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Activity #2: Make a company

Step 1. Plan what company you are going to have. Think of a business that you wish to start
which you think would be a hit on the market. It should be original and something you
are passionate about. State the name of the company and present its logo then briefly
explain the context. You can also make a tagline for your company that would help in
your advertisement and commercialization.

Cafelicious and Pandesarap Café Shop

Love’s Coffee but worried about health? Great! You don’t need to worry now because
Cafelicious and Pandesarap is ready to serve you a nutritious coffees that you will love it.

Cafelicious derived from the word Café and Nutritious. The word “Café” comes from the French
word meaning “Coffee” and “licious” comes from the word “Nutritious” because we will create
and serve you nutritious coffee for the Filipinos who loves coffee. We also sell different kinds of
pandesal that comes out the “Pandesarap”. It is a combination of the word “Pandesal and
Masarap” because we will assure that our pandesal’s will give you the best taste of it.
Step 2. What product(s) are you going to be selling? What do you think is the best possible
product to sell in the market, locally and globally, that may help your country and your
fellowmen? You can make a sketch of the product then beside it justify how will it be
useful in the present society.

Coffee plays a vital role on one’s life. It is more than just a drink. It helps an individual to start
up their day and even provides health benefits. Philippines has various rich of lands where it’s
possible to cultivate, grow and produce quality coffee products like rice coffee, cocoa coffee, and
soya coffee that’s why I wanted to start up a café shop using rice, cocoa, and soy bean as our
main ingredients because it has a lot benefits in our health.

Rice Coffee

Rice coffee doesn’t cause acid reflux that is why it is pleasant to

the stomach, is gluten free and has a very low calorie hit. It also
provide strong antioxidants, detoxifies system, cleanses
our blood and etc.

Soya Coffee
Soy coffee is a coffee made using soy beans and coffee beans. It
is ideal for people who would like a healthier alternative to
regular coffee. Soy coffee is brewed like regular coffee.  Soy
beans are a nutrient-dense source of protein. Soy provides all
eight of the essential amino acids not manufactured by the body.
Research studies indicate that soy has a variety of beneficial
effects including: promote younger looking skin, improve
sleeping, promote healthy prostate function, increase lean
muscle mass etc.

Cocoa Coffee
Cocoa is rich in polyphenols, which have significant health
benefits, including reduced inflammation and improved
cholesterol levels. Studies reveal that cocoa is rich in Flavanols,
which lower blood pressure by improving nitric oxide levels and
blood vessel function. It also lower your risk of heart attack and
stroke improve blood flow to your brain and brain function and
Of course! If there is panulak there is also have pambara! Filipino people usually says. That’s
why, we also have this traditional and delicious pandesal bread. This bread is perfectly match in
drinking coffee and it also have health benefits to our body.

Malunggay Pandesal
Malunggay Pandesal is really good to eat in the morning
together with your coffee. You can buy this bread in a very
cheap price but it has a lot of benefits in our body because of the
main ingredients called malunggay. Some of the benefits are: It
helps us strengthen our immune system, help restore skin
condition, controls blood pressure, relieves headache and

Choco Pandesal
Pandesal are best enjoyed warm and fresh from the oven. The’re
delicious with coffee or tea for breakfast. Chocolate Pandesal
rolls are a decadent twist on our classic Filipino bread. Soft,
fluffy, chocolatey with a creamy Nutella filling. Chocolate as
one of the main ingrediens can give us some health benefits like
lowering cholesterol levels, preventing cognitive decline, and
reducing the risk of cardio vascular problems.

Pandan Pandesal with Ube halaya

Pandan Pandesal are another flavor twist on our classic

Filipino roll! Brightly colored and filled to the brim with
creamy ube halaya, they’re as delicious as they are pretty!
This recipe combines the earthy taste and vibrant green color
of pandan flavoring with a creamy purple yam filling for the
ultimate pandesal experience!
Step 3. How are you going to produce your product? What are the processes and materials
available in the country (or in other countries) that you would need to produce your
product? Are all these available and feasible? How will you be able to manufacture with
the least possible expenditure to be able to increase the profit of your company?

