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Exequiel Ian John G.

Felizardo September 28, 2020

Grade 11A-HUMSS Ms. Alex Loberes

1. How can you define mental health?

Mental health is not only defined as being free from mental illnesses, but also to our
psychological, emotional and social health. It is important to keep ourselves mentally
healthy as it heavily affects us in the different aspects of life. Being mentally unhealthy
could lead to complications that might prevent us from performing well with our tasks.

2. What is stress for you? What are your indicators that you're experiencing stress?

Stress is our body’s way to respond to threat. Stress helps us perform better in certain
ways as it makes us stronger and enhances our brain power. Being under stress boosts
our performance, but too much exposure from stress could result to complications.
Feeling tired and frustrated could be an indicator that you are experiencing too much
stress. Other indicators could be feeling lonely, lack of motivation to do certain tasks,
and struggle to fall asleep.

3. Is there a link between stress and mental health? What makes you say so?

Yes, because stress affects our performance and actions. Although stress could bring
many positive effects, the negative effects of stress could hinder us from being mentally
healthy. Too much exposure from stress could lead to complications in our mental and
physical health. It is possible to acquire different illnesses from too much stress, such as
depression, and anxiety.

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