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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

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About the validity of Reynolds equation and inertia effects in textured sliders of infinite width
M B Dobrica and M Fillon
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 2009 223: 69
DOI: 10.1243/13506501JET433

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About the validity of Reynolds equation and inertia

effects in textured sliders of infinite width
M B Dobrica∗ and M Fillon
Laboratory of Solid Mechanics, University of Poitiers, Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France

The manuscript was received on 31 March 2008 and was accepted after revision for publication on 29 July 2008.
DOI: 10.1243/13506501JET433

Abstract: Numerous recent studies focus on modelling the lubricant flow in macro-textured
configurations, using the Navier–Stokes, Stokes, and Reynolds equations. Several of these studies
show that important, lift generating inertia effects are present in textured configurations, and
conclude that Reynolds assumptions do not hold true for such contacts. A similar analysis is
performed in this paper, for parallel sliders of infinite width, but with quite different conclusions.
Two main observations are made based on the results presented herein: (a) inertia effects cannot
be analysed by single texture cell models – for example, in the case of partial inlet texturing, inertia
shows a clear negative influence, contradicting the previously reported lift generating effects; (b)
the validity of Reynolds equation in textured sliders cannot be decided by the Reynolds number
(Re) alone, and the texture aspect ratio (λ) has an equally important influence on Reynolds
equation validity. Finally, charts presenting the relative difference between Reynolds and Navier–
Stokes solutions in terms of λ and Re are discussed.

Keywords: hydrodynamic lubrication, surface texture, numerical analysis

1 INTRODUCTION by the cavitation phenomena [9]. Accordingly, posi-

tive pressures develop in the lubricated areas, while
Texturing one of the surfaces of a lubricated contact in the cavitated regions the pressure is zero. There-
has been shown to have beneficial effects experimen- fore, an overall positive resultant pressure is obtained.
tally, leading to increased hydrodynamic lift and lower The influence of the cavitation model and boundary
friction coefficients [1]. Such effects were revealed conditions is studied in detail in reference [9]. When
in mechanical seals [2, 3], parallel sliders [4], and the same Reynolds equation is used for modelling par-
reciprocating (cylinder-liner) contacts [5, 6]. Since tially textured parallel or plane-inclined sliders (inlet
the positive texture effects were experimentally ver- texture), cavitation is less of an issue since positive
ified [1–6], the interest in numerical models able to pressures can develop over the entire domain. The
predict and explain these effects has increased rapidly. positive pressure field is explained by a step-like effect
In general, there are two possible modelling app- induced by the textured portion of the slider [7, 10].
roaches. On the one hand, there are models based on On the other hand, there are the models based on
Reynolds equation [2, 6–10]. These models are gen- the Navier–Stokes system of equations [11–14]. These
erally applied to entire bearings or seals having the models have been mainly applied for single texture
stationary surface either fully or partially textured. cell configurations (called ‘macro-roughness’), using
Since, in the case of fully textured parallel bearings, periodic boundary conditions. The overall conclusions
the Reynolds equation yields a periodic pressure field that can be drawn from these studies are that the
with zero mean [8], the hydrodynamic lift is explained Reynolds equation is not valid for modelling textured
contacts, and that inertia-related effects explain, fully
or partially, the hydrodynamic lift observed experi-
∗ Corresponding author: Laboratory of Solid Mechanics, Univer- mentally in parallel textured sliders. The first study to
sity of Poitiers, SP2MI, Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie, Téléport 2, mention ‘a net pressure gain’ as ‘a pure inertia effect’
BP 30179, Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, 86962, France. email: was presented in 2003 by Argir et al. [11]. Follow- ing a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis

