
the KLNB website stated. community on those grounds, especially
The last time a project related to the since the intersection of Sotterley Road
commercial center, the adjacent car dealer- and Old Three Notch Road was considered
ship to be placed on the same parcel, came a safety hazard because of speeding traf-
before the county’s planning board was fic and poor sight lines due to its so-called
in March of 2018 when that portion of the “lazy x” formation.
project was approved. However, the county’s zoning appeals
The commercial center proposal got its board overruled the planning commission’s
start in 2015 and continued through the objections and approved the project.
planning process for more than two years;
By Guy Leonard erings, make them spooky,” Brews-
Staff Writer ter said. “Please avoid the costume
RE-ELECT Despite the COVID-19 pandemic,
Halloween is still on and Dr. Mee-
masks this year, though.”

Cathy Allen
“It [costume masks] doesn’t re-
na Brewster, county health officer, ally prevent the virus from coming
says children and parents alike can out.”
enjoy the festivities but she had Commissioner Todd Morgan was
some words of caution before they pleased that the county health de-
venture out trick or treating. partment had not decided to try to
“Please use face coverings, not forestall Halloween festivities.
costume masks,” Brewster said Oct. “So, face coverings, but [Hallow-
20, speaking to the Commissioners een’s] not cancelled as far as your
of St. Mary’s County sitting as the concerned,” Morgan said.
• Proven leadership Board of Health. “Costume masks Brewster said her office was en-
and experience aren’t built to obstruct [respiration] couraging residents to follow Cen-
from the nose and mouth.” ters for Disease Control (CDC)
• Former critical Brewster has long been a propo- guidelines on how to safely enjoy
nent of wearing face masks to help Halloween.
care nurse stem the spread of COVID-19 and “People can do bagged goodies
has said scientific evidence contin- instead of individual pieces of can-
• Past president, Maryland ues to show that it can reduce res- dy,” Brewster said. “We encourage
piration and respiratory droplets our families to avoid going out in
Association of Boards of coming from infected persons. large groups.”
Education Halloween-style costume masks, She said homeowners who expect
however, often have vent holes and trick-or-treaters can preset treats
gaps cut in them that are not ade- for children so they can come by
• Active, well-informed quate in providing the same protec- and pick them up to avoid per-
board member and tion as a form fitting face covering. sonal contact and maintain social
tireless advocate for She also warned against wearing distancing.
a face mask under a costume mask “So, if they practice safe and pre-
our students as it was too restrictive against cautionary measures, please have
breathing. fun trick or treating,” Morgan said.
“You can decorate your face cov-

St. Mary’s County Board of Education, At-Large

SERVING ST. MARY'S COUNTY Facebook: CathyAllen2016
By authority Cathy Allen, Candidate, Bradford J. Allen, Treasurer
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Local News 7

Residents Press County On Flooding Problems

By Guy Leonard bank there, according to the missive.
Staff Writer “From preliminary observations a
Repeated complaints and pleas for project by [State Highway Administra-
help from residents living in areas of the tion] to rebuild the stream bank com-
county susceptible to flooding, notably bined with minor stream restoration and
on Maypole Road in Leonardtown, near raising the roadway level in that targeted
McIntosh Run as well as in Clements area could solve multiple problems and
and Chaptico have the county looking keep the roadway open and avoid loss
for ways to aid residents there. of that facility in the stream,” the letter
But, said public works chief John reads.
Deatrick, there is little that can be done Earlier that same day, at the commis-
to alleviate the fact that many of the sioners’ meeting in Leonardtown, Com-
homes on Maypole Road are built in a missioner Mike Hewitt warned resi-
flood plain. dents that any assistance available from
“There’s nothing that can be done; it’s the state often took years to get to those
Maypole Road flooded out during Tropical Storm Isaias.
in a flood plain,” Deatrick said of the in need.
flooding. “We’re not going to build flood Road, were, to Deatrick’s knowledge, sioners,” Kalnasy said. “We’re all wait- “We know there are a lot of people
walls. built in the floodplain before there were ing for the county to address the known upset, a lot of property damage,” Hewitt
“We keep a constant watch on May- requirements in law to build three feet stream flow problems and blockages, said, noting that state agencies had grant
pole Road and we keep the ditches and above the predicted 100-year flood level. which are contributing to the flooding. programs available to offer as much as
drain pipes clean.” One home, he said, was built in the “It is unbelievable the amount of 75 percent of the costs to have a prop-
Normal maintenance can handle most flood way well before the law was writ- grants which the county has sought over erty owner’s land purchased.
drainage problems there, Deatrick said, ten forbidding such construction. the last few months, but none of them “There is something out there, but I
but the type of rains that deluged the The only solutions for such homes are aimed at fixing the basic infrastruc- use the term ‘We need to manage expec-
area Aug. 4 when Tropical Storm Isa- were to have them raised or for home- ture of the watersheds.” tations,’” Hewitt continued.
ias hit, and then subsequent heavy rains owners to take a buyout, Deatrick said. In a letter to the Maryland Depart- He said federal and state emergency
days later, were a different matter. At the Oct. 20 public forum before the ment of Transportation dated Oct. 20, agencies took as long as two years, after
McIntosh Run, Chaptico Creek and Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, the county requested the state make a an application for assistance was set in,
St. Clements Creek all experienced cata- resident George Kalnasy, who lives on targeted effort to mitigate the flooding to get an answer to those seeking assis-
strophic levels of flooding. Maypole Road, said the serious storms on Route 243 in Leonardtown, which tance, and it could be several more years
“There were water levels that were and rain fall have increased since Hur- is directly across from Maypole Road before they got any relief.
way over anything previously experi- ricane Floyd slammed the area in 1999. astride Route 5. “Unacceptable,” Hewitt said.
enced,” Deatrick said. “And none of the flooding issues have McIntosh Run flooded that area in
Many of the homes built on Maypole been addressed by the county commis- August and is also eroding the stream

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8 Local News The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Medicare Extra Funds Added for

Agricultural Center
Part D To be Built in St. Mary’s County

Open Enrollment
is Here!
October 15-December 7

St. Mary’s County

Department of By Dick Myers, Editor and
Guy Leonard, Staff Writer
“There are no issues with it,” Kas-
elemis said of the land next to the

Aging & Human Services The Tri-County Council for South-

ern Maryland has agreed to provide
St. Mary’s County with an additional
convenience center near the Lettie
Marshal Dent Elementary School.
Kaselemis said the county could
$500,000 for construction of the Re-
Trained counselors available to gional Agriculture Center (RAC) in
look elsewhere for a site to place the
RAC, but only if it’s found to be a
New Market next to the county trans-
assist you with your prescription fer station.
better site.
“That’s still our primary site,”
St. Mary’s County won the bid for
drug needs for 2021! the location of the regional center in
Kaselemis said of the current piece
of land.
their county and Southern Maryland The council, on a motion by Com-
Agriculture Dvelopment Commis- missioner Todd Morgan and a second
Financial assistance sion (SMADC} provided $1 million
to the county to construct the build-
ing which will then be operated by
by Commissioner Eric Colvin voted
to provide the extra $500,000 to St.
Mary’s contingent on the county ab-
programs are available to help! SMADC on behalf of the five coun- sorbing any other cost overruns. That
ties it serves (Charles, Calvert, Anne prompted Sen. Jack Bailey (R: St.
Arundel and Prince George’s, in ad- Mary’s, Calvert) to observe, “This is

*New* for 2021 dition to St. Mary’s)

According to SMADC Director
Shelby Watson-Hampton, they origi-
nally had $2 million in tobacco resti-
not just a St. Mary’s County issue.”
He suggested that the other coun-
ties be asked to contribute to help St.
Mary’s if extra monies are needed.
Reduced co-pays for insulin! tution monies for the project, with $1 Charles County Commissioner
million set aside to furnish and oper- President Rueben Collins said of
ate the facility. the possible need for extra funding,
She told The County Tines that “This is the first I’ve heard of it.” He
cost overruns for the construction said he would have to take any such
Advantage plans will NOT be were not unexpected, due to the pan- proposal to his board.
demic and increased building costs.
available in St. Mary’s County in 2021 She told the council at their Oct.
Watson -Hampton said emails
would be going out to the other four
15 virtual meeting thar getting the counties bringing up the subject.
long-discussed and much-anticipated She said the need to find extra
Give us a call to schedule building constructed was important
and thus the providing of the extra
monies if there are additional cost
overruns is related to the fact that
$500,000 was justified. “Getting it her budget was cut 25 percent be-
a phone appointment built would be the first priority,” she
cause of COVID-19 state fiscal belt

301-475-4200, ext. 1064

Chris Kaselemis, director of the St. She said they operate frugally and
Mary’s County Department of Eco- have not needed to cut any staff or
nomic Development, said SMADC programs as the result of that budget
had planned to seek extra funding reduction.
for the project beyond the $1 million According to SMADC, the RAC
initial award to St. Mary’s. ‘will be a public/private partner-
“It’s not a lot of money for a proj- ship providing a set of complemen-
ect like that,” Kaselemis said. “We’re tary services with the capability of
refining what it’s going to look like.” adding value and profitability to
Also, the land upon which the re- products from Southern Maryland
gional agricultural center is to be farmers.”
built does not have water or sewer and
running to it, Kaselemis said, and the
county is still assessing those costs.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Local News 9

New Senior exclusive shopping hours will be

Tuesday and Thursdays from 8 am till 10 am.

Charlotte Hall, Leonardtown: 7 am till 10 pm Hollywood: 7 am till 9 pm

10 Local News The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Draft COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

Prioritizes Frontline First Responders, Healthcare Workers,
and Nursing Homes
Governor Larry Hogan announced diagnostic tests, and providing clini- bution of COVID-19 vaccine throughout of COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine safety
Oct. 20 the release of the State of Mary- cal research and technological support the state for the Phase 1 population; and monitoring is a high priority to establish
land’s initial draft COVID-19 mass vac- to ensure safe and effective health care • Percent and number of Phase 1 popu- and maintain confidence in the vaccine.
cination plan, which was submitted to delivery. lation pre-registered. CDC and the FDA continuously moni-
the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- In April, state health officials began Phase 2: Vaccination of General Pub- tor the safety of vaccines. Three main
vention (CDC) last week. Read the draft multi-agency operational discussions lic. Determination of the beginning of systems are used to monitor the safety
plan. in preparation for a COVID-19 vac- Phase 2 will be influenced by a number of vaccines: MDH participates in the
“In anticipation of a COVID-19 vac- cine. That preparation included review- of factors: Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Sys-
cine, Maryland stands ready to order, ing lessons learned from previous pan- • Availability of COVID-19 vaccine; tem (VAERS), Vaccine Safety Datalink
distribute, and administer it effectively demics and outbreaks—including the • Notification by CDC and state au- (VSD), and Clinical Immunization Safe-
and rapidly as soon as a vaccine be- 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic—as thorities that the general public Phase 2 ty Assessment Project.
comes available,” said Governor Hogan. well as previous influenza vaccination can begin due to sufficient supply; and/or Vaccination Program Metrics. Moni-
“The State of Maryland’s plan for this campaigns. • Achievement of targeted metrics toring of the COVID-19 vaccination
historic undertaking will immediately Safe and Phased Plan for Vaccination for vaccination of high priority Phase 1 program will be critical to the program’s
make the vaccine available to Maryland- Distribution groups. success, and several online dashboards
ers at highest risk of developing compli- Maryland’s draft COVID-19 vaccina- Primary Components of Maryland’s are currently under development. The
cations from COVID-19 as well as our tion plan focuses on two major phases Draft COVID-19 Vaccination Plan weekly flu vaccination dashboard and
critical frontline health care workers and of vaccine availability and distribution. Provider Recruitment and Enroll- the COVID-19 vaccination response
essential workers in public safety and Phase 1 will focus on priority groups to ment. MDH is in the process of actively dashboard will use data related to flu
education.” receive vaccination, and Phase 2 will recruiting and enrolling health care pro- and COVID-19 vaccination that are
“The Maryland Department of Health have wide-scale vaccine availability for viders, local health departments, em- collected from various sources. MDH
has worked collaboratively with our the general population. Additionally, ployee occupational health providers, will also have Maryland-specific dash-
many partners in both the public and vaccine supply is expected to rapidly and pharmacists in Maryland’s Vaccine boards based on information collected in
private sectors to develop a draft plan increase once distribution begins, al- Program Immunization Information ImmuNet.
that will ensure the swift, safe, and eq- leviating the need to limit vaccine System (ImmuNet) to ensure that there Vaccination Second Dose Remind-
uitable administration of a life-saving administration. will be sufficient vaccinators to meet lo- ers. For most COVID-19 vaccines, two
COVID-19 vaccine,” said Maryland Phase 1: Vaccination of Critical Popu- cal needs. ImmuNet is where providers doses of vaccine will be required sepa-
Department of Health (MDH) Secre- lations. Initial COVID-19 vaccination register to order COVID-19 vaccines, rated by >21 or >28 days. Second dose
tary Robert R. Neall. “We stand ready to efforts will target those at highest risk track delivery of vaccines, report doses reminders will be provided to patients in
take additional action and operationalize of developing complications from CO- administered, and determine when sec- several ways. Marylanders may choose
this effort as soon as a vaccine becomes VID-19 and those in critical industries: ond doses are due. to receive reminders through PrepMod,
available.” • Frontline first responders and health Vaccine Allocation, Ordering, Dis- an online resource that will be used to
“As we learn more, our plan will con- care workers evaluating and caring for tribution, and Inventory Management. schedule clinics, track equipment needs,
tinue to evolve—but our focus will al- COVID-19 patients; MDH will require pre-registration of and report vaccination activity. Alter-
ways be on the safety and efficacy of the • Staff and residents of nursing homes, Phase 1 vaccine sites and registration of natively, patients may be scheduled for
COVID-19 vaccine to prevent the spread long-term care facilities, and assisted priority vaccine candidates at each site. second doses from the provider-based
of the disease among Marylanders,” said living facilities; and Vaccine orders will be placed in Immu- systems. Maryland also has a dedicated
MDH Acting Deputy Secretary of Public • Essential workers, including public Net, which will then be uploaded to the consumer vaccination portal, Maryland
Health Dr. Jinlene Chan. “From provider safety, education, and staff in congregate CDC VTrckS vaccine ordering system MyIR, which allows registered users to
recruitment and enrollment to vaccine living facilities. for shipping directly to the hospital or obtain their current vaccination records
storage and reminders about second Specific vaccination metrics will be work site. from ImmuNet, and can also be used to
doses, MDH has taken a very calculated utilized to assess Phase 1 vaccination Vaccine Storage and Handling. COV- issue reminder messages if two doses are
approach to ensure the logistics, opera- progress and determine where addition- ID-19 vaccine products are temperature required.
tions, and execution of this plan are thor- al effort is needed. These metrics may sensitive and will need to be stored and Public Health Campaign. MDH will
ough and efficient.” include: handled correctly to ensure vaccine via- coordinate with trusted community
Governor Hogan recently toured the • Percent of Phase 1 population bility prior to administration to a patient. partners, priority group representatives,
headquarters of Novavax, Inc. in Gaith- vaccinated; The CDC is currently developing storage and representatives of vulnerable popu-
ersburg—one of nearly 40 Maryland • Percent and number of residents and handling guidelines for COVID-19 lations, along with a marketing vendor,
companies that are working on devel- and staff at long-term care facilities vaccines. to execute a public health campaign
oping and manufacturing COVID-19 vaccinated; Vaccine Safety Monitoring. With focused on the safety and efficacy of a
vaccines and therapeutics, improving • Determination of an equitable distri- the rapid development and licensing vaccine.

