Los Detalles y La Muerte en Marcha - Es.en

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Details and death up

Question. We have a person in stage B, we're not sure

hundred hundred if he still belongs to the Rosa Cruz, but he
goes, he comes. Things in life when he comes there is a
warmup, he has foguea normal but not yet clear things on the
elimination of the ego or something and practices ... I think
that's what they get stuck.

VM Rabolú. It isthat the elimination of the ego, there was a

conflict or almost impossible, as he handed the Master
Samael; Let's put, look: this is a tree with many roots, right?
Has the main root, you have the amount of tiny roots that
depend on it as well. Well, say that this is an ego, anger,
pride, any ego.

It is impossible to go to reach us understand this ego, if you

have all these derived from it, because it becomes the food of
the tree.

A tree for example, any tree that is, has its main root, which is
holding a tree to let it not fall and take other thick on the sides
that help sustain for air not lie, but those roots thick are these
depend thousands of tiny roots that are feeding the tree. The
other thick roots do but hold him there, but he feeds with all
those branches of roots that check that these are for the
surface of the earth, dragging the vitamins needed by the tree,

So, that happens exactly the same with the ego of us, or
We have the ego of anger, but this depends many are those
who feed; the ego is supported by all those roots, all these
tiny branches, which are the details. For details is alive ego. If
we begin to take roots, start malnourished and die; otherwise
we can not. Then, as given by the Master, "to finish the ego of
anger", but how many egos manifestations of anger or has
that element ?, then how understands one? You can not

So if you begin to take food to the ego, then it starts to

understand and starts to lose strength. That is unavoidable.

The Master speaks of this in other words, as I am explaining.

He used other terms: "You have to die from moment to
moment, from moment to moment '; that sentence I did not
understand and say "but how, you will die from moment to
moment, from moment to moment?" He refers to these tiny
manifestations, that one does not "for balls," which believes it
is not default, and that is the food that is fueling the default for
all those tiny roots, go and go feeding the defect; then, if we
begin to take that away, die defect, or rather, the ego dies, he
begins to wane once, because he is fed by all this. So is the
life of him. If you begin to remove it, the result is death.

Look: I started dying was with the details. This I am telling you
the details, I'm not talking theory; I'm speaking it, so I did my
job since I started the Gnosis, with these details. But I did not
know he was dying, but these details is one, for example: is
one to receive an initiation, call one to give an initiation that he
won; you leave these trifles one on the road and a detail of
those can lose an initiation, a degree. Then I began, as I went
wrong internally, when I was going to get a degree, by a detail
of those I left; then I earned was a great scolding from
Masters and then I came here because they tell you: "Go to
school to learn, you know nothing," but reprimanded.
Then I came to give those details and hard and then started
out well in tests that drew me, because these are tests that
you throw one? then I received my degree, what would I pay,
and then I started working was with the details since I started I
Gnosis, but did not know it was death but I was doing well on
the Ilamados that made me to make me a payment, because
to make a payment one call, then, but first before you arrive,
you go by one trifles; if a penny was found around one
grabbed her. Well, that's a detail. Thus, insignificant things you
do not think that is proof, these are the details, so if one
begins around the ego is dying, is going desnutriendo and is
dying; That is unavoidable.

That is Death, truly, I found him thoroughly, because as he

taught the Master is not that I want to know more, because as
I he spoke of dying from moment to moment say, from
moment to moment, is related to that detail, it needed no
further clarification, to have understood that, but he was about
it. Master Judas, calls this work "polishing, polishing, polishing
and polishing".

Question. That also can do the same with thoughts?

VM Rabolú. It is that everything is everything. That applies

death underway, which surfaced a detail of these: "My Mother,
desintégrame this defect" immediately, immediately, not wait
for tomorrow or past, but right away, instantly; the Divine
Mother with her power, as these are details, are not as strong,
easily disintegrates.

Question. But always at night to analyze also this right?

VM Rabolú. No, during the day give up to death, give. Do not

put to waste any more time, but give from moment to moment,
from moment to moment and see.
Question. Is that "whiten the brass"?

VM Rabolú. Whiten the brass, so that light can shine.

Question. Master sometimes, perhaps unwillingness to work

with this concern, with that win. How can we do to activate
that will, for that rebellion?

VM Rabolú. Be aware of oneself. When you miss one, you

make mistakes; one be always one pending. Otherwise you
miss and there are many errors one.

So it is understood what death is underway and how it will

eliminate the ego, you are going removing the power,

Question.Perhaps there was an error or something that we've

had a long time; and there has been a poor job during the day
and we wanted to leave everything for the night.