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of a single macro-roughness, the authors conclude here. Cavitation boundary conditions are not used
that the convective inertia effect clearly shows the in this study, and the pressure is allowed to have
inadequacy of using the Stokes model for analysing negative values, as in most studies discussing the
macro-roughness flows in the range of usual Reynolds effects of inertia and the validity of Reynolds equation.
numbers (Re), and that the inertia effect is present for The Reynolds equation is discretized over the flow
Re numbers larger than 1. Furthermore, it is stated domain using the finite volume method, and it is
that this is the case for all practical applications using solved using the Gauss–Seidel method. The Navier–
textured surfaces. Subsequently, several studies were Stokes system of equations is solved using the SIMPLE
published, confirming the findings of reference [11]. algorithm with a finite volume discretization. The
Sahlin et al. [12], in 2005, confirm that the introduc- numerical codes used in this paper are isoviscous ver-
tion of a micro-groove on the stationary surface of sions of the THD codes presented in reference [15]
a parallel slider leads to a net pressure build-up and (the Reynolds and NS equations are also given in
hydrodynamic lift which cannot be predicted when this reference, for a lubricant having variable vis-
the advective terms are excluded from the Navier– cosity). The Navier–Stokes-based results presented in
Stokes equations. Similarly, Kraker et al. [13] conclude the fourth section of this paper (related to inertia
that, for film heights that are larger or comparable effects) are obtained by simulations using a commer-
with the texture depth, convective inertia effects are cial CFD code (Fluent). The use of this software was
important and Navier–Stokes equations are needed preferred due to its ability to deal with more complex
for solving the problem. A different CFD-based study meshes, required for simulating partially or fully tex-
where an entire textured plane-inclined slider was tured sliders. In parametric studies where numerous
modelled, without periodic boundary conditions, was configurations of a single texture cell are considered,
published by Li and Chen, in 2007 [14]. The com- it is easier to perform the simulations with a propri-
parison between Reynolds and CFD (Navier–Stokes) etary code where mesh and input parameters can be
solutions lead these authors to the conclusion that, iteratively varied.
when the depth of the rectangular texture exceeds 10 Figure 1 presents the elementary texture cell consid-
per cent of the film thickness, the Reynolds equation ered in this study, and its geometrical parameters. The
is no longer applicable. texture can be described by three non-dimensional
The present paper investigates the validity limits parameters: the texture density ρT (defined as the
of the Reynolds equation for textured parallel slid- ratio between the dimple length lD and the texture
ers further, as well as the influence of inertia effects cell length lC ), the relative dimple depth S (defined
in such configurations. As in the previous studies as the ratio between the dimple depth hD and the
on this topic [11–14], the cavitation phenomenon is land film thickness hF ), and the dimple aspect ratio
neglected, and an infinitely wide slider is considered. λ (defined as the ratio between the dimple length lD
Thus, the results obtained in this study are directly and the dimple depth hD ). In this study, the texture
comparable with those detailed in references [11] to density ρT was kept constant and equal to 0.5, and
[14]. It is shown that some of the conclusions of the relative dimple depth S was also kept constant
these CFD studies are inadequately generalized and, and equal to 1.0. These values were chosen because
consequently, misleading. More precisely, it is shown they are round and because they are often employed
that Reynolds equation is applicable in many prac- in theoretical studies dealing with textured surfaces.
tical configurations and that the texture aspect ratio For optimal partially textured parallel sliders, using
(ratio between the length of the dimple and its depth) Reynolds equation analyses, the optimal dimple depth
is equally important in determining the validity of
Reynolds equation as is the Reynolds number. Further-
more, it is found that the influence of inertia cannot
be assessed by simple single-texture simulations. For
example, in partially textured sliders (inlet texture),
inertia is found to have negative effects, diminishing
the generated hydrodynamic lift.


