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Definition disability

Disability is a multifaceted perception of :

 Cara manusia berfungsi

 Keupayaan melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti harian
 Persekitaran yang menghalang dari menghalang dari melibatkan diri

Ketidakupayaan manusia hidup biasanya di kategorikan sebagai intelektual, psikatrik, sensori,

pertuturan, fizikal dan sebagainya.

Langkah Pencegahan

1. Primary prevention is the act of seeking out services and education to prevent
disease. Primary prevention measures include activities that help prevent a given
health care problem. Examples include immunization against diseases, receiving
health-protecting education and counseling, promotion of the use of automobile
passenger restraints, home safety, and fall prevention programs. Because successful
primary prevention helps avoid the suffering, cost, and burden associated with injury
or disease, it is typically considered the most cost-effective form of health care.
2. Secondary prevention is the act of detecting early disease and seeking care before the
disease progresses or symptoms become apparent. Examples of secondary prevention
activities include screening tests for cancer and findings of other diseases. If disease
is detected early, interventions can be performed to maintain functional ability and
increase the chance of survival and wellness
3. Tertuary prevention defined as activities that involve the care of established disease;
attempts are made to restore the person to their highest function, minimize the
negative effects of disease, and prevent disease-related complications



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