VM Rabolú. No, no, no, this is from moment to moment as the

Master Samael, that's a really says. Be aware of yourself, and
what happens? consciousness awakens one right away; do
not forget oneself, it is a very good exercise.

Question. ORwhether this would replace the work we have

always done in the death of the ego?

VM Rabolú. It isto look, to me caught my attention that,

because I think a lot about how to deal to propel humanity,
that did investigate me because everybody talks about death
and dying quire and why is not dead ?, none then it struck me
much, of course! missing apply this work, because it so raw
and handed the Master, "to end the anger, pride," No !, no one
will end, nobody is going to end like this. How comprising one
anger or pride if you have thousands of tiny manifestations
that one believes to be nothing, and it is because there is
feeding the ego.

Question. And you have to know where a detail is, if anger,

pride does not it matter?

VM Rabolú. Do notmatter, you ask the Divine Mother

instantly; "Desintégrame this defect" now!

Question. Do you have one that I imagine, Master?

VM Rabolú. According to the manifestation of detail, one asks

the Divine Mother; one does not have to imagine where it
comes or where it is going, and make aware the petition,
imagine what the Divine Mother disintegrated That!

Question. Maestro, but there will be a little like feeling what

you just did, right ?, because if one does everything

VM Rabolú. Of course, pending oneself, you realize any

detail that sneaks or manifests.

Question. ORfeels like a little bit of regret?

VM Rabolú. Of course, when one asks the Divine Mother, to

have that security that eliminated; have certainty is faith in the
Divine Mother.

Master Samael for example, there was a missionary and said,

"of all my students, the only one who is dying is Joaquín; yes
really dying, "but I was dying was with all these details, I was
not bringing me big time, no !, but all the details and that I owe
my conscience that I have, to this work. So I have not been
talking about a theory, but I've been living, right ?, I've been
living any more.
Question. And you Master, if you allow me a question, then
you with those details, then he devoted himself to study them
more deeply Or just with this daily work was enough?

VM Rabolú. It is that look, a detail of these, tiny, that it does

not have much strength. Divine Mother then instantly
disintegrates; disintegrated and no one has to break his head
one thinking that detail, do not have security !, the Divine
Mother took him out, it disintegrated.

Question. Yes, but meditation on the death of the ego that

one also will do or have to do at night, would it be his fat

VM Rabolú. Look, I'll explain that part is very important: I've

never done this meditation, I have not done, why ?, because
we will die in stages, by dimensions. Here we do cleaning,
take an example: You catch a white, dirty shirt, did you lift it
out of the first sudsy, or soaped and then gives you another
until whitening? Well, that's us with the ego, just as, like, not
one will be one white, because it should be noted that Cause I
is there and I Cause does not disintegrate with this work; the
Cause I consciously disintegrates, and is the last job you have
to make one; then we let it in stages.

Question. Would you rather going in the world to work with

Astral selves, then?

VM Rabolú. You have to work here in the Astral in the Mental

and finally in the Causal, all in order that one in these works,
for example here, is recovering very aware then allowed to
move at will in other dimensions, consciously and make your
Question. So how do you combine this work from moment to
moment, I think we are understanding what we you also and
the Master Samael said? , To dedicate only one ego

VM Rabolú. II made that mistake, no I'm sorry to say it,

element by element, but had in mind I those details, because
when that, I did not believe in those details, now that I found
out what death is like, then this leaves one still but is giving
one is all ego, all; to pride, greed, lust, revenge, everything !,
usually all that is left one bam !, give, give, give and that is

Question. It iswork all at once?

VM Rabolú. With all that one out.

Question. But, for example, and in Alchemy for example,

which one we would devote?

VM Rabolú. InAlchemy, for example, there are details that do

not reach the Divine Mother to disintegrate, because they
fuertecítos, then in Alchemy you see that element continued to
occur in the Alquimia then asks the Divine Mother
disintegration of that element.

Question. Today for example, Maestro, forgive the insisrencia

but this is very important to us.

VM Rabolú. No, it is that this is important, is the base for us.

Question. So today that detail has been strong pride, at night,

in the work of Alchemy ask for pride, but maybe it maña.na of
envy, So I ask envy?

VM Rabolú. To which he comes, he comes on, you have no

exception but with everything that one out.
Question. Master Samael spoke like that ... I do not want
desgranar this a lot, excuse me a lot but I want lnsistir talked
to hunt ten hares at the same time and all this ...