The lubricant flow between a stationary textured

surface and a moving slider was modelled in this
work using either the classical Reynolds equation
(Re model), or the Navier–Stokes system of equa-
tions (NS model), for an isoviscous and incompressible
lubricant. These classical equations are not presented Fig. 1 Elementary texture cell

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Validity of Reynolds equation and inertia effects 71

Table 1 Texture dimple aspect ratio in experimental applications

Dimple aspect ratio (λ) Reynolds (Re)

Authors, Year Application Fabrication Minimum Maximum Optimal Minimum Maximum

Wang et al. (2001) [16] Parallel bearings LST 14 19 16 – –

Etsion and Halperin (2002) [3] Seals LST 10 10 10 – –
Ryk et al. (2002) [5] Piston rings LST 10 10 10 – –
Wang et al. (2003) [17] Parallel bearings Etching 11 197 109 – –
Kobatake et al. (2003) [18] Pin-on-disc LST 40 174 174 – –
Pettersson and Jacobson (2003) [19] Pin-on-disc Etching 4 10 4 – –
Etsion et al. (2004) [4] Parallel bearings LST 9 9 9 20 180
Siripuram and Stephens (2004) [20] Texture examples UV-LIGA 86 86 86 – –
Venkatesan and Stephens (2005) [21] Parallel bearings UV-LIGA 40 40 40 – –
Glavatskih et al. (2005) [22] Tilt-pad thrust bearings Milling 100 100 100 3 40
Kovalchenko et al. (2005) [23] Pin-on-disc LST 11 15 15 – –
Mourier et al. (2006) [24] EHL contact LST 4.4 300 300 7.E-05 3.E-04
Andersson et al. (2007) [25] Pin-on-disc LST 1 5 1 – –
Křupka and Hartl (2007) [26] EHL contact Indentation 33 140 140 8.E-06 8.E-06
Costa and Hutchings (2007) [27] Piston rings Etching 8 40 14 0 5.E-05
Marian et al. (2007) [28] Parallel bearings UV-LIGA 22 22 22 1 2.5
Average dimple aspect ratio (λ = lD /hD ) 25 74 66

for ρT = 0.5 is found to be around S = 0.65. Optimal (Re) was possible only for few of the studies reported
texture density in partially textured sliders is ρT = 1, in Table 1, as the information on fluid film thickness
but this is incompatible with the notion of texture, was missing in the others. Since most of the reported
leading to a Rayleigh step [10]. experiments cover a large range of functioning condi-
The parameters varying in this study are the dim- tions (velocity, load, temperature), the minimum and
ple aspect ratio, λ (in the range 1–512), and the the maximum of the computed Re numbers are given
Reynolds number, Re = ρUhF /μ (in the range 0.125– in Table 1.
256). The interest in varying the Re number is quite
obvious – the practical applications of textured sur-
faces may function at various Reynolds numbers. In 3 VALIDITY OF REYNOLDS EQUATION
this study, the factor μU , which is part of the pressure
non-dimensioning factor (p∗ = ph2F /μUl C ), was kept This paragraph reports the results obtained for the
constant. The lubricant density ρ was also kept con- periodic flow developed in an infinite row of texture
stant (860 kg/m3 ). Consequently, the Re number was cells, at various Re numbers and λ ratios. Only one
varied by multiplying the viscosity while dividing the texture cell is modelled, with periodic boundary con-
runner velocity by the same factor. The dimple aspect ditions. Figure 2 shows the pressure isobars (NS) in
ratio λ was varied so as to cover a large range of appli- the fluid, and on the runner surface (NS and Re), for a
cations reported in the literature. This was achieved square dimple (λ = 1), (a) at Re = 0.125 and (b) at Re =
for λ by modifying the texture cell length (lC ), while 8.0. It can be noted that, for a square dimple, whether
keeping a constant film thickness (hF ) and dimple the Re number is very small or not has no influence
depth (hD ). Since it will be shown that this parameter on the validity of the Re model. In this case, the basic
has a significant influence on the validity of Reynolds assumption of small variations in lubricant thickness
equation, a review of the literature was conducted, in compared with the feature length is violated. Conse-
search of reports of practical applications of textured quently, the Reynolds equation cannot be applied in
surfaces. The values of λ encountered in these pub- this case. However, these results cannot be generalized
lications are reported in Table 1. For those studies in to all textured configurations. Figure 3 shows corre-
which textures having different λ ratios are used, the sponding results obtained for λ = 16 and Re = 4.0, and
minimum and the maximum values of this parameter for λ = 64 and Re = 16.0. In both these configurations,
are reported, as well as its ‘optimal’ value, if the authors the Re model remains applicable, and the pressure
have determined one or if texture having a certain λ profile predicted by the Reynolds equation is very sim-
value was studied predominantly. It can be noted that ilar to the one yielded by the NS model. This suggests
λ values between 10 and 100 are most often encoun- that, for sufficiently large dimple aspect ratios, the
tered, which was also noted by Feldman et al. [29]. The Reynolds equation might be applicable even at larger
average values of λ are found between 25 and 74. This Reynolds numbers. Thus, the importance of taking the
suggests that studies such as the ones reported in refer- dimple aspect ratio (λ) into account is demonstrated.
ence [11], where λ is taken to be around unity, are not However, these results alone do not indicate whether
representative of the actual applications of textured the Reynolds equation can be used for modelling
surfaces. The computation of the Reynolds number a particular application or otherwise.

