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What is your biggest concern about the future?

My biggest concern about the future is when the day smartphone will fully conquer us. No matter how
far we ran from reality. The fact that we are already enslaved by smartphones. As you can see there are
more than 2 billion people using smartphones across the globe. And it is estimated to reach 6.1 billion
by 2020. So there is a disadvantages in the usage of smartphones. First is addiction, we are really
engaged in technology and we are abusing it and leads to addicition so we must used it in moderation
and have some limitations. Second is increased accident risks, 1 out of 4 car accidents is because of
texting while walking even in driving or crossing the road can be a potential distraction. According to
WHO there is an increased of traffic accidents with mobile usage 3-4 times greater. See? How that
mobile phone can cause to us? Excessive used of smartphones causes depression, stress, anxiety,
obesity and a rare cases of mental disorders. For all people out there all I want to convey is reduce the
usage of smartphones not literally stop using smart phone because smartphone contributes a lot in our
daily life like messaging our family, communicating and business. Don’t let smart phone fully conquer
you. We should help each other because our micro efforts will have a macro effect that could help save
our earth our future a better place to live in.

What is the biggest thing you've done that you're really proud of?

I have learnt to help others even when they are competing against me. I have learnt to be patient when
others whom I helped appeared to rise higher than me. I have learnt to wait for my share of
fortune/rewards. This is what I am proud of. I have made good friends during the time. I find it really
helpful for me as helping others has actually made me learn small details of where people actually get
stuck. This makes me act more realistic at any situation. I now found myself comfortable in any new
environment. However, there have been ups and downs in my life due to some thankless people. I must
admit that thoughts like what if he gets ahead of me with the help I am giving crops up at times. As
Frank A. Clark once said “ Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out”.
Overcoming such thoughts has been difficult, but I enjoy helping others and I am proud of it. It feels
good .

-What is being “fair” for you?

Fair isn’t everyone getting the same thing. Fair is everyone getting what they need in order to be
What do you think being educated actually means?

Every year, million of students enrolled in thousands of universities around the world. We go to school
with the objective of being educated. Our view of an educated person who is wealthy and successful is
completely wrong. For me, being educated isn’t necessarily someone who went to university and got
PhD. Educated means have a positive learning and knowledge in any area and putting that knowledge to
your own purposes or for the others. And someone who learns from their experience and someone who
knows the purpose of life and why they exist, willing to learn, influencing people by putting their
knowledge to solve real like problems. They should able to adjust quickly and act accordingly. In
addition, being educated means you can read and you can write and you are able to convey and deliver
a message, but being educated does not always mean being learned.

What would you rather be wise or intelligent?

I’d rather be wise. Wise is the ability to think, insights, commensense and knowledge. Wise person
learns not only in the classroom but they learn from the life experiences and able to be a better person
and to make better choices in life. Wisdom usually can't be studied, but might be acquired. You might be
born with it. You might acquire it through life experience. It often means "a deep understanding of
life/morality/spirituality"; or, "knowledge for practical situations." Wise implies morality. Intelligence is
mere rational ability to solve problems. Wise beats smart. So where may the confusion be? Wise people
aren't necessarily even intelligent. I think wisdom is a trait of respectable moral people who act in an
admirable way, and can give good advice. Wise people aren't harmless, instead they have the ability to
steer foolish situations to more moral directions. Intelligent people can be arrogant, useless and possess
great capacity for evil. Wise people are something more, they are humble enough to realise how small
an individual is, unlike the stereotypical smart-ass could. Intelligence is a good thing to have, and can be
applied to do a lot of good, especially if the same person is wise.

Is it necessary to make plans to do something?

Absolutely Yes, Things are better with Plans because if Plan A doesnt work, you still have Plan B and so
on.Planning helps identify goals, offers direction, gives perspective. Planning your life gives you control.
If you create a plan then you get to make choices and decisions, rather than leaving things up to chance,
or worse yet, letting others make decisions for you. Planning your life is equivalent to having a road map
that helps you reach your desired destination. When you take the time to plan your life, you are taking
the steps necessary to not only identify and reach your desired goal, but also to do so in the most
efficient manner. Rather than relying on pure chance, a life plan details the exact route to take. It helps
you get there in the shortest time possible without running out of gas. When you sit down and make the
time and effort to plan your life, you will identify what is important to you. You will detail exactly what
you want out of life, something most people have never done. It will enable you to clearly state your
goals without any ambiguity. It will help determine exactly what kind of life you want.

Which one is more important do you think: skills or educations?

Individuals will cope to the future is through skills. For me, I’d rather choos skills. As Glux Clayton once
said. Knowlegde changing so fast that we cannot give young people what they will need to know,
because we do not know what it will be. Our future lies in problem solving in interpersonal skills. The
problem with college degrees is that they don’t prove you have skills. They prove you went to college
and graduated. Thus, you have some knowledge, but not necessarily skills.Skills help to achieve a
goal,skills help an individual to grow and climb the career ladder,skills show experiences,skills show self-
confidence and knowledge. Without skills you won’t succeed at any job. Because having skills is
important for work success, personal growth and career growth, many employers decide to change their
hiring process.

If you have chance to invent something useful what would it be?

-If I could invent something new, I would like to develop a flying car. As we all know “Necessity is the
creation need of all inventions”. Earlier people use used to go by cycle or by walking but since the car
has been invented; people have started using cars rather than the former by cycle or walking. I have
number of reasons in support of my invention : First of all, cars play an important role in everybody’s
day-to-day activities such as going to work, doing groceries etc. Even with public transit available in
major cities people use their personal cars to travel. This results in a lot of cars on the road at the same.
Especially during business hours when everybody is trying to get to their work place people encounter
huge traffic jams. My invention could bring some relief to this traffic situation every day and some
people would be able to use the flying car to get to their work without getting stuck in traffic jams.
Secondly, the use of flying car would increase productivity and efficiency in everybody’s life. People
would be able to spend quality time at work rather than spending so much time in traffic jams each day.
In my opinion, it will also give people more time to spend time with their families and enhance the
quality of life of many people. Lastly, I believe that it would be a lot of fun driving in the sky than on the
road. Isn’t that exciting ? It will be a joy ride for everyone.

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