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Australian English was born out of British English after the founding of the colony of New South
Wales in 1788 and was recognised as a variation of British English in 1820.

The oldest form of Australian English is spoken by the children of settlers born in the colony of
New South Wales. The first generation of children created a new dialect that would become the
language of the nation.

Some linguists say there are three general accents in Australia. These accents are associated with
the social class of the people and the place where they live, whether it is the country, a town, or
the city.

 The first accent is Broad accent, which is spoken by 34% of the population, but associated
with the working class living in the countryside.
 General accent, which is spoken by 55% of the population but associated with the middle
class living in a city.
 Cultivated accent, which is more like British English spoken by 11% of the population A
historical fact is that after the 50's more people stopped having this accent and started
speaking General Accent.


First of all, when the first British settled on the east coast of what is now the United States at the
end of the 16th century, there were already Europeans in this region. Specifically, there were
French, Spanish, German, Dutch and, very importantly, Welsh and Irish Scots. Most of them had
arrived on Spanish and French expeditions that established colonies in the Florida and Louisiana
area. It was then in 1583 that Queen Elizabeth I of England authorised the pirate Sir Walter Raleigh
to establish the first English colony in North America. From this point on, British English began to
slowly change under the influence of both French and Spanish and the English spoken by Welsh,
Irish and Scottish people.

The English we try to speak is American English. Clearly this English also has various accents which
depend mainly on the region where a person is located and the social class, they are in.

there are 4 main divisions: Southern, New England, New York City, & Midwestern.

Para empezar la comparación quiero explicar la diferencia mas notoria, esta es la
utilización de la r y la t
En ingles americano se utiliza la r suave for example in the word
And australian people pronounce it like more British, the also use the t as an r but
the ending is different, they say
Otros ejemplos son
Otra diferencia grande es la pronunciación de ar, er for example
En Australia, no se pronuncia la r final después de una vocal, lo que hacen es
alargar la vocal, por ejemplo
Pero de todas formas se debe aprender la pronunciación de la r porque ellos si la
pronuncian cuando hay r linking, por ejemplo
En Care about , aqui la e es muda así que la r se conecta con la a
Better off
In your eyes
someone once told me that my accent in Spanish is perfect for speaking
Australian English, because my accent is from Bogota and there, they make the
intonation at the end of the phrase and so do Australians.
So, In affirmative sentences the standard American English goes down
I go home in AE
I cook dinner
I go to bed
Its just like answering a question, what do you do after work? I go home.
But in Australian English they do the opposite, they go up
Los sonidos vocalicos en los acentos del ingles son importantes para notar las
diferencias, al igual que el movimiento de la boca, la lengua y la posición de
la mandíbula.
En ingles australiano se tiene, por lo general, la boca mas cerrada, a
comparación con el ingles americano, y los sonidos vienen de mas atrás en la
Otra diferencia es que con los diptongos, que son dos sonidos vocálicos
juntos en ingles australiano se va a escuchar una separación mas profunda y
en ingles americano muchas veces se escucha casi como un solo sonido, por
ejemplo con la palabra today
En americano decimos TODAY, pero en australiano se dice To-dAY, el
sonido es mas marcado.
El próximo sonido es /i/
Beat: bit
Beat: bait like /a/ /i/

/U/ la u corta
En americano decimos book, took, look, very short pronunciation
En australiano es mas como en español, hacemos la u en español como
dando un besito


Así como en todos los acentos de los diferentes idiomas, hay diferentes
palabras para referirse a lo mismo, o igual definition con diferentes palabras
un ejemplo de ello son
Autumn , fall

Bag — sack
Booking — reservation

También encontramos una diferencia en el spelling. Los australianos lo usan

como los británicos, por ejemplo con la palabra
Favour — favor
Realise — realize

Programme — program

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