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REPENTANCE: Returning to God

Purpose: To help someone understand the importance of repentance and

how repentance is shown.

Metanoia (me-TAH-noi-ah), literally means “change of mind”. This is the Greek word
translated as “repentance” in most English Bibles. It is a decision that must necessarily
be followed by deeds (which is why people were challenged by Jesus to estimate the
cost before following in Luke 14). This decision can be made quickly, though the
commitment is for a lifetime.

I. Why repentance is important

Luke 5:31-32
Why did Jesus come?
Jesus came to call sinners to repentance. If repentance is this important to
Jesus, it should be just as important to you.

Luke 24:46-47
What is the purpose of repentance?
The purpose of repentance is for the forgiveness of sins. Repentance and
forgiveness of sins go hand in hand. Without repentance there can be no
forgiveness of sins.

Acts 3:19-21
What do we experience when we repent?
We experience times of refreshing when we repent.

II. How repentance is

shown Godly Sorrow

2 Corinthians 7:8-11
What is the difference between godly sorrow and worldly sorrow?
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret,
but worldly sorrow brings death.

How do you know if a person has godly sorrow?

Godly sorrow produces earnestness, eagerness, indignation against sin, alarm
or concern at the wrong committed, longing and readiness to see justice done
or to make amends.

[The SL may use the example of how Peter and Judas responded after their
betrayal of Jesus. But care should be taken that this should not take too long]
Why do you think sorrow is connected to repentance?
A person needs godly sorrow to motivate him/her to repent. If a person does not
feel sorry for his/her sins, s/he will keep on doing it.

In the course of these studies, have you experienced godly

sorrow? Why do you say so?
[The SL should point out that feeling bad about sin is not necessarily godly
sorrow unless there is an eagerness to repent].

Acts 26:19-20
What did Paul preach?
Paul preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate
their repentance by their deeds.

How is repentance demonstrated?

Paul stressed that the action should fit (keep with) the repentance.

What have you done to demonstrate your repentance?

[The SL should lift up all attempts at repentance and encourage further repentance.
It important that the student is repenting during the course of the studies, otherwise
we are just passing on information but not conviction.]

Luke 3:7-14
What did John the Baptist challenge the people to do?

Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. John stressed that the action should fit
(keep with) the repentance.
Being merely religious is not a substitute for repentance.

What do you think are the fruits of repentance?

Repentance happens in our minds, but when it does, there are obvious results in
our lives.

[The SL should discuss specific sins and repentant actions. Address deeper
motives/“sins of the heart” (e.g. pride, envy) as well.]

What was the warning John gave them if they don’t repent? (v.8)
Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Radical Attitude
Matthew 5:29-30
What kind of attitude does Jesus want us to have when it comes to sin?
Jesus want us to have an attitude of doing whatever it takes to get rid of sin. We
are to remove whatever causes us to sin, no matter how painful or difficult it might

How can you imitate Jesus’ attitude toward sin?

By remembering the consequences of sin and that no sin is worth going to hell for.

Are there other things that God might be revealing or that you need to deal
with? [The SL should give the student the opportunity to open up here. The SL
should appreciate the openness]

Acts 2:36-39
How did the audience respond to the preaching about Jesus’ death?
They were cut to the heart and urgently wanted to know what they could do.

What did Peter challenge them to do?

Repent and be baptized.

Our next study will deal with repentance and baptism.


Pray and decide on the things you need to repent of. Discuss your plans to repent
with the person studying the Bible with you. Regularly let them know how things
are going with your plans. Be assured that your sharing will be treated with
confidentiality, and that disciples are more than willing to help you.

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