VM Rabolú. Yes, but then how it goes in an order, not five or

ten you will disturb Sino one time, you give that detail.

Question. To the next day came a detail of another ego?

VM Rabolú. Another out, or hang it.

Question. No, but we now refer to the work of Alchemy.

VM Rabolú. Then one is giving to the one who sees it insists,

is given in Alchemy.

Question. Is it like going lowering all egos?

VM Rabolú. Everything, everything, everything is dying in the

trunk, the ego itself is dying all because loses all force.

Question. Yesone example, see what else has or something

that has very strong is the self-regard, for example, right ?,
you leave many details during the day appear there, then one
should give all defects, but , focus more, for example in
Alchemy, the self-regard?

VM Rabolú. Look no, is that look, a defect that always has

one, the principal let us talk, manifested, for that is given
every time you give appears, and give and give and give to
the most insist it is going giving , any number of times
manifest dale, as well.

Question. But this happens Maestro, such as "lazy", that's

why we're here, do we not ?, because we are too "lazy" to
work; when we intend to work with laziness, we activate, we
make a practice week, all practices that want and then comes
back this passivity.

VM Rabolú. Look, this passivity is, when one night causes,

enters into one night when one stays still, the practice is
poorly made, poorly made. When one makes a practice and
gives results, then gets stronger, it causes a new dawn within
one, but if done poorly made, as is no result, is passivity,
laziness, right? We must always do concentration practices.

No practice of giving the Master, no failure; We fail us,

because we are doing a practice here and thinking there in
the business, anything. Then there is no concentration, no
result can give practice can not give. Then there are the flaws.
What she dedicates one time what he is doing and as I said
now, in everyday life, in your physical work, devoting his time
going, then you will be getting an education once.

Question. Do you leverage everyday life?

VM Rabolú. Daily, daily.

Question. Putting the daily life according to the dying?

VM Rabolú. Clear.

Question. What depending on something else?

VM Rabolú. Yes,

Question. Alittle as guidance we can say and good, and have

all that if we are doing a practice of death of the ego hour a
day, which is not enough, we need to be doing practice death
of the ego from moment to moment.
VM Rabolú. Moment to moment, is one in his work, is in
business, talking to a person who is, there must be one to see
what psychic element can manifest there or is manifesting.

Question. With an hour a day we will not die?

VM Rabolú. No, no, no, no, no, it's all the time, if one wants to
die; all the time and not get tired one.

Question. Inthat case and would cease the practice of the

death of the ego, stay aside, because we would be working all
day, right?

VM Rabolú. All day.

Question. And the other and leave aside?

VM Rabolú. This other, for example we work, we gave

Master, that stands apart because one is understood is yet
derived all the psychic elements.

Question. But we could dedicate this practice, it occurs to me

that defect or that detail strong, is trying to understand a little

VM Rabolú. No, he insists it is given "in the tower" once,

many times as you insist, dale, in one of those must die, must

Question. Is this practice of meditation on the death of the

ego would cease out of courses or have to explain?

VM Rabolú. Well, I think that's wasting time, that's wasting


Question. So this retrospective exercise, when a defect

manifested in childhood?
VM Rabolú. This work does not need one of anything like
that; be from moment to moment, from moment to moment.

Question. That's more direct?

VM Rabolú. Yes.

Question. This is a complete revolution of the die.

VM Rabolú. Yes, because I !, a revolution that system I had

from when I started, but I thought everyone worked the same;
now you are seeing the correspondence that so many people,
almost everyone, "that death, that nnzerte, I do not know
what" and none die, and said is this matter why ?, Of course,
you're going to the bulk and details leave them, that's where
the ego is fed, yes !, that's the conclusion I came along.

Question. Come on. , If for example one during the day, some
of the details that you see that for some wrong he has done,
for something, you feel pain in there; then one at home, in
your room, should one of ... many times ?, no one comes to
focus more on that defect, see how it has gone, asking, keep
asking the Divine Mother for this defect during the day ...

VM Rabolú. No, be alert itself when you want to become

manifest Give !, this is the best; and let one commit errors and
is dying. It is that when you miss one, there's the problem,
because one makes mistakes.

Question. ¿Details we need to understand that you are any

little thing?

VM Rabolú. Tiny, tiny things.

Question. A person speaks, UNU smile and self-sufficient

manner, that is a detail; interrupt another when going to
speak, is another detail? Your majesty Rabolú. Look, it
internally for example is very serious. For example you are
talking both there, when I come, "blah blah blah" as
dándomelas very important and cut their conversation to you,
alas! Oh! Oh! you're stuck one punishment, punishment; not
me I'm sad to say because I have punished me by
imprudence so hard.