St. John’s School

Pull Tab Fundraiser
Every Sunday from 2-5PM
CASH Prizes!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Cops & Courts 11

ST. MARY'S SHERIFF'S An Act of Kindness

Theft Suspect Wanted causing a distur-
The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Of-
fice is seeking the
bance at the hospital.
Edger was told to Insurance is easy
identity of the person
pictured in a theft in-
leave by employees
and instead remained when you call us! is easy
vestigation. On Mon- outside and tried to
day, Oct. 12, 2020 provoke an alterca-
On October 5, 2020, Cpl. Maloy stopped traffic on Golden Beach Road in Mechanicsville, to assist an
individual in a wheelchair that was attempting to cross Golden Beach Road. Cpl. Maloy assisted the when
Insurance is you call us!
is easy
at 6 pm, the suspect tion with two others.
when you call
you call us!
individual safely across the roadway and then continued Auto to push him to his destination
entered the Old Navy Cpl. Pesante ordered Home when
store in California
and filled up a book-
Edger to cease his Wayne Edger
behavior and leave
Auto • Business • Home • Life Insurance
You can find the expert insurance help you
Renters Auto
Insurance is easy
Insurance is easy
when whenus!
you call you call us!
bag with clothing the area. Edger continued to cause a dis-need with local folks whoAuto have •90 years
Business • Home Auto• Life Insurance
experience inYou can find the expert insurance help you
and then left the store turbance and was arrested. Edger wascumulative the business.
Auto • Business • Home • Life Insurance
Auto • Business • Home need • Life
local folks who
Renters Insurance
90 years Business
You can find the expert insurance help you Renters
without paying. The next day on Tues- charged with Trespass: Private Property You can find the expert cumulative
insurance helpexperience
need with local folks who have 90 years
you in the business.

Insurance is easy
day, Oct. 13, 2020 at 10:10 am, the sus- and Disorderly Conduct. need with local folks who have 90 years
cumulative experience in the business.
cumulative experience in the business.
Auto Insurance
Workers’ Home Liability
pect returned, loaded up more clothing Theft/Assault/Resisting Arrest Serving

when you call us!

Auto • Business • Home •Insurance LifeCompensation
Liability Renters
and left the store without paying. The On Oct. 7, 2020, Cpl. Alvin Beish- Southern You can find the expert Auto
Liability• help
Home Workers’
• Life Insurance
need with local folks who have 90 years
suspect is described as a tall, heavy set line responded to the 17600 block ofMaryland Serving
Serving Southern
cumulative experience in
the business.
have 90 years cumlativeContractor’s
help you need with local folks
experience in the business
black man. Owensville Way in St. Inigoes, to assist CalvertSouthern
Maryland Commercial
& Truck
InsuranceAuto & Truck
Anyone with information about the the victim in obtaining belongings. The St. Mary’s Calvert
Calvert Auto
& Truck Liability
Calvert St. Mary’s Home Workers’
identity of the suspect or this incident victim obtained property and was in a Charles St.
Auto Mary’s Serving
Business • Home • Life Insurance
St. •Mary’s
Charles Renters
is asked to call Deputy Thomas Snyder vehicle leaving the residence when Ken- You can Charles
find the expert insurance
help you
need with local folks who have 90 years
Ken Jones, head of Auto & Truck
at 301-475-4200 ext. 78068 or email neth Floyd Dodson, Midtown Ins. Group
cumulative experience in the business.
Ken Jones, head of
Ins. Group Life
Ken Jones, head of
Ken Jones,Ins.
Midtown head of
Group for age 28 of St. Inigoes, St. Mary’s

Insurance Midtown Ins. Group

Case # 63132-20 or call Deputy Benja- forced is way into the Charles Liability

min Luffey at 301-475-4200, ext. 72235 victim’s vehicle and CALL NOW

Ken Jones, head of

Midtown Ins. Group

or email benjamin.luffey@stmarysmd. attempted to remove Southern Commercial

Maryland Auto & Truck
com for Case # 63301-20 the keys, assaulting WWW.ALLINSURANCE2GO.COM
Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678 A FREE QUOTE!
Citizens may remain anonymous and the victim while try- St. Mary’s
55 Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678

55 Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678
55 Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678
contact Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333, ing to get the keys. Charles

or text a tip to “TIP239” plus their mes- Deputies on scene WWW.ALLINSURANCE2GO.COM Ken Jones, head of
Midtown Ins. Group
55 Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678
sage to “CRIMES” (274637). Through advised Dodson he
the Crime Solvers Program tipsters are was under arrest, at Kenneth Dodson
eligible for an award of up to $1,000 which time Dodson
for information about a crime in St. resisted deputies and would not allow 410-449-6500
Mary’s County that leads to an arrest or himself to be handcuffed. At the time WWW.ALLINSURANCE2GO.COM
55 Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678
indictment. of arrest, the victim’s cellphone was lo-
Disorderly Conduct/Trespassing cated in Dodson’s pants pocket. Dodson
On Oct. 2, 2020, Cpl. Milton Pesante was arrested and charged with Theft,
responded to the 25500 block of Pt. Assault 2nd Degree, Resisting Arrest
Lookout Road in Leonardtown, for the and Fail to Obey a Reasonable/Lawful
reported disturbance. Investigation de- Order.
termined Wayne Bradley Edger, age
51 of Avenue, became upset and began

If you would like to place a


The County Times
is one of the

Fisheries Commission
Local News

in Financial Trouble
The County Times

as well as the other

lantic Coastal states.
It has operated since
Thursday, June 28,

At- taxpayer money

ects, both oyster


and federal grants.

The report pointed
out a pair of proj-
Thursday, June 28,

Governor Hogan Announ

Kirwan Commission

ces $18.6 Mil. for

Education Initiativ Recommendations,
The County Times
Local News 11

best methods for

1958 and controls preservation projects,
licensing of commercial that cost the commission $400,000.
Careerand Technical Educationa
This took a heavy Programs, Teacher l Grants, Before and
and recreational fishers Scholarships, and After
School Safety FundingSchool
and anglers alike. sions operating funds on the commis-
The appreciate, according they did not fully Governor Larry
commission to the audit.
is based in Colonial According to the
report the commis- Hogan today an- academic program offered before
Beach, Va. sion diverted revenues
from all oyster nounced $18.6 mil- after the school day, or in summer
lion in new educa- a school with a high concentration for

advertising my
The audit found licenses, surcharges
that inspection taxes of
the commission increas- identification tags to these projects. and tion funding to go students in kindergarten through
The audit chided living in poverty eighth
ingly cannot operate the commission for toward a series and at risk of falling
without spending
expending so much on one
portion initiatives, includ- behind academic requirements,
its reserve accounts of fisheries preservation at the expense of ing recommenda- with $500,000 for the recruitment,
and train-
it does little to regulate all else. of Photo courtesy of tions from Mary- ing, and ongoing development of
its own spending. “While the preservation
of the oyster
Office of Governor land’s Commission teachers.

events – it is also the

“During fiscal 2017, population is important, concentrating Hogan’s website.
on Innovation and An additional $4.9
million will
the commission all funding efforts
used gard for other in this area without Excellence in Edu- used by the Interagency Commission be
areas of responsibility re- cation, known as
$80,000 in cash restrict- the Kirwan Commis- School Construction (IAC) to conductOn
ed for future projects the need for funds for ongoing and sion. While the Commission statewide facilities a
Potomac River Fisheries
trative operations adminis- its final findings will present assessment.
Commission to cover operating and recommendat The governor also
ex- ability to remain could result in the in- at the end of 2018, ions authorized an
By Guy Leonard penses when there
was the audit stated. a viable going concern,” this funding reflects ditional $1.8 million in the current ad-
no operating cash preliminary recommendat cal year fis-
Staff Writer ions made through for need-based scholarships

best source for me

in tenuous financial avail- Concurrently, the audit earlier this year.
condition, a report able,” the report found the Maryland
from state’s Office stated. mission had the Commission (MHEC). Higher Education
of Legislative Audits “As problems recording com- “Every child in Maryland
The Potomac River states. the commission had of June 30, 2017, counting for all and ac- deserves ac-
sion, which is chargedFisheries Commis- The commission coordinates not
reserve for these funds. reimbursed the tion; it did not
of its financial transac- cess to a world-class
education, regard- In addition to the
funding for the
with the preserva- have accounting personnel less of what neighborhood Kirwan
tion and oversight
of the fishery shared regulations between the Maryland fisheries “At the end with adequate to grow up in,” said they happen released recommendations, Hogan also
by both Maryland
and Virginia, is still partment of Natural Resources De- commission’s of fiscal year 2017, the ing standards knowledge of account- Governor Hogan. $40 million in school
and the totaled deficit for restricted to do so, according “That’s why our administration funding that safety
Virginia Marine Resources approximately $145,000, funds report. to the vided record funding has pro- legislature had been restricted by the

to catch up on all
Commission in the budget. This
crease of $55,000 an in-
over the fiscal year The commission does for four years in a row for K-12 education includes: $23.5 funding

Just Listed!
2016 deficit.” secure location where not even have a million
mitted to innovative and has been com- capital improvements for safety-related
it stores the back- and outside-the-bo
LE The report stated
the commission op- ups to its servers, according to the education strategies, x grants to local ; $10.6 million
erated at a loss of $84,000 which makes them audit, such as P-TECH school systems to in
and our ACCESS en-
demonstrating an for fiscal 2017, “subject to damage, Initiative. These new hance school safety; $3 million
“inability to operate destruction or loss.” investments are yet for the
PER with a positive cash The commission responded giving our students
another way we are Maryland Center for School Safety’s
MO! even more opportu- operations, including 13 new positions;
47729 Devin Circle, balance.” to the au-
The commission’s
Lexington Park, MD revenues decreased dit saying it had heeded the advice given

the local news and

nities to learn, grow, $2.5 million to help
20653 from $815,685 in fiscal and was searching The new funding
and thrive.” with newly required
NO MONEY DOWN AREA! 2016 to $790,589 for ways to correct for Kirwan Com- school safety evaluations; and $1 million
Sell it - Buy it
in fiscal 2017; the problems. the mission initiatives
commission gets includes: for Hate Crime School
revenues from licenses its Safety Grants.
$2.5 million for an “Keeping our kids
but also from Marylandand surcharges early literacy pro- safe is one of our
and Virginia gram, providing additional most
reading sup- Hogan.important jobs,” said Governor
port to eligible students “This past session
atBuy it at
Sell It,

through 8th grade. in kindergarten we enacted
landmark school

events, especially
safety legislation
$2 million for the Teaching create aggressive, to
Maryland Scholarship, Fellows for for school statewide standards Real Estate │ Business

will cover 100 percent a program that Maryland Center expand the work of the │ Farm Equipment & Inventory │
Personal Property/Es
of the annual cost for &
of tuition and mandatory require each school School Safety, and Benefits/Fundraisers Machinery │ Livestock │ Storage tates
OF THE WEEK versity of Maryland, fees at the Uni- system in Maryland │ Certified Personal Units │
College Park, or 50 to develop assessment teams in order Property Appraiser
$159,900 MEET BATMAN
percent of the cost
of identify potential
tory fees at a private tuition and manda- ing together, we safety threats. Work-
to EXCITINGUpcoming
FUN ● FAST Auctions
& Events

those related to
nonprofit institution can ensure greater EXCITING
In the month of July, Farrell ●
of higher education safe-
## SPECTACULAR HOME Looking to add for eligible students ty in our schools and a greater sense conducting a few Auction Service
LIKE BRAND NEW**! a SUPERHERO to who commit to becoming security for students
and parents.”
benefit/private auction will be
2 HALF ## your life? Then you $250,000 to encourageteachers. working auctions
During the 2018 events;
need to adopt the top 25 Hogan legislative session, out of the local area
NEW CARPET, NEW WOOD me this month! percent of high school advocated the National Auctioneer and attending
NEW HVAC* NEW GRANITE FLOORS, My name is BATMAN each county to consider graduates from er levels of schoolfor significantly high-
AFFECTIONATE, ers by increasing becoming teach- safety funding than International Auctioneer ’s Conference and the
OFF OF MSTR SUITE! MSTR SUPERHERO KITTY awareness of avail- those ultimately adopted by the General ing Contest. Our

our County’s rural

BACKYARD!! COULD FULLY FENCED+PRIVA looking for my furever able financial aid
programs for teaching Assembly. He proposed an additional auction will be in next public
WALK TO PAX RIVER TE trained and good home. I’m litter August.
RENTING...LESS THAN L excitement to your
with other cats.
And I’m SO CUTE! box
I will add
candidates. $125 million to accelerate
and enhance
**THIS HOME IS ELIGIBLE $950 MONTH !! life! You can tell $2 million to promote safety improvements
FOR NO $$ DOWN !!** I SPECIAL I am. Don’t
miss out because
just by looking at
me how innovative Career
high-quality, as
an additional $50
in schools, as well
MONTH! Make JUNE IS ADOPT tion (CTE) through Technical Educa- operating funds million annually in
Steve Atkocius I HAVE SOLD
that call today and
for local boards of competitive grants grants that could for new school safety
education to partner be used for school
Multi-Estate Auction
SAT, AUG 4 th @
Broker/Realtor MANY HOMES IN T ME! with community
colleges, businesses, source officers, counselors, and re- 8 AM

And remember, and industry to develop tional safety technology. addi- St. Mary’s Co. Fairgroun
YOUR AREA if there is room Furniture – Tools ds
in the heart, there
I the house! and implement
Purple Post Real Estate RECENTLY AND IN is room in an innovative CTE
curriculum frame- was to be allocated through the gover-
The funding
– Horse Saddles
& Tack – Books –
Come meet me work that will align nor’s education Glassware
THE LAST 20 N and the wonderful
Shelter (6707 Animal
gang at Tri-County
local employers need.
with the skills that
would provide an
lockbox proposal,
additional $4.4 billion
– Collectibles - More
Years! 1713 for more information. Road, Hughesville) or call
301-399-3089 G available for adoption, To see more of my 301-932- $120,000 for a study
to assess the ad-
in education spending
from casino reve-
Animal Shelter Southern “like” us on Facebook amazing friends equacy of funding
for special education nues, and is moving forward as a referen- A Southern Maryland
@ Tri-County in Maryland, to be individuals, businesses professional auction company providing
completed by Sept. dum in the upcoming statewide election and non-profit organizations services to
2019. in November.
for a variety of purposes.
The governor also OPTIONS - SOLUTIONS
lion for the Learning provided $4.5 mil- - RESULTS

Ronnie Farrell I demic Program (LEAP), in Extended Aca- Press release from www.FarrellAuctio
which is an Office of the Governor
C 301.904.3402

Farrell Auctions :


County Times

St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County

12 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Board of Public Works Karbstein Captures Art