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Fig. 2 Pressure distribution for square dimples (λ = 1)

Fig. 3 Pressure distribution for long dimples (λ = 16 and λ = 64)

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Validity of Reynolds equation and inertia effects 73

A series of simulations were subsequently con- The pressure profiles for a configuration in which the
ducted in order to assess the accuracy of the Re model two models predict significantly different results (λ =
for various λ ratios and Re numbers. The accuracy is 64, Re = 128), together with the corresponding values
evaluated using the relative difference between the Re of these indicators, is given in Fig. 4. In this figure,
model results and those predicted by the NS model. the regions used for computing the pressure integrals
For this periodic configuration (representative of a (2 ) are indicated, as well as the region between the
fully textured slider with equally spaced dimples), two pressure profiles whose area defines the average
comparing the results of the two models is delicate absolute variation in local runner pressure (1 ).
since, in the absence of cavitation boundary condi- The variation of the two indicators (1 and 2 ) as
tions, a zero (Re) or close to zero (NS) load capacity is a function of Re and λ is presented in Figs 5(a) and
obtained. Two indicators were used in order to ensure (b). Two observations can be made based on these
the relevance of these comparisons. One (1 ) is the charts. In this discussion, it will be assumed that the Re
average absolute variation in the local runner pressure model is valid when the relative difference between the
predicted by the two models, normalized with respect results obtained with this model and those obtained
to the average positive pressure obtained with the NS with the NS model is smaller than 10 per cent (1 < 10
model (equation (1)). Normalizing with respect to the per cent, 2 < 10 per cent). First, it can be noted that
average positive pressures avoids the division by zero the domain of validity of Reynolds equation is quite
or by very small values that would occur if the normal- small, varying from Re  3 at λ = 10 to Re  60 at
ization was made with respect to the local pressure. λ = 100. However, these conditions can occur in many
Since this indicator is based on the absolute differ- oil lubricated applications where the runner velocity
ence in local pressure, it will be sensible to the smallest
shift between the two pressure fields, even when their
integral (the load capacity) is the same

|pRe (x) − pNS (x)|
1 = + dx;
x paverage NS
paverage NS = MEAN(pNS |pNS > 0) (1)

The second indicator (2 ) is the variation in the inte-

gral of the positive components of the pressure fields
predicted by the two models (equation (2)) normal-
ized with respect to the integral of positive pressures
obtained with the NS model
pRe (x)dx p>0 − x pNS (x)dx p>0
2 =   (2) Fig. 4 Computing the average difference between the Re
p (x)dx p>0
x NS
and NS solutions (example for λ = 64, Re = 128)

Fig. 5 Relative differences 1 and 2 between the results obtained with Re and NS models