Once the Master was talking with another teacher in the

Gnostic Church. I was in my work, because I always have to
work every night to me. When I forgot to ask something to the
Master and went to the church, entered the Master was
talking to another, in an effort to get back to work, "Teacher
bla, bla, bla ...", "Kneel down there "in the middle of the
church hall Gnóstica kneeling three hours.

Masters came and went and the rest of my schoolmates and I

looked around like a "stamp" in the middle of the hall, there. At
three hours it was that punishment lifted me and said, "And so
... you're not more important than the gentleman who was
talking with me I do not know what"; Well, but what hit me so
awful scolding, after three hours kneeling. There give a very
rigid discipline one, much

Question. And why one does not bring that discipline to the
physical, Master; For example, if you receive such
punishment there, why not bring that to the physical?

VM Rabolú. Because look, is that one awakening, when it

returns to the body, wake up, and move an arm or move, and
lost his memory. We must awaken, you know you've woken
up, he opened his eyes, close your eyes and try to remember
and will remember, yes, but as one moves already lost the
Question. In the center of Frankfurt, wondering if that
mantram RAOM-GAOM to remember dreams, if that is it
advisable or teach it a waste of time?

VM Rabolú. Look, the best mantra is that he was telling them

not to move; or a hand or anything, still and close your eyes
and try to remember everything and there out one.

Question. Teacher, also with regard to death, that tells us the

Master Samael, that lust working life associated with another
defect, how should you understand?

VM Rabolú. All life, all life, lust are thousands of demons.

Question. Like any other?

VM Rabolú. Yes, the same, the same, or rather no defects

except for one, all have the same food, its ramifications, tiny
demonstrations. For example, there's a lady there, I put my
arm on what is ?, a detail, a manifestation of lust, there it is;
Giving hand to the lady, apretársela, is a manifestation of lust.
Yes, it is that no, no, no, thousands and thousands of details
and all manifest.

Question. They are not only external events but also thoughts
or impulses ...

VM Rabolú. No, no, no, no, take a compliment a woman on

the street, out there, now! That is a detail of lust.

Question. One tells a friend: "What are you cute today."

VM Rabolú. Alreadythere is.

Question. And you think that's not.

VM Rabolú. No, it is.

Question. ORsays nothing and think?

VM Rabolú. But you Think! ... Yes.

Question. That's what the Master Samael wanted life to be

edifying and dignifying, that is, raise the ...

VM Rabolú. Yes Yes

Question. What work is necessary for the psychological trait?

Question. She wants to know the main psychological trait, the

trait, you have to look for it.

VM Rabolú. You look, well this work, practically there goes,

he comes one is like a soldier facing a large army to defend
itself; to the first looked, that was given, yes! there was given.

Question. It must be terrible that battle.

VM Rabolú. That is the great battle which the Bible speaks,

that is the great battle; against one thousand and one has to
play the all out there.

Question. And that loneliness one feels in this work, that

sometimes you think that it's getting ...

VM Rabolú. No. And there are times when one feels

abandoned by the Hierarchies and around the world, totally
abandoned, feels and looks; and if internally is worse there,
there itself is notorious because one goes his way, or Divine
Mother and Hierarchies neither human nor anything be. It's
totally alone, totally.

Question. In the inner?

VM Rabolú. Domestically, but if anyone ... rather all views are

placed on one, all the Hierarchies, because it is not to be
abandoned; one feels and looks abandoned, but lies open
one's mouth and ask for help to see instantly have the help,
but is one, totally.

Question. And how it manifests physically here, life

becomes ...?

VM Rabolú. Well, here's Initiations, for example, that he turns

everyone against. To me to women, children, the Gnostics,
everyone turned me back. I sick in bed and penniless cure me
how, how to buy nor a pill and I lasted several days, months
rather in that state, that's where one's mind attacks by all
sides. I remember that the ego told me: "Where the
Hierarchies speaks both are, where your friends are, where
are the Gnostics, stop that," yes !. but so clear what one hears

You know, one sick, lying in bed, unable to walk without a

penny, that even women and children turned over against, huh
?, everyone, nobody visited me, huh? And there to finish
completing for example, as much as they were bored with me
there and went and took me to the hospital in Cienaga, there I
was kicked out of charity and did not come to see me, nobody.
It's tough, it's tough, then there ego takes advantage of those
moments to wanting to take one of teaching, make him see
that the Hierarchies, that is straw, the Gnostics, Gnosis, that's
an invented by a man, in short, all those things, but a number
of things that come to one.