Approves Green Walk 1st Place
St. Mary’s Project Included
The Board of Public Works has ap- ment a suite of pilot projects underway
proved funding for two Resiliency across the state to demonstrate how
through Restoration projects and one natural features like wetlands, forests,
Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays and dunes can help communities adapt
Trust Fund grant, to help Maryland’s to climate change.
communities enhance their ability “Under the Governor’s leadership,
to withstand the impacts of climate we are able to provide multiple grant
change, erosion, flooding and extreme programs to enhance our resiliency
weather.  through green infrastructure and na-
Under the program, DNR will sup- ture-based solutions,” Maryland Natu-
port the design of living shorelines in ral Resources Secretary Jeannie Had-
St. Mary’s and Anne Arundel counties daway-Riccio said. “Coastal storms,
to protect infrastructure and park ac- erosion, and flooding all affect Mary-
cess while enhancing habitat and water land, so these projects are extremely
quality. These approved project were important for protecting our communi-
selected  through a competitive solici- ties and our infrastructure.”
tation and restoration targeting: Enhanced resilience also saves
St. Mary’s County will design a liv- money, as research shows that taxpay-
ing shoreline with climate-resilient ers save an average of $6 for every $1
features to address erosion, coastal spent on mitigation.
Aicy Karbstein. Photo provided by artist.
storms and sea level rise impacts at Project partners will also address
Piney Point Lighthouse Museum and monitoring, adaptive management and St. Mary’s County Arts Council’s tion. “I rely on my heart and mind
Historic Park while preserving beach community outreach at each project Art Walk contest looked just a little to achieve harmony, and I am very
access. site to ensure long term success. bit different this year but was still fond of historic and scenic places
These living shorelines comple- Press Release fro0m MD DNR. deemed a great success! Due to the as sources of inspiration,” she said.
pandemic the party was minus the Aicy’s most current projects
big band and much of the fanfare are representational paintings, al-
but they still had 29 beautiful, lo- though she still paints whatever

cally-created art pieces featured at inspires her at the moment, thus
host businesses. her techniques may vary. She en-
They are beyond grateful for the joys applying lively acrylic colors
wonderful turnout of people who on canvas as her favorite medium,
came out to vote for their favorite using as many details that she can
artwork during the month of Sep- see to bring her artwork to life and

tember, despite the current climate brighten someone’s day. To learn
of many challenges that 2020 has more about Aicy Karbstein see
presented. links of interest: https://www.karb-

MEET BENZY St. Mary’s County Arts Coun-

cil is pleased to announce that by
popular vote the First Place Win-
karbstein https://www.instagram.
There’s nothing like coming home
to a loved one ner of this year’s Art Walk Contest Be sure to visit
and hearing them meow! is Aicy Karbstein for her painting to see the
“King Street, Old Town Alexan- gallery of all entries for this year’s
Howdy folks, my name is Benzy. dria.” This stunningly intricate event, including work by Ann
The wonderful gang here at TCAS say I’m VERY HANDSOME in painting was inspired by the charm Preston (2nd Place for “Buoys on
my new bow tie! I’m a shy, somewhat old-fashioned boy who of historic Old Town Alexandria, Fence”) and Donna Carley Tizol
likes to take it slow with my relationships. I really enjoy ear VA, where tourists and residents (3rd Place for “Gently Down the
scratches, laser pointers, and soft blankets. I’m only 9 MONTHS alike stroll the streets and visit the Stream”).
OLD and ready to find a FAMILY that I can belong to FOREVER! I sites and restaurants. It is based The St. Mary’s County
just know I can be a BRIGHT SPOT in your life! So please take a on an early spring scene, with Arts Council would like to ex-
minute to email to schedule some people wearing the “Capitals tend a big thank you to all of the
an appointment to come meet me ASAP. BE MY MIRACLE and Hockey” team shirts, walking their artists, host businesses, Town of
PLEASE CHOOSE ME! When you choose to adopt from TCAS, pets, riding motorcycles, and sail- Leonardtown, and the many who
you are literally saving a life. ing on the Potomac River. On the came to vote and submitted bal-
foreground, we see the “Ramsay lots. Our annual contest is part of
And remember, if there is room in the heart, there is room is the House” Visitors Center on the left, the celebration of Leonardtown’s
house. and the “Burke & Herbert Bank” anniversary as an officially desig-
on the right. nated Arts & Entertainment Dis-
To see more of my amazing friends It is the second in the “Old Town trict of the State of Maryland. Art-
also available for adoption, “like” us Alexandria” series. Aicy Karb- ists interested in participating in
on Facebook @ Tri-County Animal stein is a Brazilian-born contem- next year’s event may sign up for
Shelter Southern MD or view us porary artist who now resides in our monthly e-newsletter at www.
on our website at https://www. Leonardtown. Her paintings ex- where an- press moments in time when there nouncements will be made re: the
animal-care-control/tri-county- are feelings of bliss or freedom, of submission period for 2021.
animal-shelter which she skillfully freezes onto Press Release by St. Mary’s County
canvas for a lifetime of apprecia- Arts Council.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times In Our Community 13

Essay Contest Winners See Health Department Offers

How Government Works Free Flu Shots Sites Beginning October 26, 2020, the
St. Mary’s County Health Depart-
ment (SMCHD) will offer free f lu
vaccine to children (ages 3 – 18
years) at its SMCHD COVID-19
Testing Sites, during testing hours
listed below:
SMCHD Main Office:
• Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m.
– 12:00 p.m. cine unless they have a medical con-
• 21580 Peabody Street, traindication to it.” said Dr. Meena
Leonardtown Brewster, St. Mary’s County Health
• For assistance or accommoda- Officer. “Decreasing the amount of
tions, call ahead to (301) 475-4330 f lu transmission in our community
SMCHD Harm Reduction Office: relieves stress on our healthcare sys-
• Monday, Wednesday, and Friday tem, helps keep kids in school, and
from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. means less people get quarantined
• Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 for their COVID-like f lu symptoms.”
a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Additionally, SMCHD is partner-
• 46035 Signature Lane, Lexington ing with St. Mary’s County Public
Park (co-located with U-Haul Mov- Schools and MedStar St. Mary’s
ing & Storage) Hospital to offer drive-thru f lu vac-
• For assistance or accommoda- cine clinics for child and adult com-
tions, call ahead to (301) 862-1680 munity members. Click here for
Advance registration to receive more information on dates, times
the f lu vaccine is required at www. and locations. in order to ensure For more information about the
adequate vaccine supply. No ad- f lu, including prevention tips and
vanced registration is required for key differences from COVID-19,
COVID-19 testing. please visit: lu.
Students interested in government Brady, who was formerly St. Mary’s “We really need everyone six
have a perfect opportunity to witness County’s historic district planner. months and older to get the f lu vac-
it first-hand. Brady is chair of NSCDA’s Patriotic
It’s called the Congressional Semi- Service Committee, which has the
nar Essay Contest for High School contest as one of its responsibilities.
Students. This essay contest is a Brady feels that this year’s essay
major project of The National Soci- contest topic is very topical: “The
ety of Colonial Dames of America Electoral College was established in
(NSCDA) held under the auspices of the U.S. Constitution as the election
the Washington Workshops Founda- process for the President and Vice
tion, a private nonprofit educational President.  Support retaining the
program in American government for Electoral College or propose and sup-
high school students. port another system to operate in its
Winners receive full tuition, in- place.”
cluding seminar materials, university Brady said, “What a perfect topic
campus housing, and two meals daily, for this election year and I like the
for a week of citizenship education suggestion of what would you replace
about the national government, plus the Electoral College with if you don’t
fun, new friends, and tours of sites in like how it operates now.”
our nation’s capital. Information about how to enter the
The contest is open to 10 th , 11th contest can be found on the NSCDA
and 12th grade students, according to website:
Calvert County resident Grace Mary

Happy 100th Birthday

Thomas E. Goodwine
Happy 100th Birthday to our
Dad Thomas E. Goodwine.
Thanks for the gift of love you
have shared for 10 decades.

You are loved by all. Enjoy

this milestone. May God's
Blessings continually be on
you. Love your Kids, Family &
14 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Naval Air Museum Hosts Car Show

More than 60 cars were on display Oct. 19 at a car show at
Patuxent River Naval Air Museum.

Photos by Weston Kilgore.

Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times In Our Community 15

St. Mary’s College Featured Plans Announced First

in Princeton Review School-Based Health Centers
The St. Mary’s County Equity Task accessible mental health services can
St. Mary’s College of Maryland is the challenges that [students] will Force is pleased to announce plans to create barriers to regular school at-
one of the nation’s best institutions face in the workplace,” particularly establish the first two school-based tendance,” said Dr. Scott Smith, Su-
for undergraduates to earn their col- for those in the STEM field who “can health centers in St. Mary’s County perintendent of St. Mary’s County
lege degree, according to The Princ- really get a leg up by doing publish- in order to promote equity in educa- Public Schools. “School Based Heath
eton Review. The education services able work even prior to grad school.” tion, health and public safety. The Centers and our proactive partnership
company profiles and recommends Only about 13 percent of America’s school-based health centers are under with the St. Mary’s County Health
St. Mary’s College in the 2021 edition 3,000 four-year colleges are profiled construction at Spring Ridge Middle Department can address this need.”
of its annual college guide, “The Best in the book, which is one of The School in Lexington Park and at Mar- “School-based health centers play
386 Colleges.” Princeton Review’s most popular garet Brent Middle School in Helen, a critical role in promoting access
The Princeton Review also includes publications. The company chooses and will launch with certain services to health care services and preven-
St. Mary’s College in the following colleges for the book based on data it by December 2020. tive programming for all students,
lists within the guide: Best North- annually collects from administrators The school-based health centers including those who may be the most
eastern, Best Value Colleges, Green at hundreds of colleges about their will initially offer school nursing, be- vulnerable to poor health outcomes.”
Colleges, and ranked the College #5 institution’s academic offerings. The havioral health services, preventive said Dr. Meena Brewster, St. Mary’s
in the Top 50 Green Colleges. Princeton Review also considers data care and health education program- County Health Officer. “During a
According to the guide, “Stu- it gathers from its surveys of college ming. Future plans for the school- time of responding to the COVID-19
dents fortunate enough to attend St. students who rate and report on vari- based health centers include specific pandemic, these sites will also be uti-
Mary’s College of Maryland receive ous aspects of their campus and com- primary care services, key to improv- lized for community testing and mass
a “top tier education” wherein they munity experiences for this project.    ing health outcomes for students who vaccination efforts.”
have ample “opportunity to try new The Princeton Review’s school face barriers to accessing health care. “Coupled with our School Re-
things and explore their interests.” profiles and ranking in “The Best Spring Ridge Middle School is locat- source Officers at these locations,
That extends beyond the applauded 386 Colleges” are posted at https:// ed in a federally-designated Health this initiative provides increased
“research-based curriculum” to the Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) behavioral health services and im-
environment—” the campus is abso- rankings/best-colleges where they for both primary care and mental proved substance abuse prevention
lutely gorgeous”—and even the food can be searched for free with site health services. Margaret Brent Mid- for our youth, helping them build bet-
in the “great dining hall.” Where St. registration. dle School is located in a HPSA for ter foundations for adulthood,” Sher-
Mary’s shines most, however, is in its   Press Release from SMCM. mental health services. iff Tim Cameron added.
academic offerings, which “ref lect “Lack of consistent health care and

Input Sought for Healthy Pax River Drill Hall Closed

Relationships Survey for Cleaning Oct. 20-25
Each year, the St. Mary;s County
Commission for Women (CFW) hosts forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqqomEm- Physical Therapy Clinic Remains Open
a healthy relationship awareness event NSba6shaqAM4VzzcX-
for young people in our county. While scNlqn1l351ijOl_VNPIKw/
that may not be possible this year due viewform.
to COVID-19, the CFW remains com- All responses are confidential and
mitted to their focus on dating violence will provide the CFW with vital infor-
prevention for teens and young adults. mation as they continue to work toward
In an effort to collect information to bet- a safer and healthier St. Mary’s County.
ter target future events, they have cre- For more information about the CFW,
ated a survey regarding the experiences please visit https://www.stmarysmd.
of individuals ages 13-25 as it relates to com/boards/ or call 301-475-4200, ext.
healthy relationships. 1680.
To take the survey, visit: Press Release from St. Mary’s County

NAS Patuxent River’s Drill Hall of Drill Hall of spaces in an abun-

will be closed, with the exception dance of caution. The exercise, indoor
of the Physical Therapy Clinic, for pool, and Bowling Center spaces will
cleaning Oct. 20-Oct. 25 following be closed during this time.
a report that two staff members who Personnel are reminded to prac-
have since tested positive for COV- tice CDC- and DoD-directed COVID
ID were in the Drill Hall in the days safety measures of wearing a face
prior to exhibiting symptoms. While covering, frequent hand washing,
there is no indication that infection and maintaining physical distancing
occurred during their shifts, the com- when possible, and to stay home if
mand is performing a deep cleaning they feel ill.
16 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Commissioners Approve Leadership Class

Grant for Sheriff’s Office Experiences Energy &

The Commissioners approved isting resources.

an award of $100,000 for the St. Educational materials purchased
Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office to by the award include audio, video
fund youth gun violence preven- and print materials to promote
tion in the community. The Edward awareness and education about
J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assis- firearm safety to youth. Leadership Southern Maryland harvests. Several class members got
tance Youth Gun Violence Reduc- Commissioner decisions and re- (LSM) Class of 2020 on Oct. 8-9 par- in on the bidding action, taking home
tion Initiative Grant will purchase lated public documents are avail- ticipated in the last of nine educational pumpkins, floral arrangements, and
software technology and educa- able on the county government sessions for LSM’s 2019-20 Executive other seasonal produce.  The partici-
tional materials. website in BoardDocs. St. Mary’s Program - Energy and Environment. pants then traveled to Farming 4 Hun-
Sheriff Tim Cameron described County Commissioner Meetings The two-day event began at St. ger where they had an opportunity to
the PredPolsoftware to the Com- may be viewed live Tuesday morn- Mary’s County Metropolitan Com- learn about the farm’s origin story,
missioners at their Tuesday, Oct. ings on SMCG Channel 95 or as a mission’s Marlay-Taylor Water Rec- mission, and daily operations.  The
20 meeting as a data-driven pre- replay Friday nights at 6:30 p.m. lamation Facility where the class re- class also participated in several team-
dictive technology that identifies Meetings are also available for on- ceived an overview of Metcom’s op- building activities to help them gain a
crime related public security and demand viewing on the St. Mary’s erations, learned about the wastewater fuller understanding of the impact of
safety concerns in the county and County Government YouTube treatment process, and toured the on- the organization and its programs on
allows for more efficient use of ex- Channel. site lab which conducts water quality a larger scale. 

testing and analysis.  The afternoon Leadership Southern Maryland is

t o
portion of the session was conducted a nine-month, tuition-based program

g e
virtually, allowing class members to and is designed and dedicated to ed-

i n i v
hear from representatives of Exelon’s ucate and inspire a diverse group of

x c t
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant current and emerging leaders to create

L ark ulA
and Southern Maryland Electric Co- collaborations and partnerships to im-
operative (SMECO).  These presenta- pact the community needs of Calvert,
tions provided an overview of energy Charles, and St. Mary’s counties and

P Ad
production in the region and gave the incorporates a cross-section of the re-

class insight into the organizations’ gion to include diversity of geographic

t C leadership structures.
The second day began with a visit
location, profession, ethnicity, and
to the Loveville Produce Auction, al- For more information, please con-
lowing the participants to experience tact Denise Foster, Executive Director
"commerce in action" while observ- Leadership Southern Maryland, 301-
ing interaction of the Mennonite and 862-SOMD, via email denise@lead-

NOW Available Amish agricultural community with

local restaurateurs, grocers, and in- or visit www.leader-
1 & 2 bedroom dividuals who purchased from their Press Release from LSM.

apartments Historic St. Mary’s City

Receives Grant
Historic St. Mary’s City (HSMC) is thank the awarding organizations for
pleased to announce the reception of the their support of continued endeavors at
Save America’s Treasures grant from the HSMC to preserve history and share sto-
National Park Services and the Institute ries of the past for many years to come.
of Museums and Library Services. The For more information about the
awarded amount of $121,500, 45 percent awarding organization, you may visit
of the total project cost, from the feder- their website at
al government will allow HSMC to hire Historic St. Mary’s City is a museum
a conservation assistant for two years. of living history and archaeology on the
The $267,500 conservation project is site of Maryland’s first capital in beauti-
dedicated to completing conservation ful, tidewater Southern Maryland.  For
of high priority archaeological  finds more information about the museum
uncovered between 1988 and 2002. The contact the Visitor Center at 240-895-
project is being directed by conserva- 4990, 800-SMC-1634, or info@DigsH-
21895 Pegg Road • Lexington Park, MD 20653 • (240)725-0111 tor Stephanie Whitehead and will begin 
fall 2020. Press Release from HSMC.
Historic St. Mary’s City wishes to
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Feature 17