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74 M B Dobrica and M Fillon

and the film thickness are small (e.g. U < 10 m/s for
hF < 10 μm and λ = 10). Second, these results confirm
that for small λ ratios (less than ∼10), the Re model
is inapplicable whatever the Re number. From this
perspective, three regions can be identified in these
(a) region I, where the assumption of small variations
in film thickness compared with the feature length
is violated, and the Re model is inapplicable; how-
ever, inertia effects are small and a Stokes model
should be appropriate in this zone;
(b) region II, where inertia effects are important and
need to be taken into account;
(c) region III, where inertia effects are small, as are
the variations in film thickness with respect to the Fig. 6 Pressure profiles obtained with Re + inertia and
texture cell length; consequently, the Re model can NS models (λ = 64, Re = 128)
be safely used.
The region delimited by the values of λ most often
encountered in the literature (10 < λ < 100) is marked when this inertia correction is added to the Reynolds
by a grey background in these plots, and permits equation (Re+I model). Such an approach can further
to assess the validity of Reynolds equation for most extend the validity domain of a simple Reynolds-based
practical applications of textured surfaces. model. The relative differences between the results
The pressure profiles presented in Fig. 4 show that, obtained with a Re+Inertia model and the NS model
for larger λ ratios, the inertia effects introduced by the were subsequently evaluated as a function of Re and
dimple are quite similar to those observed in Rayleigh λ. The same indicators presented earlier (1 and 2 )
step bearings [15], in the region of discontinuous fluid are presented in Figs 7(a) and (b), with the Re model
film thickness. Such inertia effects can be partially cor- being replaced by the Re+I model.
rected by means of the method used by Argir et al. [30]. A remarkable amelioration is observed, without sig-
Starting from these observations, a correction to allow nificantly increasing the complexity of the previously
for inertia effects was introduced in the Re model. The used Reynolds model. As expected, the Re + I model
procedure is detailed in reference [31], and is based remains inappropriate for small values of λ (λ < 10),
on equation (3), written here for a discontinuity in the where the variations in film thickness are compara-
film thickness (flow section) at the coordinate x ble in magnitude with the dimple length. However,
when the inertia effects are taken into account in this
ρ(u(x − ))2 ρ(u(x + ))2 simple manner, and using the Reynolds equation, the
p(x − ) + = p(x + ) +
2 2 validity domain of the Re + I model is significantly
ρ[MAX(u(x − ), u(x + ))]2 improved in the region where λ > 10 (up to Re  30
+ξ (3) for λ = 10, and up to Re ≈ 300 for λ = 100). Conse-
quently, a significantly larger range of applications can
In this equation, the coordinates x + and x − denote be investigated using this model, without having to
the locations found immediately upstream and down- resort to complicated NS solutions.
stream of the discontinuity line, while p and u denote
the hydrodynamic pressure and average fluid velocity
at these locations. Numerically, these locations rep- 4 INFLUENCE OF INERTIA
resent the mesh nodes found just at the right and at
the left of the discontinuity. Practically, the pressure is A second aspect investigated in this paper is the influ-
artificially increased or diminished on the steps intro- ence of inertia (or ‘convective inertia’ as it is called in
duced by the texture, so as to compensate the loss or most CFD-based studies). The interest of this analysis
gain in kinetic energy caused by the fluid slowdown was raised by the contradiction between the posi-
(flow-section expansion) or acceleration (flow-section tive inertia effects observed in references [11] and
restriction). An additional correction factor, ξ , is pro- [12], and the negative inertia effects observed for
posed in reference [30], but it appears that its values Rayleigh step sliders [15]. A clear shift of the pres-
must be experimentally (or numerically) determined, sure field towards the inlet can also be observed in
and it was not used here (i.e. ξ = 0). Figure 6 shows this work (Fig. 2(b)) for small λ ratios, as well as an
the effects of this correction, for the configuration increase in runner pressure in the dimple region for
previously presented in Fig. 4. It can be noted that larger λ ratios (Fig. 6). However, is this an indication
a significant amelioration of the results is observed of a pressure build-up effect that can explain the lift

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Validity of Reynolds equation and inertia effects 75