Question. What you can take?

VM Rabolú. Yes, you can remove it.

Question. Maestro, in practice there put into groups, we do in

group of death of the ego, how could so now to focus them?
VM Rabolú. Well, they can follow, because the heat of the
group gives strength, can follow them well, right? because
always there is strength. these meetings, all those things are
needed, because they have more or less the same purposes;
then they form a force that serves each individually

Question. But they would have issues that could no longer


VM Rabolú. For example, this issue for me is basic and

fundamental to all groups, every student. Whoever wants to
die than start there; otherwise never dies. And here's the
proof: how many people in twenty, thirty years, vivitos !, why ?,
because they worked as he had indicated the Master without
remembering the details, there was no one actually explain
the details. Master explained but very different terms; "To die
from moment to moment, from moment to moment," he said
but then we did not understand.

Question. Fundamentally it is fully launched, given "lemon" at

all times, would not it ?, as they say, or deny himself at all
times, right?

VM Rabolú. Look, to refuse one necesna one have known

very well. When one knows that one is nothing, it is a shadow,
it is rubbish to the Hierarchies, is when you wake up and it's
up to enter one Holy Temples that gives remorse, you
ashamed of yourself, to see where passes one leaves the
stain; then there is one realizes that one is nothing, but
nothing, yes! It gives you shame, as he regrets oneself, to see
the situation is one set before the Hierarchies.

Then there indeed truly one begins to understand that you are
nothing and then to reject all these vanities and all those
things one, illusory, that make one illusion.
Question. But many people Master, for example with this that
we are nothing, then form a problem; there is a physical
problem, yes, things in life, they say that does not matter, all
are nothing, why identify with such nonsense of life ...

VM Rabolú. It is that one must act according to the size

where it is, here we have physical problems, solve them
physically, of course!

Question. Not leave it, as well as wine goes ...

VM Rabolú. No no no no. Notice now, for example here in

Colombia. I did a course of diplomacy, very well done in the
inner worlds, which got good grades, as a diplomat. I used
diplomacy here physically in the Movement. What was going
on ?, the movement was down, all because then take
advantage of that, to make mischief and do everything, each
what he wants. So now he touched me and last time, in the
other Assembly I said, "I'll handle the movement with an iron
rod" that must be recorded; and I started driving with a rod of
iron, why ?, because they were taking too much already. So in
this world we have to develop ourselves as well; harms
diplomacy, the better the truth once, now!

There were thousands of students who went here in Colombia

foundered because I sent a general review and that came to
nothing. Those in order stayed and those who were in their
mess and wanted to make the Gnosis what they pleased,
Away with them! A chosen.

I've talked to them a lot of selection and no one wanted to

stop balls: "No selection". Now that a selection was made, an
amount of garbage was removed and what is more or less
see one that demonstrates and so it is. The Gnostic
Movement is none of you imagine no illusions that number is
true, no !, seek quality. It may be one, one around, but the
quality that counts, not quantity.

The amount they submitted one knowledge, as an obligation

of one, but that did not profit, no advantage; already.

How will it be, for example, now days we had a meeting at the
Tribunal; It was the highest order, which is against the Holy
Spirit, sinning against the Holy Spirit and against Christ "to the
abyss." Order of the highest authority there.

Question. Is all mankind or Gnostics?

VM Rabolú. Thefall, gnostic and non-gnostic. Then I found it

very hard, it seemed too sharp; then I appealed because I
remembered that there are people who have very good
intentions and are starting to work, right ?, and truly want to

I then told them: "I do not agree with that order, because there
are people who are starting a job so far, they have reached
the Knowledge and are starting a job, then those people one
can not send them to the abyss. Instead of sending them to
the abyss must help in every way, so that these people can
truly arise, or else no one would come. " Accepted, I accepted
my suggestion I did, because I found it very hard.

Question. Maestro concerning that question. In the group of

us in Germany, we have a lady who is the B advanced stage
and it has been virtually blocked there because she says she
does the second factor, because according to her, she has to
be a little better, pure in the cleanest way to make the second
factor and I said, "we have to start doing that second factor
but knowing us, being attentive to the manifestation of the ego
of lust".
VM Rabolú. It isI look ... are wasting time that lady there; on
the road it is that the loads are arranged.