Local Elections Board Battles St. Mary’s County 2020 Election

Vote Centers & Drop Box Locations

Misinformation, Rumors
Early Voting
October 26th through November 2nd
7:00 am to 8:00 pm everyday (including
Saturday & Sunday).
By Guy Leonard • Hollywood Firehouse
Staff Writer
24801 Three Notch Road Hollywood
As Election Day draws closer the
local Board of Elections is busy not
only preparing to ensure the smooth
Election Day Voting Centers
November 3rd 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
collection of ballots during the nation’s
most difficult time in recent memory but
• Hollywood Firehouse
helping voters with constant questions
24801 Three Notch Road, Hollywood
about the shape voting opportunities
will take this year.
• Great Mills High School
This year, registered voters can either
21130 Great Mills Road, Great Mills
vote by a mail-in ballot, vote at the
county’s single early voting center in
• Leonardtown High School
Hollywood, drop their ballots in a safe
23995 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown
box, vote in person on election day or
they can go to the Board of Elections
• Margaret Brent Middle School
and cast their ballot there at any time.
29675 Point Lookout Road, Mechanicsville
But erroneous or incomplete
information about how voters can cast Canvassing ballots that come in either election.
• Lexington Park Elem School
their ballot still abounds, the election by mail, in-person or from the secure The board has sent out 21,060 mail-
46763 S. Shangri-La Drive, Lexington Park
board staff says. boxes is a daily job. in ballots as of Oct. 16, according to
“People think the ballot boxes are “It’s very challenging,” Adkins said. the elections board, and 8,229 had been
• Spring Ridge Middle School
locked,” said Wendy Adkins, the “But we’re on it. returned by that same date.
19856 Three Notch Road, Lexington Park
director of the St. Mary’s County Board “Whatever mail we get in, we process Early voting begins Oct. 26 and
of Elections. “There is a flap there to it.” runs through Nov. 2; the Hollywood
• Lettie Marshall Dent Elem School
protect the ballots, they just need to push Ballots sent in and canvassed before Volunteer Fire Department is the
37840 New Market Turner Road,
on the flap. Election Day are counted immediately. county’s only early voting site and has
“They’re all unlocked 24 hours a day, “The sooner they get them to us, the been for years.
seven days a week.”
The ballot boxes are under surveillance
sooner they’ll be counted,” Adkins said.
“And they can come in here anytime
There were efforts this year
championed by Del. Brian Crosby and
Ballot Drop Boxes
by St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office and cast their vote during our normal William Hall, head of the local NAACP
• Lexington Park Library
deputies to ensure ballot security. business hours.” chapter, to have additional voting sites
21677 F D R Blvd Lexington Park
“We empty them twice a day,” said There are 11 ballot boxes set out placed in the southern portion of the
Susan Julian, deputy election supervisor. throughout the county and they appear county.
• Hollywood Firehouse
The challenges facing the small to be more popular than the U.S. Mail Crosby alleged that having only one
24801 Three Notch Road Hollywood
staff at the elections board have been among residents. such polling place was an act of voter
significant, Adkins said. “More people are using the drop suppression, but his efforts failed this
• Great Mills High School
There are just six full time employees boxes,” Julian said. “They’re not trusting year.
21130 Great Mills Road Great Mills
and four temporary ones, Adkins said, the mail.” Del. Matt Morgan responded to
to oversee 510 election judges. There are still questions about ballot Crosby’s allegations by saying that voters
• Board of Elections (old office)
The staff continues to canvass ballots, signatures, which are required, but they in the northern section of the county
41650 Tudor Hall Road Leonardtown
along with a bipartisan team, at their do not have to exactly match those found were not alleging voter suppression and
new headquarters in Leonardtown that on voter registrations, elections board they also had a significant distance to
• Charlotte Hall Library
once housed the library. staff said. travel to vote early.
37600 New Market Road Charlotte Hall
The last day for a resident to send in It’s one of the many questions they “We’ve always had one,” Adkins said
a mail-in ballot is Nov. 3, Election Day, field in confusing times, another is why of the single early voting site. “By law,
• Board of Elections (new office)
and it must be postmarked by that date. voters can’t use their normal polling that is all required of us.”
23250 Hollywood Road Leonardtown
“Or they can hand deliver it by 8p.m. place on Election Day and instead must Residents can also register to vote the
to us or at any of the drop boxes,” travel to one of seven in St. Mary’s same day they cast a ballot on Election
• Leonardtown High School
Adkins said. designated for that use. Day or during early voting, but a valid
23995 Point Lookout Road Leonardtown
But they warned those with mail-in The succinct answer is that COVID-19 Maryland drivers license is required
ballots that they must either use them or fears closed many of the available places as well as official information on their
• Margaret Brent Middle School
take extra pains. that could have been used to host a current address.
29675 Point Lookout Road Mechanicsville
“If they received a mail-in ballot they polling station, Julian said, and there Barring that, a valid state identification
can’t vote using a regular in-person likely would not be enough election card and a form such as a utility bill or
• Lexington Park Elem School
ballot,” Julian said. “They’d have to use judges to staff every one if they were. paycheck confirming residency will
46763 S. Shangri-La Drive Lexington Park
a provisional ballot.” “The buildings just weren’t open,” allow a same-day register to vote on a
This process is instilled to ensure Julian said. “And a lot of our election provisional ballot.
The following ballot drop boxes
that no one can cast a ballot twice; it judges were older and at risk.” For now, the staff there are continuing
will be available during the week of
is assumed that those who requested a Adkins said the board’s usual to take questions from residents leading
Oct. 22nd – Oct. 24th (exact date of
mail-in ballot would use it. volunteers weren’t signing up to up to Nov. 3.
installation not known yet) The box
If not, they can only vote via a volunteer. “There are so many rumors on social
will be open 24/7 thru November 3,
provisional ballot that must be examined “Election judges were dropping out,” media that it makes our job harder,”
2020 until 8:00 pm:
and confirmed to be legitimate by the said Adkins. Julian said.
board of elections. Despite continuing confusion, the Phone lines are always open, Adkins
• Spring Ridge Middle School
“It’s not a problem,” Adkins told The election staff say that there are even said.
19856 Three Notch Road Lexington Park
County Times. “But it’s a lot more work more options to allow for voting now “We’re here on the phone lines all day
on the voter than necessary.” than ever before. long,” Adkins said. “If residents have
• Lettie Marshall Dent Elem School
It’s also extra work for the elections “The options are out there,” Adkins questions they can call us.”
37840 New Market Turner Rd
staff. said. “We’re running two kinds of
“We have to research everyone,” elections: a mail-in and an in-person St. Mary's County Board of Elections
Julian said. one.” 301-475-4200 ext. 71625
Voter enthusiasm appears strong this
18 Education The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

St. Mary’s College Approves Nursing Students Inducted

Neuroscience Major into Honor Society The College of Southern Maryland
(CSM) inducted 13 nursing students into
Alpha Omega, CSM’s chapter of the Or-
ganization for Associate Degree Nursing
(OADN) Alpha Delta Nu Honor Society on
Sept. 30. It was a virtual celebration that not
only highlighted the students’ perseverance
in their pursuit of academic excellence, but
also put them on notice.
“Those of us being inducted tonight
not only ‘survived’ CSM’s rigorous nurs-
ing program, but we are getting ready to
graduate at the top of our class, during a
global pandemic, under unprecedented cir-
cumstances,” shared student speaker Katie
Klotz. “Being inducted into this honor so- Student Katie Klotz, of Pomfret, addressed her
ciety, especially in 2020, is an amazing ac- fellow inductees as the student speaker at CSM’s
complishment and shows just how much we Alpha Omega Honor Society induction ceremony.
can achieve if we just keep working hard
and encourage each other along the way.” sion, but more importantly for the good of
To be inducted into CSM’s Alpha Omega public.” Justice O’Connor used Ruth Bader
Chapter, nursing students must first become Ginsburg’s work from the 1970’s to sup-
provisional members in their third semester port her opinion in the nursing school case,
of the program. The student must maintain Polk pointed out. And then Justice Gins-
a 3.0 GPA, earn a B or higher in all courses burg used Justice O’Connor’s work from
required for the nursing program with no the 1980’s to formulate her opinion in the
previous nursing course failures and reflect 1990’s VMI case.
St. Mary’s College of Maryland’s first-year (FTFY) applications - an in- sound moral and ethical values with profes- “As the brightest we have at CSM, and as
Board of Trustees met virtually Fri- crease of 62 percent compared to the sionalism and integrity of the highest cali- future leaders in nursing, I hope you’ll use
day, October 16, beginning at 4:50 previous year. It is the second largest ber. Additionally, the new inductees com- this as an example throughout your career,”
p.m. The Board acted on several number of FTFY applications in the plete a scholarly learning project and reflect Polk said. “Look at the nursing role models
items including approving the cur- history of the College. Enrollment for on that project. from Florence Nightingale to current lead-
riculum for the College’s 25th major the fall 2020 semester includes 1,491 Klotz went on to point out to her fellow ers. And build on their work as you create
in neuroscience. undergraduate students and 22 gradu- inductees that “maybe Florence Nightin- your own future in profession.”
The Academic Affairs Commit- ate students. While this figure is level gale was onto something” when she said in And then Polk put the college’s top nurs-
tee endorsed the new major at the with fall 2019, there are 12 more part- 1870 that it would take 150 years for nursing ing students on notice.
suggestion of faculty and staff chal- time undergraduate students and the to become all she [Nightingale] envisioned “The second reason I wanted to share this
lenged with recommending new col- proportion of new students has in- it to be. story with you this evening is because of
lege programming. According to the creased from 27 percent to 31 percent. “For those a little slow on math, like my- the concept of equity,” she said. “The 1982
committee, the major received a fa-  Jordan also stated that the College self – that would be 2020,” laughed Klotz. nursing school case emphasized access to
vorable market analysis from an ex- was “enhancing Admission staffing” “So, here we are. The nurses of 2020: Those nursing education for men and women.
ternal research firm. Research found and “providing the tools needed to envisioned by Ms. Nightingale, herself. We For the nursing profession, this is espe-
that neuroscience has been one of the attract, recruit, and admit sufficient are the future of nursing. We are intelligent, cially important. Research tells us that our
most popular student-designed majors numbers of students with the poten- compassionate, honorable students who patient’s health outcomes are impacted by
within the College’s core market, in- tial and capacity to succeed in this persevered when it would have been so easy the diversity of the nursing profession. The
creasing in number by 86 percent be- rigorous academic environment.” to quit. As Florence Nightingale said, ‘I at- more diverse we are as a profession (not
tween 2014 and 2018. The College’s Among those tools is the market- tribute my success to this – I never gave or just with gender, but with other attributes
minor in neuroscience, currently with ing of the new National Public Hon- took an excuse.’ Neither did we.” as well) and the more that the members of
49 students, makes it the third largest ors College that assists the Office During closing remarks, Acting Dean of our profession mirror the diversity of the
minor on campus. of Admission reach its goals. This the School of Science and Health Dr. Laura population as a whole, the better the health
The new major in neuroscience will year alone, the College’s Integrated Polk shared a timeline of important legal outcomes for the public.
support the core mission of the Col- Marketing department has won nine decisions that led to the significant aca- “I want to put you on notice tonight as fu-
lege in providing a liberal arts and awards for successfully branding and demic and professional gains for nursing ture nursing leaders,” Polk continued. “We
sciences education in an environment marketing the College: four in the students. know there is an equity problem in health
that fosters scholarship and intellec- Educational Advertising Awards; two “In the 1970’s, a simple lawyer named care. We are seeing it daily in the data on
tual integrity through close relation- in the Collegiate Advertising Awards; Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued a series of the effects of COVID-19 on people of color.
ships with faculty in classes, labora- two in the APEX Awards for Publi- cases before the Supreme Court that fo- As future leaders in nursing, you have an
tories, and the community. The major cation Excellence; and one award in cused on the issue of equity,” Polk began. obligation to position yourself to promote
is particularly suited to this mission the Circle of Excellence Awards from “Jump forward with me a few years to 1982 access to nursing education for all, to chal-
because of its interdisciplinary fo- the Council for the Advancement and when Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote lenge stereotyped beliefs about abilities, and
cus, with students learning to ap- Support of Education (CASE). the Supreme Court’s majority opinion on to work diligently to decrease the impact of
proach complex problems from mul- The schedule for the spring 2021 se- a case that resulted in an order for an all- inequity on the health of the population.”
tiple perspectives. mester was also discussed. The spring female nursing school to admit men. Jump Nursing students inducted into CSM’s
According to President Tuajuan- semester will begin on January 19, forward with me again to 1996 when Ruth Alpha Omega Chapter of Alpha Delta Nu
da C. Jordan in her remarks to the 2021, and conclude on April 27, 2021.  Bader Ginsberg, now a Supreme Court Jus- include: Faidat Yetunde Amolegbe, Brian
Board, “key to our efforts to sustain The 2021 class commencement will be tice herself wrote the majority opinion on Ansell, April Ann Bautista, Charlene Eng-
the College’s viability is enrollment held on May 8, 2021, allowing for the another college case, this time the result was lish, Grace Kim, Katie Klotz, Tamara Mag-
management.” semester to end one week earlier than an order that women be admitted to an all- da, C’Jia Mayfield, Michelle Mejias, Sarah
Vice President for Enrollment Da- normal. Spring Break will be replaced male school, Virginia Military Institute.” Miller, Alexandra Myers, Brianna Reid and
vid Hautanen Jr. presented and enroll- by two mid-semester “mental health” Polk then explained that these historical Kaitlyn Willoughby.
ment update to the Board. about this breaks every six weeks during the moments were examples of how “top indi- For more information on CSM’s nursing
year’s success. According to Hau- semester. viduals in their field built upon each other’s program, visit
tanen, for the fall 2020 entering class, work over time for the good of their profes- Press Release from CSM.
the College received 2,604 first-time,
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Education 19

Memorial Scholarship St. Mary’s County Library

to Aid CSM Adult Part- Launches Mobile App
Time Students
October 19, 2020 – Leonardtown, Md. – searches and “My Account”
St. Mary’s County Library is pleased to an- • Nearest libraries feature – find direc-
nounce the launch of a mobile app available tions and contact information for the nearest
now for Android and iOS. The St. Mary’s Library
Sisters Carolina and Oda Solms pus’ Wellness and Aquatics Center County Library app allows customers to • Self-checkout of materials
have honored their mother Melissa (Building D). search the collection, place holds, and man- • Learn about upcoming events at the
Ann Solms-Baruth by establish- “A brick has been laid in memory age their Library account from their mobile Library
ing a memorial scholarship fund of Melissa Solms-Baruth by CSM device. • Scan an ISBN barcode to see if the Li-
in her name. The scholarship will Foundation Board member Jay Lilly The app also includes a self-checkout brary has a copy of an item
financially assist College of South- who is here with us today,” the pro- function. Customers inside the Library can Sara Stephenson, Virtual Services Coor-
ern Maryland (CSM) students in all gram read. “Kind and generous, she use their own mobile device to check out ma- dinator, said “We are excited to launch the
fields of study.  devoted her life to her family and terials as they browse. This feature is not only app as a way for our customers to take the Li-
Solms-Baruth, who passed away friends.” convenient, it also decreases touch points brary on the go. Almost one quarter of visits
in 2014, was a dedicated mother The Melissa Ann Solms-Baruth within the Library for customers who wish to the Library’s website in the last year were
and wife, as well as an avid pho- Memorial Scholarship Fund was to avoid the self-checkout machines or staff from a mobile device. We want to provide
tographer and waterfront real es- established with a $1,000 pledge interactions due to COVID-19 concerns. Library services in ways that are accessible
tate professional. In 2007, she be- and a promise of subsequent gifts Features of the St. Mary’s County Library for our customers, and this app is another
gan publishing Southern Maryland added over time. It will provide fi- app include: step toward that goal.”
Woman magazine with her eldest nancial assistance for tuition, fees, • The ability to save your Library card The app was funded through the CARES
daughter. The community magazine books and other related supplies to in the app so you don't need to bring your initiative from the State of Maryland.
remains in publication today. Sol- CSM students. To be eligible, stu- physical card to the Library. Please call or visit any Library location for
ms-Baruth was an equestrian who dents must be a resident of Southern • A searchable collection, with the ability assistance downloading the app or with any
enjoyed traveling and jewelry mak- Maryland; possess a high school di- to place holds and manage “My Account” questions about its use and features.
ing. She was also an active CASA ploma or its equivalent; possess and • Physical and digital titles available in
volunteer and supported the St. maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point
Mary’s Mediation Center. average; be attending part-time (at
“Our mother was a life-long least six credits) at CSM; and be a
learner. She was curious about ev- returning adult student (at least 25
erything and constantly developed years of age). Preference will be
new interests. She was a true be- given to students who demonstrate
liever in the power of education to financial need and to students who
transform one’s circumstances and are underrepresented minorities in
we had discussed creating a scholar- their chosen field of study. Appli-
ship at CSM with her many times,” cants must also submit an essay de-
said Oda Solms. “This seemed like scribing any hardships or obstacles
a very natural way to remember our they have faced and how this schol-
mother and honor her legacy.”  arship will help them achieve their
At the time of her passing, then goals.
CSM Foundation Member Jay Lilly Students may begin applying
laid a memorial brick in Solms-Ba- now for this scholarship through
ruth’s memory at the CSM Leonar- CSM’s Scholarship Finder.
dtown Campus in front of the cam- Press Release from CSM.

