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*P2.82 The dam in Fig. P2.82 is a quarter circle 50 m wide

30 cm into the paper. Determine the horizontal and vertical com-
ponents of the hydrostatic force against the dam and the
point CP where the resultant strikes the dam.

50 cm Taller del curso: Fundamentos de Mecánica de fluidos

20 m
Taller # 4 pa = 0

Temas: Presión. Estática de fluidos.

Profesor encargado: Juan P. Beltrán.
20 m
1ra Parte: Ejercicios del libro.CP
is hinged at P2.8210 y 11 del
1. Ejercicios capı́tulo 3 del libro: “Introduction to fluid mechanics”, Y. Nakayama
water level h and R. F. Boucher, 1st Ed. 1998.
est height for 2da Parte:Gate AB in Fig. P2.83 is a quarter circle 10 ft wide into
Ejercicio adicional.
eric pressure. the paper and hinged at B. Find the force F just sufficient
nsity? to keep
1. La puerta thefigura
de la gateesfrom opening.
un cuarto Theque
de cı́rculo gate is 10
mide uniform
pies de and
ancho (perpendicular
al plano de la figura)
weighs 3000 lbf. y está fijada al punto B. Calcule la fuerza F apenas suficiente para
mantener la puerta cerrada. La puerta tiene densidad uniforme y pesa 3000 lbf.

r = 8 ft


P2.84 Panel AB in Fig. P2.84 is a parabola with its maximum

Figura 1: Puerta circular.
e shape of an at point A. It is 150 cm wide into the paper. Neglect atmos-
e this geome- pheric pressure. Find (a) the vertical and (b) the horizon-
he hydrostatic tal water forces on the panel.
B. The width
25 cm

75 cm

P2.84 40 cm B

P2.85 Compute the horizontal and vertical components of the

hydrostatic force on the quarter-circle panel at the bottom
of the water tank in Fig. P2.85.

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