Fig. 7 Relative differences 1 and 2 between the results obtained with Re + inertia and NS

generated in textured bearings/sliders, as suggested any other flow solver, requires a reference pressure to
in references [11] and [12]? be imposed in a point of the domain, and the result-
Figure 8(a) to (f ) shows the different results obtained ing pressure field is computed with respect to this
with Fluent for a single texture cell, with periodic imposed value. By shifting the periodic boundary, the
boundary conditions, in a configuration where sig- reference pressure (zero in this case) is taken at dif-
nificant convective-inertia effects are present (S = 1, ferent locations in the fluid domain. Consequently,
λ = 2, Re = 57.3). All the configurations are identi- an almost full positive pressure field is obtained in
cal, except that the periodic boundary conditions case (b), for example, while a completely negative
were placed at different positions with respect to the pressure is obtained in case (e).
dimple (i.e. different sections of the infinite slider These results show that the ‘net pressure build-up’
were modelled, with periodic boundary conditions). effect observed in references [11] and [12] is valid
Consequently, these results appear as ‘very different’ only for the precise configuration of a finite-length,
solutions to the same problem, that of a textured slider fully textured parallel slider, with the dimples equally
of infinite length. This happens because Fluent, like spaced with respect to one another and with respect to

Fig. 8 Different solutions to the same problem – a textured slider of infinite length

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Fig. 9 Pressure profile with optimally shifted dimples: (a) high and (b) low inertia effects

Fig. 10 Inertia effects in a partially textured (inlet texture) parallel slider

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Validity of Reynolds equation and inertia effects 77

the slider edges, and where particular inlet flow con- as long as λ is sufficiently large, and Re sufficiently
ditions are met. More precisely, a shift of the periodic small. This paper also demonstrated that the accuracy
pressure profile towards the inlet is observed in this of Reynolds equation can be easily and significantly
case, leading to a larger positive pressure region, com- improved by taking the inertia effects into account in
pared with the negative pressure zone. However, if this a simple manner.
effect is sought after when designing textured sliders, Charts are given that establish whether a certain
it is more efficient to shift the dimple position in the configuration can be modelled using the Reynolds
texture cell towards the inlet. Then, a fully positive equation or not, and the expected associated accuracy
pressure is obtained for the entire domain (Fig. 9(a)). loss. These charts are presented for shallow dimples
However, the same effect can also be obtained at (hD /hF = 1) with a texture density of 50 per cent (ρT =
small Re numbers and/or large λ ratios, where iner- 0.5), and they are expected to be inaccurate for deep
tia has negligible influence, as presented in Fig. 9(b) texture configurations (hD  hF ). The range of λ and
for Re = 5.73 and λ = 20. Moreover, it can be noted Re values considered in these charts should cover most
that the integral of the non-dimensioned pressure is practical applications of fluid lubricated textured con-
even larger in this case (thus, larger load capacity tacts, and the results are valid whatever the means of
is obtained). Is it then correct to speak of pressure achieving a particular λ/Re combination.
build-up or inertia generated lift in textured configura- Concerning the inertia influence, once again, con-
tions? According to these results, obtained for optimal tradictory results were obtained with respect to pre-
dimple positioning in fully textured parallel sliders vious studies. While a clear shift of the pressure field
(Fig. 9), inertia induces a pressure loss rather than towards the inlet is observed at large Reynolds num-
a pressure gain, compared with an inertia-less con- bers and small λ ratios, it seems that this cannot be
figuration. This can be observed by comparing the interpreted as a lift-generating effect, with the excep-
pressure field obtained for the high-inertia configu- tion of very few particular configurations. In general
ration (Fig. 9(a)) with the pressure field obtained for (especially in optimal texture configurations), it is
the inertia-less configuration (Fig. 9(b)). shown that inertia has negative effects, reducing the
These results show that inertia effects must be load capacity of the slider. This is particularly clear in
analysed in the specific configuration in which the the case of partially textured sliders, but is also seen
designer is interested, and not on single texture cells for the optimal dimple arrangement in fully textured
with centered-dimples. As an example, Fig. 10 presents configurations.
the pressure profiles for a high inertia flow (Re =
287) and for an inertia-less flow (Re < 0.003), in a
partially textured slider. Partially textured sliders are REFERENCES
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