Read Woke Challenge SUP & Fitness for a virtual session focusing
St. Mary’s County Library invites community on the importance of Heart/Bone Health. As
members of all ages to join the Read Woke Chal- we age it is important to care for our heart and
videos at! have made a compass? View the latest video
lenge, running through May 2021! Register on bones properly. Different ages require different
exercises, guidelines, etc. Do you know what on Thursday, November 5 at 6 p.m. at www.
the Beanstack Tracker app or on the Beanstack Find all the vid-
website and then choose a book to match each you should be doing at your age for maximum The Importance of History
month’s badge. You’ll read books by Asian- heart/bone strength? It is never too late to start Paul Rose, a Research Historian at United eos on our YouTube channel at
Americans, Indigenous authors, Women, LG- and you may be surprised at how "easy" it can States Holocaust Memorial Museum will discuss StMarysCountyLibrary.
BTQ+ authors, and more! November’s badge be. Register at to receive the the importance of history and how it can shape
is African-American Voices. See more informa- link to the virtual event taking place Monday, No- our understanding of today. Register at www., then join us online on Wednesday,
YA First Chapter Friday
tion and register at vember 2 at 1 p.m. Every Friday at noon, listen to the first chap-
This reading challenge is part of the Community November 4 at 7:30 p.m. ter of a great book recommended for teens
Conversations on Race series. Story and a Song and tweens by Library staff. We hope you get
Join Ms. Sue and Ms. Erin for a lively story and Fairy Tale STEAM hooked and want to read the rest! View the latest
Feel Good & Live Better with root SUP silly sing-a-long song on Wednesday, November Explore the science behind classic tales us- video on Friday, November 6 at 12 p.m. at www.
4 at 10 a.m. at ing easily accessible household objects! Why Find all the vid-
& Fitness: Building Strength did Goldilocks prefer the temperature of only eos on our YouTube channel at
Join Jenn Houck and Cathy Pierce of root brary! A new Story and a Song will be released
every other Wednesday. Check out previous one bowl of porridge? Could Hansel and Gretel StMarysCountyLibrary.
20 Education The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Marrick Properties Donates Welding Equipment

Helps Trade Students Perfect Their Skills
Marrick Properties recently donated a An HVAC Lab complete with opera- With greater efficiency and reliability
weld test bender that will give College tional HVAC systems of newer manufacturing plants, demand
of Southern Maryland (CSM) welding A Plumbing Lab with resources that for electricians in manufacturing should
students an opportunity to evaluate the imitate both residential and commercial increase as more electricians are needed
strength and integrity of their welds. plumbing systems to install and maintain systems.
The $1,316 piece of equipment is used A Core Lab, featuring basic hand and Construction: Overall employment of
by inspectors to bend weld specimens power tools for a proper introduction to construction laborers and helpers is pro-
and provides immediate feedback to a career in trades jected to grow 25 percent, much faster
students as they perfect their skills. The A CAD lab with color plotter than the average for all occupations.
equipment also allows instructors and 4 classrooms for instructional use; Plumbing: Demand for plumbers is
students to see if there are weak points A computer lab with 20 computer sta- projected to grow 21 percent. Job op-
in welds. tions and 1 conference room portunities are expected to be good, as
“This donation is a game changer CTET provides residents direct access some employers continue to report dif-
for our welding program,” said CSM to specialized training in career fields ficulty finding qualified workers.
Director I, Master Trainer, Accredited that have remained essential through- Welding: Employment for welders,
Training Sponsor Representative Mi- out the global pandemic and continue to cutters, solderers, and brazers is pro-
chael Langton. “Adding a weld bender – have substantial growth potential. Ac- jected to grow 3 percent from 2019 to
which literally bends a cross-cut section cording to the Bureau of Labor Statis- 2029, about as fast as the average for all
of metal to test the strength of the weld tics, the following projections are made occupations. The nation’s aging infra-
– to our welding lab is a tremendous as- for job growth between 2012 and 2022: structure will require the expertise of
set for our trade students.” Heating, Ventilation, Air Condition- welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers
The Center for Trade and En-
The equipment was purchased ing, and Commercial Refrigeration to help rebuild bridges, highways, and
ergy Training (CTET) at the Re-
through a donation from the Marrick (HVAC): Employment of HVAC me- buildings.
gional Hughesville Campus offers a
Properties Inc. Endowed Fund which chanics and installers is projected to For more information on how CSM
30,000-square-foot building containing
was established to enhance the college’s grow 21 percent, faster than the aver- is taking precautions to safeguard
multiple state-of-the-art labs for stu-
trade programs and provide scholar- age for all occupations. Job opportuni- our students, please consult our web-
dents to receive hands-on training in
ships for CSM students. ties for HVAC technicians are expected page:
several trades including:
“We are grateful to Marrick Proper- to be excellent, particularly for those Learn more about CSM’s Regional
A Welding Lab fitted with 20 welding
ties for providing our students with this who have completed training at an ac- Hughesville Campus online https://
equipment,” said Langton. “Marrick credited technical school or through an w w w. c s m d . e d u /a b o u t / l o c a t i o n s /
A Carpentry Lab outfitted with tools,
Properties’ support of CSM through the apprenticeship. regional-campus/
materials and equipment
years has been immeasurable. They are Electrical: Employment of electri- Press Release from CSM.
A fully-equipped Electrical Lab with
truly our partners in education.” cians is projected to grow 20 percent.
structural building mock-up


Saturday, November 21, 2020 @ 11:00 a.m.

The Commemorative is an immersive art experience that honors the story

of resilience, persistence, and creative problem solving that defined the
lives of the enslaved individuals that lived in St. Mary’s City between 1750
and 1815. Constructed on the St. Mary’s College of Maryland campus, the
Commemorative provides visitors with the space to acknowledge and learn
from the lives of those who once toiled there, while providing a place for
reflection and introspection about the nature of slavery and its connections
to modern society.

This virtual dedication will feature a keynote message by nationally-known

writer Jelani Cobb. This artistic construction being erected near the Jamie
L. Roberts Stadium features commissioned work by artists Norman Lee and
Shane Allbritton of RE:Site and poet Quenton Baker.


Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Letters to the Editor 21

CSM Chief of Staff

Elected to National Group
Will Represent Northeast Region
The College of Southern Mary-
land (CSM) announces that Chief A Day in the Life of a
High School Senior
of Staff Larisa Pfeiffer has been
elected the Northeast Region Rep-
resentative and Member-at-large for

During COVID19
the Association of Community Col-
lege Trustees (ACCT) Professional
Board Staff Network (PBSN). In
this capacity, Pfeiffer will provide
leadership, facilitate communica- To the Editor Blake’s day, her schedule follows:
tion and develop programs for the As you know, education in the age Period 1.  Physics 1
annual ACCT Congress. of COVID19 is a moving target. It             2.  AP Psychology 
ACCT is a non-profit educa- goes from virtual on-line only, to in             3.  American Foreign Policy
tional organization of governing class and on-line, to all in class.             4.  AP Spanish 5
boards, representing more than Schools open then close. According             5.  AP Calculus 2
6,500 elected and appointed trust- to Tawnell Hobbs, “A growing num-             6.  Lunch- runs clubs
ees who govern more than 1,200 ber of schools nationwide are closing             7.  AP American History
community, technical and junior temporarily or longer term just days             8.  AP Literature 
colleges in the United States and be- after reopening as the coronavirus Please note that textbooks are avail-
yond. Located in Washington, D.C., pandemic threatens to upend another able for each class.
ACCT is a major voice of communi- school year.” Blake is active in many organiza-
ty college trustees to the presiden- My granddaughter, Blake Bahr, tions.  Some include, President of
tial administration, U.S. Congress, suggested I write “A Day in the life the Key Club, Vice President of the
the Departments of Education and of a Leonardtown Senior Dur- Spanish Honor Society, Member
Labor and more. The Northeast Re- ing COVID19.” She thought that of the National Honor Society, and
gion includes Connecticut, Dela- that would give the public a feeling others. During the entire year she
ware, District of Columbia, Maine, of virtual learning from a student”s does Freshman Orientation.  Blake
Massachusetts, Maryland, New CSM Chief of Staff Larisa Pfeiffer perspective rounds out her very busy day on the
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, I took her to lunch and took notes Leonardtown Hockey Team.
“CSM helped me enter the world as she attempted to bring on-line Since Blake is a senior, she is mak-
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ver- of higher education as a student and
mont, New Brunswick, Newfound- learning to my level of understanding. ing decisions about college.
then as a professional,” said Pfei- Blake has a Monday/Wednesday Paramount in this is the Scholastic
land, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward ffer. “My family and I have all en-
Island and Quebec. schedule and a Tuesday/Thursday Aptitude Test (SAT). Leonardtown 
joyed personal enrichment, work- schedule. On both Monday and has a college and career counselor.
In her CSM position as the col- force development, and academic
lege’s first chief of staff, Pfeiffer Wednesday she has periods 1,2,7,and Students must be self-motivated 
courses through CSM. The college 8. to reach out to the counselor. The
relies on peers serving in similar is an extension of our family and
roles in community colleges and Using the learning platform Google counselor sends out information
our ability to contribute meaning- Meet, content is presented live from about 
four-year institutions to understand fully to our community is a di-
higher education and governance the teacher at school to the students at scholarships. The guidance coun-
rect result of our relationship with home using various devices. The  selor assists with applications, rec-
trends and policies; and to create a CSM”.
shared knowledge network.  classes are 45 minutes long and the ommendations and transcripts.
Pfeiffer holds an associate degree students can ask questions.  Class  Blake is one among 435 other
In addition to being elected to in Arts and Sciences from CSM;
the PBSN, Pfeiffer received a mem- size is between 15-35 students. seniors. As a retired Board of
a bachelor’s degree in Business On Tuesday and Thursday, 3, 4, and Education member, I know that this
bership grant for the National As- from the University of Maryland,
sociation of Presidential Assistants 5th period lessons are live on Google county has every reason to be so
a master’s in Communication from Meet. At that time they can do home- proud of all of its students. May God
in Higher Education this July. This Southern New Hampshire Univer-
furthers Pfeiffer’s network and ac- work and classwork. Bless America!
sity, and is currently a doctoral Friday, during “Office Hours,” Blake Bahr senior, Leonardtown
cess to information resources that candidate of the Community Col-
aid in her service to presidential each teacher opens on-line for one High School 
lege Leadership program at Ferris hour. The teacher sits and waits for a Marilyn Crosby Retired Board of
leadership at CSM. State University. She was recently
“Larisa’s support of CSM’s Board student to join and ask questions. Education Member 
published in the April 2020 Vol. To give a better understanding of
of Trustees and our senior leader- 10 Issue 1 of AT ISSUE “Building
ship team is exceptional,” said CSM the Community College Leadership
President Dr. Maureen Murphy. Pipeline: Prioritizing Succession
“Her new role with ACCT is an ex-
tension of her widely known com-
mitment to the success of all com-
Planning”.  Pfeiffer’s dissertation
research is focused on onboarding find us on
and education practices of new
munity colleges as well as her pas- trustees appointed to community
sion for transforming lives through college board governance.
lifelong learning and service.” “I consider myself a helper,” she
Prior to serving as CSM’s chief shared. “My experience and edu-
of staff, Pfeiffer spent four years cational attainment align deeply
as the institution’s lead commu- with my commitment to ensure the
nity engagement coordinator and mission of the community college
five years as the college’s business continues to serve the needs of our
and information technology coor- community and that CSM leader-
dinator for CSM Workforce De- ship is fully supported to ensure
velopment division. She has also this important work gets done.”
served as an adjunct professor of Press Release from CSM.
22 Entertainment The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Sotterley Hosts Ghostly Days & Haunted Nights

The year 2020 has been a year a pumpkin grown in Sotterley’s
of change for everyone, and since own pumpkin patch! Pick your
we are unable to hold our Ghosts own pumpkin in the field, then
of Sotterley event due to COVID, pay for it in the Visitor Center.
we are making certain that fall And for those of you who miss
activities and ghostly fun are still the ghostly fun of our annual
to be had at Sotterley! Two week- Ghosts of Sotterley event, join us
ends of fun will be taking place, for “HAUNTED NIGHTS” - four
with both in-person and virtual Virtual spooky stories created by
offerings! some of your favorite Ghosts of
On the weekends of October 23 Sotterley actors! On each of the
- 25, and October 30 -November 1, Friday and Saturday evenings of
Sotterley will have two weekends both weekends (October 23, 24,
of family and ghostly fun. First, 30 & 31), we will post a video of a
join us at Sotterley for “Ghostly ghostly story on Sotterley’s Face-
Days,” during our normal visita- book, our website, and YouTube
tion hours each Friday through channel. Four evenings with
Sunday to enjoy the beautiful four different stories of Twisted
site with some added family fun. Tall Tales of Southern Maryland -
Kids (and adults!) are encouraged bringing a little of our Ghosts of
to wear their costumes, and there Sotterley into your home.
will be a scavenger hunt that takes While there will be no cost to
you around the site. view these videos, in a year when
Fill in your sheet and then turn Sotterley has been unable to hold
it in for a bag of treats before you any of its normal fundraisers,
leave! Take a photo of yourself in please know that we will grate-
costume and link it to Sotterley’s fully accept on-line donations or
Facebook page while you are here would love to welcome you as a
- you will then be entered into a new member!
contest to win a prize. There will For more information visit www.
be a haybale kid’s area on the front, Sotterley’s Face-
field plus farm equipment will be book page, or call 301-373-2280.
on display. Normal visitation fees Press Release from Sotterley.
apply. In addition, you can buy

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The County Times PAX River 23