In producing our product, we will use customization as a type of production because we

produces goods one at a time according to the specific wants of individual customers. For the
materials that we needed like machines, utensils, refrigerator and etc. we will canvasing first to
the different stores for the prizes, types of machines that we will use, and the quality. I think it is
all available in our country and to the other country because there’s a lot of café shop that are
using the materials that we needed too. For us to save money, we will purchase the ingredients
that we needed directly to the manufacturers because it is cheaper if you purchase directly to the
company for us to increase our profit.

Step 4. How will you globalize your product? Think of achievable steps and strategies that you
are going to do to make your product(s) and your company included in the global market.
How will you be able to do these? List the steps and give explanation.

1. Make people as a heart of business

Filipinos are known as a coffee drinkers. It is part of the Filipino culture that every morning
people used to drink coffee and this practice came from their ancestors. Nowadays, people
become health conscious specially in our situation right now that is why we come up to produce
healthy coffee and breads for them, it is our strategy to catch people’s attention and also to give
long life to the coffee lovers. We also assure that we can be approachable in every customers
query, concerns etc.

2. Understanding the Culture

It is important to understand the people’s life, their way of living, beliefs, etc. Our products is
made for everyone and we assure that it can afford of everybody, fortunate or less fortunate
people will surely can buy our products even the poorest of the poor, because we are selling it in
a cheaper prize but it is really healthy and helpful to feed our starving stomach. We also accept
customers suggestions, comments about our products and of course we will also hear their rants.
Because I believe that the suggestions and rants of the customer’s can give you idea on how to
improve your business.
3. Identify your competitors
Competitors is everywhere, every kind of business have a competitors, but you don’t need to
worry about your competitors if you know to yourself that you are doing good and you satisfy
the needs and wants of your customers. It is really important to satisfy your customers for them
not to attracted by your competitors. I know that customer’s is the very important to our business
because they are our source of income and we cannot able to run our business without
Step 5. Once you have globalized your product, what countries do you plan to expand your
product? Make a list of the countries that you believe would also need your product(s)
and would be a viable market for your company. Clarify why did you choose these countries.

I am planning to expand our products in Canada, Denmark, New Zealand and Singapore. I chose
this four countries because they are belong to the top countries who are in business world, and
we all know that business man or woman are very busy, they always sleep very late because of a
lot of works that’s why they need our coffees and breads to continue their work. Also, it is our
way to introduce our famous Filipino bread and coffees.

Step 6. Choose any global issue you would advocate for and how would you address the issue?
Big companies usually have advocacies to help address issues such as decreasing
poverty, increasing the quality of education, or reduce global warming. What would be
your company’s advocacy and how will you plan to do this.

Decreasing Poverty. Between mass unemployment, poor working conditions, wage gaps,
discrimination and other concerns, finding a job can be a challenge, and having one does
not guarantee decent living conditions, particularly in low-income countries. That’s why
we can’t never solve our problem about poverty because of discrimation, and life
inequality. One of the challenges for employment is poor working condition. Poor working
conditions are the main global employment challenge, according to the International Labor
Organization (ILO).So much so that the UN has made “ decent work for everyone” one of
its priorities for the next decade, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDG No.
8).“Having a job does not always guarantee decent living conditions ,” explains Damian
Grimshaw . Also, youth employment should have take an action. Worldwide, more than one
out of five young people (under the age of 25) are without an occupation, meaning that
they are unemployed, with no training and not in school. At the same time, 145 million
young workers live in poverty. This is a situation that is not expected to improve anytime
soon, according to the ILO’s World Employment and Social Outlook - Trends 2019 , which
forecasts that the decline in the youth labor force participation rate over the past 25 years
will likely continue. Discrimination also can both cause poverty and be a hurdle in alleviating
poverty so they are some recommendation that will help to decrease the poverty and
discrimination. Indicators should measure respect of indigenous peoples’ rights, including land
and cultural rights, and recognize free, prior, and informed consent, Expanding training programs
that have a track record of preparing disadvantaged workers for in-demand jobs and increasing
employment and earnings, Increasing work opportunities for people with significant employment
barriers and Investing in work supports and benefits that boost wages and make jobs more stable.

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