Question. But do not you come in, Master, do not you go

VM Rabolú. Well, a fad now, but honestly you wasting your

time. If you start preparing, "until you're not ready I will not
give knowledge to humanity" does not deliver ever. We all
start with zero, start, what is important is already starting; We
all started from scratch and we're at zero, you can tell.

Question. Theexcuse her is that she says she does not want
to be used, because it feels like used, now only used for one
purpose, that her husband wants to rise, rise and she does
not have that chance.

VM Rabolú. But look, why that complex women, well we

ourselves have been at fault but if women have the same
chances of the man; the same exactly the same. Even in the
initiatory path preference women have more than one, there is
a preference for women. So they have all the help, and why
then they get those quirks?

Look: "I am very macho, I do not know what, you think I is

Lunar and Solar" Solar ?, What if I have not made my'm Lunar
Solar Bodies, as well as any old, as a woman, just like ; then
what is the positive and the negative. Both the woman is
negative and one is negative too, just the same. Then take off
the complex head, take off that because that's wrong.

So therefore if one has not built the solar bodies is a lady in

the Higher Worlds, is a lady who used to "pollerita".

Question. But internally women are men?

VM Rabolú. For them the complex of them always want at the

bottom of them being men and then there take the figure of
the man, with organs and all of the male; and one lady, you
figúrense conversely, falling in love you beyond us (laughter)
No !, really, that's true.

Question. But this complex comes from children, Maestro.

VM Rabolú. In the Gnostic Movement must take this resort to

the lady, ladies have the same right one, exactly the same.

Question. They also say that women can not reach the last
initiatory degrees, is that not true?

VM Rabolú. You can free the female body, that does not stop
him, he has nothing, then God would be unjust or Hierarchies
to make poor women and one does not, then there would be
justice there, right? Then we have the same opportunities, the
same. Have to take this complex the ladies, and the Gnostic
groups explain that, to go removing that complex, because
this complex deep hurt them, right?

Question. It is true Master, because for example I like to be

clear with me ... I like to talk with the ladies, with knights and
besides, when I realize that So !, and grabbed him one day
and said "what with you, tell me I'm just like you "and say," I
would use, I feel used me, I do not want to do the second
factor until not clean ". "Another thing; Hierarchies do not talk
about ladies, why such discrimination? "

VM Rabolú. I'll tell you why not talk about the ladies. For a
lady who manufactured their Solar Bodies, becomes a master
there; pónganmele well looked after that. There is not taken
into account the female part, but is building its own temple,
which become teachers; then the female part there is lost, it is
not taken into account.

Question. And the men too?

VM Rabolú. Yes also, yes, because if you do not work is a
lady there; then take off these complexes head, take off that,
that the Hierarchies do not speak of Master or such a thing,
because there is such so-Master Venerable Master John Doe.
It may be the body of a lady here does not matter, is the work
that looks and measured, That!

Question. Maestro, in public lectures at least in Spain, we are

already talking about suprasexuality and work with the second
factor, along the agenda also spoken in some subjects, until it
takes on the twenty-fifth issue of phase B, I think it is in the
new agenda, given the Arcanum, then the question is: If you
do not think it's a little late because the experience we are
collecting is that with all this information and books of Master
Samael, who read of course, as people rush to do the
practices with the second factor.

VM Rabolú. No, that must be given guidance right from the

start, on Arcano, to not make mistakes, yes.

Question. So you do not see evil Arcanum delivered soon,

phase A even?

VM Rabolú. InPhase A, because the married must have the

guidance and if one does not give guidance make mistakes.

Question. Namely a partner, for example they raised us had

read -are A- phase had already read a book from the Master
Samael and they were listening to talk of sexuality. Then they
said, "and make sexuality what we did before, because we do
not feel comfortable, because we see it is not right", but
neither knew how to make the new; good in this case were
given practice.

VM Rabolú. Clear!
Question. But there are some very reluctant to speak publicly
instructors quickly on these issues; until the end.

VM Rabolú. No, that can give less than half of Phase A,

deliver because it is a necessity.

Question. ¿Especially people who are married, who can now

start practicing?

VM Rabolú. Yes, they married and single it is explained to

them, because that is a base that can not shut her up,

Question. I think there is his guidance that seems very

reasonable; a man to give it to men and women to women.

VM Rabolú. Yes!

Question. For there is more confidence?

VM Rabolú. Yes more confidence, more confidence, of

course !, yes yes looks good.

Question. Teacher and you know how we are to gourmands,

if you're tired ...

VM Rabolú. Look, I invite you if they want at six o'clock,

because I want to take the time to the maximum, it can be at

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