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Patuxent River
Naval Air Station
“Blackjacks” Test MV-22s on LPD-Class Ship
A team of pilots and engineers from thaniel Ross, HX-21’s operations officer. was pretty amazing to watch.” The CMV-22B is designed to carry up
Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (HX) “And even with a whole lot of smart peo- During the detachment HX-21’s CMV- to 6,000 pounds of cargo and/or person-
21 recently joined colleagues from other ple working on our test plan to help us 22B COD aircraft made two delivery nel and operate up to a range of 1,150
Navy and Marine Corps commands to understand the interactions between the trips to the New York, ferrying maintain- nautical miles. The aircraft will replace
conduct MV-22 Osprey landing and ship ship and the aircraft, when we actually ers and their supplies. Normally a test the venerable C-2A Greyhound, which
compatibility tests aboard the amphibi- got out to the ship and began flying the team and their equipment would be load- has been fulfilling the COD role since
ous transport dock USS New York (LPD test points, we still found things (Issues) ed aboard a ship pierside; but because the 1966.
21). The testing also included the first that we weren’t necessarily looking for, New York was underway at the outset, Ross said that in addition to providing
shipboard landings for the Navy’s new or expecting to find. But, we were able to everything for the tests had to be flown to valuable data to engineers and designers
CMV-22B Carrier Onboard Delivery adjust our test plan quickly, to account for and from the ship. about the performance envelope of the
(COD) variant of the Osprey. them, which allowed us to make recom- “The CMV-22B is a great choice Osprey family of tilt-rotor aircraft when
Over the course of the 10-day detach- mendations to the class desk for envelope for that mission,” said Navy Lt. Gavin operating aboard LPD-class ships, the
ment in July, the test team flew 180 ship- adjustments.” Kurey, a test pilot and project officer at detachment also provided valuable les-
board approaches and landings, totaling Teamwork was crucial to the success of HX-21 who flew the first of the two COD sons in teamwork for the squadron that
just under 45 hours of flight testing, to the mission, Ross said. Most of the people trips to the New York with the squadron’s will benefit future test activities. “Every-
develop a better understanding of how pi- on the test team, which numbered 50 pi- then-commanding officer, Lt. Col. John one was at the right place at the right time
lots can successfully avoid the effects of a lots and engineers at its peak, had served Ennis, and crew chief Brian Neseth. “As to make the mission a success, and that
phenomenon called “recirculation” when together on a previous detachment, so we were planning the test detachment on- was due to the professionalism of every-
flying to and from ships. Recirculation they had already learned to work togeth- load missions, we realized that the Navy one involved,” Ross said.
occurs when the downwash from the air- er. The test program involved members aircraft was going to be a viable resource Nicknamed the “Blackjacks,” HX-21
craft’s rotors is reflected off a ship’s deck of Marine Helicopter Squadron (HMX) for helping our team to accomplish its provides developmental flight test and
back into the rotors’ rotation arc, causing 1 based at Marine Corps Base Quantico, goals. And the aircraft just plugged right evaluation of rotary-wing and tilt-rotor
the aircraft to suddenly lose lift. Va., Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron into its intended role perfectly.” aircraft and their associated airborne sys-
The team performed low-power-mar- (HMH) 464 based at Marine Corps Air Kurey said that although the ferry tems in support of U.S. Navy and Marine
gin testing, and developed procedures Station New River, Jacksonville, N.C., flight was strictly business, everyone on Corps training, combat, and combat sup-
for day and night approaches that would and Expeditionary Strike Group 2 based board was aware that they were making port missions. The squadron can trace
minimize the effects of recirculation. in Norfolk, Va. history. “The crew was certainly excited, its roots at NAS Patuxent River back to
The outcome of this testing was to iden- Ross identified the leadership and crew and so were all the passengers, who knew 1949, when the then-Naval Air Test Cen-
tify better control limits for the aircraft, of the New York for particular praise. that they were the first people to be fer- ter first established a rotary-wing test di-
and develop guidance and procedures “From the captain all the way down to the ried out to a ship at sea in the new COD vision. Today, HX-21 teams are engaged
that will improve safety for the MV-22 people pulling the chocks and chains, ev- Osprey,” Kurey recalled. “Everyone was in testing six families of aircraft, includ-
fleet. The testing clearly demonstrated eryone understood the importance of this buzzing with positive energy the whole ing the CH-53K King Stallion, the MV-
the value of developmental testing. test and how the lessons learned from it flight and the crew of the New York was 22 and CMV-22B Osprey, and the Presi-
“We hit 100% of the high priority test will save lives,” Ross said. “The whole excited that their ship was going to be the dential helicopter fleet.
points,” said Marine Corps Maj. Na- crew understood and embraced that. It first to have a Navy Osprey land on it.”

An MV-22 Osprey attached to the Blackjacks of Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (HX) 21 lands on the flight deck of the amphibious transport dock ship USS New York (LPD 21) on July 20, 2020.
24 Sports The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

Lear Closes Potomac Season

with Nationals Win
Kyle Lear drove to his second win
of the season in last Saturday nights
here tonight is awesome.” Hollidge,
Walker Arthur and Matt Quade would
season with Guffey tallying his 2nd
of 2020. Jamie Eicholz (Modified)
35-lap “Kevin Cooke Memorial” round out the top-five. Heats went to and Art Workman (Sportsman) took
Limited Late Model event at Potomac Pilkerton and Hill. wins in the Southern Delaware Vin-
Speedway. The win for Lear, behind In the 30-lap «Dale Reamy Sr. Me- tage Club events.
the wheel of his trusty Rocket no.151, morial” Street Stock event, PJ Hatcher Limited Late Model feature fin-
was worth $2,222 and it would mark continued his incredible season as he ish (24)
his 23rd career victory in the division. took his 7th straight Potomac feature Kyle Lear, Andy Fries, Tyler Em-
Willie Milliken and Kyle Lear win. Hatcher charged into the race ory, Dale Murphy, Willie Milliken,
shared the front row for the start of lead at the drop of the green and was Bruce Kane, Derick Quade, Jonathan day) (11)
the event with Milliken surging into never challenged en route to his 15th Raley, Michael Alderman, Samuel Cody Stamp, John Hardesty, Dan-
the top-spot as the field entered turn career division feature win and the Bryant, Sam Archer, DJ Groft, Danny iel Knodle, Bryan Allen, Brian
one. Milliken appeared to have the $1056 pay day steering his ARC Race Garrett, Scott Wilson, Wayne Bryant, Johnson, Bob Todd, Stephen Suite,
fastest car as he lead until the 18th Cars built no.777. “I just don’t know Kurt Zimmerman, Jamie Lathroum, Casey Sheckles, Nabil Guffey, Ray
lap, until he tangled with a lapped what to say.” An emotional Hatcher Walker Arthur, Danny Zechman, Hutchins, Travis Dye
car, sending him to the rear and Lear quipped in victory lane. “We have so Austin Stover, Billy Tucker, Kirk Ev- Strictly Stock feature finish (Sat-
into the lead. Lear would eventually many great people and sponsors who ans, Eric Groah DNS-Chuck Cox urday) (12)
pace the remaining circuits but would support us, this is just an incredible RUSH Crate Late Model feature Nabil Guffey, Cody Stamp. Bryan
have to fend off a pesky Andy Fries to feeling.” Dylan Rutherford, Walter finish (20) Allen, Ray Hutchins, Stephen Suite,
preserve the win. “Willie got us there Crouch, Kory Sites and Ben Hamil- Matt Hill, Jeremy Pilkerton, Dale Bob Todd, Casey Sheckles, John
at the start but we went with a harder ton trailed at the finish. Heats went to Hollidge, Walker Arthur, Matt Quade, Hardesty, Brian Johnson, Travis Dye,
tire and I think we’d of had something Hatcher and Crouch. Megan Mann, Ronnie Martin Jr., Johnny Hardesty, Daniel Knodle
for him if he hadn’t gone to the rear.” Mikey Latham tallied his 5th win of Timmy Booth, Corey Almond, Joey U-Car feature finish (Friday) (15)
Lear stated in victory lane. “We’ve the season in the 25-lap Hobby Stock Love, Mike Raleigh, Will Pritchard, Joey Suite, Tim Steele, Owen Lac-
struggled the past few weeks and a main. Latham and Mason Hanson Brian Coe Jr., Ed Pope Jr., Brad Rig- ey, Faith Lacey, Mackenzie Smith,
big thanks to all the crew and spon- each shared the lead until Latham don, Ben Scott, Chuck Bowie, Carl Seth Hood, John Burch, Brooke
sors who’ve stuck behind me.” Tyler took it for good on the 23rd lap to Vaughn, Tommy Armel DNS-Vaughn Bowles, Ryan Quade, Allen Griffith,
Emory, Dale Murphy (in a career best score his 17th career division win Haywood Stephen Suite, Shawn Payne, Robert
finish) and Milliken, who came from and the $600 winners check. “There’s Street Stock feature finish (18) Wilson DQ- Ryan Clatterbuck, Dom-
the rear of the field, completed the nothing like winning the nationals.” PJ Hatcher, Dylan Rutherford, Wal- inic King
top-five. Heats went to 2020 track Latham stated. “We had a good car ter Crouch, Kory Sites, Ben Hamil- U-Car feature finish (Saturday)
champion Derick Quade, Milliken all weekend and this is a big win for ton, Scotty Nelson, Randy Zechman, (14)
and Lear. my mom and dad and everyone who Zach Myers, Mike Grady Jr., Dylan Shawn Payne, Ryan Clatterbuck,
Matt Hill blasted from his second supports us.” Jason Wilkins was solid Welsh, Ben Pirner, Deuce Wright, Dominic King, Tim Steele, Kristy
starting spot to collect his first in second with 2020 track champion Earl Brooks Jr., Russell Fox, Bryan Whitehouse, Faith Lacey, Bailey
Potomac win of the season in the 30- Buddy Dunagan, Dylan Rutherford Kerns, Walter Staub Jr. DNS-Ronnie Tolson, Mackenzie Smith, Lon-
lap RUSH Crate Late Model main. and Robert Tyree completing the top- Dennis, Hank Stonestreet nie Hobbday, Owen Lacey, Brooke
As Hill lead, Dale Hollidge and 2020 five. Heats went to Latham, Wilkins Hobby Stock feature finish (21) Bowles, Stephen Suite, Joey Suite,
track champion Jeremy Pilkerton and Hanson. Mikey Latham, Jason Wilkins, Robert Wilson,
swapped second until Pilkerton took In support class action, Joey Suite Buddy Dunagan, Dyaln Rutherford, Southern Delaware Vintage (10)
it for good on the 27th lap. In the end, and Shawn Payne split the two Robert Tyree, Wes Givens, Hilton Pic- Jamie Eicholz (Modified), Roscoe
Hill would lead all 30 circuits aboard U-Car features with Cody Stamp keral, Brian Maxey, Mike DeBeers, Clough, Art Workman (Sportsman),
his Longhorn no.84 for his 5th career and former division champion Nabil Colin Long, Trent Clemmons, Wyatt David Tucker, Terry Chaney, David
Potomac feature win and the $1500 Guffey taking Strictly stock events. Hanson, Troy Kassiris, Paige Vasallo, Tucker II, Robert Packowski, Harold
top prize. “I love this race track and Suite›s U-Car triumph was his career Austin Lathroum, Blake Jacobs, Cole Sylvester, Robert Blann DNS-Todd
we love coming here.” a Jubilant hill first with Payne collecting his 6th Johnston DNS- Billy Crouse, Stevie Miller
said afterward. “This has been such checkered of the season. Class rookie Gingery, Rusty Hanbury By Doug Watson for Potomac
a crazy season and to get a win down Stamp›s victory was his 3rd of the Strictly Stock feature finish (Fri- Speedway.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Obituaries 25

In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Constance “Connie” R. Theresa Marie Meinert where she earned her Bachelor’s De-
gree in Education. She spent several
Goddard years as a teacher at Father Andrew
White Catholic School in Leonard-
town, first as a Pre-K aide and later
as a second grade teacher. In later
years, she was employed by David’s
Flowers before moving to her job
as an administrative assistant for
the Facilities Department at Asbury
Theresa married Joseph Meinert
on November 6, 1988, at St. Pius X
in Bowie, MD. Together, they were
blessed to raise two children, Mon-
ica and Lia. Theresa’s home and
family were her greatest joys. She
cherished being a stay-at-home mom
to her children for several years and
devoted her time and care to making
her house a home—from decorating
for each season to tending her f lower
Star St. Mary’s Hospital. garden. Theresa was very creative;
He was born on July 30, 1945 in Theresa Marie Meinert, 60, of she made her daughters’ Hallow-
West Branch, Michigan and lived Leonardtown, MD, passed away een costumes and crafted beautiful
most of his life in St. Mary’s County, peacefully at her home on October scrapbooks in her spare time. She
Constance “Connie” R. Goddard, 15, 2020. was a fantastic cook and made the
86 of Leonardtown, Maryland for- Maryland.
Butch enlisted into the Air Force Theresa was born on March 25, best chicken and pasta dishes, in ad-
merly of Piney Point, Maryland 1960, in Washington, D.C., to Alfred dition to hosting the annual Thanks-
passed away October 12, 2020 at on October 19, 1962. After his Hon-
orable Discharge, he started his work G. Asero and Dolores (Candelieri) giving dinner for her family.
Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital. Asero. She loved the beach and enjoyed
Born on February 5, 1934 at Provi- as a draftsman for Lorenzi, Dodds
and Gunnill, Inc. in Lexington Park, Theresa attended the University traveling over the years to Ocean
dence Hospital, Washington, DC., of Maryland in College Park, MD, City, MD, Cape May, NJ, and Punta
she was the daughter of the late Eth- Maryland and for the past 50 years
el Chesser Rice and Charles Noble has provided property related servic-

Rice of St. George Island. es to thousands of St. Mary’s County
She is survived by the father of her residents, working for Larry Day &
children Francis R. Goddard, sons Associates, Nokleby Surveying and
Wayne (Lisa) Goddard of Valley most recently VARC. LLC. Butch
Lee, MD, Douglas (Sandy) Goddard married his lovely wife Ellen (Tins-
of Middleburg, FL, and daughters ley) in Leonardtown in December of
Katherine (Hugh) Carithers of Jack- 1979. He loved playing golf at the
Our Family 
Life Celebration Homes &

sonville, FL, Pamela (Bill) Johnson Breton Bay Golf Course, and was one
of Weston, FL, and Cindy (Ken- of the original Blitz members, #5. Crematory

When he was not out golfing, he en-

Serving Yours

ny) Watts of Mechanicsville, MD,

eleven grandchildren and 17 great joyed playing pitch with his friends Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services,
and spending time with his children
and grandchildren. He loved attend- Memorial Packages & Pre-need Services Provided
In addition to her parents she was
preceded in death by her daugh- ing the Washington Nationals games
ter, Judith Goddard, sister Virginia and recorded every televised game
Pearson, and brothers Donald and so he could watch it multiple times
Francis Rice. – especially Game 7 of last year’s
Connie was an avid reader and had World Series – by far his favorite
game ever! He loved spending time
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.

a love of history. She was an excel- 22955 Hollywood Road

lent cook and seamstress and will be on the boat riding around with fam-
remembered for her famous “oyster ily and friends; it reminded him of Leonardtown, MD 20650
pie” and handmade gifts she made his childhood growing up on the 301-475-5588
for family and friends. She was a river in Tall Timbers. He loved holi-
graduate of Great Mills High School days and especially spending time
Class of 1952 and cherished her with his grandchildren.
classmates and their reunions. He is survived by his beloved
All services are private. wife, Mary Ellen Bailey of Leonar-
Contributions in Connie’s memory dtown, MD, his children Jason Bai-
ley (Christina) of Leonardtown, MD
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.

may be made to the St. Mary’s Coun- 30195 Three Notch Road
ty Historical Society P.O. Box 212 and Tiffany Bailey (Steve) of South
Leonardtown, MD 20650 or Leonar- Carolina; his eight grandchildren Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
dtown Volunteer Rescue Squad P.O. and one great grandchild and his sib- 301-472-4400
Box 299 Leonardtown, MD 20650. lings, Agatha Lakin, Versha (Boot-
sy) Osburn and Randy Bailey. He
Francis Anthony “Butch” is preceded in death by his parents
(Bonnie and Leonard Cochran).  
Bailey Condolences to the family may be
made at Family owned and operated for two generations

Francis Anthony “Butch” Bailey, Arrangements by the Brinsfield

75, of Leonardtown, MD passed
away September 20, 2020 at Med- Funeral Home, P.A.
26 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

In Remembrance
The County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Cana in the Dominican Republic. ably discharged. Later on Jean was Jim (Wapi) Hedrick passed away MD passed away on October 11,
Theresa is survived by her hus- hired by the A & P Grocery Store on October 16, 2020, at 91 years of 2020 at MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital
band, Joseph; her children, Monica as their Accounts Payable Clerk for age, at the Charlotte Hall Veterans in Leonardtown, MD. 
Meinert of Washington, DC, and over 20 years of employment.  She Home.  Born on September 2, 1929, He was born on October 3, 1938 in
Lia Neice (Derek) of Nashville, TN; enjoyed going to play Bingo, cross in Fort Worth, Texas, Jim was a Norwich England to the late James
her parents; her siblings, Joseph stitching and watching old game graduate of Texas A&M University Walker Russell and Elsie Cowell
Asero (Sally) of Arnold, MD, An- shows .  She loved spending time (Gig ‘em Aggies) and served in the Russell.
thony Asero (Eileen) of Gambrills, with family and friends, especially U.S. Air Force during the Korean In May of 1955, Jim and his family
MD, and Christine Asero of Bowie, her grandchildren.   War.  Jim was a world traveler who immigrated to the United States of
MD; and her nephews, Michael and Jean is survived by her children, lived in Africa for over 30 years.  He America at the age of 16 and became
Thomas Asero. Daniel McConaha of Tenaha, TX; travelled around the world with his a naturalized U.S. Citizen of which
In lieu of f lowers, memorial con- Doreen Marie Boucher (Arnie Akin) wife and three children, seeing many he was extremely proud. He resided
tributions may be made to Hospice of Callaway, MD; Donna Jean Davis wonders of the world like the Great in Detroit, Michigan until enlisting
of St. Mary’s, P.O. Box 625, Leonar- of Ruskin, FL; and Debra Ellen Lus- Pyramids, the Taj Mahal, the Parthe- in the United States Navy in January
dtown, MD 20650. sier (Phil) of Monroe, NC; 8 grand- non, the f loating markets in Thai- 1957 and proudly served his country
Condolences to the family may be children; 17 great grandchildren and land and Taiwan, to name a few.  He as active duty military for 23 years
made at 2 great-great grandchildren; and climbed to the base camp of the Hi- until his retirement in 1978. Dur-
Arrangements by the Brinsfield extended family and friends. She is malayas, climbed Mount Kenya and ing his service he earned the posi-
Funeral Home, P.A. preceded in death by her parents, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro twice.  tion of Master Chief Petty Officer. 
her sons David Robert McConaha While in Africa, working as part He served aboard the nuclear sub-
Jean Lauria Fontaine and Dennis McConaha and her sib- of many U.S. AID programs, Jim marines the USS Nathaniel Greene,
lings Donald Bedard, Albert Bedard, helped areas in Ethiopia, Kenya, USS Trout and USS James Madison
Lorraine Bouchard and Lucille Ro- Uganda, Tanzania and South Af- as well as other Submarine groups.
manych and a grandchild Scott Akin. rica, with agricultural techniques In 1967, he married the love of his
Donations in her memory may be to improve both crop and livestock life, his beloved wife, Sharon Louise
made to the Hospice of St Mary’s PO yields.  Jim was also a photographer Russell in Charleston, S.C.  Together
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 2050. for National Geographic, providing they celebrated over 37 wonderful
Condolences to the family may be incredible photographs of African years of marriage raising a fam-
made at wildlife.  He was an avid hunter and ily and traveling and enjoying many
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Safari Guide. adventures. After retiring from the
Funeral Home, P.A. Jim is predeceased by his wife Navy, he worked as a Civil Servant
Loretta Mae Colleps Hedrick, his for the United States Army as well
Jim (Wapi) Hedrick mother, Nannie Hedrick and father, as multiple Contractors.  His work
Carl Hedrick.  He is survived by his accomplishments included the Air
three children and son-in-law, Rob- Force One Presidential Pilot Pro-
ert Hedrick, Jamie McClellan and gram, supporting the Pentagon, the
her husband Dan McClellan, Michael Army Cryptological Operations and
Hedrick, and 10 Grandchildren. at NSA as a dedicated Program Man-
An interment service will be held ager for many years.
at a later date at the family’s private Jim was a person who enjoyed
cemetery. learning and earned a Master’s De-
Condolences may be made to the gree as well as multiple Bachelor of
family at www.brinsfieldfuneral. Science Degrees.  He was an avid
Jean Lauria Fontaine, 86, formerly com      classical music enthusiast and wine
of Springfield, MA, recently resid- All arrangements have been made connoisseur and particularly enjoyed
ing in Callaway, MD, passed away at Brinsfield Funeral Home, Char- a good red wine, Single Malt Scotch
on October 13, 2020 at Hospice of lotte Hall, MD and watching classic James Bond
St. Mary’s surrounded by her loving and John Wayne movies and foot-
family. James Cowell “Jim” ball. He enjoyed grilling and travel-
She was born in Indian Orchard, ling around the globe in his younger
Massachusetts to the late George Ar- Russell years.  He travelled throughout the
thur Bedard and Leah Marlowe. world, but particularly loved trips
Jean served in the Air Force from to Germany and travelling down the
1952 to 1954 when she was honor- Rhine River.  He loved the ocean
air and being by the water of any
kind.  His love of God, his family
and his Country were the corner-
stone of his life. He took great joy
in his grandchildren and supported
and encouraged them in all their
He was a member of St. John Fran-
Lynda J. Striegel cis Regis Catholic Church and a 4th
REVOCABLE LIVING TRUSTS • BUSINESS LAW Degree Knight of the Knights of
WILLS • PROBATE ADMINISTRATION Columbus Council 7914; Lifetime
Member of Elks Lodge 2092, Amer-
POWERS OF ATTORNEY • LIVING WILLS ican Legion, Lifetime Member of
Lyn speaks to many groups regarding Estate Planning & would Lodge. 
be happy to speak to yours. Lyn also offers complimentary Jim is survived by his children:
Estate Planning Classes the Third Wednesday of Each Month Kellie L. Daniel (Bruce) of Holly-
at 11AM at 8906 Bay Avenue • North Beach, MD 20714. wood, MD, Scott C. Russell (Me-
lissa) of California, MD, and Pamela
ETCM James Cowell “Jim” Rus-
301-855-2246 • sell, USN (Ret.), 82, of Great Mills, L. Riley (Kevin) of Prince Freder-
ick, MD; his grandchildren: Brent
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Obituaries 27

Russell Daniel (Michelle), Dana ship, the USS Bayfield APA-33. He efforts. In addition, he was a proud loving partnership. You never saw
Kathleen Daniel, Shelby Colleen participated in the first US offensive member of the National Rif le Asso- one without the other. They would
Daniel, William Alexander Russell, campaign in the Vietnam War (1965 ciation (NRA). Rex was a mentor to go out every evening for a drive or
and Kelly Megan Riley; his compan- Operation Starlite), and was thereby many and some had the pleasure of to pick-up dinner from their daugh-
ion of ten years, Joan Caruthers; and proudly a Vietnam Combat Veteran. calling him Coach. ter, Leslie and spoil their grandson,
many extended family and friends.  Rex eventually retired with the rank In his private life, he was a lov- Bricen. Rose knew how much Bricen
In addition to his wife and his par- of Commander, US Naval Reserve. ing and devoted husband, father, and enjoyed apples so she always made
ents, he is also preceded in death by While completing his active duty grandfather. He cherished his fam- sure to stop by the Amish to get him
his siblings, Judith Harrington and service at Patuxent River Naval Air ily and was so appreciative of his some. She loved to hear all about his
John Russell, and his beloved sister- Station, Rex met Francy, and they friends and neighbors. Rex was hon- day and listen to his stories.
in-law, Patricia Lumsden. married in 1969. The couple moved est, fair, and a wonderful person. Rose was a wonderful woman who
Memorial contributions may be to Huntington, West Virginia where Rex was predeceased by his par- always had a bright smile, a strong
made to ACTS, P.O. Box 54, Bush- Rex received his Master’s of Busi- ents, Windsor and Helen Eagan; will and caring heart. She adored
wood, MD 20618. ness Administration (with concen- daughter, Cynthia Harris-Sola; sib- her family above all. She was an
Condolences to the family may be trations in Accounting and Manage- lings, Betty Jarrell, Eileen Went- avid reader, but was never far from
made at ment) from Marshall University in worth, Windsor Eagan, and Helen her iPad. When she wasn’t checking
Arrangements by the Brinsfield 1971. He was selected as the first Pushkin. her Facebook to check-in on family
Funeral Home, P.A. graduate assistant for the School of In honor of Rex Eagan, memo- and friends, she enjoyed crossword
Business, and was an active member rial donations may be made to the puzzles. A woman with a heart of
Rex Eagan of the American Business Club. Wounded Warriors Foundation, gold and sunny disposition, Rose
It was there that Rex also be- the local VFW, American Legion, struggled for many years with health
gan a storied teaching career that and the 7th District Fire and Rescue issues, but she never let her spirit
would span across decades and in- Squad. fail. You would always find her with
clude teaching at the graduate and Condolences to the family may be a smile on her face and laughter in
undergraduate levels for Marshall made at the air.
University, University of Maryland, All arrangements have been made She was a sassy woman with a
and Florida Institute of Technology, at Brinsfield Funeral Home, Char- backbone of steel. She prided her-
in addition to providing hundreds lotte Hall, Maryland. self on being a woman of strength
of courses for the US Navy. While and confidence. Family was every-
teaching at Marshall, Rex, was given Rose Marie Goldsborough thing to Rose and if you knew her,
the honor of Teacher of the Year by you were family. Rose cherished all
the student body within the School of her relationships, especially the
of Business. bonds she had with her grandchil-
Shortly after receiving his MBA, dren. She wanted to do nothing more
Rex moved with his family to St. than spoil them and hold them close.
Mary’s County where he embarked She kept in constant contact with her
on an illustrious career in the field family via telephone.
of Department of Defense contract- A great woman has made her
ing spanning 45 years. way to heaven. She will be missed
After heading the Booz Allen and by many, but none as much as her
Hamilton office that directly sup- family.
ported the Naval Air Test Center, Rose is survived by her husband,
It is with great sadness that the Rex co-founded, Eagan, McAllister Thomas Edward Goldsborough of
family of Rex Eagan announces his Associates Inc. (“EMA”) in 1984. Mechanicsville, MD; daughters,
passing on Wednesday, October 7, With amazing colleagues, EMA Leslie Renee Montgomery (Steven)
2020 at the age of 77. grew from 2 employees to over 1,000 of Mechanicsville, MD and Jennifer
Rex will be lovingly remembered in fourteen states when Rex left the Marie Butler (Chris) of Davidson-
by his wife of 51 years, Frances company in 2000. ville, MD; step-children, Joyce Hill
(Francy) Eagan; children, Patrick Later in his career, Rex owned and (Mickey) of Mechanicsville, MD,
Eagan and Jeffrey Eagan; grandchil- managed other successful govern- Diane Ritchie (John) of Orange, VA,
dren, Breanne Harris, 1 LT Kevin ment contracting companies includ- Gerald Irvin (Joan) of VA, Stewart
Harris, US Army, Nicholas Harris, ing Compendium Federal Technol- Irvin of NC and Craig Goldsborough
Matthew Eagan, and Connor Eagan; ogy LLC, J. Aguinaldo Group, Inc., Rose Marie Goldsborough, 58, of (Barbara) of Great Mills, MD; and
brother, John (Jack) Eagan; sister, and the Sienna Group, LLC. He was Mechanicsville, MD departed this three (3) grandchildren; Bricen Ri-
Carol Hubicsak; numerous nieces also a mergers and acquisitions advi- life on Friday, October 9, 2020 at ley Montgomery, Emmett Charles
and nephews, along with other fam- sor with Cortland Advisors, LLC. MedStar Washington Hospital Cen- Butler, and Ophelia Grace Butler.
ily members and friends. Rex’s Rex particularly enjoyed the life- ter, Washington, DC.     She is also survived by her sisters,
daughter Cynthia Harris-Sola passed long friendships and partnerships She was born on July 4, 1962 in Josephine Ann Scully of Leonard-
away on January 25, 2019. that he made during his professional Leonardtown, MD to the late Benja- town, MD, Mary Louise McDaniel
Rex was born in Charleston, West career. Moreover, he was proud that min Samuel Goddard and Mary Lou- of Leonardtown, MD and Agnes
Virginia in 1943 to Windsor and his companies supported the US mil- ise (Hewitt) Goddard. Elizabeth Birch of Piney Point, MD.
Helen Eagan. Rex was the young- itary and its warfighters. Rose met and married her first She was preceded in death by her
est of seven children. He attended husband, Graham Irvin in 1980. parents, and first husband, Graham
Marshall University, in Huntington, In his spare time, Rex enjoyed trav- They were married until his untime- Irvin.
West Virginia, on an academic schol- eling the world with his wife and ly passing. When Rose met and fell In lieu of f lowers of the family
arship and graduated in 1964 with a family, shooting pool, hunting, golf- in love with Thomas Edward Golds- would like donations to be made in
Bachelor’s Degree in Political Sci- ing, and making people laugh. He borough in 1986, she knew immedi- Rose’s name to the Mechanicsville
ence. While attending Marshall, Rex was a lifetime member of the VFW, ately she found her forever love. To- Volunteer Rescue Squad, Post Office
was an active member of Tau Kappa American Legion, the St. Mary’s gether they made a wonderful couple Box 15, Mechanicsville, MD 20659.
Epsilon (TKE) Social Fraternity. County Chamber of Commerce, and shared 34 years of wedded bliss. Condolences to the family may be
Shortly after graduating, Rex Patuxent Partnership, Southern Rose and Tom worked side-by-side made at
joined the US Navy and commis- Maryland Navy Alliance, in Rotary in their construction company, TEG Arrangements by the Brinsfield
sioned as an officer. In April of International, and was a supporter Custom Homes. He considered her Funeral Home & Crematory, P.A.,
1965, he arrived in country, Da and benefactor for a number of char- the brains and him the brawn. To- Charlotte Hall, MD.
Nang, Vietnam, where he met his itable organizations and community gether they made a great team and
28 Contributing Writers The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

(Financially) for
If you’re a caregiver, possibly for your services. And as long as you You know I like to wander around and I think we went with the special because
a loved one dealing with an illness are earning income, you can con- try new places. My sense of culinary ad- there were so many entrée choices, we just
such as Alzheimer’s disease, you’re tribute to an IRA to keep building ventures has been curtailed somewhat like couldn’t decide. Next time though, I am
probably already facing some sig- resources for your own retirement. everyone’s during this crazy time, but my going to try their shrimp and grits with
nificant emotional and physical • Protect your financial interests husband and I still try to support all the lo- sautéed jumbo shrimp, andouille sausage,
challenges – so you don’t need any – and those of your loved ones. cal businesses we can and stay safe while white stone grits, boursin garlic and herb
financial ones as well. Yet, theyare You may well want to discuss le- doing so. Restaurants have thought of lots cheese, and Charleston sauce…or maybe
difficult to avoid. What steps can gal matters with the individual of creative ways to keep their doors open the Sweetbay duck breast with roasted po-
you take to deal with them? for whom you are a caregiver be- and customers coming in. tatoes, spinach with pancetta and shitake
First of all, you may be interested fore Alzheimer’s robs them of the So last Friday evening on Date Night mushrooms, red wine reduction, or maybe
in knowing the scale of the ability to think clearly. It may be #1 we started out early, not sure where the….
problem. beneficial to work with a legal we were going to end up or what we were After dinner, I was in food and drink
Consider these numbers from the professional to establish a finan- in the mood to have for dinner. We drove Nirvana, so it only took a split second after
Alzheimer’s Association: About cial power of attorney – a docu- down south on 235 from Mechanicsville Jack asked if we would like another drink
5.8 million Americans ages 65 and ment that names someone to make with not a clue. I really wanted to try for me to say yes, and move down the list
older are living with Alzheimer’s financial decisions and pay bills somewhere we had not been yet. Then to my next cocktail called the Tobacco
disease, and in 2019, caregivers of when the person with Alzheimer’s as we were nearing St. Andrew’s Church Barn Sour made with local Tobacco Barn
individuals with Alzheimer’s or no longer can. And whether you or Road I said to my husband, “What about Bourbon, lemon juice, Pineapple ginger
other dementias contributed more someone else has financial power Sweetbay Restaurant in Leonardtown? syrup, egg white, and bitters. Since my go
than 18 billion hours of unpaid of attorney, the very existence of I called to see if they had space, was to cocktail is normally a Bourbon sweet
care – worth about $244 billion in this document may help you avoid told yes, and off we went. Several of our and sour with a bit of OJ, I had to try this.
services. Furthermore, about two- getting your personal finances en- friends had told us how good the food was I have also been wanting to try a cock-
thirds of caregivers are women, tangled with those of the individu- and how great the service was. That old tail with the egg white froth. The cock-
and one-third of dementia caregiv- al for whom you’re caring. excitement started to come back to me on tail proved to be a smooth rendition of a
ers are daughters. • Keep making the right financial trying a new place. sour and was fairly quickly dispatched.
But whatever your gender or re- moves. As long as you’re suc- First, I must say how beautiful Leonar- My husband said he was in the mood for
lationship to the individuals for cessful at keeping your own fi- dtown looks on a Friday night with warm a beer when we arrived and after his cold
whom you’re providing care, you nances separate from those of your lights glowing from all the businesses. Stella, he moved on to a Buffalo Trace
can take some steps to protect your loved one, you may be able to con- And Sweetbay Restaurant and Bar was Bourbon to enjoy slowly.
own financial future. Here are a tinue making the financial moves one of those glowing businesses that had While I was sitting at the bar, I began
few suggestions: that can help you make progress a welcoming glow and the aroma of great to get a little misty-eyed remembering the
• Evaluate your employment toward your own goals. For ex- food being prepared. We already knew times I had sat at this exact spot at the old
options. If you have to take time ample, avoid taking on more debts that the booths and tables were filled for Bailey’s Restaurant bar 37 and 33 years
away from work – or even leave than you can handle Also, try to a while with reservations, so we opted to ago during my pregnancies with my two
employment altogether – to be a maintain an emergency fund con- sit at the bar, and we were greeted with a sons. I always treated myself to a cup of
caregiver, you will lose not only taining three to six months’ worth smile from our bartender Jack Fleury – tea and a piece of pie from under the glass
income but also the opportunity to of living expenses, with the money that’s him in the photo. Our menus showed domes after I would visit Drs. Mulford
contribute to an IRA and a 401(k) kept in a liquid account. Of course, lots of creative cocktails on the back along and Bowes for my check-ups. I loved to
or other employersponsored re- these tasks will be much easier if with wine and beer offerings - of course I just sit there and observe the clockwork
tirement plan. But you may have you can maintain some type of em- would look on the back first, since I love precision of the busy cooks and waitresses
some options, such as working ployment or get paid for your care- a restaurant that creates unusual cocktails. near the grills and running around to the
remotely, or at least working part giving services. The first thing I normally ask is what un- booths. I went there at other times too, but
time. Either arrangement can give There’s nothing easy about be- usual drinks do you offer. I didn’t have to it was just a special place to think about
you f lexibility in juggling your ing a caregiver. But by making the do that at Sweetbay because the cocktails what my visits had been like, and to think
employment with your caregiving right moves, you may be able, at definitely fit my criteria. Some were made about how my children were would turn
responsibilities. the least, to reduce your potential with fig preserves, hot apple cider, water- out and what their lives would like. It’s a
• Explore payment possibilities financial burden and brighten your melon-habanero puree, and guava haba- good thing I didn’t burst into tears right
for caregiving. Depending on your outlook. This article was writ- nero syrup just to name a few. I was in the there at Sweetbay’s bar.
circumstances, and those of the ten by Edward Jones for use by mood for Bourbon-based drinks; ordering Well, of course if you are going to go all
loved ones for whom you’re pro- your local Edward Jones Financial the Root of Kentucky cocktail first which in once in a while, that’s exactly what we
viding care, you might be able to Advisor. was made with Basil Hayden bourbon, did, and ordered Crème Brulee with two
work out an arrangement in which Edward Jones, Member SIPC Giffard’s ginger liqueur, strawberry, basil, spoons - though I wish I had my own. And
you can get paid something for lemon, and simple syrup – very pleasing. if all that wasn’t enough, Jack concocted
For our meal we went with the NY some type of espresso shots for all of us at
Article was contributed by David McDonough Strip specials served over homemade, the bar. That was a sweet touch to end our
yes, homemade mashed potatoes and delightful evening at Sweetbay.
Financial Advisor at Edward Jones. grilled asparagus. The grilled steaks had To each new day’s adventure, Shelby
Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302 a delicious reduction sauce that I mixed Please send your comments or ideas to:
in with the mashed potatoes. My husband or find
Leonardtown MD, 20650 couldn’t believe it when I finished every me on Facebook
301 997 1707 last piece of the steak. It was wonderful.
Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Calendar 29

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to
our Thursday publication.

Thursday, October 22 org. For more information, about Fall

Family Fun Day, contact 240-895-4980 Wednesday, October 28 fer free drive-thru flu vaccine clinics for
children (ages 3 – 18 years) at the loca-
Liberty and Justice for All? The or email LVRSA Fundraiser tions listed below. Children must be res-
History of Voting Rights in America Kevin’s Corner Kafe: 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. idents of St. Mary’s County though they
Online; 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday, October 25 The Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue do not need to be enrolled in the public
College of Southern Maryland Pro- Squad Auxiliary is hosting a fundraiser school system. Advance registration is
Drive-Thru Fried Chicken Dinner
fessor of History and Humanities and at the Kevin's Corner Kafe in Leonard- required at in or-
Hollywood Fire Department Main
Social Sciences Department Chair Dr. town MD. Also visit Kevin on Facebook der to ensure adequate vaccine supply:
Entrance; 11 a.m. until sold out
Christine Arnold-Lourie travel through for family pack deals. You can call ahead Great Mills High School
$12 includes chicken, coleslaw, pars-
history to discover the evolution of at (301) 997-1260 or come by for dine-in Monday, October 26, 2020
ley potatoes, roll, and dessert. Cash,
American voting rights: How certain or carry-out for some delicious food and 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
check, ATM available.
populations were denied the right to support our fundraiser. Please be sure to Leonardtown High School
vote, the hard-fought battles to gain suf-
frage and discriminatory voting practic-
Tuesday, October 27 let the server/cashier know you are there
to support the LVRSA fundraiser so we
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
es that still exist today. Hosted by CSM's Tobacco Cessation Program can get credit for your purchase. Chopticon High School
Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. Center for Online; 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Wayback Wednesdays Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Leadership, Student Life Department The Tobacco Cessation Program is We hope you're loving our weekly 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
and Equity and Inclusive Diversity Of- free and that takes place over the course video series showing some of the stories Spring Ridge Middle School
fice, and St. Mary’s College of Maryland of 8 weeks (weekly 1 hour sessions). that make St. Mary’s County’s history so Thursday, October 29, 2020
(SMCM) Center for the Study of De- Participants learn behavioral modifi- unique and interesting. We thought this 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
mocracy and SMCM’s Student Activi- cations, stress management, and other would be a fun way to bring our closed SMCHD is also partnering with Med-
ties Department, registration is required techniques to help them quit using to- museums to you while we all keep our Star St. Mary’s Hospital for additional
for this free Zoom event. Register here: bacco products. Learn more or register social distance. Join us every week for drive-thru flu vaccine clinics for both at short videos featuring everything from children and adults as outlined below:
tJAsce6rpzktHtYABah3xjbVCaSaa- Grief Support Group the quirky to the fascinating - tune in! Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital
E0fXl9L Calvary Chapel; 7 p.m. We have several episodes in the playlist! Outpatient Pavilion in Leonardtown:
Help and encouragement after the Saturday, October 17, 2020
Friday, October 23 death of a spouse, child, family mem- East Run Center in Lexington Park:
Beth Israel Synagogue Shabbat Ser-
ber, or friend. The support group meets Thursday, October 29 Friday, October 23, 2020
weekly. You are welcome to begin at- 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
vices Online tending at any point. You’ll find it to be Food Truck Night Children ages 3 – 18 are free (funded
7 p.m. - 8 p.m. a warm, caring environment and will Mt. Zion United Methodist Church; through SMCHD)
Shabbat evening services are being come to see your group as an “oasis” 4:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. Adults over the age of 18 are request-
held online due to COVID19. Beginning on your long journey through grief. For Linda’s On the Go, Days Off Deli, ed to provide a $10 donation
July 17, 2020 Beth Israel Synagogue more information call the church office Pizza Hotline, Cold Stone Creamery. Participants receiving vaccine are
will hold online services EVERY FRI- and leave a message 301-645-0660 or Limited outside seating. Practice safe asked to please:
DAY at 7PM. Check our website calen- email us at distancing. Bring your favorite lawn or Follow directional signage
dar ( CSM Night of Engineering camp chair to do some tailgating. Enjoy Stay in your vehicle – Clinic staff will
html) for event details. Online; 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. the evening. come to you
Saturday, October 24 The Night of Engineering is an oppor-
tunity to get information about CSM's Ongoing Wear a cloth face covering or mask
when interacting with clinic staff
Mobile Food Drive mechanical engineering and electrical Stuffed Ham Sale Advanced registration is required at
Church of the Ascension; 9 a.m. - 11 engineering degree programs and how Hollywood Volunteer Fire Depart-
a.m. they transfer to the University of Mary- ment; Until Sold Out
Food will be available at this time. land College Park and provide opportu- Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary. COVID-19 Appointment-Free Testing
Thank you to everyone working to feed nities at Patuxent River Naval Air War- Get your Thanksgiving ham for $13 per Lexington Park Office:
St. Mary’s! fare Center Aircraft Division. RSVPs pound. Only selling 200 pounds total, so Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 a.m.
Fall Family Fun Day are required to access Zoom informa- place your order. Must pre-order by call- – 7:00 p.m.
Historic St. Mary’s City tion. Free. ing Elaine Quade at 301-373-2695. Pick Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from
Legends and Lore tour at 11 a.m. and ing/register/tJUqd-iurzIjHtKE2d4Zx_ up will be November 23 from 4-7 p.m. at 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
3 p.m., which discusses superstitions vjLb2vT7LAU73O. the main entrance. 46035 Signature Lane, Lexington
of the 17th century; corn husk crafts to Science for Citizens Seminar. Virtual Gift Basket and Containers Park (co-located with U-Haul Moving &
take home; snap a photo at the selfie sta- Online; 7 p.m. Auction Storage)
tion located in the Margaret Brent box- We’re all used to single-use plastic, Bidding starts October 22 at 6 p.m. For assistance or accommodations,
wood garden; and a museum scaven- but some of it ends up in our streams, and ends October 24 at 1 p.m. call ahead to (301) 862-1680
ger hunt. Younger guests will receive a rivers, the Chesapeake Bay, and ulti- Join the Auxiliary on their Facebook Leonardtown Office:
goody bag, on their way out, from The mately the ocean, harming the wildlife page for a live auction preview of great Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. –
Shop at Farthing’s Ordinary. Families and sealife. CBL scientists partnered items at 5:00 pm on Thursday, October 12:00 p.m.
and guests are encouraged to bring a with restaurants on Solomons Island and 22 nd and bidding will start at 6:00 pm 21580 Peabody Street, Leonardtown
picnic lunch to enjoy the weather. For with the Calvert and St. Mary’s County at $25.00 per item with increments of For assistance or accommodations,
the safety of HSMC staff and guests, Public Middle Schools to work together $5.00. Bids can be placed in “Comment” call ahead to (301) 475-4330
those attending will be expected to fol- on reducing plastic waste and pollution. under the picture of items. Bidding will SMCHD COVID-19 Testing:
low CDC health guidelines, including In this talk, Dr. Bailey will explain how end Saturday, October 24 at 1:00 pm. Walk up for testing, parking is
mask-wearing and social distancing. businesses are “making the switch” Winners will be notified by Facebook, available
General admission is $10 for adults, $9 from common single-use, petroleum- and items can be picked up at the fire- Appointment-free
for seniors, $6 for youth, and children based plastics to alternative products, house on Saturday, October 24, from No doctor’s order needed
5 and younger are free. Discounted ad- how scientists are working with schools, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm. Free of Charge (no out-of-pocket cost,
mission is available through the IMLS and how YOU can help! http://www. Health Department Drive-Thru Flu co-payment, co-insurance, etc.)
program, Museums For All. To view Vaccine Clinics Bring health insurance information
museums associated with the program, The St. Mary’s County Health De- and identification, if possible – Unin-
or to find out more information about partment (SMCHD) is partnering with sured community members are welcome
Museums For All, visit Museums4All. St. Mary's County Public Schools to of-
30 BusinessDIRECTORY The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

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Thursday, October 22, 2020 The County Times Fun & Games 31

CLUES ACROSS 34. Overnighters 5. Unfettered

1. Engine additive 35. Beloved British 6. Originations
4. Undemanding princess 7. Famed English
8. “_ _ your 36. Obtains from park
enthusiasm” 37. Third Mughal 9. Sheep’s cry
10. Well-known Emperor 10. Danced
island 38. Shares the 12. More upstanding
11 Not saintly opinion of 14. Upstate NY
12. Habitual 39. Central European airport (abbr.)
13. Central parts of river 15. Type of lettuce
church buildings 40. Feudal estates 17. Place to call a pint
15. Trust 41. KU hoops coach 19. Backs
16. Intestinal Bill 20. Partner to cheese
17. Deep-bodied 42. Spreads out for 23. Makes it there
fish drying 24. Value
18. Live up to 43. “The Partridge 25. One’s convictions
expectations Family” actress 26. Former CIA
21. Snag Susan 27. Clashed
22. Partner to haw 28. Affirmative
23. General’s CLUES DOWN 29. Journalist Tarbell
assistant (abbr.) 1. Picturesque 30. Athletic shoes
24. Sheep disease 2. South Pacific 31. Roof style
25. Male term of island country 32. Make possible
endearment 3. Shrub of the olive 33. Make less dense
26. United family 34. Healthy food
27. Popular TV 4. Establish the truth 36. Silly
host of


The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler
Tim Flaherty To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Dick Myers 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer

County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Graphic Desinger/Layout Artist to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Jim Lucke
County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Contributing Writers are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
32 The County Times Thursday, October 22, 2020

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